(domande e risposte)
258 - Nello stato erratico, prima d’intraprendere una nuova esistenza corporea, ha lo Spirito coscienza e
foreknowledge of the things that happen during the new life?
Answer: "It's not that he himself, using his free will
choose the kind of evidence, which wants to undergo?".
Question: - So it is not God, who gl'impone the tribulations of life as a punishment?
Answer: "Nothing happens without God's permission, because he alone has established all the laws that govern the universe.
perhaps do you expect to know why we have made a law, rather than another? By giving the Spirit the freedom of choice, it leaves all the eligibility of his actions and their consequences, his future is not opposed to stumble: the way to good to be open as that of evil. But if the Spirit succumbs to testing, remains a consolation: all is not over for him, and God in his goodness allows him to repeat what he has done badly. Moreover, we must distinguish what is the work of God's will, and that is the work of human will. If a danger is threatening you, not you that you have created, but God. You take voluntarily, because we've seen half of play, and why God allowed it to you. "
259 - If the Spirit has the power to choose the kind of evidence that should be, perhaps it follows that all the tribulations of his life have been foreseen and chosen by him?
Answer: "To have to choose the kind of proof does not mean we can predict everything that happens in life from the smallest detail, because these are the consequence of our condition, and often in our own acts. If the Spirit, let's say, chose to be born among criminals, he knew he was exposed to such temptations, but each share that he would have done, and that would have the effect of his will or free will.
The Spirit knows that choosing the path that will have to suffer that particular kind of struggle: thus knows the nature of the vicissitudes that meet, but not the form in which the cases arise. Accidentals details arise from the circumstances and the nature of things. Only the big events, those who have a lot of weight on the fate, are expected by the Spirit. If you take a road fraught with stumbling, you know you should use great care, because, you run the danger of falling, but you do not know what the place would fall, and they may not fall if you are careful enough. If, going by the way, you drop a tile on her head, do not think like the crowd, it was written. "
260 - Why do you want a Spirit can arise between people of ill repute?
Answer: 'You know that is sent into an environment where it can be proved that he asked. So we need a certain analogy to fight, for example, against the instinct of evil, it is necessary for him to be among people dedicated to evil. "
Question: - So, if there were no bad people on earth, some spirits may not find the necessary environment for their tests?
Answer: "It 's so. Perhaps there is reason to regret? Only the higher worlds, where they do not live that good spirits, are inaccessible to evil. Let soon be the same on your land. "
261 - In the tests that have to suffer in order to improve, the Spirit must try all sorts of temptations, or, in other words, it must go through all the circumstances, which may excite in him pride, envy, 'avarice, sensuality, and the like?
Answer: "No, of course, because, you know that there are those who take a way from the outset that exempt them from many trials, and that only those who are just drifting along on the wrong road runs all the dangers that this presents. One Spirit, for example, can request and obtain the wealth: he then, according to its nature, is likely to be generous or stingy, selfish or generous, or may be given in the arm to all the pleasures of sensuality, but this does not mean that he must necessarily pass to the rigmarole of all these passions. "
262 - Why the Spirit, which originally is simple, ignorant and inexperienced, can make an informed choice because a way of existence, and be held to answer for the choice?
Answer: "God makes up for his inexperience, a road map to follow, like you do for a child from the cradle, but, in that it carries out free will, little by little the leaves that is master of scegliere.Allora often he departed, taking the wrong path, if you do not listen to the advice of good spirits here is what might be called the fall of man. "
Question: - Now that the Spirit is the exercise of his free will, the choice of new bodily existence always and exclusively dependent on his will, or the new life he may be imposed by God as expiation?
Answer: "God knows wait and not rush the atonement. However, it can impose a life in a spirit when, this, inferiority or evil will not understand your best, and when it sees that new life can serve to purify and advancement to him, at the same time there makes an atonement. "
263 - Spirits make their choice immediately after death?
Answer: "No, because many believe the eternity of punishment, which would, as I was told, is a punishment."
264 - Who directed the Spirit in the choice tests that want to be?
