Monday, March 14, 2011

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Current causes of afflictions

4. Le vicissitudini della vita sono di due generi, o, se si vuole, hanno due origini ben diverse, che è necessario saper distinguere: le une hanno origine dalla vita attuale, le altre al di fuori di questa vita.
Risalendo alle fonti dei mali terrestri, sarà facile riconoscere che molti sono la conseguenza naturale del carattere e del comportamento di coloro che li soffrono.
Quanti uomini cadono per loro colpa! Quanti sono vittime della loro imprevidenza, del loro orgoglio, della loro am-bizione!
Quante persone sono rovinate dalla mancanza d’ordine, di perseveranza, per la
loro cattiva condotta o per non aver saputo porre limiti ai loro desideri!
How many marriages are unhappy due to being born to the calculation of interest or vanity, without being justified by love!
many disagreements, many fatal fights could have been avoided with more moderation and less susceptibility!
How many diseases, how many illnesses are the consequences of intemperance and excesses of every kind!
How many parents are unhappy because their children because they have not heard from the beginning to counteract the evil tendencies! Weakness or ignorance, have allowed to develop in them the seeds of pride and vanity of silly that dry up the heart, and then, later, when they get what they have sown, are surprised and grieve for their lack of respect and for their ingratitude.
That all those who are injured on the vicissitudes and disappointments of life, they should ask their impartial consciousness that go back step by step to the source of the evils that afflict them and they will see that very often will be forced to say: If I had done
or had not done that thing, I would not be in this situation.
Who to blame, then, for all these afflictions, if not with themselves?
Thus man, in many cases, is the creator of his own misfortunes, but rather to recognize it, is easier and less humiliating to his vanity, to accuse the fate, Providence, il caso sfavorevole, la sua cattiva stella, quando la cattiva stella è solo la sua incuria.
I mali di questo genere costituiscono, certamente, un notevolissimo contingente nelle vicissitudini della vita: l’uomo potrà evitarli provvedendo al suo miglioramento morale ed intellettuale.
5. La legge umana scopre e punisce certe colpe: il condannato può dire, dunque,di subire le conseguenze di ciò che ha fatto. Ma la legge non può scoprire tutte le colpe, perseguita più specialmente quelle che recano pregiudizio alla società, non quelle che nuocciono a coloro stessi che le commettono. Ma Dio vuole il progresso di tutte le sue creature: per questo non lascia impunita nessuna deviazione dal dritto sentiero.
Non there is a fault, for it is light, there is no infringement to the law that has not
necessary and inevitable consequences, more or less unpleasant, it follows that, in small things as in great, man where sin is always punished. The suffering that this process is a warning that he acted wrongly. The make of the experience, make him feel the difference-tion between good and evil and the need to improve themselves in the future to avoid what was for him a source of pain.
without them there would be no reason to amend, relying impunity, would delay its progress and thus his future happiness. But the experience
sometimes arrives late, when life was ruined and upset, the forces are exhausted
, evil is without remedy. Then the man says, "If early in life I had known what I know now, I would have avoided many mistakes, if I could start agirei the other way around, but now there is no time!
As the idle worker says I lost my day, he says, I have lost my life.
But for the worker as the sun rises the next day and start a new day that will allow him to regain lost time, so for him, after the night is down, brilierà the sun of a new life, in which may advantage of past experience issued in place of his good resolutions for the future.


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The light shines more when I'oscurita predominates.
Medicine and destined to hell.
Fresh water fills the bread generous wins hunger.
is natural that, on a planet in the process of purification, there is a predominance of the imbalance and, therefore, violence, pleasure without limits, of destruction. But the future will be characterized by

achievements that bring glory, when there will be more crime or degradation, perversion or bad, malignancy or misfortune. IGI
spirits now inhabit the Earth healthy undergo a selection test of good character. Good
continue, while the wicked wait in another plan will change to where iI well.
Your harmony and necessary right now to decrease iI turmoil, chaos iI.
early start now your inner transformation, opting for iI sacrifice for I'azione high, good for unlimited iI. Starting this process, keep in harmony as a docile instrument in the hands of God, which iI continues working for a future world of bliss. See
down the old buildings dominating the breath of a wind storm that sweeps you and the earth.
Accompany the decline of ethical values \u200b\u200bof most importanza sotto il terremoto delle allucinazioni che hanno il sopravvento.
Assisti alla voluttuosita del piacere insensato, nel nome di nuove tendenze che la societa si impone.
Osservi la delinquenza in costante erescita senza una soluzione evidente e prossima.
Sono cosi tanti gli abusi e tali le aberrazioni, che ti senti a disagio nel contesto sociale odierno, sei fuori luogo in casa, sul lavoro, ovunque tu ti venga a trovare.
Come effetto, la depressione ti minaccia, la paura ti spaventa, i conflitti ti turbano.
Ti chiedi stordito: "Come sara il futuro? Che cosa dovrei fare in queste gravi circostanze?"
Calmati!l! Armonizzati con il bene e aspetta.
Bagnato dalla fede, non ti deve turbare niente.
Backed by the action of love that pour out, do not despair.
able to achieve and your job growth towards God of
Joan Cuza proved his faith in the moment of martyrdom, remained quiet until the end.
Jan Hus, also in the fire, took pity murderers, who mocked him.
Giovanna D'Arco, among the great fire, remained in harmony and forgave his persecutors.
Giordano Bruno, who was also sacrificed for the same reason, he kept his serenity.
There have always been periods of extreme madness on Earth.
From time to time, the transition of the passions of humanity allows I'esplosione solvents and hallucinating.
These are difficult days. Guided forza, appoggiandoti al Vangelo di Gesu, andando avanti fiducioso.
Non ti spaventare per la confusione insensata degli infermi-sorridenti, degli
ubriachi-gioiosi, degli intossicati pagliacci.
Sei stato condotto aquesta situazione, al fine di contribuire per iI miglioramento delle medico e utile quando insorgono le malattie, o anche prima per creare le condizioni che possano evitare il male. Quando la malattia si e gia stabilita, la terapia sara scelta in base alla gravita.
II maestro diventa prezioso dinnanzi all'ignoranza delI'alunno.
II cristiano e fortezza e appoggio a favore di coloro che hanno bisogno di aiuto.
Gesu ha sempre vissuto con uomini e situazioni, in un certo senso, simili a quelle che affronti tu.
Fu in questo clima che Lui dimostró la Sua grandezza,rimanendo in armonia con gli obiettivi a cui si era affidato, senza turbarsi, né tentennare in nessun momento.
E quindi, mantieniti anche tu in armonia.
JOANNA DE ANGELIS (Risveglio verso la Felicita' )

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Le malattie sono la presenza delle ombre negli strumenti-Luce dell'essere. Se questi meccanismi non hanno raggiunto la pienezza dello sviluppo, soffrono gli scossoni della mente che si trova fuori direzione - essa genera pensieri negativi e gesti violenti - il suo tenore di vibrazione ti raggiunge, sconnettendoti e aprendo la strada al
formarsi di infezioni degenerative, dystonias emotional and psychological.
long as the human being will prevail 'I'impulso violence and resentment, hatred and jealousy, alI'amarezza and lies, slander and alpha alpha slander,
predominate in him the problems of the disease.
Eindispensabile experience a mental change in his behavior, so that establishing a real cure and eradicate the pests that contaminate the cells and weaken.
therapy love is the solution you have at hand. Not only are you going to restore 'health, if you find yourself sick, but I will strengthen you to avoid ammati again.
The harmony of the Creator will find resonance in your vibrational field, full of love, and invading dominando iI tuo corpo, la tua esistenza.
Man mano che si moltiplicano i nuovi paradigmi che riguardano I'essere umano come
realta spirituale,
SI fanno strada, sostenute da fatti inoppugnabili, valide terapie nelle aree alternative che hanno come obiettivo la liberazione dalla sofferenza, dail'angoscia, dalla paura,
dallo squilibrio di ogni genere. Fortunatamente tutte hanno come meta la conquista
di un essere integro, che superi i limiti e le costrizioni che provengono dal suo passato spirituale, che approfondisca lo studio nelle cause profonde, che giacciono
nel suo essere viaggiatore in numerose esistenze corporali,nelle quali si é compromesso con la propria coscienza e con quella Cosmica.
Fino a quando not identify with the mistake and acknowledges not taking I'impegno to repair for the love and the good, the risk of disruption or those
degenerative difficult to overcome, permarranno.La real cure will be implemented only from the inside to I'esterno, bone to his transitional form.
In this way, the cure begins when the patient loves and begins to love his neighbor.
. The process of redemption has run its course when this is conscious individual freedom by primal instincts, elevating the minds and hearts to the noble aspirations and struggles of self-perfection
Even in the traditional academic treatment, care organic, psychological or emotional has always susceptible a relapse, as it is not
been a profound change in mental and behavioral habits that will remain vulnerable in the creature, without immunological defense. The
psychoneuroimmunology shows that each is, neil'area health, what he thinks and what he does for himself. SO
care is a process of deep integration of the person with program of Life. All the attention comes from God because God is love, there is love that is essential in the mechanism of health.
Love is always open to compassion. We can not be compatible if we forget the solidarity.
In this way, treat or cure, is the way to contribute to the welfare of others.
The solidarity embraces all living beings, including the nature in its various manifestations.
This breadth of feeling born ia integration needs of each body generally, without loss of its individual eng.
Treat and participate with a high sense of understanding of the weaknesses of others.
This understanding is expressed as tolerance, which helps tease without reproach and without wounds.
Care and tolerate everything and everyone, advancing on the path of peace.
Peace is the balance between reason and feeling, between what you do and how you do, always building.
To reach the goal, and it is therefore essential pregare.Curare plunge ocean from which it dell'orazio I'ispirazione and courage to continue in an effort
of spiritual growth.
care real than they appear from the meet and set each on his own, in the context of equilibrium that exists in the universe.
not always the lack of fear of disease or I'assenza be due to treatment, but it will be marked by trust and action of good that will overcome the obstacles
, freeing I'essere primitivism in which he dwells, as expressed in injury that leads from the reincarnations unhappy.
Healing is free of ego and fly less ego deep, spiritual, its true reality.
Every time Jesus cured, envelops the patient in successive waves of love and knowing that I'infermo was eternal, always in need of new and continuous reincarnations
to light, recommended, concise: Do not sin again so that nothing worse happens to you.

