Monday, March 14, 2011

Indoor Shower Portble

Current causes of afflictions

4. Le vicissitudini della vita sono di due generi, o, se si vuole, hanno due origini ben diverse, che è necessario saper distinguere: le une hanno origine dalla vita attuale, le altre al di fuori di questa vita.
Risalendo alle fonti dei mali terrestri, sarà facile riconoscere che molti sono la conseguenza naturale del carattere e del comportamento di coloro che li soffrono.
Quanti uomini cadono per loro colpa! Quanti sono vittime della loro imprevidenza, del loro orgoglio, della loro am-bizione!
Quante persone sono rovinate dalla mancanza d’ordine, di perseveranza, per la
loro cattiva condotta o per non aver saputo porre limiti ai loro desideri!
How many marriages are unhappy due to being born to the calculation of interest or vanity, without being justified by love!
many disagreements, many fatal fights could have been avoided with more moderation and less susceptibility!
How many diseases, how many illnesses are the consequences of intemperance and excesses of every kind!
How many parents are unhappy because their children because they have not heard from the beginning to counteract the evil tendencies! Weakness or ignorance, have allowed to develop in them the seeds of pride and vanity of silly that dry up the heart, and then, later, when they get what they have sown, are surprised and grieve for their lack of respect and for their ingratitude.
That all those who are injured on the vicissitudes and disappointments of life, they should ask their impartial consciousness that go back step by step to the source of the evils that afflict them and they will see that very often will be forced to say: If I had done
or had not done that thing, I would not be in this situation.
Who to blame, then, for all these afflictions, if not with themselves?
Thus man, in many cases, is the creator of his own misfortunes, but rather to recognize it, is easier and less humiliating to his vanity, to accuse the fate, Providence, il caso sfavorevole, la sua cattiva stella, quando la cattiva stella è solo la sua incuria.
I mali di questo genere costituiscono, certamente, un notevolissimo contingente nelle vicissitudini della vita: l’uomo potrà evitarli provvedendo al suo miglioramento morale ed intellettuale.
5. La legge umana scopre e punisce certe colpe: il condannato può dire, dunque,di subire le conseguenze di ciò che ha fatto. Ma la legge non può scoprire tutte le colpe, perseguita più specialmente quelle che recano pregiudizio alla società, non quelle che nuocciono a coloro stessi che le commettono. Ma Dio vuole il progresso di tutte le sue creature: per questo non lascia impunita nessuna deviazione dal dritto sentiero.
Non there is a fault, for it is light, there is no infringement to the law that has not
necessary and inevitable consequences, more or less unpleasant, it follows that, in small things as in great, man where sin is always punished. The suffering that this process is a warning that he acted wrongly. The make of the experience, make him feel the difference-tion between good and evil and the need to improve themselves in the future to avoid what was for him a source of pain.
without them there would be no reason to amend, relying impunity, would delay its progress and thus his future happiness. But the experience
sometimes arrives late, when life was ruined and upset, the forces are exhausted
, evil is without remedy. Then the man says, "If early in life I had known what I know now, I would have avoided many mistakes, if I could start agirei the other way around, but now there is no time!
As the idle worker says I lost my day, he says, I have lost my life.
But for the worker as the sun rises the next day and start a new day that will allow him to regain lost time, so for him, after the night is down, brilierà the sun of a new life, in which may advantage of past experience issued in place of his good resolutions for the future.



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