Monday, December 20, 2010

Does Rubbing Alcohol Help Soar Throat

Pac-Man 2010: A great arcade noteworthy

paraphrase the introduction to a review of a timeless author of Super Console, " Pac-Man Championship Edition is DX the way that God has to say approving the existence of the video game . "In that case spoke of a different product, but the underlying meaning is the same: the existence of the divine and immortal Game. Pac-Man is an arcade-based CH up gameplay with three decades on the shoulders in turn the son of a review of three years ago out on the Microsoft platform, which shows itself in the guise of fresh and current as a few others. If we want to, just his being the reshuffle of a reshuffle increases even more the value of its success.

The ingredients that make it a must not miss are the mechanics bright and lively, in turn, obtained by an extraordinary usability. Thanks to simple (as meaningful) additions of things like slow motion in chaotic situations and attachment " scacciatutti bomb" in those with no way out, leaving the user runs the game in a state of perpetual motion despite committing any errors which otherwise would have declared the game over. Its strength is all here: the fluidity and relative gratification experienced by the user that unlike what happened in the interaction with his father, has the feeling of being able to improve, to take control and reach that feeling power that few other productions are able to offer. On details on the system of gameplay, just a few seconds into the ten screens or a video tutorial to learn it like that on top of the post without further explanation.

Wishing him the fleas at all costs, the only two notes that can be moved are linked to human limitations, such as idle speed above the 50th grade can lose sight for a moment as all our mangiapillole 'eye appears as one of the many dozens of icons that shook up the maze. Or the degree of learning very quickly and consequently, the duration of the challenge. Once the best modus operandi, the user no choice but to applications, the diagram shows the most after only a few games, with the risk of reaching the goal or its limit very soon, losing some of the stimuli to continue. In short, would make us happy "only" a handful of gigs, but that night!

The aesthetic choices, the music always appropriate to the situation and a series of mazes with quite different characteristics, for a complete gaming masterpiece indisputable.
Moreover - speaking as a sonar - via PSN will offer over the Christmas period in 2010 (from € 9.90 to 7). As Vic said the good that has pushed me to jump final towards the purchase, is a "cazzofigata" to which we add a "space" and also l '-> amen \u0026lt;- that does not allow objections.
In the first three positions between the best releases of 2010 and more personally, the best purchase ever in the category via PSN full games.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pokemon Soulsilver Walk Through Anything

DC Universe Online, a MMORPG on PS3 Gran Turismo 5

Successfully bring a sensible opinion on a mmorpg should play for quite a long time. In fact I usually imprecise some reviews that claim to illustrate a game world created to show only the long run. If you intend to do when interacting with a beta and even after just a few hours, the result is bound to look even more questionable Because I would like to avoid it, correct it below there are only very first impressions emerged just stepped into the world of DCO questionable to say the least. Only very personal considerations. At this stage it could be otherwise.

To better understand what is spoken should be exposed to outline the nature of a MMORPG. Rightly or wrongly and exceptions aside, now fossilized in three points: first, the growth of inner character is (more strength corresponds to a greater impact in the persistent world) and outer (trivially the aesthetics of the costumes, weapons and any accessories). Afterwards comes the mere gratification of ' be (live at the world through an alter-ego) and last but not least do it with other players.
must be said that the importance of this kind certainly had a greater impact when the games were based mostly on single player, at least on the console. What does this mean? Whereas in the case of a "new" and "unique" or at least "different" in gaming, its overall quality (graphics and gameplay in the first place), could in some modo essere giustificata pur se palesemente inferiore al resto di prodotti contemporanei. Oggi la presenza di connessioni multiple in ogni dove e su vari livelli (classifiche, co-op, versus o semplice ciance via chat audio/testo), ne sminuisce in parte l’importanza. Resta il fatto che un mmorpg su console sia un caso comunque degno da riportare, soprattutto se consideriamo che altri esponenti come  Final Fantasy  XIV sono stati rimandati a data da definire, The Agency scomparso nell’oblio della fase iniziale di sviluppo, escursioni nell’online di prodotti single non sempre riuscitissime ( White Knight Chronicles )e ultimo degno esponente del genere riconducibile Phantasy Star Online in a a decade ago, despite his short DC Universe plays a major role in the landscape of securities in output, at least for the position you will occupy.

These days kicked off the beta PLUS limited to users (who pay 15 per month or € 50 a year for Sony) or those who like myself has applied for participation in a few months ago. Hence the inspiration for the following lines.

Once the client update (16GB), part of the movie introduces the world and the situation which we will intervene. Beautiful to the point that not out of place as an introduction to an animated film of our day (found linked at the top of the post).
The first interaction takes place during the traditional construction of the avatar, choosing whether to play as a stereotype already set to the chosen mentor (Superman & C) or start from scratch by combining the super powers in accordance with its nature. We must say that unless you are a hardcore fan of the comic book series, the choices in this regard are not entirely intuitive, does not seem able to explain clearly the impact it will have once put into action in the game world (eg fire or ice, flying, climbing or running, etc.).. In any case, following the instinct of something close to his original idea you can produce.
Pass you get to this stage of our superhero aesthetic choice: they too are to undertake the path of consistency (eg, hero of fire, its symbols) or groped a daring mix taking individually head, torso, legs, limbs, accessories. I must admit that the choices while not extensive, offering possibilities rather different: say, a PG so far the same as mine I have not met yet. The name and teleport to the final confirmation button you just created in the tutorial PG masked and from there to the collection center joint meeting of the main gamers (metro station). Following the first quest (dubbed in Italian, even if we turn the music down to a different volume setting rispetto al parlato), la città (Gotham), i primi level up piuttosto morbidi. 
Le missioni base appaiono abbastanza classiche (da punto a-b, ammazza-mazza, soluzione, premio); ciò che le caratterizza è l’appartenenza a un filone relativo al mentore che abbiamo scelto inizialmente (io ho preso Wonder Woman e in base a tale scelta mi sono state appioppate missioni d’indole buona e basate sulla magia).

