(questions and answers)
population of the globe:
686 - The reproduction of living beings is a law of nature?
Answer: "I must ask, why not play the world would perish."
687 - If the population continues to grow as has always happened up to now, the day will come when it will be exuberant on earth?
Answer: "No, God provides for this, and always keeps the balance. The man, who sees only a small part of the picture of nature, can not judge the harmony of the whole. "
Succession and improvement of the breed:
688 - There are races that diminish visibly, the time comes, they will be missing from the earth?
Answer: "Yes, but others will take the place already, as others take up your day."
689 - The men of our time are a new creation, or the improved descendants of primitive beings?
Answer: "It's the same spirit returns to to specialize in new bodies, but not quite perfect. Thus, the present human race, which with its proliferation throughout the world invades and replaces the races that have been discharged, in turn will have a period of decline, and disappear, and then the surrogate other races even more improved, going down by this, men as civilized beings today are descended from wild beasts and primitive times. "
690 - From the purely physical bodies of the breed today is a special creation, or proceeding from the bodies
primitive way of reproduction?
Answer: "The origin of the races is lost in the mists of time, but since they all belong to the great human family
, whatever the strain of each primitive, were able to mix and produce new types.
691 - What is the physical side, the distinctiveness and dominance of the early races?
Answer: 'Development of brute force at the expense of intellect. Now is the opposite, he uses the best intelligence that the body's energy, yet produces a hundred times more, because he knew how to capitalize on the forces of nature. "
692 - The improvement of animal breeds and plant by means of science is against the law of nature?
would perhaps be more in line with this law, let things take their normal course?
Answer: "Everything must farsi per giungere alla perfezione, e l’uomo è uno strumento, del quale Iddio si serve per conseguire i suoi fini. Ora, poiché la perfezione è la mèta a cui tende la natura, favorirla è rispondere ai suoi fini».
Domanda: - Ma l’uomo, in genere, nei suoi sforzi per il miglioramento delle razze, è mosso da un sentimento
personale, e non mira ad altro che ad accrescere i suoi piaceri: questo non ne diminuisce il merito?
Risposta: «E che importa, purché il progresso si faccia? A lui la cura di rendere meritoria la sua opera con l’intenzione. D’altra parte, con questo lavoro egli esercita e svolge la sua intelligenza, ed è da questo lato che ne approfitta di more. "
Obstacles to Playing:
693 - The laws and customs personnel, have to aim or effect of hampering the reproduction
are contrary to the laws of nature?
Answer: "Everything that crosses the path of nature, is contrary to the general law."
Question: - But there are species of living beings, animals and plants, to reproduce indefinitely would be damaging to other species, and of which the victim would soon man himself, he is reprehensible act by trying to prevent their reproduction?
Answer: "God gave man the dominion over all living things so it goes for good, but not abusi. Egli può regolare la riproduzione secondo i bisogni, ma non le deve porre ostacolo senza necessità. L’azione intelligente dell’uomo è un contrappeso stabilito da Dio per bilanciare le forze della natura, e questo fa egli, a differenza dei bruti, con cognizione di causa; ma anche gli animali cooperano a questo equilibrio, poiché col loro istinto di distruzione, mentre provvedono al proprio sostentamento, arrestano la moltiplicazione eccessiva, od anche pericolosa, delle specie animali e vegetali, di cui si nutriscono».
694 - Come giudicare le pratiche che impediscono la riproduzione per soddisfare la sensualità?
Risposta: «Provano il predominio del corpo sull’anima, e quanto l’uomo is a slave of matter. "
Marriage and Celibacy:
695 - Marriage, namely the permanent union of two beings, is contrary to the law of nature?
Answer: 'It is a progress in humanity's journey. "
696 - What effect would have on human society for the abolition of marriage?
Answer: "The beast back to life."
Kardec: The combination of free and casual sex is the state of nature. Marriage is one of the first acts of progress in human societies, because it establishes the bonds of family, and is found among all peoples, although under different conditions. The abolition of marriage would then return to the infancy of mankind, and would place the man under certain animals, which give the example of constant union.
697 - The insolubility of marriage is the absolute law of nature, or only in the human law?
Answer: 'It reads quite contrary to that of human nature, but men can change their laws: only those of nature are immutable. "
698 - Voluntary Celibacy is a state of perfection, which has merit before God?
Answer: "No, and those who choose this state for selfishness are displeasing to God, and deceive people."
699 - But it can not be celibate some sacrifice in order to devote himself entirely to the service of humanity?
Answer: "The thing is quite different, I said to selfishness. Every sacrifice is meritorious, when it has a purpose for good and what is more serious than the sacrifice, the greater the merit. "
Kardec: God can not contradict and can not condemn what he did, then he can not see any merit in violation of its law. But, if celibacy for himself is not meritorious, it becomes that when, for the renunciation of the joys of family, is a sacrifice made for the benefit of humanity. Every sacrifice made for the purpose of good and without ulterior motives of selfishness, that elevates man above his material condition.
700 - The numerical equality, which exists more or less between the sexes, the proportion is a sign that they must be united?
"Yes, because in nature everything has its end."
701 - Which of the two, monogamy or polygamy, is more consistent with the law of nature?
"Polygamy is a human law, the abolition of which represents a social progress. Marriage, according to the will of God, must be based sull'affezione beings coming together now that there is no polygamy in sensuality. "
Kardec: If the polygamy was legal in nature, should be universal, which would be physically impossible for the numerical equality of the sexes. It should be regarded instead as a custom, or a particular law proper to certain morals and social improvement to disappear gradually.
population of the globe:
686 - The reproduction of living beings is a law of nature?
