(questions and answers)
344 - When is the union of soul and body?
Answer: "It begins at conception, but that is not perfect at birth.
from the instant of conception, the Spirit who dwells in that body, is joined to a fluidic connection, which becomes louder and louder to the point where the child sees the light. The cry that escapes the baby then announces that he is part of the living and the servants of God. "
345 - The union of Spirit with the body is inseparable from the moment of conception? During the period of gestation
could renounce the Spirit to incarnate in that body?
Answer: "The union is indissoluble in the sense that no one else could replace the designated Spirit. However, since the bonds of this union is very weak, are easily broken, even by the will of the Spirit himself, who retreated before the test he has chosen: and then the child ceases to live. "
346 - What does the Spirit, if the body of his choice dies before birth?
Answer: "I choose someone else."
Question: - What is the usefulness of these premature deaths?
Answer: "For the most part no, as are determined by the imperfections of matter
347 - Who can take advantage of an embodiment of its spirit in a body that dies a few days after birth
Answer: "Very little, or none, because it was not yet he can say, consciousness of life, the importance of death is almost nothing for him, while, as we said, this is often a trial for the parents."
348 - you know the Spirit with earlier that the body is not likely to choose life?
Answer: "Sometimes yes, but if he chooses for this reason, it means withdrawing from the trial."
349 - When for any reason fails the means to incarnate the Spirit, he will immediately remedied by choosing another body in training?
Answer: "Not immediately, unless the effect was instantaneous reincarnation of a wise determination
front. "
350 - It happens sometimes that after the indissoluble union with his new body, the Spirit complain of the choice he did?
Answer: "What, as a man, complained about the life she leads, and you want different, yes, but, as the Spirit, repent of his choice, no, because he embodied it, he has no more consciousness. It may instead be too heavy weight of his existence: and then, believing it to their superior strength, the unfortunate resort to suicide. "
351 - the interval that passes between the conception and birth, has the Spirit of all his faculties?
Answer: "More or less, depending on the time because he is not still flesh, but only connected with the body. At the time of conception of this, the Spirit is captured by the disturbance that warns you that it's time to start a new life, and this disturbance grows until birth, in which interval the state of the Spirit is more or less than a complexion of the body during sleep. As the moment of birth approaches, more and more becomes cloudy, the ideas and erase the memories of the past, which, to be born to earthly life, he has no conscience, but then that's a risovvengono Gradually the mind, when it is returned to the world of spirits. "
352 - At birth, the body recovers immediately the Spirit la pienezza delle sue facoltà?
Risposta: «No: esse si svolgono gradatamente insieme con gli organi. Siccome lo Spirito entra in una esistenza nuova, ha bisogno di imparare a servirsi dei suoi strumenti. Le idee gli ritornano a poco a poco come in un uomo che esce dal sonno, e si trova in una condizione differente da quella in cui era prima di addormentarsi».
353 - Poiché l’unione dello Spirito col corpo non è realmente compiuta se non dopo la nascita di questo, il feto deve considerarsi come animato, o no?
Risposta: «Lo Spirito, che dovrà animarlo, esiste fuori del corpo, cosicché, a rigore di termini, esso non ha ancora anima; ma poiché l’incarnazione sta per avvenire, il feto is already tied to the soul that is about to buy. "
354 - How do you explain the womb?
Answer: "As one of the plant, growing. The fetus lives of animal life. The man holds the wildlife and vegetative life, which then make the birth of his spiritual life. "
355 - Science teaches that often are conceived fetuses, which is already in the womb are not viable:
is true? And, if so, for what purpose?
Answer: "Very true, and God allows as evidence both for parents and for the Spirit, that we should embody."
356 - Among the stillbirths there are perhaps some who were not intended
an embodiment of the Spirit?
Answer: "Yes, there are those who were not intended incarnation of a spirit, and in this case death is a test for parents."
Question: - One can be born to be similar time?
Answer: "Sometimes yes, but never living."
Question: - So, any child born alive, and survives to birth, has embodied in itself necessarily a Spirit?
Answer: "No doubt, otherwise it would not be a human being."
357 - What it is, compared to the Spirit, abortion?
Answer: "A life that anything that has to be restarted."
358 - Abortion procurato è un delitto in ogni tempo della gestazione?
Risposta: «Sempre, poiché trasgredisce la legge di Dio chi impedisce ad un’anima di sopportare le prove di cui il corpo doveva essere lo strumento».
359 - Nel caso in cui la vita della madre corresse pericolo durante i travagli del parto, è delitto sacrificare il
bambino per salvare la madre?
Risposta: «No: è meglio sacrificare l’essere che ancora non esiste, all’essere che esiste già».
360 - E’ giusto avere in ogni caso per il feto gli stessi riguardi che si hanno per il corpo di un bambino, della cui vitalità si fosse già sicuri?
«Inchinatevi sempre ai decreti di Dio, e non treated lightly the things of great import. Because it is in the works of creation, even if sometimes remain unfinished will of the Creator? This is in his drawings, which no one has the right to judge. "
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