Cercando di mettere insieme i pezzi raccolti finora: si tratta del "solito" MMORPG nel bene e nel male, con una qualità e una cura apparentemente indiscutibili. Tutto scorre negli ambienti puliti (potete anche  leggere “spogli”) inevitabilmente these unless you want to drown in the sea of \u200b\u200blag that would incur 60% of Internet users with their narrow bandwidth and ping indecent (at least in Striptease). Missions to accomplish, a fur coat, and another button smashing strategy. Control system functional (to navigate the menus - not to move the PG - I used the keyboard that makes it faster) very briefly: beaten the bad guys, shoot skill on initial choices through shortcuts in turn driven by the dorsal, fly or always run under the same power by activating the "L3". On the rest, including the significant interaction with other players, the fly itself, and more precise details about the game world, if there is so bring it on time and later in an "update".

In summary and in my opinion, those who stayed away from the genre because wizards, dwarves and elves were not covered by your imagination embody PG, may find it more interesting the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a superhero by engaging while taking the same mechanical disowned so far, while those who stayed away because there is a preference for mechanical interaction "perfect", those games in action before another search technique, who do you consider most important " doing" all ' be "I have the impression that DCU is not able to change his opinion.
This is a good mmorpg, in some ways more pleasant (or less) than others (the world of superheroes is fascinating for a large portion of gamers) and especially as repeated ad nauseum "to" console, but the end still an MMORPG.

As for me I will be seduced by the call, I'll leave that weaves the fabric around the legs trying to get used so as to keep me glued to the growth system. We'll see how long and how. Very trivial now because I would buy it - from what little I saw (he had not yet figured out ^ ^ ') - while remaining within the canons of the genre, are the only fees possible via the console, particularly via the buttocks on the sofa and desk chair rather than angular. If there is something (or a lot) more than enough compared to the parameters of the kind found in the early stages, so much the better.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kingdom Hearts 2 Where To Find 4 Medalion

Release date: 24 Nov
Developer: Polyphony Digital
Publisher: SCEA

First Impressions by Mr. Kabuto
difficult to write of Great Tourism 5. Better to start talking about the game itself ', as you see it? Give an answer to that unflattering opinions already 'dart on the web? Or a better comparison to the sword with Forza 3 and that 'possession of the throne while the king was away?
content, and it is' understood, are controversial, and tears of joy that is believed to pay in the end come. The fact 'that Gran Turismo 5 is not' the game that everyone expected. Not in the sense that it is not 'up to, but that it' just one more thing. It 'a Babel of development of the idea "car", which barely takes the trouble to go to fix the flaws of the historical series, a bit' cares about what he wants the game who actually buys it, and finally does not take note of where is the competition. It 'a play arrogant.
It 's a product full of contradictions that make it difficult da valutare: per meta' e' nel futuro, per l'altra meta' e' nel passato, e per l'altra meta' ancora e' in un'altra dimensione.

Il futuro e' la fisica dei mezzi. Poche storie, il modello di guida e' il piu' avanzato che si sia mai visto in un gioco di questa portata: forse qualche simulazione specifica per PC ha un grado di precisione maggiore, ma qui stiamo parlando di un engine che muove dalla trazione posteriore anni '90 con 150 cavallini a prototipi mostruosi e selvaggi della Le Mans series, con una fluidita' e una consistenza che la migliore concorrenza non puo' vantare. Lo fa anche Forza, ma capita di incappare nella improvvisa incoerenza di questa o quella macchina, e li' per them 'even if you do not like it' s alright but it becomes clear when the comparison and 'direct. In GT5 and 'can learn to drive on a front-wheel drive 80 hp, then take a beast of race and understand' cause you can not drive, where we lack sensitivity 'to manage the forces in play, which is not' just a matter of getting used to the greatest grip.

A place then, no? What else should be the concern of the petrolhead. The fact 'that this will not automatically makes it more' fun . The physical and 'already' enjoyable way pad with a response less reactive and more rumble 'discreet than Forza but that makes sense with increasing speed': but 'the contrario di Forza, qui si sente comunque la mancanza di un volante con force feedback. La telecamera fa un buon lavoro a trasmettere la granulosita' dell'asfalto, ma quello che manca e' un feedback attraverso le dita. Forza ha una risposta al pad piu' interattiva, che si paga con una certa reattivita' dell'handling che richiede continui micro aggiustamenti: ho idea che se non ci fosse questa sorta di filtro in GT5 le macchine col pad sarebbero ingestibili. Inoltre, io ho potuto sperimentare tutto questo grazie alle macchine bonus della signature edition, altrimenti bisogna prima costruirsi un garage ben fornito per apprezzare tutto questo, come ulteriore barriera verso cio' che questo gioco ha di eccellente.

E questo ci porta the real issue, that goal 'and that' even in the past. 'Cause with a physical kind, the impacts appear to be still in boxes of shoes and pounds and pounds of processed steel? 'Cause there' s a free trial where I can not stress test the machine instead of spending months to put them in the garage? Why 'no rewind and if the last corner hat or I find a particularly difficult on a track I can just start over? And we want to say how bad the cars are standard, side by side with the models "premium" that are simply the most 'advanced existing in a commercial product? Really, you can 'believe it's much better to have a mode' B-Spec that already 'in GT4 and not' fucked anyone?
La risposta e' eccentricita' per alcune di queste domande, visione per altre, ma anche pura arroganza in certi casi. Gran Turismo e' una serie come poche altre, Metal Gear Solid o Zelda, che vuoi per la forza dei loro creatori, vuoi per il semplice fatto di averci preso bene la prima volta sono refrattarie ai cambiamenti, e la questione e' se quello che hanno di buono da offrire vale per noi piu' dei difetti che dobbiamo accettare.

Fino a qui il quadro e' chiaro: GT5 offre una cosa sola, se e' quella che cerchi puoi passare sopra tutti i difetti del mondo, altrimenti lascia stare. Ma poi entra in gioco quella terza meta' che dicevo, quella in un'altra dimensione: e' qui che, prevedo, si giochera' la grossa parte delle fratture nella critica (lasciamo perdere i rantoli da forum che a questi livelli sono parole buone neanche per il Pictionary). Persi tra i menu' costipati ci sono gare di kart che buttano via tutto quello che ho detto e sono solo divertimento selvaggio; rally con percorsi generati proceduralmente, sempre diversi e che diventano la cosa piu' vicina possibile a una guida liberatoria su una strada sconosciuta tutta curve; un editor di tracciati che un giorno forse ci regalera' la pista dei nostri sogni; un photo mode che per qualita' e profondita' puo' impegnare per giorni; pure The Stig nascosto da qualche parte. Forse la feature della mia vita la scopriro' tra un mese. E non ho neanche iniziato a giocare con gli assetti.