JOANNA DE ANGELIS (Awakening of Happiness')

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Because prayer has indefinable resources channeled to those who practice it? Just because
binds the creature to the Creator, through the waves of vibration of high-power, by giving those who pray the convenient answer to the calls.
The Mind of God and the human mind constantly creates, in turn, is co-creator, preserving or attacking the cells of the organization physical, psychological as well as delicate instruments. In this way
health, as well as karmic result of commitments in the program is developed and maintained by the mental waves.
As each cell carries an individual consciousness, it vibrates to the rhythm of the consciousness of being, which offers iI energies that create or produce disharmony.
Search vibrate iIlimitata wave of love and faith in God, praying and acting to stimulate balance Thy intern to preserve health, to perform well in the high attuale.Mo reincarnation of your business' you disciples, even sincere , spirituality, believe that the unpleasant situations deil'esistenza earthly punishment to be imposed on redemptions of the Godhead or the mistakes of the past, or near the front.
course, the general belief, worthy of criticism because it does not conform fully to the language of fatti.L 'idea of \u200b\u200bthis deity punitive and cruel clashes with the new conception of love, which is a dynamic presence throughout i'universo. Never
Cosmic Consciousness is mixed with acts of perversion of the dan ni fragile human creatures, ignorant of reality and their destination, which are still undergoing the primary areas of their evolution.
God of love as it radiates energy and vitality repairing, maintaining balance in everything and everyone, even when, apparently, some inconsistencies and rough seem upset.
The process of evolution takes place through the exhaustion of the improvement like that, sickness and health, fall and resurrection ...
Similarly there are situations that are consequences of non-supervisory, irresponsibility, lack of love for every being. Therefore, not always, the nurses can be considered as processes karmic consequence of repair mechanisms.
The body and an excellent machine, consisting of delicate equipment, which are controlled through the brain, by the Spirit. When an individual
epropenso to pessimism, resentment, disaffection in, are processed and activated destructive charge in the mechanisms responsible for preserving it somatic organization, producing many ills.
Similarly, the remedial provisions optimistic pats generate energy, which retrieve the temporary inharmonies of organic complexes which are the physiological machine.
II human body and a laboratory of great opportunities, always susceptible to self-destruction or all'autoricomponimento, in accordance with the vibrations emitted by the mind.
The mind is a center of the control that sends messages to all the disparate parts of its organization.
any emotion into the bloodstream produces a rush of adrenalin, releasing feelings equivalent to the type of causative agent.
Similarly, enkephalins and endorphins sono secrete dal cervello grazie all'autostimolazione, generando effetti immediati nell'organismo. Altri enzimi sono prodotti con cariche positive o negative, a seconda dell'ordine mentale e contribuiscono al mantenimento della salute o al peggioramento della malattia.
L'apparato circolatorio che, quando aggredito all'imprawiso,svolge il ruolo di autoriparatore,riunisce
la fibrina dei vasi cercando di formare dei coaguli-tampone che impediscano I'emorragia e preservino la vita. Succede la stessa cosa nelle malattie come il cancro,I'AIDS, le paralisi, le infermita cardiache e altre che, sotto il giusto comando mentale, il sistema immunologico tenta di neutralizzare, producendo diverse cellule con potere chemioterapico. Grazie aquesto potere cells re-beautiful and painful are bombed and destroyed, those carriers of isolated degeneration and favored instead the sound, so is restored or saiute favored improved survival.
In the end, the most important thing in health is not the time of life - the number of years of provider - but I'intensita, I feel good, experienced the joy and objectives. Death is inevitable and is a blessing if put in relation to physical experience, so the way each handles iI's body becomes essential.
II human body has a doctor in the service of the mind, guided by the Spirit incarnate, waiting for suggestions to act correttamente.Se not taken into account. stops working, overwhelmed from destructive factors also involved in organizing physiological, ready to strenuous task of disease and cell degeneration. This inner
doctor can and should be decided by the thought-oriented, balanced by the provisions of the soul, the hope of victory, from the endless faith in God and prayer, all of which stimulate the cells for proper handling of the purposes to which they are responsible .

JOANNA DE ANGELIS (Awakening to happiness')

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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metals that are not processed at high temperatures can not be modeled and therefore can not take on certain shapes that make them useful.
Precious stones, which is not processed, remain unfinished and unused.
clay modeling and for resistance to maintain the form, must be carefully cultivated. block of marble or granite, to reveal the statue that was inside, bear with resignation mars "ate and chiseled.
Likewise the Spirit, to reveal that I'angelo Darme in his prafondo, can not be separated by means of stoning, by decrease the suffering, from the harshness of the test.
Since the Earth is a transitory world, ephemeral sound even its joys and pains that you have to develop so that they become eternal in jubilation.
exalted to the heights of the light thoughts e aspirazioni e gli Spiriti Sublimi ti manterranno in un pracesso di felicita e liberazione.
Quando sarai sorpreso da una qualsiasi sofferenza, ricordati del Divino Educatore che ti corregge le imperfezioni. Inchlodato a letto dall'infermita, che turba e disturba,
non ti considerare abbandonato. Questa é un'occasione educativa per insegnarti a riflettere sull'esistenza terrena e sulla vita vista come un insieme di fattori uno unito all'altro.
Travolto dalla tempesta dell'incomprensione, non sentirti abbandonato sotto il flagello dell'ingiustizia.
Prendi il tutto come un modo di recuperare la tua morale rispetto ai peccati che erano in attesa di riparazione.
Vittima di calunnie oltraggianti e spinto nel fosso dall'ingiuria and defamation, among his friends such esteem, do not feel unlucky. You are being summoned to witness the silence and trust in God Overwhelmed by anxiety of the disembodiment of a loved one, tragically taken away by force or biological victim of exhaustion, because of the cruel disease that has won, do not be overwhelmed. Death is the message of life and contribute to the development delI'opportunita existential.
Abandoned by friends and loved allontanatisi when I needed it most, it will still be alone. Lord is calling you to accomplish tasks more elevated task that required solitude, the better to draw the inner world. Flooded with spiritual presences negative threaten you, do not give in to self-pessimistic. This is a superior strategy that makes you a good mental and moral conduct in order to keep in balance, helping those who still stagnate in ignorance. II
not always successful and the applause, the consent and earthly glory signify valorase achievements in the Spirit. Each is invariably a divine gift, so that I'uomo in learning to use these stimuli in their growth.
The apostle Paul, reflecting on these difficulties and testimonies, he said, as we read in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 7: "Bear these things for your correction. God is treating you as sons, in fact, what and his son that his father does not discipline? "
pains that come to the heart in the struggle for redemption, not to be punitive in fact, are the techniques of education which serves the Father Amoroso
to summon all the wayward son 'building interior to repair their mistakes. Joy, joy, comfort, beauty and healthy spiritual gifts and who benefited and will then have to account depending on the usage that made it. Summer
conventionally established that is love of God must always offer the human being as there is more pleasant, even when it does not multiply and conditions of licenses granted to him wisdom, then wasting time and opportunities that will recover with tears and anguish. Cases
those events which are regarded as accidents, when not caused by negligence or dall'insensatezza, are offered the possibility of salvation to all those in healthy debt, so it is easier for them to overcome their difficulties and take the peace interior, advancing toward the good fortune that awaits them

