Saturday, March 12, 2011

Funny Wedding Responses


5. Voi sapete che è stato detto: Non commettere adulterio. Ma io vi dico che chiunque avrà guardato una donna per desiderarla, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
St. Matthew, Chapter V, verses 27 and 28).
6. The word adultery here should not be construed as exclusive of its normal meaning, but in a more general sense, Jesus has often used to describe evil, sin and every evil thought, for example, in this passage: " Because whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, in the midst of this faithless and perverse generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes
in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. " (St. Mark, Chapter VIII, verse 38) (1).
The true purity is not only acts but also in thought, for he who does not think his heart is pure evil: this is what Jesus meant, also condemned sin in thought because it is a sign of impurity.
This principle of course raises another question: You suffer from a bad thought, though it is not followed by actions? We must make an important distinction here. A core measure, which was entered in the bad way, moving towards the spiritual life, lights and strips gradually of its imperfections, more or less depending on the goodwill it uses, according to his agency. Any thoughts cannot, then, is the result of imperfection of the soul: but on account of desire it was designed to purify, this evil thought itself becomes an opportunity for you to progress, because
vigorously rejects it. It is the sign of a stain that strives to erase: if you offer the opportunity to meet um sinful desire, will not sell, and after he has endured, will feel strong and proud of his victory.
On the contrary, the soul that has not taken good resolutions, look for the occasion, and if it makes the act of sin is not because of his will, but that the failure is an opportunity, so it is just as guilty as if he had committed the act. In summary: the person who does not conceive nemmeno l’idea del male, il progresso è già compiuto; in quella cui questo pensiero viene ma è respinto, il progresso si sta compiendo; in quella, invece, che di questo pensiero si compiace, il male ha ancora tutta la sua forza. Nell’una il lavoro è già fatto, nell’altra è ancora da fare. Dio, che è giusto, tiene conto di tutte queste sfumature nel vagliare la responsabilità delle azioni e dei pensieri dell’uomo.

Il Vangelo secondo gli Spiriti (Allan Kardec)


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