Questo and 'Gran Turismo 5. A game that even more 'and their predecessors' a game for car enthusiasts. Not fans of driving games, even people who go to every now motorshow, absolutely not for kids if all goes well they just got the license. I say people who know the difference between a McPherson, a quadrilateral and a multilink, 'cause a central engine behaves in one way and another one in front, when a front wheel drive and' more 'faster than a rear, and has more 'interest to see what can' push the car he was in the garage rather than driving fast cars to exotic places unreachable. Never as in this case a numerical rating and 'absolutely unreliable, and I do not envy those who have to write it in lime requirements of the contract.

The contents of the signature edition

I finally found "inspiration" to write this part of the experience of Gran Turismo. I am one of those crazies who spent an impossible to bring home the signature edition, so it's worth talking about and describe the contents piece by piece.

Packaging: course, after a mile uphill to do a walk through the center with all its dangers, knock the bag very lightly on a step and output trak, strappettino the outer carton. I'm not a fool to become these things, but 'a box a bit' more 'often would not hurt. Removed the
box "cover" and the inside of a box more 'robust, then a plastic bag and antistatic protective film, finally you get to the metal box itself: beautiful, elegantly shaped, with a glossy black and deep that it seems we can pucca a biscuit. Here, too, but 'unfortunately, there are a couple of stripes, fortunately on the edges: since it seems to me difficult to be procured during shipping, otherwise it would also damage the box, I can only imagine that is due to a quality control' by sleeves. Basically anything that obscures the beauty of the whole, however, 'something that reminds you,' deluxe edition, but still the box is a video game. A little 'views of the intentions is a sin.
Greatest fine but ', the box and the inside - made of a porous but very rigid polymer, shaped to securely hold the contents - are sprinkled in the same scent of the new machines. It ', for the uninitiated, that typical smell of a new car but does not come from materials and assembled' an essence that is sprayed: DE 'a detail that I do not know how many will seize but to me makes the difference, and indeed when you open the box a little 're-creating the atmosphere from showroom. Ok, ', the ravings of a madman.

Guide Apex: definitely a gem. It 's not an "official guide" but a veritable compendium of automotive technology, which pauses to describe physics, technology and evolution car with lots of images of graphic patterns standstill grip and power and everything a fan could want in a concentrated form. Too bad the format maybe a little 'small, but I think that gives him an even more' specialist.

Photo Booklet: a beautiful collection of images captured with the photo mode of the game, printed on quality paper 'and enclosed in a hardback notebook with faux-carbon finish. A beautiful object, even though nothing earth-shattering.

Leather Wallet: perhaps naively I expected a bit 'more' from this piece, and smells of leather and 'soft to the touch but the texture of the skin is not' very elegant certainly is not of full bloom. It 'still well done, full of pockets, which makes it very practical and elegant even in spite of the GT logo imprinted, there' s also a pocket with transparent window for subscriptions or license: it seems designed to be used, but honestly I would have some doubts about its resistance.

Model Mercedes SLS here on the contrary I was expecting something very cheap and is instead 'a model very well done. The proportions are very faithful to the original machine and is' full of details without burrs typical pattern of medium-low in these dimensions. E 'in a sealed plastic display case, so if we want to play you have to break it xD

Keychain and usb: put them together 'cause there are probably those for which' less to say and why 'are neighbors in the box xD and the keyring' pretty no more, 'I think at least be made of steel and non Ferrazzo, the key USB and 'always welcome gift as "useful" but shaped mo' car key can 'not work properly if the input and usb' in a somewhat 'bitch, and I honestly can not find it even delightful, and the video and contains no 'frankly nothing essential.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Woman Strangling Man Fetish


Relase date: Oct 22
Developer: Platinum Games
Producer Sega

A good a month after its release, "official post" to talk about Vanquish, a game that despite its brevity 'nominal ground there seems to' company for a long time. Opinions, reviews, tactics, most people 'has more' and so forth.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Fable III

Towards the end of 2010, Fable is once again fighting a battle without a system, a rpg without growth statistics of the character, no inventory, no dialogue articulated, a game of exploration without environmental puzzles and no level design.
E 'the icing on the cake without the cake, the outline without the roast, the epitaph without the dead.
Fable (1.) 3 is a remake of the remake.
E 'surreal note that the review of the gameplay has worked for mechanical removal compared to the already fading original energy bar disappearing, experience points, selection of free expression.
On the industrial revolution that in addition to slightly alter the bucolic realms of Albion, is the amount of bugs and glitches, to be harmless little things like the dog floating in several feet of height to true failures-kill experience that may impede progress in the adventure after hours and hours invested in the game. Despite the elusiveness
congenital and predictability of the characters in this inconsistent play, Fable is still able entertain in his cozy virtual world, is seraphic, stiff, to be taken philosophically. Again.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How Much Does Polished Granite Cost

[I have it with ...] Bayonetta

For at least four reasons:

1) combing . Moira Orfei
Between Charles and Miss Anna Marchesini. In practice, the visual equivalent of a cold shower

2) character. As a commitment to sculettare in favor of room remains frigid. Realistically, we are the parts of Miss Rottermayer

3) the actual in-game stage presence.
On balance, minimal.
We're talking about a black figure, thin and wiry shooting from distance, which in the midst of the fighting could be as much a stragnocca stick in an insect-seizure

4) the repertoire of jokes.
milk in the knees and / or freezing in the room, the parties to Anna Tatangelo in X-Factor

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Glamour Wallpaper 2010

[in game] Fallout Vegas New

When returns to the identity of a game is common practice to approach it with something known. In the case of New Fallout Vegas behavior is even more obvious considering that on balance this is an expansion of the parent Fallout 3 , stuffed in a way that ensures access to the circle of stand-alone products. The changes amounted mostly in small subtle improvements. An increase in quality, such as appearance and dialogues, to be obtained through a direct comparison between two stations launched in parallel. The consequence of this is that it is a game with more of the mechanisms known to any clarification in this regard would be redundant. If you have played or otherwise known Fallout 3 by crosses, New Vegas is a version very similar: it comes to experience with the same mechanism inside a new story. A character who is by nature good, bad or neutral, setting the post-atomic missions to play, experience points to be assigned to ability.

The only real news, the gem that can give a different meaning at this particular crossing, lies in how so-called HARD .