JOANNA DE ANGERLIS. (Awakening to happiness')

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The conquest of the ideal will be reached when I'essere inner, happy, check the resources it has available and which will be reflected in the individual through a polite behavior, without excesses and noble, senza presunzione.
La mente che capta lo psichismo superiore e lo canalizza attraverso iI cervello, dando vitalita all'organismo, avverte facilmente iI benessere e quindi la pienasalute. Quando tutto ció non awiene, si consuma nelle emanazioni assorbite dai tossici che predominano nella psicosfera ambientale e passa ad assumere una condotta pessimista di sconfitta, naufragando in sconvolgimenti che potrebbero essere evitati.
L'universo e immerso nel Pensiero Cosmico, dal quale ha origine e con il quale si nutre.
Tu sei parte essenziale di esso. E se vuoi mantenerti in armonia, permetti che le sue irradiazioni ti invadano, impostando la tua mente a perseverare I'equilibrio del sistema di cui fai uso nel processo attuale della tua evoluzione. In
individual's behavior is outside his mental world - their aspirations, their conflicts, their needs - and defines its moral structure, the level of discernment of his consciousness.
When it stops at the lower end of evolution, his passions are brutal, impulsive, King develops aggressive actions, events selfish and disruptive to the social group to which it belongs.
As I'educazione and I'esperienza - unexpected suffering, struggles to achieve balance, finding its fragility - are working within him, it alters its program of aspirations and he fits the corporate segment in which moves, developing the skills that stimulate hidden verso gli ideali di bellezza, di crescita interiore, di auto-re alizzazione.
Nel comportamento si manifestano la sua re alta intellettivo- morale e il suo corrispondente livello di salute fisica e mentale.
Nessuno riesce a identificarsi con I'autoilluminazione se non e disposto allo sforzo di educarsi, se non si comporta con equilibrio nelle circostanze che affronta durante il processo sociale, come nelle vicende e nella realta personali.
Nella complessita di tali realizzazioni I'unificazione mente-corpo, spirito-materia e inalienabile,
II corpo riflette le componenti mentali somatizzando i conflitti che turbano la sua armonia, quando le costruzioni psichiche si espandono cariche di pessimismo, di vibrazioni inferiori e tossiche .. ,
Tissue cells react according to the brainwaves who visit them, attacked, or conciliators.
In this way, the ideas supported by the higher mind, produce corresponding effects in the body, stimulating the cells to maintain I'ordine, vitalizing the process of mitosis healthy
addition to being a very complex physical and mental organization, the brain and an important ghiandofa emanating substances essential to the maintenance of the systems that make up the body, keeping or disorganized.
With that produces endorphins, many are relieved pain and facilitates the maintenance of the level of welfare.
Several other enzymes are produced, developed and distributed by many organic instruments and cooperate in its preservation and renewal, or for its failure and consequent disharmony.
people angry, realist, fatalist who live in discontent and pessimism with continuous changes in temperament, they produce enzymes that will pave the way malignant invasion organic microbial destructive elements.
In contrast, those who develop positive thinking, optimistic, cheerful, supportive, stimulating the system psychoneuroimmunology, becoming resistant to the viruses and bacteria degenerative. And even when they are victims of this type of illness, recompose the defenses and regain health.
II depressive behavior, such as anxious, and responsible for many other disorders that have painful consequences for human I'essere.

JOANNA DE ANGELIS (Awakening to happiness')

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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BEHAVIOR An Indulgence

16. Today, funny, I will speak of indulgence, this feeling so sweet, brotherly cases, that every man must feel for his brothers, but of which very few know how to treasure.
The indulgence does not see the faults of others, or, if he sees them, carefully avoids talking about it, reference the hides, however, because it is only to know them, and if it finds them ill will always have a ready excuse to mitigate But a plausible excuse, a excuse, and not one of those who, giving himself the airs of
reduce guilt, they appear with wicked skill.
Indulgence never mind the bad actions of others, unless it is compelled to do so to make a service to someone, but in this case, try to minimize them as much as possible. It is never unpleasant comments, never reproaches his lips, but sometimes the advice, and even these spessissirno veiled. When you go criticized as a consequence to be drawn from your words?
What you blame, you would never have done what reproach, that you are the best of the perpetrator. Oh, men! when you judge, then, your heart, your-thoughts, your actions, they do not take care of your brothers? When you
severe only for yourself?
Be strict and lenient to you for others. Think of the one who judges a last resort, in every heart that sees the most hidden thoughts, and that, accordingly, often excuse the crimes that you blame or condemn what you would excuse me, because they know the motive for all actions. And you think that you, who cry aloud, anathema! would you have done, perhaps, even more serious crimes. Be indulgent, my friends, because it attracts the indulgence, calm, correct, and the penalty deters away, annoyed. (JOSEPH, spirit-protector, Bordeaux, 1863).

17. Be indulgent to the faults of others, whatever they may be, do not judge harshly that your own actions, and the Lord will use you in indulgence, as you have used the others. Support strong, encourage them to persevere, rinviggorite the weak showing them the goodness of God that takes into account the smaller repentance: let everyone see the angel of repentance which spreads its white wings on human sins, the
velandole eyes of the man who can not see what is unclean. Means all the infinite mercy of your God and never forget to tell him with your thoughts and, especially, with your actions: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." You have to understand the value of these sublime words: not only reading that is admirable, but it is also the promise that they contain. What
ask el Lord asking for forgiveness? It is only oblivion of your injuries? It would be a mess that would leave nothing in it, if God were to be limited to forget your sins, not punish, but that was not even a reward. A reward can not be pushed to the good that has not been done, much less the evil that is done, even though this evil was forgotten.
ask forgiveness for your transgressions, you ask him the favor of his thanks for not more relapses, the force required to enter a new route, the route of submission and love, where you can join to repentance repair. When you forgive your brothers, do not just draw the veil of their sins: that veil is often too transparent for your eyes.
Together with forgiveness, give love, you do for them what they ask your Heavenly Father, do for you. Replace the anger which soil, the love that purifies. Preach by example as active charity and tireless that Jesus has taught, how he did proclaim himself the whole time he lived on ground, invisible to physical eyes, and as it continues to preach from cuando no longer visible in the eyes of the spirit.
Follow this divine pattern, walking in his footsteps: the way to this place of refuge where you rest after the fight. Like him, Recharge of all your cross and go up painfully boldly but your ordeal: on top of which is glorification. (Jean, bishop of Bordeaux, 1862).

18. Dear friends, be strict to yourself, forgiving the weaknesses of others is to practice the holy charity, and very few do. All of the trends you cannot be won, the defects to be corrected by changing habits: you all have a load more or less heavy to be placed to climb the mountain of progress. So why be so clairvoyant to others and so blind to yourself?
When you cease to see your brother in the eye of the piece of straw that hurts, and the beam will not be looking in your blind you and make you go fall in fall?
Believe in your brother's spirits, and every man so proud to be believed superior virtue and merit to his brothers embodied is foolish and guilty, and God will punish the day of his justice. The true sign of modesty and humility are the charity, who see no other flaws that vaguely to turn instead to rely on what in him there is good and virtuous. Because if the human heart is an abyss of corruption,
in some of his most hidden corners there is always a germ of some good feeling, vivid spark of the spiritual essence.
Spiritism doctrine comforting and blessed, happy people who know you and know who profit from the teachings of the Lord of Spirits-lutare! For them, the path is illuminated, and during the whole street can read these words that tell them how to reach the goal: practical charity, love, heart, love of neighbor as oneself. In one word, charity and love of God for all sums up all the duties, and it is impossible to truly love God without charged that he raises for charity law to all his creatures.
(DUFÊTRE, bishop of Nevers, Bordeaux).

