Because prayer has indefinable resources channeled to those who practice it? Just because
binds the creature to the Creator, through the waves of vibration of high-power, by giving those who pray the convenient answer to the calls.
The Mind of God and the human mind constantly creates, in turn, is co-creator, preserving or attacking the cells of the organization physical, psychological as well as delicate instruments. In this way
health, as well as karmic result of commitments in the program is developed and maintained by the mental waves.
As each cell carries an individual consciousness, it vibrates to the rhythm of the consciousness of being, which offers iI energies that create or produce disharmony.
Search vibrate iIlimitata wave of love and faith in God, praying and acting to stimulate balance Thy intern to preserve health, to perform well in the high attuale.Mo reincarnation of your business' you disciples, even sincere , spirituality, believe that the unpleasant situations deil'esistenza earthly punishment to be imposed on redemptions of the Godhead or the mistakes of the past, or near the front.
course, the general belief, worthy of criticism because it does not conform fully to the language of fatti.L 'idea of \u200b\u200bthis deity punitive and cruel clashes with the new conception of love, which is a dynamic presence throughout i'universo. Never
Cosmic Consciousness is mixed with acts of perversion of the dan ni fragile human creatures, ignorant of reality and their destination, which are still undergoing the primary areas of their evolution.
God of love as it radiates energy and vitality repairing, maintaining balance in everything and everyone, even when, apparently, some inconsistencies and rough seem upset.
The process of evolution takes place through the exhaustion of the improvement like that, sickness and health, fall and resurrection ...
Similarly there are situations that are consequences of non-supervisory, irresponsibility, lack of love for every being. Therefore, not always, the nurses can be considered as processes karmic consequence of repair mechanisms.
The body and an excellent machine, consisting of delicate equipment, which are controlled through the brain, by the Spirit. When an individual
epropenso to pessimism, resentment, disaffection in, are processed and activated destructive charge in the mechanisms responsible for preserving it somatic organization, producing many ills.
Similarly, the remedial provisions optimistic pats generate energy, which retrieve the temporary inharmonies of organic complexes which are the physiological machine.
II human body and a laboratory of great opportunities, always susceptible to self-destruction or all'autoricomponimento, in accordance with the vibrations emitted by the mind.
The mind is a center of the control that sends messages to all the disparate parts of its organization.
any emotion into the bloodstream produces a rush of adrenalin, releasing feelings equivalent to the type of causative agent.
Similarly, enkephalins and endorphins sono secrete dal cervello grazie all'autostimolazione, generando effetti immediati nell'organismo. Altri enzimi sono prodotti con cariche positive o negative, a seconda dell'ordine mentale e contribuiscono al mantenimento della salute o al peggioramento della malattia.
L'apparato circolatorio che, quando aggredito all'imprawiso,svolge il ruolo di autoriparatore,riunisce
la fibrina dei vasi cercando di formare dei coaguli-tampone che impediscano I'emorragia e preservino la vita. Succede la stessa cosa nelle malattie come il cancro,I'AIDS, le paralisi, le infermita cardiache e altre che, sotto il giusto comando mentale, il sistema immunologico tenta di neutralizzare, producendo diverse cellule con potere chemioterapico. Grazie aquesto potere cells re-beautiful and painful are bombed and destroyed, those carriers of isolated degeneration and favored instead the sound, so is restored or saiute favored improved survival.
In the end, the most important thing in health is not the time of life - the number of years of provider - but I'intensita, I feel good, experienced the joy and objectives. Death is inevitable and is a blessing if put in relation to physical experience, so the way each handles iI's body becomes essential.
II human body has a doctor in the service of the mind, guided by the Spirit incarnate, waiting for suggestions to act correttamente.Se not taken into account. stops working, overwhelmed from destructive factors also involved in organizing physiological, ready to strenuous task of disease and cell degeneration. This inner
doctor can and should be decided by the thought-oriented, balanced by the provisions of the soul, the hope of victory, from the endless faith in God and prayer, all of which stimulate the cells for proper handling of the purposes to which they are responsible .
JOANNA DE ANGELIS (Awakening to happiness')
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