In a nutshell the option translates into the ability to accept (but even if he were to refuse inappropriate) the task caused by the mere living. Besides the problem of radiation already present in the previous episode, you should watch for parameters involved in the risk of dehydration, starvation and lack of sleep. Interconnected elements (eg, salty foods that increase thirst) that undermine the ability of PG when okay, its very existence if neglected over the threshold of tolerance.

If you decide to set their own experience in this way (and could not be otherwise, whereas in fact it is the only news), the result could lead to extraordinary levels of enjoyment, but also make the crossing in a living hell (purgatory in reality). Good and bad of this choice will depend exclusively on the type of player that prefers dall'approccio. If it was a slow go , a play that stops curious to observe the details, measured, with the ability di'immedesimazione or simple desire to participate "in the true role" of the protagonist, as well as to avoid freezer caused by several boots (visible and invisible), alleged to be potentially fantastic experience, addiritura perhaps unique in the modern role of casual games. The new requirements create barriers invisible boundaries that need to be overcome with a little planning. Exploration in concentric circles where the outer rings will not be inhabited by enemies stronger to prevent the advance, but the distance between the star dining, and procurement.

That said, the classic explanation is in order. Much of speech is just done on a theoretical level, obtained by taking what has been observed in the early stages and imagining it in perspective. If things were to escalate in the long term negative impact, or perhaps lower than expected, I will certainly return.

As for the game played on a personal level: enthusiasm, pleasure to be there, heavy gaming generally well rewarded. If you move slowly and calmly, if you join the adventure with the head to plan the moves and the Q uore to facilitate the suspension of disbelief, the resulting draft will be worth any new concussion will need to take to survive. Overeat d’acqua, dormire, mangiare prima di partire non è solo un modo per “recuperare” energie, ma proprio un’azione utile a mettersi al riparo da determinati pericoli, interni e non più solo esterni. Sembrerà esagerato, ma la sensazione è che tutto acquisisca una nuova dimensione, addirittura più senso del precedente capitolo. Adesso raccogliere ciarpame serve assolutamente, persino rubacchiare pur interpretando un protagonista dall'indole buona diventa un comportamento sensato, perché come si suol dire bisogna pur mangiare .

Un gioco di ruolo che nella sua interezza forse non riuscirà a ricalcare le orme mitiche dei founders, but that will not satisfy the palate of the usual critics of the modern experience of gender, but in his little serious danger of becoming one of the best RPG you play in recent years. Despite its nature as a clone, despite its apparently frivolous novelty. And this alone to decide to deal with it enough. Or at least for a post in TaWerna.

Any corrections, new perspectives, notes giocogiocato spoiler free, as always, will be made in the comments. The mega final response always around here just reached the finish line.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Does Groping Happen In Japan

Enslaved: odyssey to the west

Describe a game that is particularly appreciated is more difficult than doing a bad experience. The temptation is to indulge boundless admiration losing sight of the real texture of the product, to promote praise for a number of reasons may arise from reasons entirely personal. With this risk in mind I propose that my opinion on Enslaved: odyssey to the West, a game that sets the stage for what I consider a very important kind of videoludimondo, the modern digital adventures that divide the right amount of participation among contemplation and action.

You can imitate God of War without forza riportare pedissequamente ogni elemento. Si può raccontare una storia pur mantenendo viva e soprattutto attiva l’azione del giocatore. Si possono inserire personaggi artificiali credibili pur offrendoli con la tipica leggerezza dei prodotti videoludici. Enslaved riesce in gran parte a soddisfare tutte queste prerogative. La storia che racconta è quella di una lunga fuga, per esigenze di gameplay suddivisa in aree. Ogni sezione ha un ingresso e un’uscita da raggiungere; nel mezzo ostacoli architettonici da utilizzare per sopravvivere o da superare per abbattere i nemici. Questi, grazie a Dio, non sono un’orda indemoniata che basa la sua esistenza sulla quantità, piuttosto sulla qualità delle singole presenze, ognuna piazzata  a modo e con in mente un preciso scopo. Escludendo episodi particolari ogni zona non conta più di sei robot, addirittura massimo due come nel caso di torrette fastidiose. Il risultato è coinvolgente al pari di situazioni ben più affollate. Sulla qualità tecnica dello svolgimento lascio parlare chi ha maggior dimestichezza sull’argomento; quel che mi preme sottolineare è come questa sorta di limite contribuisca in maniera forte a mantenere alto il coinvolgimento, perché la situazione diventa accettabile, acquisisce senso, resta credibile. Aver dovuto affrontare migliaia di bot avrebbe significato offrire il fianco al becero mazzamazza , ottimo in moltissime situazioni, ma non per forza unico elemento able to keep up an action game.

Wanting to say a few words on the detail of the fighting, there should be emphasized that despite the various moves available in general everything is resolved through a forest of repeated blows to the mark: in fact any other conduct aimed to study the opponent does nothing but leave room to its hysterical reaction and its destruction of your avatar. This simple technique has over the timing of itself. Mazzola repeatedly and amen.
A special note for the lag - slight delay in the execution of the moves - in actions "on track" of the protagonist, such as climbing (Also reported by xPeter in OT). The presence of this can be considered a problem in some way is for the benefit of pathos, tension one feels in moments that require a degree of frenzy: just the "non scattevolezza" Monkey creates a greater sense of urgency that drives us to push with more participation, to curse the slowness of the action, hold your breath and then release it raised once you reach the goal.

History as alluded above tells a joint torque: a male protagonist played by you and a co-star AI. As a partner we have many examples bot. They generally have the their job of supporting actors like to play an instrument, like a digital Swiss boxcutter. Hardly their presence requires a particular emotional participation. In Enslaved has tried to change direction and we started to do the features of the bot. Expressions credible, dubbing excellent (apart from some out of sync in the Italian version), gestures, meaningful dialogue, which serves as a set. Trip (the female takes you pretend that you below) you can love it or hate it based on the decisions it takes, the fact remains that arouses feelings and not talking about sex drive discount, but pure love / hate, anxiety over its conditions, protective instincts or desire to take the head . A little 'what I feel for her co-star of your favorite fiction, just that you're the next, often even below, however contact . Clearly we are not in the presence of a unique involvement (insert the words used in context playful we speak), but a small step forward considering the flatness of producing all types of gaming that have tried that road, apart from the ' ICO na Ueda, there is very little else to be appointed from this point of view.