Answer: "He himself chose those that can be a sin, according to the nature of his crimes, and can develop it as soon as possible. So some are binding on a life of misery and deprivation with respect to bear with courage, while others want to challenge the temptations of fortune and power, very dangerous for the abuse that he can do, and giving rise to the evil passions; still others tend to unwind with the struggles that the virtuous man must fight, if in contact with the vice. "
265 - We understand that some spirits choose the contact of the defect as evidence, but there are none of those who choose it moved by sympathy and a desire to live in an environment consistent with their tastes, in order to give satisfaction in the arms of materials ?
Answer: "This is regrettable, and there are those whose moral sense is still underdeveloped, but the proof is then by itself, and lasts longer. Sooner or later include, however, that the satisfaction of the brutal passions have damaging consequences to which they are subject to a period of time to them shall seem eternal, and God will leave them in that state, until they have understood their fault, and they domandina themselves to atone with evidence profitable. "
266 - does not seem natural to choose the tests less painful?
Answer: "For you, yes, the Spirit not. When released from the subject, the illusion ceases, and he thinks differently. "
Kardec: L’uomo sulla terra, dominato dalle idee mondane, vede in queste prove il lato penoso, e perciò gli sembra naturale che si scelgano quelle che possono concedere i godimenti materiali; ma poi, nella vita spiritica, paragona questi così fugaci e grossolani con la felicità inalterabile che intravede: e allora che gli importano pochi patimenti passeggeri? Quindi lo Spirito può scegliere la più dura prova, l’esistenza più penosa, nella speranza di giungere in breve a uno stato migliore, come l’infermo sceglie spesso per guarire più presto il farmaco più disgustoso. Chi vuole legare il suo nome alla scoperta di una ignota contrada non sceglie una via fiorita: conosce i pericoli che corre, but also knows well the glory that awaits him if he can.
The theory of freedom in the choice of our lives and trials, that there must be, ceases to seem strange when you consider that spirits, freed from matter, appreciate things differently than we do. They see the goal infinitely more valuable than fleeting pleasures of this world, and because, after all there watching the progress they have made, including what is yet wanting them alone to get there. That is why we voluntarily submit to all the vicissitudes of corporeal life, and prefer those who can push forward as soon as possible. Wrongly, therefore, we wonder who sees a spirit not nominate the existence less troubled. As long as he continues in imperfection, can not enjoy life immune to bitterness, but knows that awaits him beyond the error, and to eventually try to improve. On the other hand we do not have all day under the eyes examples of such choices?
The man who works tirelessly and rest two-thirds of life for accumulation of mature age to obtain the well-being, perhaps not imposed a tough task at hand in view of a better future? The soldier who has volunteered to perform a dangerous task, the traveler, who faces no less dangerous in the interest of science or of his fortune, not voluntarily choose those daring trials, so, obtaining them, if they are headed, honors and benefits? What subjects does not and will not expose humans to the interest or for the glory? All contests are not themselves evidence, to which he submits his own will to rise in your career? No one comes to some high social rank, whether in science, both in the arts, both in industries, both public and private offices, if not by the lengthy process of the lower grades, which are a lot of real evidence. Thus human life is the reproduction of the spirit-life, because you're in the same small adventures. Therefore if we choose to land is often the toughest tests in order to climb higher, because, ever the Spirit, which sees much more in there, and so the life of the body is just a quick incident, I would choose a life troubled, hard-working when it should lead to eternal happiness? Those who say that if the Spirit has the choice of its existence, principles or ask to be millionaires, as are short-sighted, who can not see if they touch, or how those children gluttons, who, when questioned about which profession wish to pursue, fulfill, that of the baker or confectioner. This
the traveler, who, at the bottom of a valley dark mist, sees neither the length nor the extreme points of his own way; but, come on top of the mountain, a panoramic view and the ground covered and what remains to be done, so that in seeing the goal and obstacles that will cross the street, can more confidently find the most appropriate ways to reach sooner and more easily to the goal. The Spirit
complexion is like the traveler who is still down in the valley, free from the bonds of Earth is like the traveler on the summit of the mountain The goal is for the traveler to rest after exertion, for the Spirit's supreme happiness after trials and tests.
