920 - Può l’uomo fruire in terra di una compiuta felicità?
Risposta: «No, perché vi ebbe la vita come test, or atonement, but depends on him soften the evils, and be as happy as can the degree of your planet. "
921 - It is understood that the man will be happy even on earth, when humanity will be transformed, but in the meantime can
each of us to make sure at least one relative happiness?
Answer: "The author's own happiness is often the man himself. Doing God's law, he will save many evils, and procures such happiness, how it involves its existence. "
Kardec: The man convinced of his future life in the body does not see that a temporary station, and considering it as a momentary stop in a bad hotel is easily consoled brief discomfort of a journey, which should lead to a state much better than previously have been better its preparations. We are already punished in the ground when we break the laws of bodily existence, with the evils that are the consequences of this offense and our excesses. If risalissimo from grade to grade at the origin of what we call our earthly woes, we would see that for the most part they are the effects of a first deviation from the straight path. Deviation for that we have entered a wrong path, and consequently result in
fallen into misfortune.
922 - Happiness on earth is on the condition of men: just enough to happiness of one is far from enough
happiness of others. There would be a degree of happiness that could be common to all men?
Answer: "Yes, for the possession of the necessary material life, for the moral life, good conscience and faith
in the future."
923 - How to deal with the necessary since, according to the different welfare states, what is superfluous for one does not come to constitute the bare minimum for someone else?
Answer: "Say to your ideas rather than materials, your prejudices, your ambition, and all your
ridiculous whims, of which the future will do justice when you understand the truth. In fact, those who had an income of fifty thousand, and is reduced to having only ten, it is estimated unfortunate, and believes the lack of need, because they can not show off as before, to keep what he says, his decency, had horses and domestic livery, suit, in short, all his passions, but, to put it bluntly, do you think it worthy of your compassion, when at his side there are those who are dying of hunger and cold, and he has nowhere to lay on a couch boss? The essay, to be happy, always look beneath him, and never above, unless it is to elevate the soul to the infinite. " (See number 715).
924 - There are evils that are independent the works, affecting even the most righteous. Is there any means by which man can preserve it?
Answer: "No, in this case he has to resign, and, if he wants to move forward, borne with resignation. But he has always been a comfort in his consciousness, which gives hope for a better future, if he does what needs to get it. "
925 - Why God favors the gifts of fortune that seems certain people have not earned them?
Answer: 'It is a favor in the eyes of someone who does not see this: try your luck is often more dangerous than poverty. "
926 - Civilization, creating new needs, will not cause new troubles?
Answer: "The evils of this world are on account of the needs of convenience that you create. Anyone who knows confined desires, and look without envy over itself, you save quite a few disappointments in this life. The richest who is not already more wealth, but rather who needs least. You try to envy the joys of those who seem to you the happiness of the world, but maybe you know what awaits them? If you do not have that for themselves, are selfish, and will be the turn of sciagura.Piuttosto compiangeteli. God sometimes allows evil to prosper, but his flourish did not deserve envy, because it will serve with bitter tears. If the righteous cries of pain, is proof, that will be counted if the sopporterà con forte animo. Ricordatevi le parole di Gesù: Beati coloro che soffrono, perché saranno consolati!». (Vedi numero 814 e seguenti).
927 - Se, per esser felici, non occorre il superfluo, si richiede per altro il necessario: dunque l’infelicità di quelli, a cui questo necessario manca, è ben reale?
Risposta: «Sì, giacché l’uomo è veramente infelice, quando soffre per mancanza di ciò ch’è necessario alla vita e alla salute del corpo. Se di questa privazione è sua la colpa, allora pianga se stesso; ma se la colpa è di altri, ne risponderà strettamente chi ne è l’autore».
928 - Con la specialità delle attitudini God with natural mortem evidence of our vocation in this world.
Many evils do not arise from the fact that we ourselves do not follow it?
Answer: 'It's true, in most cases are parents who, through pride, or greed, take their children out of the path traced by nature, and with this detour, which will have to answer, no longer ensure happiness '.
Question: - So, do you see as the son of a prominent citizens should do, for example, the shoemaker, when they had the attitude?