19. No one being perfect, it follows that no one makes the right to criticize his neighbor?
Certainly not, because each of you must work progress for all, and soprattuttu those whom you are entrusted with the protection, but this is one reason it mildly, a useful purpose, and not for the sake of denigrating, as it often does. In the latter case, the blame is evil in the first charity is a duty to make order with all possible precautions. And besides, who throws the blame on others, should be addressed at the same time if themselves, and you have to do-mandate if we do not deserve it.
(St Louis, Paris, 1860)

20. Observe the imperfections of others, when they can not be any advantage and when you do not disclose, or is not objectionable?
all depends on the intentions, of course, the context is not prohibitive to see evil where it exists. It would be even a disadvantage not see anywhere that the property would be an illusion that would be detrimental to progress. The blame is to fall back to this observation at the expense of others, discrediting the view of him. It would be even more reprehensible to do so only to pleased with themselves, with the feeling of malice and with the joy of finding the other in colpa. Cosa del tutto diversa è invece quella di gettare un velo sul male, per il pubblico, e di limitarsi ad osservarlo per il proprio vantaggio personale, ossia per stare attenti ad evitare ciò che si biasima negli altri. L’osservazione stessa, d’altronde, è di sicura utilità per il moralista. Come farebbe
egli a dipingere i difetti e gli errori dell’umanità, se non ne studiasse i modelli?
 (SAN LUIGI, Parigi, 1860).

21. Ci sono casi in cui diviene utile svelare il male di altri?
Questa è una domanda molto delicata, ed è qui che bisogna fare appello alla carità ben compresa. Se le imperfezioni di una persona non nuocciono che a lei stessa, non è mai utile farle conoscere; ma se possono portare pregiudizio ad altri occorre preferire l’interesse dei molti a quello di uno solo. Secondo le circostanze, smascherare l’ipocrisia e la menzogna può essere um dovero, perché è meglio che un uomo cada piuttosto che molti divengano suoi zimbelli o suo vittime. In questi casi occorre saper pesare l’insieme dei vantaggi degli inconvenienti.
(SAN LUIGI, Parigi, 1860).

Il Vangelo secondo gli Spiriti (Allan Kardec)

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5. Voi sapete che è stato detto: Non commettere adulterio. Ma io vi dico che chiunque avrà guardato una donna per desiderarla, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
St. Matthew, Chapter V, verses 27 and 28).
6. The word adultery here should not be construed as exclusive of its normal meaning, but in a more general sense, Jesus has often used to describe evil, sin and every evil thought, for example, in this passage: " Because whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, in the midst of this faithless and perverse generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes
in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. " (St. Mark, Chapter VIII, verse 38) (1).
The true purity is not only acts but also in thought, for he who does not think his heart is pure evil: this is what Jesus meant, also condemned sin in thought because it is a sign of impurity.
This principle of course raises another question: You suffer from a bad thought, though it is not followed by actions? We must make an important distinction here. A core measure, which was entered in the bad way, moving towards the spiritual life, lights and strips gradually of its imperfections, more or less depending on the goodwill it uses, according to his agency. Any thoughts cannot, then, is the result of imperfection of the soul: but on account of desire it was designed to purify, this evil thought itself becomes an opportunity for you to progress, because
vigorously rejects it. It is the sign of a stain that strives to erase: if you offer the opportunity to meet um sinful desire, will not sell, and after he has endured, will feel strong and proud of his victory.
On the contrary, the soul that has not taken good resolutions, look for the occasion, and if it makes the act of sin is not because of his will, but that the failure is an opportunity, so it is just as guilty as if he had committed the act. In summary: the person who does not conceive nemmeno l’idea del male, il progresso è già compiuto; in quella cui questo pensiero viene ma è respinto, il progresso si sta compiendo; in quella, invece, che di questo pensiero si compiace, il male ha ancora tutta la sua forza. Nell’una il lavoro è già fatto, nell’altra è ancora da fare. Dio, che è giusto, tiene conto di tutte queste sfumature nel vagliare la responsabilità delle azioni e dei pensieri dell’uomo.

Il Vangelo secondo gli Spiriti (Allan Kardec)

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The torments VOLUNTEERS

L’uomo è continuamente occupato ad inseguire la felicità che continuamente gli sfugge, perché pure happiness does not exist on earth. Nevertheless, despite the ups and downs that are the inevitable march of this life, he could at least enjoy a relative happiness, but he continues to look into things perishable and subject to the same vicissitudes, and that is in material pleasures, instead of looking in the joys foretaste of the immortal soul that make the joys of heaven. Instead of seeking peace of heart, the only true happiness here on earth, man is eager for anything that can shake and disturb it, and it seems strange that the torments that are created on purpose just to avoid him. There are
torment greater than those caused by envy and jealousy? For the envious e il geloso no v’è tregua; hanno perpetuamente la lebbre; ciò che essi non hanno e che altri possiedono è per loro causa di insonnie; i successi dei loro rivali danno a loro le vertigini; la loro emulazione si esercita soltanto con il cercare di eclissare i loro vicini, tutta la loro gioia consiste nell’eccitare la rabbia della gelosia che li possiede,
negli insensati come loro. Poveri insensati, davvero, che non riflettono che domani, forse, saranno costretti ad abbandonare tutti quei balocchi, la bramosia dei quali ha avvelenato tutta la loro vita! Non è a loro che si applicano le parole: “Felici gli afflitti perché saranno consolati”, non essendo i loro affanni di quelli che troveranno compenso in the cycle.
many torments you save, on the contrary, he who can make do with what he has, which looks at what he did not envy, it does not appear more than what it is. It is always rich, because if you look below him, rather than above, see always the people who have less than he has, it is calm because you do not create needs chimeric and calm amid the storms of Life Is not happiness?

The Gospel According to the Spirits (Allan Kardec)

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When Christ said: "Blessed are those who mourn for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, "did not speak generally of those who suffer, for those who are suffering down here, so the throne as the straw. But, alas, few know how to suffer, few realize that only the hardships they endured with equanimity may lead to the kingdom of God Discouragement is a sin, because God refuses the consolations you have courage. Prayer is the soul for support, but not enough: they need to be accompanied by a lively faith in the goodness of God You have been told often that he will not bread never too heavy a burden on the weak shoulders, but the burden is proportionate forces, as the reward will be proportionate to the strength and courage. The reward will be even more magnificent as the affliction has been painful. But this reward, you deserve it, and that's why life is full of tribulations.
The soldier who is sent to war is not happy, why not rest in the camp gives him no advantage in career be like the soldier, not long for a rest in which wear out your body and your soul s'intorpidisca . Be happy when God sends you to fight. This fight is not
the fire of battle, but the bitterness of life, where courage is needed, the greater because the same man who will remain firm against the enemy, will bend under the spasm a stranglehold. Men have no rewards for these kinds of courage, but God gives him the crown and a glorious destiny. Occurs when there are grounds for punishment or opposition, try to overcome it, and when you are able to master the
outbursts of impatience, anger or despair, you can tell with deserved satisfaction: "I was the stronger."
Blessed are those who mourn, then can be translated thus: Blessed are those who have had the opportunity to prove their faith, their steadfastness, their perseveranzza and their submission to the will of God, because they will be made one hundred times the joy who have lost on earth, and after the fatigue will the rest.

The Gospel According to the Spirits (Allan Kardec)

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A demo is worth every carnival

Mortal Kombat
From the time of Deadly Alliance, the series has progressed mainly by subtraction, until you reach a chapter 9, which basically marks the return to classical sources, removed the three-dimensionality of the arenas, the weapons and long combo with "switch" between different fighting styles, already from the demo you can imagine how the game has done nothing but win. Action
simple and straightforward, no frills, 2D layers which include the traditional setting, short and easily memorized combos that still leave room for experimentation in chains.
Moves 'x-ray' might be called the equivalent (for the more aesthetic, since the principle of loading is reversed) of ultra Street Figheri 4, spectacular animation, the idea of \u200b\u200b"spezzaossa" MK4 but become central to the economy of the match by removing a fucking energy.
Belli massive models of wrestlers, with the new system of tissue damage and organic clothing and animations surprisingly pleasant.
The demo features four characters (Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Mileena and Cage) with a lot of finishing moves and two backgrounds (remake of 'forest living' and 'the pit 2' by MK2), ending with a movie summarizing tag-team, Kripto, assorted minigames and so on.
So, if good day sees in the morning, all good fatality.

