metals that are not processed at high temperatures can not be modeled and therefore can not take on certain shapes that make them useful.
Precious stones, which is not processed, remain unfinished and unused.
clay modeling and for resistance to maintain the form, must be carefully cultivated. block of marble or granite, to reveal the statue that was inside, bear with resignation mars "ate and chiseled.
Likewise the Spirit, to reveal that I'angelo Darme in his prafondo, can not be separated by means of stoning, by decrease the suffering, from the harshness of the test.
Since the Earth is a transitory world, ephemeral sound even its joys and pains that you have to develop so that they become eternal in jubilation.
exalted to the heights of the light thoughts e aspirazioni e gli Spiriti Sublimi ti manterranno in un pracesso di felicita e liberazione.
Quando sarai sorpreso da una qualsiasi sofferenza, ricordati del Divino Educatore che ti corregge le imperfezioni. Inchlodato a letto dall'infermita, che turba e disturba,
non ti considerare abbandonato. Questa é un'occasione educativa per insegnarti a riflettere sull'esistenza terrena e sulla vita vista come un insieme di fattori uno unito all'altro.
Travolto dalla tempesta dell'incomprensione, non sentirti abbandonato sotto il flagello dell'ingiustizia.
Prendi il tutto come un modo di recuperare la tua morale rispetto ai peccati che erano in attesa di riparazione.
Vittima di calunnie oltraggianti e spinto nel fosso dall'ingiuria and defamation, among his friends such esteem, do not feel unlucky. You are being summoned to witness the silence and trust in God Overwhelmed by anxiety of the disembodiment of a loved one, tragically taken away by force or biological victim of exhaustion, because of the cruel disease that has won, do not be overwhelmed. Death is the message of life and contribute to the development delI'opportunita existential.
Abandoned by friends and loved allontanatisi when I needed it most, it will still be alone. Lord is calling you to accomplish tasks more elevated task that required solitude, the better to draw the inner world. Flooded with spiritual presences negative threaten you, do not give in to self-pessimistic. This is a superior strategy that makes you a good mental and moral conduct in order to keep in balance, helping those who still stagnate in ignorance. II
not always successful and the applause, the consent and earthly glory signify valorase achievements in the Spirit. Each is invariably a divine gift, so that I'uomo in learning to use these stimuli in their growth.
The apostle Paul, reflecting on these difficulties and testimonies, he said, as we read in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 7: "Bear these things for your correction. God is treating you as sons, in fact, what and his son that his father does not discipline? "
pains that come to the heart in the struggle for redemption, not to be punitive in fact, are the techniques of education which serves the Father Amoroso
to summon all the wayward son 'building interior to repair their mistakes. Joy, joy, comfort, beauty and healthy spiritual gifts and who benefited and will then have to account depending on the usage that made it. Summer
conventionally established that is love of God must always offer the human being as there is more pleasant, even when it does not multiply and conditions of licenses granted to him wisdom, then wasting time and opportunities that will recover with tears and anguish. Cases
those events which are regarded as accidents, when not caused by negligence or dall'insensatezza, are offered the possibility of salvation to all those in healthy debt, so it is easier for them to overcome their difficulties and take the peace interior, advancing toward the good fortune that awaits them
JOANNA DE ANGERLIS. (Awakening to happiness')
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