Monday, March 14, 2011

Comcast Remote Olevia

Le malattie sono la presenza delle ombre negli strumenti-Luce dell'essere. Se questi meccanismi non hanno raggiunto la pienezza dello sviluppo, soffrono gli scossoni della mente che si trova fuori direzione - essa genera pensieri negativi e gesti violenti - il suo tenore di vibrazione ti raggiunge, sconnettendoti e aprendo la strada al
formarsi di infezioni degenerative, dystonias emotional and psychological.
long as the human being will prevail 'I'impulso violence and resentment, hatred and jealousy, alI'amarezza and lies, slander and alpha alpha slander,
predominate in him the problems of the disease.
Eindispensabile experience a mental change in his behavior, so that establishing a real cure and eradicate the pests that contaminate the cells and weaken.
therapy love is the solution you have at hand. Not only are you going to restore 'health, if you find yourself sick, but I will strengthen you to avoid ammati again.
The harmony of the Creator will find resonance in your vibrational field, full of love, and invading dominando iI tuo corpo, la tua esistenza.
Man mano che si moltiplicano i nuovi paradigmi che riguardano I'essere umano come
realta spirituale,
SI fanno strada, sostenute da fatti inoppugnabili, valide terapie nelle aree alternative che hanno come obiettivo la liberazione dalla sofferenza, dail'angoscia, dalla paura,
dallo squilibrio di ogni genere. Fortunatamente tutte hanno come meta la conquista
di un essere integro, che superi i limiti e le costrizioni che provengono dal suo passato spirituale, che approfondisca lo studio nelle cause profonde, che giacciono
nel suo essere viaggiatore in numerose esistenze corporali,nelle quali si é compromesso con la propria coscienza e con quella Cosmica.
Fino a quando not identify with the mistake and acknowledges not taking I'impegno to repair for the love and the good, the risk of disruption or those
degenerative difficult to overcome, permarranno.La real cure will be implemented only from the inside to I'esterno, bone to his transitional form.
In this way, the cure begins when the patient loves and begins to love his neighbor.
. The process of redemption has run its course when this is conscious individual freedom by primal instincts, elevating the minds and hearts to the noble aspirations and struggles of self-perfection
Even in the traditional academic treatment, care organic, psychological or emotional has always susceptible a relapse, as it is not
been a profound change in mental and behavioral habits that will remain vulnerable in the creature, without immunological defense. The
psychoneuroimmunology shows that each is, neil'area health, what he thinks and what he does for himself. SO
care is a process of deep integration of the person with program of Life. All the attention comes from God because God is love, there is love that is essential in the mechanism of health.
Love is always open to compassion. We can not be compatible if we forget the solidarity.
In this way, treat or cure, is the way to contribute to the welfare of others.
The solidarity embraces all living beings, including the nature in its various manifestations.
This breadth of feeling born ia integration needs of each body generally, without loss of its individual eng.
Treat and participate with a high sense of understanding of the weaknesses of others.
This understanding is expressed as tolerance, which helps tease without reproach and without wounds.
Care and tolerate everything and everyone, advancing on the path of peace.
Peace is the balance between reason and feeling, between what you do and how you do, always building.
To reach the goal, and it is therefore essential pregare.Curare plunge ocean from which it dell'orazio I'ispirazione and courage to continue in an effort
of spiritual growth.
care real than they appear from the meet and set each on his own, in the context of equilibrium that exists in the universe.
not always the lack of fear of disease or I'assenza be due to treatment, but it will be marked by trust and action of good that will overcome the obstacles
, freeing I'essere primitivism in which he dwells, as expressed in injury that leads from the reincarnations unhappy.
Healing is free of ego and fly less ego deep, spiritual, its true reality.
Every time Jesus cured, envelops the patient in successive waves of love and knowing that I'infermo was eternal, always in need of new and continuous reincarnations
to light, recommended, concise: Do not sin again so that nothing worse happens to you.

JOANNA DE ANGELIS (Awakening of Happiness')


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