Motorstorm Apocalypse
What Evolution Studios had scrubbed a priori with the change of environment was an ominous feeling pretty strong before you even get your hands on the demo, which actually offers a slope and means to say the least anonymous (and ridiculous that men do invest). The urban environment seems to flatten out the series on the playful and aesthetic standards of most modern arcade racing; difficult to appreciate immediate changes to the driving model that can be upgraded or otherwise effective.
A nose, an interesting choice for the most ardent fan of the series vogliano un nuovo pretesto per speronarsi online.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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contemporary man and woman, seduced by the inordinate ambitions of the power that gives them luxury, fun and pleasure of living constantly asleep meet the real spiritual responsibility. Judged to be of secondary importance, in the vain illusion
being able to solve any time a certain inner conflict, to focus thoughts and emotions I'estemo with serious damage to I'armonia spiritual.
concerns and desires of the individual are fundamentally materialistic and, believing him to be wrong a special, safe to suffering, the sorrow and the hereafter
unpleasant that are inevitable, ultimately anesthetized oblivious of biological phenomena in constant change and unexpected events
moral, not to mention even the possibility of the event of his death or that of a loved one.
Distracted by a maze of illusions, spends his time in the ecstasy of the pleasure away from any effort that can raise your spiritual life, which inevitably awaits
iI when back to consciousness.
The man convinced that his happiness will never end and that he enjoys the favors will be eternal ... Wretched capacity of consideration and respect for life and
But when asked to crescere, a evolvere attraverso le sofferenze quotidiane, impreparato e indifeso, sprofonda nella piu cupa sofferenza o nella rivolta, nella
paura o nella fuga, cercando di evitare gli ostacoli, oppure affrontandoli con ostilita, acrimonia, violenza e sventatezza...
il risultato, si capisce, e negativo, se non addirittura infelice. Manca all'uomo moderno. la conoscenza della Dottrina di Gesu e la sua pratica.
Confusa o falsificata da formule vane o da un verbalismo privo di significato spirituale essa e accettata come proposta sociale di un certo rilievo o come antica tradizione
familiare, mantenuta senza pero una profonda esperienza.
La perfetta lezione dell'amore, ripetuta ali'infinito ma poco sperimentata, basterebbe da sola ad alterare il paesaggio morale degli esseri umani, dando loro la capacita
di raggiungere la felicita. Per questa ragione fra le persone c'e molta gioia chiassosa, si creano grandi esplosioni di feste, si fa a gara per raggiungere il piacere ma esiste poca armonia tra gli esseri umani.
Si moltiplicano gli elogi dell'intelligenza ma anche i conflitti del sentimento. Esseri vuoti vagano in tutte le direzioni e i viandanti che hanno perso I'orientamento esistenziale si ubriacano di utopie per fuggire da se stessi e dagli altri.
Lo Spiritismo giunge in questo momento cosi delicato come la risposta di un Cielo generoso a una Terra angosciata, offrendole le direttrici, i mezzi e i lumi che rendono
possibile la vera pace.
E necessario that there is an awakening to the values \u200b\u200bbefore the Eternal Spirit, so that you can identify with ourselves and with the good. We gathered in this small work thirty-challenge problems, frequently present in human daily life, which often put us in difficulty.
Without any claim to provide exact solutions we present the views of optimists and give space to a spiritual vision, positive behavior.
We have not added any new concept that is not already known, there are only limited to resubmit those already known in new clothes, befitting
our times, full of turmoil and suffering. II hope that our dear reader meditate on the words and our meetings cos) fullness, we invite you to wake up to happiness.

Salvador, February 14, 1996
Joanna de Angelis

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Life is Now, in the here and now. It is elsewhere, in some projection of future load expectations, where we believe we are finally starting to live and feel good, or mired in pain and past failures, events that have already happened and now no longer exist. The sequential time is actually a misleading concept. Life takes place only and only in present time. Be aware of the only real moment, where you can act, and then modify, improve, enjoy, feel and enjoy life, is everything we have to worry

. Be aware of it mean to be masters of their own existence. Nothing and nobody can frighten us when we are conscious in the present moment because the fears are unleashed by the memory of the past or related to a hypothetical future time has not yet submitted.

This has always been seen by all, and shamanic traditions from all disciplines that deal with soul searching, the creative moment, the reality in which everything exists and you can feel. Our evolution has been undermined long ago by malicious systems of beliefs that have influenced our awareness until we receive limits that do exist only in our subconscious, and now in this part reactive to decline that often we rely repeatedly finishing off the track.

Again and again, until we have had enough and choose to listen to something else, another part of us, something we do not know the existence despite its continued pressure through the sensations (not emotions) and can direct us to our good, authentic one. This is unquestionably the most powerful and wise that we have a precious resource that we all can access at any time, the only one who knows how to honor and recognize the immensity of Now.

Our ego mind, this "entity" that traps us, is nothing but a filter that reacts based on situations and emotions, not necessarily real, related to past or future, and are amplified by the repetition of thought-forms depotenzianti. Acts coldly, produces positive emotions and negative emotions ephemeral lasting, feels threatened by this and is essentially the ego with which we identify incorrectly. Rather than act as a medium, has become hypertrophic, constantly active, noisy and has gradually taken over to become the only "eye", the only tool for the interpretation and evaluation of reality, drawing them into a spiraling depression from which it is difficult exit. However it is not invincible. It can be transcended maintaining a state of presence, noting their thoughts and practices with sufficient consistency inner silence.

To do that we have necessarily disciplined and get used to get in touch with our deeper mind, the place where he lives, including the fundamental archetypes, awareness of being. It is a creative place as well as a place of peace. Is knowing how to access this our depth the true fulfillment and true satisfaction you can only reach eternity of Now, when you are totally present and in the absence of noise. This mode of experience helps us connect with our inner guidance that will always suggest an immediate certainty and the right way and in harmony with the whole. Intuition and inspiration will guide us towards action fairest, the truest. Not knowing how to listen, and then use it, works in us continuing emotional imbalances that feed into a vicious circle, compulsions and sufferings. All this, protracted, besides being painful for any person, eventually pollute the "fabric" that connects us to each other. There is power in what we repeatedly with a certain emotional intensity and energy spreads, we must be responsible for creators to be able to determine the quality.

choose this way to touch them until we perceived as real e viventi nel qui ed ora, presuppone un lavoro notevole su se stessi che inizia con lo scollegarsi dalla propria "confusione interiore". Solo chi è davvero stanco di soffrire inutilmente e crede che il capolavoro che rappresenta sia più che un fascio di riflessi condizionati, può raggiungere la consapevolezza del suo vero essere, dell'Io sono, cioè l'unica "sostanza" che può apprezzare l'Adesso (senza tempo) e goderne pienamente.

Dal blog Coscienza Evoluta

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(domande e risposte)

258 - Nello stato erratico, prima d’intraprendere una nuova esistenza corporea, ha lo Spirito coscienza e
foreknowledge of the things that happen during the new life?
Answer: "It's not that he himself, using his free will
choose the kind of evidence, which wants to undergo?".
Question: - So it is not God, who gl'impone the tribulations of life as a punishment?
Answer: "Nothing happens without God's permission, because he alone has established all the laws that govern the universe.
perhaps do you expect to know why we have made a law, rather than another? By giving the Spirit the freedom of choice, it leaves all the eligibility of his actions and their consequences, his future is not opposed to stumble: the way to good to be open as that of evil. But if the Spirit succumbs to testing, remains a consolation: all is not over for him, and God in his goodness allows him to repeat what he has done badly. Moreover, we must distinguish what is the work of God's will, and that is the work of human will. If a danger is threatening you, not you that you have created, but God. You take voluntarily, because we've seen half of play, and why God allowed it to you. "
259 - If the Spirit has the power to choose the kind of evidence that should be, perhaps it follows that all the tribulations of his life have been foreseen and chosen by him?
Answer: "To have to choose the kind of proof does not mean we can predict everything that happens in life from the smallest detail, because these are the consequence of our condition, and often in our own acts. If the Spirit, let's say, chose to be born among criminals, he knew he was exposed to such temptations, but each share that he would have done, and that would have the effect of his will or free will.
The Spirit knows that choosing the path that will have to suffer that particular kind of struggle: thus knows the nature of the vicissitudes that meet, but not the form in which the cases arise. Accidentals details arise from the circumstances and the nature of things. Only the big events, those who have a lot of weight on the fate, are expected by the Spirit. If you take a road fraught with stumbling, you know you should use great care, because, you run the danger of falling, but you do not know what the place would fall, and they may not fall if you are careful enough. If, going by the way, you drop a tile on her head, do not think like the crowd, it was written. "
260 - Why do you want a Spirit can arise between people of ill repute?
Answer: 'You know that is sent into an environment where it can be proved that he asked. So we need a certain analogy to fight, for example, against the instinct of evil, it is necessary for him to be among people dedicated to evil. "
Question: - So, if there were no bad people on earth, some spirits may not find the necessary environment for their tests?
Answer: "It 's so. Perhaps there is reason to regret? Only the higher worlds, where they do not live that good spirits, are inaccessible to evil. Let soon be the same on your land. "
261 - In the tests that have to suffer in order to improve, the Spirit must try all sorts of temptations, or, in other words, it must go through all the circumstances, which may excite in him pride, envy, 'avarice, sensuality, and the like?
Answer: "No, of course, because, you know that there are those who take a way from the outset that exempt them from many trials, and that only those who are just drifting along on the wrong road runs all the dangers that this presents. One Spirit, for example, can request and obtain the wealth: he then, according to its nature, is likely to be generous or stingy, selfish or generous, or may be given in the arm to all the pleasures of sensuality, but this does not mean that he must necessarily pass to the rigmarole of all these passions. "
262 - Why the Spirit, which originally is simple, ignorant and inexperienced, can make an informed choice because a way of existence, and be held to answer for the choice?
Answer: "God makes up for his inexperience, a road map to follow, like you do for a child from the cradle, but, in that it carries out free will, little by little the leaves that is master of scegliere.Allora often he departed, taking the wrong path, if you do not listen to the advice of good spirits here is what might be called the fall of man. "
Question: - Now that the Spirit is the exercise of his free will, the choice of new bodily existence always and exclusively dependent on his will, or the new life he may be imposed by God as expiation?
Answer: "God knows wait and not rush the atonement. However, it can impose a life in a spirit when, this, inferiority or evil will not understand your best, and when it sees that new life can serve to purify and advancement to him, at the same time there makes an atonement. "
263 - Spirits make their choice immediately after death?
Answer: "No, because many believe the eternity of punishment, which would, as I was told, is a punishment."
264 - Who directed the Spirit in the choice tests that want to be?
Answer: "He himself chose those that can be a sin, according to the nature of his crimes, and can develop it as soon as possible. So some are binding on a life of misery and deprivation with respect to bear with courage, while others want to challenge the temptations of fortune and power, very dangerous for the abuse that he can do, and giving rise to the evil passions; still others tend to unwind with the struggles that the virtuous man must fight, if in contact with the vice. "
265 - We understand that some spirits choose the contact of the defect as evidence, but there are none of those who choose it moved by sympathy and a desire to live in an environment consistent with their tastes, in order to give satisfaction in the arms of materials ?
Answer: "This is regrettable, and there are those whose moral sense is still underdeveloped, but the proof is then by itself, and lasts longer. Sooner or later include, however, that the satisfaction of the brutal passions have damaging consequences to which they are subject to a period of time to them shall seem eternal, and God will leave them in that state, until they have understood their fault, and they domandina themselves to atone with evidence profitable. "
266 - does not seem natural to choose the tests less painful?
Answer: "For you, yes, the Spirit not. When released from the subject, the illusion ceases, and he thinks differently. "