Putting the pieces together one can say that today is one of the co-op games featuring artificial among the best ever. A pleasant story, which inspired them to a fun general go on taking pleasure in participation. A real gaming entertainment product, somewhat lighter, more deep for considering what we currently offer the gaming market in terms of emotional involvement. In short, a tour and an honorable mention for the effort's worth without a doubt. If it is appropriate to give precedence to other experiences, depending on their character and what you look for in a video game. In Enslaved there is a beautiful adventure, with many scripts in a limited amount of participation in comparison to other products, but equally satisfying. There are games where do, games to watch; Enslaved is a good compromise, a milestone in the road of digital entertainment that has the courage to act as experience together before - or not only - as a useful tool to test the 'user skills.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How To Hide Pipes Behind Pedestal Sink

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2 could be part of the sequel in the series with little soul.
Or rather, the soul, that is all in the overall formula and not the "new" plot and characterization, has run merely acquired by his predecessor, appearing timid and reverent in the face of so much original nonconformity.
After some years, that sort of Groundhog Day zombesco, to relive the situation several times a pleasure to discover the nuances and details at mo 'self-service, is still the same genius. All
remained blindly loyal, the change of environment does not change anything (the casino is a shopping center with slot machines), the identical pattern Logistics (shelter separate from the rest of the map, connection via air conditioning ducts, handsome chick which observes the monitor and communicate at a distance), moving to the rhythms dictated by the same strict time limits.
The daughter of Chuck, regularly in need of an antidote to the mutation, is emblematic of discontinuity as a potential untapped, resulting in only a few extra vicious circle.
Staying within Capcom, it happened a bit 'as in the case of Resident Evil 5, get stuck, too obsequious towards a self-contained reference purposes and judged successful enough to be untouchable, brings solid results tend to but less significant, for a reply,
But unlike RE5, he could not reproduce the magnificence of its 4 in terms of pure game design, Dead Rising 2 seems to be able to enjoy much of the debut title, the internal work on the plan is aimed and convincing, with a new combo system that brings such a variety of objects and the most advanced dynamic testing and the mass of the undead and the survivors.
Some regret for uploads, even if the number of brutal elements on screen has made them perhaps inevitable as technical compromise, and for most of the bosses, as usual in terms of rudimentary mechanical.
The experience of play, addictive and filled with touches of class is completed by DLC independent situations that present less "conventional", with their compact size.

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[sooner or later we] inFamous

In teoria
Interpretate un uomo dotato di poteri sovrannaturali ottenuti in seguito a un attentato che ha messo a soqquadro la città in cui vive. Potete scegliere se utilizzarli per riportare la situazione sotto controllo o per alimentare il caos.
In pratica
La scelta può essere fatta solo all’inizio perché i poteri del protagonista sono legati all’incremento di una determinata indole. Anche volendo è sconveniente scegliere come comportarsi di volta in volta perché si rischia di disperdere punti esperienza e relative risorse. Se buoni si salverà il malcapitato di turno, in caso contrario si abbandonerà to his fate, whatever. Considering that in the end you are forced to follow a certain path, the factor completely lose sense of freedom and choice.

In theory
A series of major missions to find out what happened, the source of chaos, where you come from and where you are going. A series of missions to help the criminals that plague the citizens of survivors or remove them to restore peace in the city.
In practice
main missions are quite long and in their way various situations, even if on balance there will always be the usual volumes of antagonists to get rid of a point to reach, a district which give new light and in the middle of something to harvest. After a defined number of mazzamazza here comes the equally classic clash with the "boss".
The missions serve to liberate the territory from the opposing faction. In principle, is divided between: Stock-murder, recovery / destruction, running time. There are incentives
(-.-') explore how to collect useful items to increase the energy bar or audio recordings that tell the story behind the scenes.

In theory
Four islets, a rather large city to explore horizontally and vertically. Fellow citizens to interact with.
In practice
Four areas alike, almost indistinguishable from one another. The only variations are the main areas related to the mission, now a palace of scrap, now a cluster of containers. Area was more than enough. The inhabitants are mere extras on the other hand, applaud or run away scared by the karma of the protagonist. Very often collapse on the ground waiting to be "recharged" (cured) or "drained" (sent to the creator). They might ask for help in modo casuale, ma è talmente inutile farlo al di fuori delle missioni che ben presto li s’ignora alla grande.

In pratica (e basta)
Tecnicamente tutto funge (si parla della versione digitale venduta tramite PSN e installata completamente su HDD). Il gioco è veloce sia nell’esecuzione che nei caricamenti nascosti (compresi quelli post dipartita e recupero da checkpoint vicinissimi fra loro). Il protagonista si attacca automaticamente a qualsiasi cosa, il che rende molto facile muoversi che si tratti di scalare strutture di qualsiasi genere o viaggiare per la città su "rotaie" sparse per tutto il territorio.

The game itself is a continuous advance of inertia, which translates to move forward the request in the request, and pass the time diverge from reality without much conviction. Apart from sporadic cases missions are traveling close to the discrete, falling lower in the secondary going up a notch for those that might be considered the end stage of . It goes on fighting in the usual way despite the absence of firearms conventional aim quickly, well and recover the ammunition needed (in this case electrical energy from sources scattered nearby). Nothing more nothing less, in practice, despite the interaction with a character so original could easily fall into the ranks of various mazzamazza that has produced the next-gen (?).

In summary, the goodness of inFamous has a street light: the darkness that exists between output and the other memorable video game is able to follow the path of the player without special claims (each other), but when it 's sunrise and peeps a title really worth, its function disappears.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Suck Your Own Pens

The battered gray Resident Evil 5

Games can be divided into two broad categories. Games where the main component is the probation and those where the skill of the user it encourages empathy by simulating an environment to live in a certain role. The action games - blacks - and games of atmosphere - white . In the midst of this distinction in which we can add a few elements, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bproducts that blend the two main forms of the game by offering shades - gray .
The prevalence of either - both licit - depends on the intentions of the author, often explicit, but more often implicit, such as choosing to engage in a particular genre rather than another. The success of the final product is inevitably linked to its nature, whether declared or not.
If - by chance - we take the survival horror , will immediately clear how such a product in this category should have within it a high percentage of white . This is a video game that goes "lived" , explored physically in the most secluded corners because it is in those dark recesses that hides his sense of being. The aim is to get the feeling other than obvious on the ability to survive (and thus get to the bottom) is typical of shooting digital. If you are unable to add the right amount of ' atmosphere, it can safely be considered a failure.

