(questions and answers)
371 - E 'established opinion, according to which the jerks and idiots would have a 'soul of the lower nature?
Answer: "No, because they have a human soul, often more intelligent than you think, which suffers from the insufficiency of his means of communication, such as the silent suffering of not being able to talk."
372 - What happened to the unfortunate beings create in Providence, as idiots and morons?
Answer: "What punishment of spirits condemned to inhabit the bodies. They suffer from the inability to demonstrate they are in their affections and their thoughts with little or organ failure. "
Question: - So the bodies may have influence over?
Answer: "We never wanted to say that bodies have no influence. They, and greatest, but not on the right, but their manifestations. Also a good musician can not play well with a bad instrument, but not cease to be a good musician. "
Kardec: It 's necessary to distinguish the normal from the pathological. In normal mode, the Spirit wins the obstacle which opposes the field, but there are cases in which the matter is that the resistance that the events they are prevented, distorted or, as nell'idiotismo and madness. These are pathological cases, and since
in this state the soul does not enjoy all his freedom, the same law exempts from the human responsibility for his actions.
373 - What may have about the existence of beings who, like the idiots and morons, and because they are incapable of good and evil, can not progress?
Answer: "That's atonement for the fact that some may abuse it is a time to stop."
Question: - In this way, the body of a idiot can lodge a Spirit who in a previous life was a genius?
Answer: "Yes, the great genius turns into a disaster, if badly used."
Kardec: The moral superiority is not always because of the intellectual, and more great minds
may have much to atone. 'S why they are often forced to accept a life
much more humble than that already passed, and full of great suffering
. The obstacles that the Spirit encounters in its manifestations are
for him as chains that prevent the movement of a vigorous man. It can be said that
el'idiota are stupid lame brain, as lo zoppo è delle gambe, e il cieco
degli occhi.
374 - Lo Spirito dell’idiota, nei momenti di lucido intervallo, ha coscienza del suo stato mentale come uomo?
Risposta: «Sì, molto spesso, e comprende che i ceppi, che ne impediscono l’attività, altro non sono che prova ed espiazione».
375 - In che condizione è lo Spirito di un pazzo?
Risposta: «Lo Spirito, se disincarnato, riceve le impressioni direttamente, e direttamente esercita la sua azione sulla materia; ma, incarnato, si trova in condizione tutta diversa e nella necessità dell’aiuto di organi speciali, per poter sentire ed agire. Alterati che siano in parte o nell’insieme questi organi, his impressions of his action, in their respective fields, remain cut off: if he loses his eyes, became blind when he damaged his ears become deaf, and so forth. Now imagine that the body, so the effects are manifested in the intellect and will, be partially or totally damaged or changed, and it will be easy to understand, because the Spirit is not an organ failure or imperfect, they should be a disturbance, in which he himself is perfectly aware, but whose course is not the master to stop. "
Question: - So, even in the mad, the fault is always in the body, and not in the Spirit?
Answer: "Yes, ma bisogna non dimenticare che, se lo Spirito agisce sulla materia, questa reagisce in certa misura sullo Spirito, e quindi egli può trovarsi momentaneamente pregiudicato dall’alterazione degli organi per mezzo dei quali si manifesta e riceve le impressioni. Accade talvolta, che alla lunga, se la pazzia dura gran tempo, la ripetizione degli stessi atti eserciti sullo Spirito un’influenza da cui non riesce a liberarsi che dopo la sua totale separazione dalla materia».
376 - Perché la pazzia talvolta induce al suicidio?
Risposta: «Lo Spirito soffre per la limitazione a cui soggiace, e per l’impotenza di manifestarsi liberamente, e quindi
cerca nella morte il mezzo di rompere le sue catene».
377 - The Spirit of the fool is still suffering after the death of the body, confusion and disorder of his faculties
Answer: "Can you hear it until it has completely freed from matter, as a man who wakes up suffering for some time
vague disturbance of sleep."
378 - How can the alteration of the brain react on the Spirit after death?
Answer: "Because he was conscious of everything that happened during his madness, he needs some time to always buy the self-control, for which reason it lasted as madness, the longer the pain lasts el'angustia after death. The Spirit, which is separated from the body, was affected for some time
the consequences of the constraints that bound him to the field. "
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