629 - What is the definition of morality?
Answer: "Morality is the rule to live righteously, that is, to distinguish good from evil. It is based
compliance with the law of God Man lives correctly when it is all for the good of all. "
630 - How can you distinguish good from evil?
Answer: "Well, is all that is in accordance with the law of God, all this evil that is opposed. As a result, doing good is keep the law of God to do evil is violated. "
631 - the man has in itself the means to distinguish what is good and what is evil?
Answer: "Yes, when he believes in God and wants to follow the virtue God has given intelligence in order not to deviate from the path of good."
632 - The man, as subject to error, can not err in appreciation of the good and evil, We believe we are good, but when does it hurt?
Answer: "Jesus told you: Do, or do not do to others what you would like it was doing, or not done to you. Watch this precept, and not deceived. "
633 - The rule of good and evil, which could call for reciprocity, it can not be applied to personal
duties of man towards himself. Can he find a safe guide for those in the natural law?
Answer: "When you eat too much, you have the evil: it is God who gives you the measure of how much you need.
Passing this measure, you are punished. And so in all. The natural law to man mark the limits of its needs. When he passes them, goes straight up to the punishment. If the man's voice heard in any thing that cries: Enough!, Would avoid most of the ills that accuses nature. "
634 - Why is the nature of things moral evil? He could not God create humanity in the best condition?
Answer: "I will have already said, the spirits were created simple and ignorant (see No. 115). God allows man to choose the route to be followed. Too bad for him if he chooses the bad, because his pilgrimage will be longer. If there were no mountains, the man could not understand what are the ascent and descent, and if there were no boulders, not understand that there are some hard bodies. Thus the Spirit gains experience and learns about good and evil: this is why the union with the body of the Spirit. " (See number 119).
635 - The various welfare states create new needs, which are not equal for all men. So the natural law
is not a uniform rule?
Answer: "The different states are in the order of nature and under the law of progress. Point do not break the unity of natural law, which applies to everything. "
Kardec: The conditions of human existence with the change with the times and places: they are for him different needs and welfare states is appropriate to them. Now, this diversity, as is the order of things is in conformity with the law of God, whose truth is not the least affected in principle. At the right touches distinguish real needs from the convenience or convention.
636 - Good and evil are absolute for all men?
Answer: "The law of God is the same for all, the good is always good, evil is always evil, whatever
human condition, but the difference lies in the degree of responsibility and intention."
637 - The Wild, which feeds on human flesh gives in to his instincts, he is guilty?
response: "Evil it all depends on the will to do so. Man è tanto più colpevole, quanto meglio sa quello che fa».
Kardec: Le circostanze danno al bene ed al male una gravità relativa. L’uomo commette spesso delle colpe le quali, benché conseguenze della condizione in cui lo ha posto la società, non sono punto meno riprovevoli: ma la sua colpevolezza è sempre in ragione della conoscenza che egli ha del bene e del male. Quindi l’uomo illuminato, che commette una semplice ingiustizia, è agli occhi di Dio più colpevole dell’ignorante
selvaggio, che si abbandona ai propri istinti.
638 - Talora sembra che il male sia conseguenza della forza delle cose, donde spesso la necessità nell’uomo di sopprimere il suo simile. There is also in this case, transgression of God's law?
response: "Evil does not cease to be evil, because it is necessary, but this disappears with the hard necessity of purifying the soul, passing from one existence to another: when a man commits evil, it is much more responsible, as
longer understands. "
639 - The evil we commit, it is often the product of the condition in which they put
other men? And if so, who is to blame more?
Answer: "The bad falls on him who was the cause, and then the man who was dragged from the condition in which it was placed by his peers, is less culpable of them, for each pay not only the punishment of the evil that he has done, but also what others have done through his own fault. "
640 - Who does not do evil, but take advantage of that fact by another, is also guilty?
Answer: "How do you commit to take advantage of him because that is the same part. It is true that perhaps the point of action, it would abstain, but found it did, it benefits you: does he now say that approves it, and that would have made himself if he could, or if he dared. "
641 - The desire of evil is as reprehensible as the evil itself?
Answer: "Depending on the circumstances: to resist the desire to voluntarily of evil, especially when it is the ability to satisfy it, is a virtue, do not do evil, just because it is missing an opportunity to blame. "
642 - Just do not do evil to be grateful to God and to ensure future happiness?
Answer: "No: we need to do good within the limits of his strength, because everyone realizes that the evil will be born as a result of the good that he has neglected to do."
643 - There is someone who, for his condition, not the ability to do good?
Answer: "No, the egoist not only never found occasion. Just be in touch with other men to find a way to do good, and every day Life gives us the possibility to anyone not blinded by selfishness, because doing good is not just being charitable, but also be useful according to his ability, in whatever way each time it appears to him the opportunity. "
644 - The environment, in which some are located, is not for them the primary cause of many vices and crimes?
Answer: "Yes, but that is precisely the test selected by the Spirit in the state of freedom: he wanted to expose himself to
temptation for the substance of the resistance."
645 - When a man is in a certain way, the atmosphere of vice, evil does not become for him a
almost irresistible attraction?
Answer: "Attractive, yes, no compelling because in the midst of vicious atmosphere often find large virtù.Queste virtues are exercised by spirits who had the strength to resist, and at the same time the mission to exert a beneficial influence on their peers. "
646 - The merit of the good that one does, it is conditional? Namely, there are degrees of the merits of good?
Answer: "The merit of the good is the difficulty: I do not have anyone who does so at his leisurely without any sacrifice. The poor, who shares with others his bit of bread, God gives a reward much greater than the rich, which gives the superfluous. Jesus said when he spoke dell'obolo the widow. "
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