The product that perfectly represents the result of a clumsy mix gray is Resident Evil 5.

Immediately remove the middle part of the obvious: like archery, mace-ducks, sparaspara RE5 works, mainly due to the mechanism of collaboration that allows two players to split the skills tests in order sense: weapons, score, design environments (compartmentalized areas), small doses of strategy, etc.. Perhaps the control system - nougat bench that turns on itself only when stationary - might be questioned, but it can be avoided because they might distract from the real flaw, namely the lack of empathy, lack of moments that can arouse any emotion, ' horror of its absence.

The individual elements that undermined all the work are different from the characterization of the protagonist played by the user. The female character is not entirely evil, or rather: it is a good container for a traveling companion as well as human bot not doing badly. Its presence may be essential to be able to make this really'avventura. Unfortunately it fails, just touching the power and soon became a mere appearance that promises not to keep. Merely going behind that of bovine Chris without his will, finding the only reason to exist in having to constantly emphasize his image as partner (I'm your partner , we partner, let's go look for your partner , partner forever ... lol, it would be funny if while playing the game not to walk on the balls that you have slipped irretrievably to the ground). The macho guy on the other hand burnt with two neurons to be found, is no exception: in his futility can not help but show sullen and shoot everything that moves. There will be a subtext? Maybe a situation that could not be described in those phases excited (So \u200b\u200bto say, two snails lobotomized drunk and stir anesthetized with more brio), maybe you have tried to remedy otherwise, and in fact in a sense this is in the files scattered around the locations. Blocks textual witnesses of the events but to show proof of the facts is bleak, as well as written by a beardless boy of ten years, the story of Sheva is so rebellious bimbominkiosa that if there was a committee for the protection of the childhood fantasies would use to due to naivety.

not enough as written, the characters and the background bad joins the set of environments and their contexts. Without wanting to rage, let to think a moment. You have to divide the area into sections? What you have to offer is just a chain of collisions divided by partitions. Ok, we're, you know what to do and what I offer. But then stop! Because you have to "pretend" to want to recreate the atmosphere, why do you do with that ridiculous artifice artifices enough already? For whom do you take me? What is history that every gimmick-free electrical outlet and the switch to activate it, all with two aisles away? Four times, four out of six. Or the key still inside the two biggest guys of the horde? Once, twice, but the third and fourth wow even the most tolerant of the players turn up their nose feeling taken around. Manco wants the idiocy that the members of a horror film to separate " to feel safer " is able to compete with one thousand sti gadgets without electricity. All exits and stairs inside staged similar to each other was not even an arcade dimensional eighties where some platforms and some changed color. Hats off to those games, but I am not produced blacks action gray tending to white . Not to mention the stereotypes - THE TEMPLE labyrinthine ... possible that should there be one in every game apart from the setting action? - If not quite surreal ... above the lava? Mario Galaxy, lol.

In finale RE5 è un prodotto mal studiato, un film dove si è fatta recitare la starlet in una fiction sentimentale solo perché è un personaggio famoso, solo perché c'ha le bocce e quindi “tira”. RE5 è la Bellucci nella saga di Matrix. Uno scempio indicibile.

Se non è stato già fatto, è ora che acquisiamo la consapevolezza che i videogiochi attuali possono e devono poter rappresentare delle esperienze dove alla base c’è l’atmosfera. Giochi degni e al pari di quelli dedicati alle corse d’auto, alle simulazioni sportive, al mero tiro a segno. Videogiochi che hanno diritto d’esistere. Ed è ora che lo facciano way, made honestly and with the right expertise derives from a profound work in this regard. Otherwise we would always meatloaf mazzamazza disguised as fees for panettone cine-film. But they - the film lovers - they also have other, more rightly deserve. For a long time ', thanks to the help it could give the technology, we deserve it too. It's about time to cash (or cash resume, for those who see past the golden age "dell'immedesimazione).

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Acrostic Poem For Grandma

Too .


13 25 16 xPeter

Maxle '

19 Vic 12


Date your numbers xD

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chelsea Charms Vidéos

Letter From the Apostle St. Publius Press

A Joystiq : a check for two hundred U.S. dollars accompanying the test copy of Dante's Inferno. (The editor has free will or may pay less than the allowance, sinning in a case of greed and extravagance of another.)

Presumably, a small exercise in deconstruction of marketing strategies.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Letter Writing Templates To Join A Sorority

Tokyo Game Show 2010 in a short

Some interesting news from Tokyo.
It was eventually revealed the horror project "powered by UE3" of Suda51, Mikami e Akira Yamaoka, sviluppato da Grasshopper e prodotto da EA; il primo trailer di Shadows of the DAMNED suggerisce una commistione di Dark Sector e No More Heroes,  tecnicamente e artisticamente piuttosto sottotono pur rimanendo promettente in termini di creatività ed imprevedibilità.

Scalpore per lo stile visivo del nuovo Devil May Cry , commissionato da Capcom a Ninja Theory ; mentre grossa fetta dei fan si straccia le vesti per le fattezze del nuovo Dante, permangono dubbi sulla competenza dello sviluppatore nel delicato campo del gameplay action, dato che i precedenti comprendono il solo Heavenly Sword.

Also in Capcom, Homes West will be a culmination of Dead Rising DLC-2 with the photographer protagonist of the origins and the unprecedented Asura's Wrath, at least aesthetically, it has the business card of the Action massif. A collaboration with From Software, returns to surprise Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor , based on the characteristics of Kinect.

style and irony in the new presentation of MGS: Rising Kojima Productions, a project that seems to revolve more around the spectacular routines in real-time slicing of the polygons.
announced the collection of HD ICO and Shadow of the Colossus , who will cheer the expectation of The Last Guardian, finally dated for the end of 2011.
Treasure will break up with Live Arcade and Radiant Silvergun Bangai-O in 2011.
announced several projects aimed apparently Kinect core users, including all Dragon Project, which refers to the series played on Saturn Panzer Dragoon.
Yakuza: The End Of sees the Japanese mafia, Sega faced with the classic zombie invasion.
first appearance for the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, Dark Project .

Here is a bit 'of trailer assorted including the extended Castlevania: Lords of Shadows , which highlights enemies and variety of locations and a certain dominance of the narrative, and Vanquish, with a new level and boss fight on a train.