Kardec: L’uomo sulla terra, dominato dalle idee mondane, vede in queste prove il lato penoso, e perciò gli sembra naturale che si scelgano quelle che possono concedere i godimenti materiali; ma poi, nella vita spiritica, paragona questi così fugaci e grossolani con la felicità inalterabile che intravede: e allora che gli importano pochi patimenti passeggeri? Quindi lo Spirito può scegliere la più dura prova, l’esistenza più penosa, nella speranza di giungere in breve a uno stato migliore, come l’infermo sceglie spesso per guarire più presto il farmaco più disgustoso. Chi vuole legare il suo nome alla scoperta di una ignota contrada non sceglie una via fiorita: conosce i pericoli che corre, but also knows well the glory that awaits him if he can.
The theory of freedom in the choice of our lives and trials, that there must be, ceases to seem strange when you consider that spirits, freed from matter, appreciate things differently than we do. They see the goal infinitely more valuable than fleeting pleasures of this world, and because, after all there watching the progress they have made, including what is yet wanting them alone to get there. That is why we voluntarily submit to all the vicissitudes of corporeal life, and prefer those who can push forward as soon as possible. Wrongly, therefore, we wonder who sees a spirit not nominate the existence less troubled. As long as he continues in imperfection, can not enjoy life immune to bitterness, but knows that awaits him beyond the error, and to eventually try to improve. On the other hand we do not have all day under the eyes examples of such choices?
The man who works tirelessly and rest two-thirds of life for accumulation of mature age to obtain the well-being, perhaps not imposed a tough task at hand in view of a better future? The soldier who has volunteered to perform a dangerous task, the traveler, who faces no less dangerous in the interest of science or of his fortune, not voluntarily choose those daring trials, so, obtaining them, if they are headed, honors and benefits? What subjects does not and will not expose humans to the interest or for the glory? All contests are not themselves evidence, to which he submits his own will to rise in your career? No one comes to some high social rank, whether in science, both in the arts, both in industries, both public and private offices, if not by the lengthy process of the lower grades, which are a lot of real evidence. Thus human life is the reproduction of the spirit-life, because you're in the same small adventures. Therefore if we choose to land is often the toughest tests in order to climb higher, because, ever the Spirit, which sees much more in there, and so the life of the body is just a quick incident, I would choose a life troubled, hard-working when it should lead to eternal happiness? Those who say that if the Spirit has the choice of its existence, principles or ask to be millionaires, as are short-sighted, who can not see if they touch, or how those children gluttons, who, when questioned about which profession wish to pursue, fulfill, that of the baker or confectioner. This
the traveler, who, at the bottom of a valley dark mist, sees neither the length nor the extreme points of his own way; but, come on top of the mountain, a panoramic view and the ground covered and what remains to be done, so that in seeing the goal and obstacles that will cross the street, can more confidently find the most appropriate ways to reach sooner and more easily to the goal. The Spirit
complexion is like the traveler who is still down in the valley, free from the bonds of Earth is like the traveler on the summit of the mountain The goal is for the traveler to rest after exertion, for the Spirit's supreme happiness after trials and tests.
All Spirits say that in the wrong state investigating, studying, looking to make their choice, and we life in the body do not often try for years and years career, which freely fix our choice, to achieve the goal we set ourselves? If we fail in one, we find another, and every career that spans, it's a phase, a period of life. We do not think we every day
what we do tomorrow? Now the different corporeal existences are in the Spirit as phases, periods of his spirit-life, which we know is his normal life, not being of the body or transient and transient.

267 - may the Spirit make their choice during the life of the body?
Answer: "Sometimes yes, at times when it frees itself from the matter wraps, but these are exceptions. The choice is made to the state of freedom, because then he sees things in a manner very different. "
Question: - I wish more sizes and riches, but it seems that it is neither for atonement, or as
Answer: "Those who are subject prevails want them to enjoy, those in which prevails the spirit, aggressive in their vicissitudes."
268 - Until the Spirit does not reach the highest degree of purity, must be continually testing?
Answer: "Yes, but which do you mean, you call trials tribulations materials. In this spirit, reached a certain degree, without being perfect, no longer has to suffer, instead of devolving more responsibilities to help him and failed to perfect the least painful, and there is also between these duties to contribute another's perfection. "
269 - Can the Spirit be mistaken in the choice of proof?
Answer: "You can choose one that is beyond his power, and then succumbs, and may also choose one that's not conducive at all: that is, for example, choosing a life of idle and useless. But it's back in the spirit world, you remember, and asked to remedy the lost time. "
270 - derived from the vocation and the will to pursue a career rather than another?
Answer: "That question you can answer yourself. Are not these things, perhaps a consequence of what we said about the choice of tests and the progress made in past lives? ".
271 - Since the Spirit in the wrong state to study the different conditions that can progress, as ever there are those who think to achieve that goal, arising, for example, among the cannibals?
Answer: "I'm not thinking already developed those born between cannibals, but the very nature of them, or even lower."

Kardec: We know that our cannibals are not the last step of the scale of beings, since there are worlds where the degradation and cruelty far exceed the barbarity of the earth. Those spirits are thus still below agl'infimi embodiment of our world among our wild and their progress, as it would be a step forward for the cannibals of us to exercise a profession, which require them to shed blood. If you do not aim higher, this is because the moral inferiority does not allow them to understand a major advance. The Spirit, since, gradually progressing, can not cross a jump in the distance that separates barbarism from civilization. And 'one of the reasons that make the reincarnation necessary and entirely consistent with the God's justice, otherwise what would become of those millions of people who die every day in the lowest grades of humanity if we do not have the means to arrive when it's time to higher grades? God would unfairly deprived them of the favors granted to other men.

272 - spirits who come from a world below the earth, or from one of the most barbaric people that there is on earth, as, for example, by cannibals, could be incarnated in our civilized peoples?
Answer: "Yes, there are some who want to mislead with rising too high, but then are moved around you, such as those costumes and that clash with your instincts."

Kardec: Are those esseri, che ci danno il tristo spettacolo della ferocia in mezzo alla civiltà. Ritornando fra gli antropofaghi, essi, anziché‚ retrocedere, non faranno che riprendere il loro posto, e forse vi guadagneranno ancora.

