When Christ said: "Blessed are those who mourn for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, "did not speak generally of those who suffer, for those who are suffering down here, so the throne as the straw. But, alas, few know how to suffer, few realize that only the hardships they endured with equanimity may lead to the kingdom of God Discouragement is a sin, because God refuses the consolations you have courage. Prayer is the soul for support, but not enough: they need to be accompanied by a lively faith in the goodness of God You have been told often that he will not bread never too heavy a burden on the weak shoulders, but the burden is proportionate forces, as the reward will be proportionate to the strength and courage. The reward will be even more magnificent as the affliction has been painful. But this reward, you deserve it, and that's why life is full of tribulations.
The soldier who is sent to war is not happy, why not rest in the camp gives him no advantage in career be like the soldier, not long for a rest in which wear out your body and your soul s'intorpidisca . Be happy when God sends you to fight. This fight is not
the fire of battle, but the bitterness of life, where courage is needed, the greater because the same man who will remain firm against the enemy, will bend under the spasm a stranglehold. Men have no rewards for these kinds of courage, but God gives him the crown and a glorious destiny. Occurs when there are grounds for punishment or opposition, try to overcome it, and when you are able to master the
outbursts of impatience, anger or despair, you can tell with deserved satisfaction: "I was the stronger."
Blessed are those who mourn, then can be translated thus: Blessed are those who have had the opportunity to prove their faith, their steadfastness, their perseveranzza and their submission to the will of God, because they will be made one hundred times the joy who have lost on earth, and after the fatigue will the rest.
The Gospel According to the Spirits (Allan Kardec)
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