Answer: "No one tells you to exaggerate the absurd or fall: civilization also has its own needs. Why should the son of the elders, as you say, make the cobbler, as if he had no other way to be helpful to the extent of his powers, provided it does not apply in reverse? It could not possibly say if, instead of a bad lawyer, become a good mechanic, and so forth? ".
Kardec: The movement of men out of their intellectual circle is without doubt one of the most frequent causes of false hopes. The inability for career undertaken is the source of troubles, and afterwards heard a bad self-esteem prevents the fall trying to rebuild in a more humble profession, and points out the supreme
suicide as a remedy to escape what he believes to be a disgrace, a humiliation. If moral education he had done more than the silly prejudices of pride, he would never be caught unawares.
929 - There are some who, deprived of every resource, even in the midst of plenty of others do not have the prospect of death. What can they do? They have to starve?
Answer: "Never. He would always find a way to feed themselves, if not pride frapponesse between the need and work. You often say: no job is vile - a condition that is not dishonor, but they say the maximum fine for others, not yourself. "
930 - It 's clear that without social prejudices, from which leaves dominate, man would always find some work, which would give him a living, but also among those who did not know that prejudice and undress, perhaps there are none of those in the inability to meet their needs for diseases or other causes beyond their control?
Answer: "In no society ordered by the law of Christ, a man must die of hunger."
Kardec: With a wise and prescient social constitution a citizen could not miss the need for his crime, but often its the same faults are the result of the environment in which they live. When the man, made better, and carry out the true law of God, will have a social order based on justice and brotherhood (see numero 793).
931 - Perché nella società in cui viviamo le classi sofferenti sono più numerose delle benestanti?
Risposta: «Sulla terra non esistono classi di persone pienamente felici, e quella felicità, che molti invidiano, nasconde spesso gravissimi cordogli: il dolore sta nel tugurio del povero, come nel palazzo del ricco. Tuttavia, per rispondere al vostro pensiero, dirò che fra voi le classi che chiamate diseredate sono più numerose perché la terra è un mondo di espiazione. Allorché l’uomo ne avrà fatto il regno del bene e il soggiorno dei buoni Spiriti, essa, convertita in un paradiso, non albergherà più sventurati».
932 - Perché mai la forza dei evil prevails so often in this world, on the strength of the good?
Answer: "For the weakness of these. The villains are intriguing and daring, and the good timid. But when they
wish, take over. "
933 - How often is the man the author of his sufferings materials, is also the cause of his moral pain?
Answer: "So, and even worse, because often the materials are beyond the suffering, but the wounded pride, ambition, disappointment, anxiety, greed, envy, jealousy, in short all the passions, are the tortures of the soul. Envy and jealousy! Blessed are those who do not knows these two worms rodents! One who is no longer troubled peace has no rest: the objects of his greed, his hate, his rancor, the first stands on end like ghosts, which do not give him pause, and get him to sleep. The envious and jealous are in constant state of fever. And 'this life bearable? It does not include the man who with his passions is created deliberately atrocious tortures, and turning the earth into a living hell? ".
Kardec: Many phrases depict the effects of certain passions vigorously. It is said to be swollen with pride, fret with envy, consumed with jealousy expressions not far from the truth. Sometimes, envy goes so far as to have no definite object: they are envious that we suffer from the general welfare, and have instead
of famine, public calamities, disasters, and even the beautiful days in the days of great feasts. This is the envy of misanthropes. The man is unhappy
often only for the importance it gives to things of the earth: make unhappy vanity, ambition and greed disappointed. If he falls outside the narrow circle of material life, and elevate his thoughts to the infinite, which is his destiny, the vicissitudes of humanity seemed petty and childish as the discomfort of the child, crying for the loss of a plaything, that it was his delight. Who does not see happiness if not in pride and satisfaction of material desires, is poor, unless we can satisfy, and who does not ask for the superfluous is very pleased that others deem misery. Here we talk
civilized man, because the wild, with more limited needs, has the same objects of lust and anguish and his way of seeing things is different. In the state of civilization, the man thinks about his misfortunes, and analyzes them, and then it hurt more, but may also seek and you will always find consolation in the Christian sense, which gives hope for a better future, and Spiritualism in
that gliene porge la certezza.
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