Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do Gays Like Genital Piercings


Life is Now, in the here and now. It is elsewhere, in some projection of future load expectations, where we believe we are finally starting to live and feel good, or mired in pain and past failures, events that have already happened and now no longer exist. The sequential time is actually a misleading concept. Life takes place only and only in present time. Be aware of the only real moment, where you can act, and then modify, improve, enjoy, feel and enjoy life, is everything we have to worry

. Be aware of it mean to be masters of their own existence. Nothing and nobody can frighten us when we are conscious in the present moment because the fears are unleashed by the memory of the past or related to a hypothetical future time has not yet submitted.

This has always been seen by all, and shamanic traditions from all disciplines that deal with soul searching, the creative moment, the reality in which everything exists and you can feel. Our evolution has been undermined long ago by malicious systems of beliefs that have influenced our awareness until we receive limits that do exist only in our subconscious, and now in this part reactive to decline that often we rely repeatedly finishing off the track.

Again and again, until we have had enough and choose to listen to something else, another part of us, something we do not know the existence despite its continued pressure through the sensations (not emotions) and can direct us to our good, authentic one. This is unquestionably the most powerful and wise that we have a precious resource that we all can access at any time, the only one who knows how to honor and recognize the immensity of Now.

Our ego mind, this "entity" that traps us, is nothing but a filter that reacts based on situations and emotions, not necessarily real, related to past or future, and are amplified by the repetition of thought-forms depotenzianti. Acts coldly, produces positive emotions and negative emotions ephemeral lasting, feels threatened by this and is essentially the ego with which we identify incorrectly. Rather than act as a medium, has become hypertrophic, constantly active, noisy and has gradually taken over to become the only "eye", the only tool for the interpretation and evaluation of reality, drawing them into a spiraling depression from which it is difficult exit. However it is not invincible. It can be transcended maintaining a state of presence, noting their thoughts and practices with sufficient consistency inner silence.

To do that we have necessarily disciplined and get used to get in touch with our deeper mind, the place where he lives, including the fundamental archetypes, awareness of being. It is a creative place as well as a place of peace. Is knowing how to access this our depth the true fulfillment and true satisfaction you can only reach eternity of Now, when you are totally present and in the absence of noise. This mode of experience helps us connect with our inner guidance that will always suggest an immediate certainty and the right way and in harmony with the whole. Intuition and inspiration will guide us towards action fairest, the truest. Not knowing how to listen, and then use it, works in us continuing emotional imbalances that feed into a vicious circle, compulsions and sufferings. All this, protracted, besides being painful for any person, eventually pollute the "fabric" that connects us to each other. There is power in what we repeatedly with a certain emotional intensity and energy spreads, we must be responsible for creators to be able to determine the quality.

choose this way to touch them until we perceived as real e viventi nel qui ed ora, presuppone un lavoro notevole su se stessi che inizia con lo scollegarsi dalla propria "confusione interiore". Solo chi è davvero stanco di soffrire inutilmente e crede che il capolavoro che rappresenta sia più che un fascio di riflessi condizionati, può raggiungere la consapevolezza del suo vero essere, dell'Io sono, cioè l'unica "sostanza" che può apprezzare l'Adesso (senza tempo) e goderne pienamente.

Dal blog Coscienza Evoluta


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