Shadows of the Damned

Devil May Cry 5

Asura's Wrath

MGS: Rising

Castlevania Lords of Shadow


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rash That Looks Likr Scratches

PSN - XBLA - STEAM (autumn - winter 2010)

A post that collects in the comments of the rapids reports on weekly releases of products purchased via PS3, XBOX360 and PC via Steam (and similar). Di seguito qualche link utile.

Versione precedente del post PSN-XBLA 00


- BLOG ufficiale Sony

- PSN Store
Acquistare giochi, acquistare chincaglieria come avatar - temi - sfondi per PS3, provare demo prelevando il materiale da un catalogo aggiornato settimanalmente (da maggio 2010, il mercoledì anziché il giovedì).
PSN Musica & Video
- Acquistare, noleggiare film in SD e HD(prezzi non proprio invitanti)
- Benefit from music videos through the service aggratis VidZone

- A service that hints at Microsoft's LIVE with the difference that does not change the system fits into this free service. In practice, it is something more in to choose from or have an abortion.
Each monthly update features: full games (including a PS3 in your subscription, including a PSX), two games DEMO trial one hour, some DLC various amenities as avatars & C rates.
Rates: 15 € for three months, 50 per year (until August 2 for the latter "give" a digital copy of LBP)

- Sonara meeting with the community through a virtual space with PG that looks like a sort of Sim .

Other links

- Weekly updates (tag official blog)

- PSN Games List (wikipedia)

------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

LINK XBLA (of VicRattlehead )

Official Site
It allows, in addition to having all the necessary information on the console to manage buddy list, send messages, see the list of games played, goals unlocked, etc. ..

Where to go shopping online, which is themed video game-themed film (with Zune). An alternative to the menu of the console. You can also buy tickets or Microsoft Points.

Games for Windows Live
The Live for PC client allows you to play on PC with your Xbox 360 profile

Other links
Site where to manage better targeting unlocked, guides and find agreement with other players to unlock the objectives, in addition to them is also an excellent source of news for the M $ console, continuously updated several times a day
Its main function is to create gamercard with your profile to put in forum signatures, but also functions as a global player leaderboard xbox 360

EXTRA 1: of course there's the leaderboard achiever of GR / GV find it here
EXTRA 2: Windows Mobile Phone 7 Live support and therefore the profiles 360, with attached avatar lista amici e obiettivi sbloccabili. Appena sarà disponibile fornirò un apposito link


PC in DD (di VicRattlehead )

Non ha bisogno di presentazioni: catalogo vasto, community vasta, achievements, offerte settimanali e via discorrendo. Il punto di riferimento per il DD su Pc.

Meno popolare di Steam, ma ugualmente valido e con anch'esso un catalogo ricco. Peraltro, come già Steam, ha giochi anche per Mac.

GOG - Good Old Games :
works like the other two, but this is entirely devoted to retrogaming. Each title is updated to the latest version available, it has the necessary files to run on newer OS and is free from DRM and various protections. A godsend.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Xilisoft Dvd Creator 6 Dont Works

Odg to support farmworkers

To the Chairman of the provincial president of the province

Agenda: support for workers and workers in the agricultural

Given that:
workers and workers in the citrus industry in the province of Catania live a jobs crisis unprecedented and that one of the causes of serious crisis to be found in the enormous difficulty of penetration of our products in global markets;
the crisis in the agricultural sector invests massively, as an immediate consequence, the laborers who sees year after year to reduce the number of working days available;
Law 247/2007 has deleted the provision that grants to agricultural laborers automatic recognition of the "ricoferma" working day last year, if included in the lists of common personal disaster and delimited by ministerial decree;
that provision results in serious injury to the agricultural laborers, in the event of natural and consequent reduction of working days, not working days are automatically see reconfirm the previous year nor for the purposes of unemployment benefit nor agricultural

the National Government to tackle the economic crisis, has allowed for the year 2009, the Fund for 'employment, the Region of Sicily, at variance with the laws in force resources to be used for social safety nets in derogation
these resources can be used for all categories, except for that of farm laborers since, the rule that the framework provides the requirements that do not take into account the specificity of that category (the norm it provides for the right in form but in substance the rule);

the labor market is constantly being processed and that the supply of labor in the agricultural sector, more than a decade, due to the spread of cooperatives without land, has radically changed its ways, especially with regard to the organization;
in many circumstances, the cunning management cooperatives without land, as evidenced by the actions of the Judiciary, have resulted in fraud and damage the same farm laborers INPS is honest;

the ongoing market crisis which affects our agriculture sees many farmers and owners of many warehouses for processing and marketing of products (oranges, grapes, figs, pears, etc..), instead of arranging the supply chain in the direction to compete in the markets, download the costs of the crisis itself, the laborers labor;

Noting that:
Law 247 / 2007 cited in the introduction does not activate the category for the laborers so-called "confirmation", namely the recognition the same day last year, both in terms of welfare benefit system which, at least 4,000 agricultural workers in the province of Catania;

in 2009, thousands of farm laborers in areas hit by disaster, were left without unemployment benefits ol 'they perceived only in part;

most of the agricultural laborers of the province, especially during the harvesting of grapes, oranges, pears, etc.., are forced to work illegally and pay third world or, to be settled for less days than those actually worked and, in any event, to receive lower wages than those given in payroll and projected dai CCNL;

Considerato che:
le istituzioni hanno il dovere di sostenere il comparto agricolo in crisi ormai da anni, e sostenere il rispetto dei CCNL e la lotta contro il lavoro nero e lo sfruttamento;

Ciò premesso e considerato il consiglio provinciale di Catania impegna il presidente Castiglione affinché sostenga con impegno e si faccia promotore , presso gli organi e le autorità competenti, dei seguenti provvedimenti:

1) rivedere la norma sugli ammortizzatori sociali in deroga, nella direzione di prevedere il diritto all’ attingimento degli ammortizzatori sociali in deroga, anche per la categoria dei braccianti agricoli.

2) a partire dal 2010, le indennità agricultural unemployment be settled within 60 days of submission and that the same program are made available to allow settlement of any claims such as, inter alia, the case with the ordinary unemployment;

3) dealing with illegal employment and all forms of exploitation in agriculture, but above all to establish the conditions for the real scope of collective agreement.

4) automatic recognition of the "confirmation" of the working days of the previous year, if included in the lists of common personal disaster and delimited by ministerial decree;

5) regulation of cooperatives without land to solve the problem of fraud.

