Saturday, March 12, 2011

Upset Stomach 23 Weeks Pregnant

BEHAVIOR An Indulgence

16. Today, funny, I will speak of indulgence, this feeling so sweet, brotherly cases, that every man must feel for his brothers, but of which very few know how to treasure.
The indulgence does not see the faults of others, or, if he sees them, carefully avoids talking about it, reference the hides, however, because it is only to know them, and if it finds them ill will always have a ready excuse to mitigate But a plausible excuse, a excuse, and not one of those who, giving himself the airs of
reduce guilt, they appear with wicked skill.
Indulgence never mind the bad actions of others, unless it is compelled to do so to make a service to someone, but in this case, try to minimize them as much as possible. It is never unpleasant comments, never reproaches his lips, but sometimes the advice, and even these spessissirno veiled. When you go criticized as a consequence to be drawn from your words?
What you blame, you would never have done what reproach, that you are the best of the perpetrator. Oh, men! when you judge, then, your heart, your-thoughts, your actions, they do not take care of your brothers? When you
severe only for yourself?
Be strict and lenient to you for others. Think of the one who judges a last resort, in every heart that sees the most hidden thoughts, and that, accordingly, often excuse the crimes that you blame or condemn what you would excuse me, because they know the motive for all actions. And you think that you, who cry aloud, anathema! would you have done, perhaps, even more serious crimes. Be indulgent, my friends, because it attracts the indulgence, calm, correct, and the penalty deters away, annoyed. (JOSEPH, spirit-protector, Bordeaux, 1863).

17. Be indulgent to the faults of others, whatever they may be, do not judge harshly that your own actions, and the Lord will use you in indulgence, as you have used the others. Support strong, encourage them to persevere, rinviggorite the weak showing them the goodness of God that takes into account the smaller repentance: let everyone see the angel of repentance which spreads its white wings on human sins, the
velandole eyes of the man who can not see what is unclean. Means all the infinite mercy of your God and never forget to tell him with your thoughts and, especially, with your actions: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." You have to understand the value of these sublime words: not only reading that is admirable, but it is also the promise that they contain. What
ask el Lord asking for forgiveness? It is only oblivion of your injuries? It would be a mess that would leave nothing in it, if God were to be limited to forget your sins, not punish, but that was not even a reward. A reward can not be pushed to the good that has not been done, much less the evil that is done, even though this evil was forgotten.
ask forgiveness for your transgressions, you ask him the favor of his thanks for not more relapses, the force required to enter a new route, the route of submission and love, where you can join to repentance repair. When you forgive your brothers, do not just draw the veil of their sins: that veil is often too transparent for your eyes.
Together with forgiveness, give love, you do for them what they ask your Heavenly Father, do for you. Replace the anger which soil, the love that purifies. Preach by example as active charity and tireless that Jesus has taught, how he did proclaim himself the whole time he lived on ground, invisible to physical eyes, and as it continues to preach from cuando no longer visible in the eyes of the spirit.
Follow this divine pattern, walking in his footsteps: the way to this place of refuge where you rest after the fight. Like him, Recharge of all your cross and go up painfully boldly but your ordeal: on top of which is glorification. (Jean, bishop of Bordeaux, 1862).

18. Dear friends, be strict to yourself, forgiving the weaknesses of others is to practice the holy charity, and very few do. All of the trends you cannot be won, the defects to be corrected by changing habits: you all have a load more or less heavy to be placed to climb the mountain of progress. So why be so clairvoyant to others and so blind to yourself?
When you cease to see your brother in the eye of the piece of straw that hurts, and the beam will not be looking in your blind you and make you go fall in fall?
Believe in your brother's spirits, and every man so proud to be believed superior virtue and merit to his brothers embodied is foolish and guilty, and God will punish the day of his justice. The true sign of modesty and humility are the charity, who see no other flaws that vaguely to turn instead to rely on what in him there is good and virtuous. Because if the human heart is an abyss of corruption,
in some of his most hidden corners there is always a germ of some good feeling, vivid spark of the spiritual essence.
Spiritism doctrine comforting and blessed, happy people who know you and know who profit from the teachings of the Lord of Spirits-lutare! For them, the path is illuminated, and during the whole street can read these words that tell them how to reach the goal: practical charity, love, heart, love of neighbor as oneself. In one word, charity and love of God for all sums up all the duties, and it is impossible to truly love God without charged that he raises for charity law to all his creatures.
(DUFÊTRE, bishop of Nevers, Bordeaux).

19. No one being perfect, it follows that no one makes the right to criticize his neighbor?
Certainly not, because each of you must work progress for all, and soprattuttu those whom you are entrusted with the protection, but this is one reason it mildly, a useful purpose, and not for the sake of denigrating, as it often does. In the latter case, the blame is evil in the first charity is a duty to make order with all possible precautions. And besides, who throws the blame on others, should be addressed at the same time if themselves, and you have to do-mandate if we do not deserve it.
(St Louis, Paris, 1860)

20. Observe the imperfections of others, when they can not be any advantage and when you do not disclose, or is not objectionable?
all depends on the intentions, of course, the context is not prohibitive to see evil where it exists. It would be even a disadvantage not see anywhere that the property would be an illusion that would be detrimental to progress. The blame is to fall back to this observation at the expense of others, discrediting the view of him. It would be even more reprehensible to do so only to pleased with themselves, with the feeling of malice and with the joy of finding the other in colpa. Cosa del tutto diversa è invece quella di gettare un velo sul male, per il pubblico, e di limitarsi ad osservarlo per il proprio vantaggio personale, ossia per stare attenti ad evitare ciò che si biasima negli altri. L’osservazione stessa, d’altronde, è di sicura utilità per il moralista. Come farebbe
egli a dipingere i difetti e gli errori dell’umanità, se non ne studiasse i modelli?
 (SAN LUIGI, Parigi, 1860).

21. Ci sono casi in cui diviene utile svelare il male di altri?
Questa è una domanda molto delicata, ed è qui che bisogna fare appello alla carità ben compresa. Se le imperfezioni di una persona non nuocciono che a lei stessa, non è mai utile farle conoscere; ma se possono portare pregiudizio ad altri occorre preferire l’interesse dei molti a quello di uno solo. Secondo le circostanze, smascherare l’ipocrisia e la menzogna può essere um dovero, perché è meglio che un uomo cada piuttosto che molti divengano suoi zimbelli o suo vittime. In questi casi occorre saper pesare l’insieme dei vantaggi degli inconvenienti.
(SAN LUIGI, Parigi, 1860).

Il Vangelo secondo gli Spiriti (Allan Kardec)


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