Saturday, March 5, 2011

Replacing A Toilet Seat Kohler 3386 Da


919 - Qual è il mezzo pratico e più efficace per migliorarsi in questa vita, e resistere alle seduzioni del male?
Risposta: «Ve lo ha detto un savio dell’antichità: Impara a conoscere te stesso».
Domanda: - Noi comprendiamo tutta la saggezza di questa massima; ma la difficoltà sta appunto nel conoscere se stesso. Qual è il mezzo di riuscirvi?
Risposta: «Fate quello che i migliori degli uomini hanno sempre fatto. Al termine di ogni giorno, esaminate la vostra coscienza: passate in rassegna your every act, and ask yourself if you missed some duty, if any one has had to complain of you, so coming to know and see what you have to change in you. About every night to go back all its shares in the day, and ask what he did for good or for evil, praying to God and His Spirit to enlighten protector, would buy a lot of strength for its completion, because, believe me, God the attend. Therefore questioned yourself, and ask how and with what purpose you have acted in several cases and if you did something to blame the other, if you have committed an action that dare not confess. And also think, if please God to call me at this moment, I, returning in the spirit world, where you can not hide anything, to fear the sight of someone? Think about what you have done against God, then against the next, and finally against yourself. The answers will give peace to your conscience, or indicate a bad thing, which you
repair. The self-knowledge is thus the key to individual advancement. But, you say, how can we be sure to judge righteously? The illusion of self-love does not lessen the guilt, and makes no excuses, so it is believed that the miser thrifty and prudent, and pride thinks he's a man who cares about one's dignity? This is true, unfortunately, but you have a means of control, that there can be deceiving. When you are doubting the value of your action, ask yourself how the judge, if it were made by others: if in this case the blame, it could not be more legitimate in you, because God has no double standards for justice. Try also to know what others think of you, and do not forget the view of your enemies, because they have no interest to misrepresent the truth, and God often places them next to you almost like a mirror for ammonium greater frankness that would not make a friend. Those who strongly want to improve then scrutinize his conscience to root out the evil tendencies, like ripping the weeds from his garden; face the budget morality of his day, as the merchant does that of matches and its earnings, and I assure you, that will draw a much larger profit. When he can respond that his day was good, can sleep in peace, without fear of death could surprise him in his sleep. Pursuant to this advice, ask yourself the questions clear and precise, and do not be afraid to multiply. It may well spend a few minutes each day for the conquest of happiness! Do not work every day to earn a livelihood in old age that? That aside though late is not the object of your every need, the purpose that makes you endure many hardships and privations many temporary? Ordunque, what is that rest a few days the ailments of the body, in comparison with what is reserved for virtuous man?
it is not worth the trouble to do some work? I know many argue that this is certain, but the future is uncertain, but this is precisely the thinking that we are instructed to destroy you, and that's why we want you to know this place so that you can not leave no doubt in the soul. To do this, we first woke up with your attention to phenomena likely to affect the senses, and then give you instructions that each of you is bound to apply and spread. "

Kardec: Many of us commit mistakes that go unnoticed, but when questioned more often our conscience, we would see how many times we have failed without realizing it for failing to investigate the nature and motive of our actions. The categorical form of a question requires answers to yes or no, leaving no middle ground. The sum of the responses, we can calculate that of good and evil, that is in us.



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