Answer: "I must ask, why not play the world would perish."
687 - If the population continues to grow as has always happened up to now, the day will come when it will be exuberant on earth?
Answer: "No, God provides for this, and always keeps the balance. The man, who sees only a small part of the picture of nature, can not judge the harmony of the whole. "
Succession and improvement of the breed:
688 - There are races that diminish visibly, the time comes, they will be missing from the earth?
Answer: "Yes, but others will take the place already, as others take up your day."
689 - The men of our time are a new creation, or the improved descendants of primitive beings?
Answer: "It's the same spirit returns to to specialize in new bodies, but not quite perfect. Thus, the present human race, which with its proliferation throughout the world invades and replaces the races that have been discharged, in turn will have a period of decline, and disappear, and then the surrogate other races even more improved, going down by this, men as civilized beings today are descended from wild beasts and primitive times. "
690 - From the purely physical bodies of the breed today is a special creation, or proceeding from the bodies
primitive way of reproduction?
Answer: "The origin of the races is lost in the mists of time, but since they all belong to the great human family
, whatever the strain of each primitive, were able to mix and produce new types.
691 - What is the physical side, the distinctiveness and dominance of the early races?
Answer: 'Development of brute force at the expense of intellect. Now is the opposite, he uses the best intelligence that the body's energy, yet produces a hundred times more, because he knew how to capitalize on the forces of nature. "
692 - The improvement of animal breeds and plant by means of science is against the law of nature?
would perhaps be more in line with this law, let things take their normal course?
Answer: "Everything must farsi per giungere alla perfezione, e l’uomo è uno strumento, del quale Iddio si serve per conseguire i suoi fini. Ora, poiché la perfezione è la mèta a cui tende la natura, favorirla è rispondere ai suoi fini».
Domanda: - Ma l’uomo, in genere, nei suoi sforzi per il miglioramento delle razze, è mosso da un sentimento
personale, e non mira ad altro che ad accrescere i suoi piaceri: questo non ne diminuisce il merito?
Risposta: «E che importa, purché il progresso si faccia? A lui la cura di rendere meritoria la sua opera con l’intenzione. D’altra parte, con questo lavoro egli esercita e svolge la sua intelligenza, ed è da questo lato che ne approfitta di more. "
Obstacles to Playing:
693 - The laws and customs personnel, have to aim or effect of hampering the reproduction
are contrary to the laws of nature?
Answer: "Everything that crosses the path of nature, is contrary to the general law."
Question: - But there are species of living beings, animals and plants, to reproduce indefinitely would be damaging to other species, and of which the victim would soon man himself, he is reprehensible act by trying to prevent their reproduction?
Answer: "God gave man the dominion over all living things so it goes for good, but not abusi. Egli può regolare la riproduzione secondo i bisogni, ma non le deve porre ostacolo senza necessità. L’azione intelligente dell’uomo è un contrappeso stabilito da Dio per bilanciare le forze della natura, e questo fa egli, a differenza dei bruti, con cognizione di causa; ma anche gli animali cooperano a questo equilibrio, poiché col loro istinto di distruzione, mentre provvedono al proprio sostentamento, arrestano la moltiplicazione eccessiva, od anche pericolosa, delle specie animali e vegetali, di cui si nutriscono».
694 - Come giudicare le pratiche che impediscono la riproduzione per soddisfare la sensualità?
Risposta: «Provano il predominio del corpo sull’anima, e quanto l’uomo is a slave of matter. "
Marriage and Celibacy:
695 - Marriage, namely the permanent union of two beings, is contrary to the law of nature?
Answer: 'It is a progress in humanity's journey. "
696 - What effect would have on human society for the abolition of marriage?
Answer: "The beast back to life."
Kardec: The combination of free and casual sex is the state of nature. Marriage is one of the first acts of progress in human societies, because it establishes the bonds of family, and is found among all peoples, although under different conditions. The abolition of marriage would then return to the infancy of mankind, and would place the man under certain animals, which give the example of constant union.
697 - The insolubility of marriage is the absolute law of nature, or only in the human law?
Answer: 'It reads quite contrary to that of human nature, but men can change their laws: only those of nature are immutable. "
698 - Voluntary Celibacy is a state of perfection, which has merit before God?
Answer: "No, and those who choose this state for selfishness are displeasing to God, and deceive people."
699 - But it can not be celibate some sacrifice in order to devote himself entirely to the service of humanity?
Answer: "The thing is quite different, I said to selfishness. Every sacrifice is meritorious, when it has a purpose for good and what is more serious than the sacrifice, the greater the merit. "
Kardec: God can not contradict and can not condemn what he did, then he can not see any merit in violation of its law. But, if celibacy for himself is not meritorious, it becomes that when, for the renunciation of the joys of family, is a sacrifice made for the benefit of humanity. Every sacrifice made for the purpose of good and without ulterior motives of selfishness, that elevates man above his material condition.
700 - The numerical equality, which exists more or less between the sexes, the proportion is a sign that they must be united?
"Yes, because in nature everything has its end."
701 - Which of the two, monogamy or polygamy, is more consistent with the law of nature?
"Polygamy is a human law, the abolition of which represents a social progress. Marriage, according to the will of God, must be based sull'affezione beings coming together now that there is no polygamy in sensuality. "
Kardec: If the polygamy was legal in nature, should be universal, which would be physically impossible for the numerical equality of the sexes. It should be regarded instead as a custom, or a particular law proper to certain morals and social improvement to disappear gradually.
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