Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alexis Texas Vs Black

BACK TO LIFE BODY ---- Preludes of Return

(questions and answers)

330 - They know the spirits as long as you reincarnate?
Answer: "I have, like the blind man touches the fire, which is approaching. They know they have a body again, as you know that one day you die, but without knowing when this will happen. "
Question: - So Reincarnation is a necessity of the spirit-life, such as the death of corporeal life?
Answer: "Exactly."
331 - Dealing with all the spirits of their reincarnation?
Answer: "There are some who do not think, and there are others who do not understand: it depends on their nature more or less high. For some, the uncertainty of their future is a punishment. "
332 - Can the Spirit hasten or delay the moment of his reincarnation?
Answer: "It may hasten with the desire and can delay the retreat before the test, because even among the spirits there are the cowardly and lazy, but this laziness cowardice and well-paid the fee, since those who reject suffering as a remedy, it can heal. "
333 - If a spirit is satisfied with a state average of the wandering spirits, and not felt the need to
climb higher, he would extend the state indefinitely?
Answer: "Indefinitely no, because sooner or later every Spirit feels the need to elevate. Everyone must move forward: this is their destiny. "
334 - The union of soul with a body is doomed, or is it accidental?
Answer: "The Spirit, who wants to undergo the test selection, application to incarnate."
335 - The Spirit may also choose the body which will, or just the kind of life that will serve
Answer: "The one thing and another, since the imperfections of the body are so many ways to move forward, when you overcome the obstacles that present themselves."
Question: - Could a spirit at the last minute, refusing to enter the body already chosen by him?
Answer: "Yes, but would have to suffer much more than another, that no evidence had not tried. However, the choice does not always depend on him, although it is allowed to ask. "
336 - It could happen that an unborn fetus can not find a Spirit, who would become incarnate in him?
Answer: "The fetus, where life should be born, is always destined to house a soul: nothing is created without reason. "
337 - The union of a spirit with a given body may be imposed by God?
Answer: "Yes, as may be imposed on the various tests, especially when the Spirit is not likely to make a choice on an informed basis. For atonement, the Spirit may be forced to merge with the body of a child, whose life story will be the punishment. "
338 - If you happen to animate that one body which is to come into existence will have several spirits, who would decide between them?
Answer: "Many may ask: in this case God is judging who is best suited to perform the task, but as we said, the Spirit will be chosen before its union with the body. "
339 - The Incarnation is accompanied by a disturbance similar to that of death?
Answer: "On a much larger and much longer. At death the spirit leaves the slavery, the birth will fall. "
340 - An applicant, which is embodied, is solemn in the Spirit? He performs this act as something of great importance?
Answer: "As a traveler who embarks on a dangerous journey, and do not know if it is killed in the waves that is about to face."

Kardec: Il viaggiatore che s’imbarca, conosce a quali pericoli si espone, ma non sa se farà naufragio; così è dello Spirito: conosce il genere di prove a cui si assoggetta, ma non sa se gli avverrà di soccombere.
Come per lo Spirito la morte del corpo è una specie di rinascita, la reincarnazione è una specie di morte, o piuttosto di esilio e di prigionia. Egli lascia il mondo spiritico per il mondo corporeo, come l’uomo lascia il mondo corporeo per il mondo spiritico. Lo Spirito sa che deve reincarnarsi, come l’uomo sa che deve morire; ma al pari di questo, non ne ha coscienza che all’ultimo momento, quando il tempo fatale è venuto. In quell’istante supremo lo invade il turbamento, come invade the man in the hour of death, and this disturbance lasts until the new life has begun well. The approach of reincarnation is the Spirit a kind of agony.

341 - The Spirit of the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the tests that will have in life, is a cause of anxiety
before his incarnation?
Answer: "Of great concern, as the evidence of the new life they hasten or retard the progress that has endured the second
good or evil."
342 - In its reincarnation, the Holy Spirit is accompanied by friends, who assist him in his world from
spirits as are to receive him when he returns?
Answer: "This is the ball if he lives, where love reigns. Then the spirits that love him, accompany him
until the last moment, make him courage, and often also follow him in life. "
343 - Are these spirits that sometimes occur in dreams in the guise unknown, but
showing great affection?
Answer: "Often they are coming to find you, as you go and visit an inmate."



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