273 - Un uomo che avesse fatto parte di un popolo civile, potrebbe per espiazione reincarnarsi in mezzo ad una razza selvaggia?
Risposta: «Sì, ma secondo il genere di espiazione. Un padrone, che in una esistenza sia stato crudele coi suoi schiavi, potrà in un’altra essere schiavo a sua volta, e soffrire i mali trattamenti che avrà fatto patire agli altri, come colui che abbia malamente comandato, potrà essere costretto ad ubbidire a coloro che nella vita gli erano subordinati. They atonement that God can impose on those who abuse his authority. It happens also sometimes, a good spirit that chooses a life among the barbarians to move them and guide them on the path of progress, so what is a mission. "

Allan Kardec

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CHOICE OF TESTS - THE LAW OF PLAY - the world's population - and Succession improvement of the breed - Barriers to Reproduction - Marriage and Celibacy - Polygamy

(questions and answers)

population of the globe:

686 - The reproduction of living beings is a law of nature?
Answer: "I must ask, why not play the world would perish."
687 - If the population continues to grow as has always happened up to now, the day will come when it will be exuberant on earth?
Answer: "No, God provides for this, and always keeps the balance. The man, who sees only a small part of the picture of nature, can not judge the harmony of the whole. "

Succession and improvement of the breed:

688 - There are races that diminish visibly, the time comes, they will be missing from the earth?
Answer: "Yes, but others will take the place already, as others take up your day."
689 - The men of our time are a new creation, or the improved descendants of primitive beings?
Answer: "It's the same spirit returns to to specialize in new bodies, but not quite perfect. Thus, the present human race, which with its proliferation throughout the world invades and replaces the races that have been discharged, in turn will have a period of decline, and disappear, and then the surrogate other races even more improved, going down by this, men as civilized beings today are descended from wild beasts and primitive times. "
690 - From the purely physical bodies of the breed today is a special creation, or proceeding from the bodies
primitive way of reproduction?
Answer: "The origin of the races is lost in the mists of time, but since they all belong to the great human family
, whatever the strain of each primitive, were able to mix and produce new types.
691 - What is the physical side, the distinctiveness and dominance of the early races?
Answer: 'Development of brute force at the expense of intellect. Now is the opposite, he uses the best intelligence that the body's energy, yet produces a hundred times more, because he knew how to capitalize on the forces of nature. "
692 - The improvement of animal breeds and plant by means of science is against the law of nature?
would perhaps be more in line with this law, let things take their normal course?
Answer: "Everything must farsi per giungere alla perfezione, e l’uomo è uno strumento, del quale Iddio si serve per conseguire i suoi fini. Ora, poiché la perfezione è la mèta a cui tende la natura, favorirla è rispondere ai suoi fini».
Domanda: - Ma l’uomo, in genere, nei suoi sforzi per il miglioramento delle razze, è mosso da un sentimento
personale, e non mira ad altro che ad accrescere i suoi piaceri: questo non ne diminuisce il merito?
Risposta: «E che importa, purché il progresso si faccia? A lui la cura di rendere meritoria la sua opera con l’intenzione. D’altra parte, con questo lavoro egli esercita e svolge la sua intelligenza, ed è da questo lato che ne approfitta di more. "

Obstacles to Playing:

693 - The laws and customs personnel, have to aim or effect of hampering the reproduction
are contrary to the laws of nature?
Answer: "Everything that crosses the path of nature, is contrary to the general law."
Question: - But there are species of living beings, animals and plants, to reproduce indefinitely would be damaging to other species, and of which the victim would soon man himself, he is reprehensible act by trying to prevent their reproduction?
Answer: "God gave man the dominion over all living things so it goes for good, but not abusi. Egli può regolare la riproduzione secondo i bisogni, ma non le deve porre ostacolo senza necessità. L’azione intelligente dell’uomo è un contrappeso stabilito da Dio per bilanciare le forze della natura, e questo fa egli, a differenza dei bruti, con cognizione di causa; ma anche gli animali cooperano a questo equilibrio, poiché col loro istinto di distruzione, mentre provvedono al proprio sostentamento, arrestano la moltiplicazione eccessiva, od anche pericolosa, delle specie animali e vegetali, di cui si nutriscono».
694 - Come giudicare le pratiche che impediscono la riproduzione per soddisfare la sensualità?
Risposta: «Provano il predominio del corpo sull’anima, e quanto l’uomo is a slave of matter. "

Marriage and Celibacy:

695 - Marriage, namely the permanent union of two beings, is contrary to the law of nature?
Answer: 'It is a progress in humanity's journey. "
696 - What effect would have on human society for the abolition of marriage?
Answer: "The beast back to life."

Kardec: The combination of free and casual sex is the state of nature. Marriage is one of the first acts of progress in human societies, because it establishes the bonds of family, and is found among all peoples, although under different conditions. The abolition of marriage would then return to the infancy of mankind, and would place the man under certain animals, which give the example of constant union.
697 - The insolubility of marriage is the absolute law of nature, or only in the human law?
Answer: 'It reads quite contrary to that of human nature, but men can change their laws: only those of nature are immutable. "
698 - Voluntary Celibacy is a state of perfection, which has merit before God?
Answer: "No, and those who choose this state for selfishness are displeasing to God, and deceive people."
699 - But it can not be celibate some sacrifice in order to devote himself entirely to the service of humanity?
Answer: "The thing is quite different, I said to selfishness. Every sacrifice is meritorious, when it has a purpose for good and what is more serious than the sacrifice, the greater the merit. "

Kardec: God can not contradict and can not condemn what he did, then he can not see any merit in violation of its law. But, if celibacy for himself is not meritorious, it becomes that when, for the renunciation of the joys of family, is a sacrifice made for the benefit of humanity. Every sacrifice made for the purpose of good and without ulterior motives of selfishness, that elevates man above his material condition.


700 - The numerical equality, which exists more or less between the sexes, the proportion is a sign that they must be united?
"Yes, because in nature everything has its end."
701 - Which of the two, monogamy or polygamy, is more consistent with the law of nature?
"Polygamy is a human law, the abolition of which represents a social progress. Marriage, according to the will of God, must be based sull'affezione beings coming together now that there is no polygamy in sensuality. "

Kardec: If the polygamy was legal in nature, should be universal, which would be physically impossible for the numerical equality of the sexes. It should be regarded instead as a custom, or a particular law proper to certain morals and social improvement to disappear gradually.


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629 - What is the definition of morality?
Answer: "Morality is the rule to live righteously, that is, to distinguish good from evil. It is based
compliance with the law of God Man lives correctly when it is all for the good of all. "
630 - How can you distinguish good from evil?
Answer: "Well, is all that is in accordance with the law of God, all this evil that is opposed. As a result, doing good is keep the law of God to do evil is violated. "
631 - the man has in itself the means to distinguish what is good and what is evil?
Answer: "Yes, when he believes in God and wants to follow the virtue God has given intelligence in order not to deviate from the path of good."
632 - The man, as subject to error, can not err in appreciation of the good and evil, We believe we are good, but when does it hurt?
Answer: "Jesus told you: Do, or do not do to others what you would like it was doing, or not done to you. Watch this precept, and not deceived. "
633 - The rule of good and evil, which could call for reciprocity, it can not be applied to personal
duties of man towards himself. Can he find a safe guide for those in the natural law?
Answer: "When you eat too much, you have the evil: it is God who gives you the measure of how much you need.
Passing this measure, you are punished. And so in all. The natural law to man mark the limits of its needs. When he passes them, goes straight up to the punishment. If the man's voice heard in any thing that cries: Enough!, Would avoid most of the ills that accuses nature. "
634 - Why is the nature of things moral evil? He could not God create humanity in the best condition?
Answer: "I will have already said, the spirits were created simple and ignorant (see No. 115). God allows man to choose the route to be followed. Too bad for him if he chooses the bad, because his pilgrimage will be longer. If there were no mountains, the man could not understand what are the ascent and descent, and if there were no boulders, not understand that there are some hard bodies. Thus the Spirit gains experience and learns about good and evil: this is why the union with the body of the Spirit. " (See number 119).
635 - The various welfare states create new needs, which are not equal for all men. So the natural law
is not a uniform rule?
Answer: "The different states are in the order of nature and under the law of progress. Point do not break the unity of natural law, which applies to everything. "

Kardec: The conditions of human existence with the change with the times and places: they are for him different needs and welfare states is appropriate to them. Now, this diversity, as is the order of things is in conformity with the law of God, whose truth is not the least affected in principle. At the right touches distinguish real needs from the convenience or convention.

636 - Good and evil are absolute for all men?
Answer: "The law of God is the same for all, the good is always good, evil is always evil, whatever
human condition, but the difference lies in the degree of responsibility and intention."
637 - The Wild, which feeds on human flesh gives in to his instincts, he is guilty?
response: "Evil it all depends on the will to do so. Man è tanto più colpevole, quanto meglio sa quello che fa».

