(questions and answers)
379 - The spirit that animates the body of a child, is as developed as that of an adult?
Answer: "It may be more if more advanced, but imperfect bodies stagnating manifestation of which is: does the instrument by reason of which he is obliged to serve. "
380 - In the childhood of the body, mind, except that the obstacle to a free encounters occur in the imperfect bodies, think like a child or an adult?
Answer: 'It's natural that childhood intelligence organs, because they are not evolved, they can not give you all the insight that an adult has. In fact, he has limited intelligence, until his reason is not reached maturity, the excitement that accompanies the incarnation, does not cease at once to the birth of the body, but will dissipate gradually hand hand that the organs are developing. "
Kardec: An observation supports that answer, and that dreams of a child does not have the character of those of an adult, and their object is almost always childish, which shows what nature are the thoughts of the Spirit.
381 - the death of a child regains his spirit at once the old place?
Answer: "Not just now left the carnal envelope, fully regains his lucidity, when the separation is completed, ie when there is no longer any link between the spirit and the body."
382 - The Spirit incarnate suffering from childhood to the limitation of its imperfect bodies?
Answer: "No, because that state is necessary, natural, and according to the designs of Providence is a period of rest for the Spirit."
383 - As the Spirit draws utility from passing through the stage of childhood?
Answer: "Because it embodies in order to pursue studies in this age group is more accessible to the impressions it receives, and which may facilitate their progress, and this progress should help those who are in charge of his education."
384 - Why are the first cries of pain of the child?
Answer: "To excite the interest of the mother, and get the care it needs. If in those moments when he can not even speak, that had not cries of joy, we thought we would give it to his needs? Enjoy all the wisdom of the Creator. "
385 - which comes from the change which occurs in human nature, especially when leaving
adolescence? And 'perhaps the spirit that you change?
Answer: "The Spirit does not change, but takes his nature, and shows what it is. You do not know the secret that they hide their children in their innocence, do not know who they are and know neither their past nor their future, and yet you love them dearly, as if they were a part of yourself, and love of a mother for his children is regarded as the greatest love, which can be a lead to another being. Now, whence comes the sweet affection, the tender kindness that strangers feel for the child? Did you know you? No. So listen: children are the creatures that God sends to enjoy new lives, and why they can not blame a severity too big, he protects them under the aegis of an aspect of so much innocence, even in those bad character apologize
the faults with the unawareness of the acts. This childish innocence, however, does not make them actually above the state in which they were first to incarnate, but is only an image of how they should be: if they are not, it is their fault. However, not only for themselves had da Dio quelle irresistibili attrattive, ma anche, e specialmente, per i loro genitori, il cui affetto è necessario alla loro debolezza, poiché questo affetto sarebbe singolarmente affievolito dalla vista di un carattere intrattabile e maligno, mentre, credendo i propri figli docili e buoni, li colmano di amore, e li circondano delle cure più delicate. Quando, per altro, i figli non abbisognano più della protezione e dell’assistenza godute sino ai quindici o ai venti anni, il loro carattere vero e personale ricompare in tutta la sua schiettezza: resta buono, se in fondo era buono; ma lascia intravedere sempre, agli occhi di un attento osservatore, i suoi istinti e le sue cattive inclinazioni.
Considerate inoltre che lo Spirito di un vostro bambino può venire da un mondo da cui porta abitudini ben diverse dalle terrene; e come voi vorreste che stesse in mezzo a voi quel nuovo essere con passioni, tendenze e gusti differenti dai vostri? Come vorreste che entrasse a far parte del vostro numero in modo diverso di come Iddio ha stabilito, cioè passando per la trafila dell’infanzia? In questa sola si confondono e si assimilano tutti i pensieri, tutti i caratteri, tutte le varietà di esseri vissuti nella moltitudine dei mondi, in cui crescono e si sviluppano le creature. E voi medesimi, dopo la morte, vi trovate in una condizione simile a quella che è l’infanzia sulla terra, in mezzo a nuovi fratelli, e nella nuova esistenza extraterrena, ignorate le consuetudini, costumes, reports that new world, and speak with a language difficulty, you do not have habitual language much more alive and more rapid than it is on your land thinking (see No. 319). Childhood, then, also has another benefit: since the spirits enter the living body in order to refine and improve the weakness of the early experience makes them adaptable to the advice of those who need them to progress, so it is easy During this age, reform the character and repress the bad trends.
E 'this is the duty imposed by God to his relatives, sacred task, which should make a strict account. So childhood is useful and necessary, and is a natural consequence of the laws which God has established, and that govern the universe. "
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