Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Where Do You Get The Treat On Poptropica Big Nate


(questions and answers)

361 - Where are the man his qualities good or bad?
Answer: "From the Spirit, he is the incarnation. The more the Spirit is pure, the more the man is brought to the good. "
Question: - It follows, therefore, that the honest man is the epitome of a good spirit, evil man to an evil spirit?
Answer: «Sì; ma, invece di Spirito cattivo, dite piuttosto Spirito ancora imperfetto, altrimenti potreste far credere che esistano quegli Spiriti sempre cattivi che il volgo ignorante chiama demoni».
362 - Qual è il carattere delle persone, in cui siano incarnati Spiriti leggieri?
Risposta: «Frivolo, caparbio, e qualche volta malvagio».
363 - Gli Spiriti hanno forse anche passioni estranee all’umanità?
Risposta: «No: se così fosse, ve le avrebbero comunicate».
364 - E’ un solo e medesimo Spirito, che dà all’uomo le qualità morali e quelle dell’intelligenza?
Risposta: «Certamente, secondo il grado a cui è pervenuto. Vorreste perhaps that the man had in him two spirits? ".
365 - Why very intelligent men, which manifests itself in a spirit than they are sometimes
Answer: "Because the spirit embodied in them is not pure enough, and yields to the suggestions of other inferior spirits. The Spirit rises in steps numb, but his progress does not occur simultaneously in all respects, and now progress to know, now in morality. "
366 - What should we think the view according to which the various intellectual and moral qualities of man
would result from various spirits incarnated in him, each of which has a special aptitude?
Answer: "Think on it, and they recognize the absurdity. The Spirit must have all the skills and, in order to progress, it needs only a will Now, if man were an amalgam of different spirits, this one will not exist, and he would not have personality, since his death all these spirits were scattered like a flock of birds escaped from a cage. It 's strange how the man, who then complain they do not understand certain things, multiply the difficulties, while it was under the eyes of the simplest and most natural explanation. This is also a take effect for the cause, a man to do what the ancients made to God, believing in many gods, who were the phenomena in the universe, although even among them the really smart people did not see in these phenomena which so many effects of a single cause: a single God. "

Kardec: The physical world and the moral world offers us several points in this comparison. As long as they remained the sole appearance of the phenomena, it was believed the multiplicity of matter, but today we understand that these phenomena are not so different that many modifications of a single elementary matter. The various moral and intellectual faculties are manifestations of the same cause, which is the soul, like the different sounds of the organ are the product of a same kind of air, and not many species of flies, as there are sounds. According to this view, it would appear that the man lost or purchase some attitude, some tendency would be for some ancient spirit, that comes out, or some new, that you enter, which would make him be a multiple personality without and therefore in no way responsible for, this error contradicted not only by logic, with many thousands of examples of events with which the Spirits feel their individual identity.



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