All Spirits say that in the wrong state investigating, studying, looking to make their choice, and we life in the body do not often try for years and years career, which freely fix our choice, to achieve the goal we set ourselves? If we fail in one, we find another, and every career that spans, it's a phase, a period of life. We do not think we every day
what we do tomorrow? Now the different corporeal existences are in the Spirit as phases, periods of his spirit-life, which we know is his normal life, not being of the body or transient and transient.
267 - may the Spirit make their choice during the life of the body?
Answer: "Sometimes yes, at times when it frees itself from the matter wraps, but these are exceptions. The choice is made to the state of freedom, because then he sees things in a manner very different. "
Question: - I wish more sizes and riches, but it seems that it is neither for atonement, or as
Answer: "Those who are subject prevails want them to enjoy, those in which prevails the spirit, aggressive in their vicissitudes."
268 - Until the Spirit does not reach the highest degree of purity, must be continually testing?
Answer: "Yes, but which do you mean, you call trials tribulations materials. In this spirit, reached a certain degree, without being perfect, no longer has to suffer, instead of devolving more responsibilities to help him and failed to perfect the least painful, and there is also between these duties to contribute another's perfection. "
269 - Can the Spirit be mistaken in the choice of proof?
Answer: "You can choose one that is beyond his power, and then succumbs, and may also choose one that's not conducive at all: that is, for example, choosing a life of idle and useless. But it's back in the spirit world, you remember, and asked to remedy the lost time. "
270 - derived from the vocation and the will to pursue a career rather than another?
Answer: "That question you can answer yourself. Are not these things, perhaps a consequence of what we said about the choice of tests and the progress made in past lives? ".
271 - Since the Spirit in the wrong state to study the different conditions that can progress, as ever there are those who think to achieve that goal, arising, for example, among the cannibals?
Answer: "I'm not thinking already developed those born between cannibals, but the very nature of them, or even lower."
Kardec: We know that our cannibals are not the last step of the scale of beings, since there are worlds where the degradation and cruelty far exceed the barbarity of the earth. Those spirits are thus still below agl'infimi embodiment of our world among our wild and their progress, as it would be a step forward for the cannibals of us to exercise a profession, which require them to shed blood. If you do not aim higher, this is because the moral inferiority does not allow them to understand a major advance. The Spirit, since, gradually progressing, can not cross a jump in the distance that separates barbarism from civilization. And 'one of the reasons that make the reincarnation necessary and entirely consistent with the God's justice, otherwise what would become of those millions of people who die every day in the lowest grades of humanity if we do not have the means to arrive when it's time to higher grades? God would unfairly deprived them of the favors granted to other men.
272 - spirits who come from a world below the earth, or from one of the most barbaric people that there is on earth, as, for example, by cannibals, could be incarnated in our civilized peoples?
Answer: "Yes, there are some who want to mislead with rising too high, but then are moved around you, such as those costumes and that clash with your instincts."
Kardec: Are those esseri, che ci danno il tristo spettacolo della ferocia in mezzo alla civiltà. Ritornando fra gli antropofaghi, essi, anziché‚ retrocedere, non faranno che riprendere il loro posto, e forse vi guadagneranno ancora.
273 - Un uomo che avesse fatto parte di un popolo civile, potrebbe per espiazione reincarnarsi in mezzo ad una razza selvaggia?
Risposta: «Sì, ma secondo il genere di espiazione. Un padrone, che in una esistenza sia stato crudele coi suoi schiavi, potrà in un’altra essere schiavo a sua volta, e soffrire i mali trattamenti che avrà fatto patire agli altri, come colui che abbia malamente comandato, potrà essere costretto ad ubbidire a coloro che nella vita gli erano subordinati. They atonement that God can impose on those who abuse his authority. It happens also sometimes, a good spirit that chooses a life among the barbarians to move them and guide them on the path of progress, so what is a mission. "
Allan Kardec