Kardec: Le circostanze danno al bene ed al male una gravità relativa. L’uomo commette spesso delle colpe le quali, benché conseguenze della condizione in cui lo ha posto la società, non sono punto meno riprovevoli: ma la sua colpevolezza è sempre in ragione della conoscenza che egli ha del bene e del male. Quindi l’uomo illuminato, che commette una semplice ingiustizia, è agli occhi di Dio più colpevole dell’ignorante
selvaggio, che si abbandona ai propri istinti.

638 - Talora sembra che il male sia conseguenza della forza delle cose, donde spesso la necessità nell’uomo di sopprimere il suo simile. There is also in this case, transgression of God's law?
response: "Evil does not cease to be evil, because it is necessary, but this disappears with the hard necessity of purifying the soul, passing from one existence to another: when a man commits evil, it is much more responsible, as
longer understands. "
639 - The evil we commit, it is often the product of the condition in which they put
other men? And if so, who is to blame more?
Answer: "The bad falls on him who was the cause, and then the man who was dragged from the condition in which it was placed by his peers, is less culpable of them, for each pay not only the punishment of the evil that he has done, but also what others have done through his own fault. "
640 - Who does not do evil, but take advantage of that fact by another, is also guilty?
Answer: "How do you commit to take advantage of him because that is the same part. It is true that perhaps the point of action, it would abstain, but found it did, it benefits you: does he now say that approves it, and that would have made himself if he could, or if he dared. "
641 - The desire of evil is as reprehensible as the evil itself?
Answer: "Depending on the circumstances: to resist the desire to voluntarily of evil, especially when it is the ability to satisfy it, is a virtue, do not do evil, just because it is missing an opportunity to blame. "
642 - Just do not do evil to be grateful to God and to ensure future happiness?
Answer: "No: we need to do good within the limits of his strength, because everyone realizes that the evil will be born as a result of the good that he has neglected to do."
643 - There is someone who, for his condition, not the ability to do good?
Answer: "No, the egoist not only never found occasion. Just be in touch with other men to find a way to do good, and every day Life gives us the possibility to anyone not blinded by selfishness, because doing good is not just being charitable, but also be useful according to his ability, in whatever way each time it appears to him the opportunity. "
644 - The environment, in which some are located, is not for them the primary cause of many vices and crimes?
Answer: "Yes, but that is precisely the test selected by the Spirit in the state of freedom: he wanted to expose himself to
temptation for the substance of the resistance."
645 - When a man is in a certain way, the atmosphere of vice, evil does not become for him a
almost irresistible attraction?
Answer: "Attractive, yes, no compelling because in the midst of vicious atmosphere often find large virtù.Queste virtues are exercised by spirits who had the strength to resist, and at the same time the mission to exert a beneficial influence on their peers. "
646 - The merit of the good that one does, it is conditional? Namely, there are degrees of the merits of good?
Answer: "The merit of the good is the difficulty: I do not have anyone who does so at his leisurely without any sacrifice. The poor, who shares with others his bit of bread, God gives a reward much greater than the rich, which gives the superfluous. Jesus said when he spoke dell'obolo the widow. "


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(questions and answers)

619 - God has given to all men the means to know his law?
Answer: "Everyone may know it, but do not understand. Those who understand it best, are good men. But will the day when we understand it all, so that progress must be fulfilled. " (See numbers 171 to 222).

Kardec: The consequence of this principle is the justice of the various incarnations of man, since ad ogni nuova esistenza il suo intelletto si va svolgendo, e distingue meglio il bene ed il male. Se tutto si dovesse compiere per lui in una sola esistenza, quale sarebbe la sorte di tanti milioni di esseri che muoiono ogni dì nell’abbrutimento della barbarie; o nelle tenebre della ignoranza, senza che dipendesse
da loro l’illuminarsi?

620 - L’anima, prima della sua unione col corpo, comprende la legge di Dio meglio che dopo la sua incarnazione?
Risposta: «Prima d’incarnarsi la comprende secondo il grado di perfezione a cui è arrivata, e ne conserva il ricordo intuitivo dopo la sua unione col corpo. Ma i bassi istinti dell’uomo gliela fanno spesso dimenticare».
621 - Dove God's law is written?
Answer: "In the consciousness."
Question: - But if the man the door already written in his conscience, then what need was there to reveal?
Answer: "He had forgotten and neglected, God willed that he be remembered."
622 - God has given to some men's mission to reveal his law?
Answer: "Yes, in all ages, in higher spirits incarnate in order to advance humanity."
623 - Some of those who claimed to educate people in the law of God, you are deceived, and often did not mislead others with false principles?
Answer: "Yes, because they are not inspired by God, arrogate to themselves for a mission that had no ambition, however, since they were men of genius, among the errors that come together very often taught great truths. "
624 - What is the character of a true prophet?
Answer: "The true prophet is a just man, inspired by God He is recognized by his words and his works. God does not make use of the mouth of the liar, to teach the truth. "
625 - What is the most perfect type that God has given to man, because they need guidance and model?
Answer: "Jesus."

Kardec: Jesus of Nazareth is the kind of moral perfection, a cui può aspirare l’umanità terrestre. Dio ce lo ha dato come il modello perfetto, la cui dottrina è la più esatta espressione della sua legge, perché chi la bandiva era animato dallo Spirito di Verità. Egli fu l’essere più puro che sia mai disceso sulla terra.
Se alcuni di coloro che hanno preteso di istruire gli uomini nella legge di Dio, li hanno invece sviati con principi falsi, questo accadde perché si lasciarono padroneggiare da sentimenti troppo terreni, e perché confusero le leggi che reggono la vita dell’anima, con quelle che reggono la vita del corpo. Molti hanno spacciato come
leggi divine quelle che altro non erano che leggi umane, create per soddisfare le loro passioni e dominare on their peers.

626 - divine and natural laws were not revealed to men by Jesus? And before he got to know that by intuition?
Answer: "There have already said that they are imprinted in the consciousness of everyone? Therefore, all men who have dedicated themselves to the study of wisdom, were able to understand right from the remotest ages, and with their teachings, although incomplete, failed to prepare the ground to receive the good seed. Since the divine laws are written in the book of nature, man had always half-know when he wanted to look: that's why the commandments were proclaimed that they require at any time by the good, and also because it trovano gli elementi nella dottrina morale di tutti i popoli usciti dalla barbarie, quantunque incompiuti ed alterati dall’ignoranza e dalla superstizione».
627 - Se Gesù ha insegnato le vere leggi di Dio, che bisogno c’è degli insegnamenti degli Spiriti? Hanno essi da insegnarci qualche cosa di più?
«La parola di Gesù era spesso allegorica ed in parabole, perché egli parlava secondo i tempi ed i luoghi; ma oggi è necessario che la verità sia intelligibile a tutti; è necessario spiegare bene e svolgere queste leggi, poiché assai pochi le comprendono, e pochissimi le praticano. Noi abbiamo la missione di colpire gli occhi e gli orecchi per confondere gli orgogliosi e smascherare gl’ipocriti, that outwardly slice virtue and religion to disguise their obscenities. The teaching of the Spirit must be clear and explicit, so that no one can excuse himself by ignorance and everyone has sufficient opportunity to judge and appreciate the reason. We are sent to prepare the kingdom of good will preached by Jesus, so that no one should interpret the law of God according to his passions, nor distort the way it is all love and charity. "
628 - Why was not always put the truth to everyone?
Answer: "Because everything has to come in due time. The truth is like light: you accostumarvisi gradually, or dazzles. God had never, for the back, granted the man to receive communications and instructive as those made today, because if in ancient times, some were in possession of what they considered a sacred science, which were mystery to outsiders, you, how already know about the laws that govern these phenomena, you must understand that they only received a few isolated truths in the midst of a series of misunderstandings and things enigmatic. But the scholar must not neglect any system of philosophy, no tradition, no religion of the past, since all contain germs of great truths, which, although apparently contradictory, as they are scattered in a sea of \u200b\u200baccessories without foundation, may with facilità coordinarsi in grazia delle chiavi, che lo Spiritismo vi dà, perché possiate comprendere una moltitudine di cose, che fino ad oggi hanno potuto sembrarvi senza ragione, ma la cui realtà ora vi è dimostrata indiscutibilmente; non tralasciate dunque di attingere in quei vecchi volumi argomenti di studio, poiché ne sono ricchissimi, e possono contribuire molto alla vostra istruzione».

Fonte :Il Libro degli Spiriti ( Allan Kardec)