6) endorsing the proposal for a cooperative regulation of landless laborers drafted by the Movement, the CGIL, CISL, CIA, UCI, Confcoperative already in possession of the Department of INPS Rome and His Excellency the Prefect of Catania.

A copy of the Odg is immediately sent to the prefect of Catania, the Labour Inspectorate, the Directorate of INPS Rome, the minister for agriculture.

Catania January 25, 2010
provincial councilors
Valerio Marletta
Antonio Tomarchio

Root Canal Swollen Face And Eye

Odg ripubblicizzazione for water service - Water Country Public

The president of the provincial council Catania
The President of the Province of Catania

Agenda ripubblicizzazione on the water service

Subject: Okay, according to art. 32, 33, Lr 41 of 10.2.2004, n. 1 of the draft laws initiated by the municipal councils and popular "Principles for the protection, the government and the public management of water. Ripubblicizzazione provisions for water services in Sicily. "

Given that:
Water is an irreplaceable source of life for ecosystems and unavailable for the common good, which belongs to everyone and everyone has the right to share equally.
scarcity, exacerbated by changes Climate and the process of desertification, the lowering of groundwater and their increasing pollution, force us to put in place policies aimed at outreach to the judicious use of water resources, to safeguard for future generations, the natural balance and adequate levels of supply for drinking, irrigation and industrial applications. In this context it is also necessary to guide the community towards environmentally sustainable lifestyles, develop techniques and actions to conserve and reuse, for reuse of treated water and the use of rain water in order to allocate the samples of drinking water ground water primarily for domestic use.
The water service is a public service essential and municipalities, who are responsible for hygiene and health of citizens, can not escape or be completely deprived of pre-ordained right and duty to determine its organizational structure.
E 'also calls for a renewed initiative for all public institutions and, above all, the Municipalities, to ensure that water continues to be regarded as the common good and public goods are not affected by market and profit.


The experience of privatization of water services, carried out in recent years in various parts of the world and in Italy, based on the assumption that private management would bring the necessary capital for infrastructure water, efficiency and cost management, gave evidence to the contrary anywhere inefficient management, the collapse of investment in infrastructure and energy bills to users.
strongly negative rating must also be given on the process of privatization of water service started in our region, both in terms of the so-called provincial sovrambito that in the ATO, in the last race for the award was made in five provinces, with a crescendo of complaints of many local administrators and citizens.
To give power to local authorities' actions designed to return water to public management, was formed the National Association no-profit denominata “Coordinamento nazionale enti locali per l’acqua bene comune e la gestione pubblica del servizio idrico”,.
Le superiori considerazioni nettamente critiche del processo di privatizzazione e la determinazione degli amministratori locali a battersi per tornare alla gestione pubblica non sono inficiate dalla recente conversione in legge dell’ art. 15 del D.L. n. 135/2009, che, oltre ad essere inaccettabile nel merito, appare palesemente in contrasto con la Costituzione, soprattutto per la violazione del principio di autonomia degli enti locali nella determinazione della scelta del sistema di gestione dei servizi pubblici locali.

Dato atto che:

Per restituire l’acqua al servizio pubblico, allo scopo di garantirne fruizione equa ed universale, la sezione siciliana del Coordinamento ha elaborato l’allegata proposta legislativa “Principi per la tutela, il governo e la gestione pubblica delle acque. Disposizioni per la ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico in Sicilia”, con l’intenzione di presentarla all’ARS, ai sensi delle disposizioni contenute nella L.r. 10.2.2004, n. 1, come proposta di legge di iniziativa dei consigli comunali e, con la collaborazione del Forum siciliano dei movimenti per l’acqua, come proposta di legge di iniziativa popolare.
La proposta di legge è stata presentata il 7 luglio 2009 nella sala gialla di Palazzo dei Normanni, alla presenza del Presidente dell’ARS e dei capigruppo parlamentari, che hanno espresso pubblicamente parere favorevole per la sua approvazione; tale parere favorevole è stato confermato da tutti i capigruppo in occasione del sit-in organizzato dal Coordinamento all’ARS il 25 novembre 2009.

Precisato che:

Lo Statuto della Regione Siciliana, all’art. 12 stabilisce che l’iniziativa legislativa spetta, tra gli altri, "(...) ad un numero di consigli dei comuni della Regione non inferiore a quaranta, rappresentativi di almeno il 10 per cento della popolazione siciliana, o ad almeno tre consigli provinciali. (...) Con legge della Regione sono disciplinate le modalità di presentazione dei progetti di legge di iniziativa popolare e dei consigli comunali o provinciali e sono determinati i tempi entro cui l'Assemblea regionale si pronuncia sui progetti stessi."
La L.r. 10.2.2004, n. 1, “Disciplina dell'istituto del referendum nella Regione siciliana e norme sull'iniziativa legislativa popolare e dei consigli comunali o provinciali”, disciplina le modalità di presentazione dei progetti di legge di iniziativa dei consigli comunali, stabilendo che la proposta debba essere presentata, nell’identico testo, “da non meno di quaranta consigli comunali rappresentativi di almeno il dieci per cento della popolazione siciliana” (art. 32, c. 1, lett. c), debba contenere “il testo del progetto di legge redatto in articoli and be accompanied by a report illustrating the objectives and content "(art. 33, para 1) and must also contain" the names, permanent address and any additional details of three people who have been given the task to represent the signers of the legislative initiative (art. 35, para 3).


The Statute of the Sicilian Region
LR 10.2.2004, n. 1, "Rules of the institution of the referendum on the initiative in the Sicilian Region and the rules of the popular legislative and municipal councils and provincial"
Legislative Decree 18 August 2000, No 267, as implemented in the Sicilian Region


advice pursuant to art. 12 of L. rn 30/2000

proposed to the Provincial Council of Catania

to give share to the considerations set out in the introduction and to join the initiative of the "National Coordination of Local Government for the common good water governance and water service" for the presentation of the draft laws initiated by the municipal councils for ripubblicizzazione water services in Sicily;

to approve, pursuant to art. 12 of the Statute of the Sicilian Region and the Regional Law 10 February 2004, No 1, this proposal containing the draft laws initiated by the municipal councils;

to approve the draft "Guidelines for the preservation, government and public management of water. Ripubblicizzazione provisions for water services in Sicily ", written in 17 articles, and the report which outlines the purpose and content, with this attached as an integral and substantive

to acknowledge that the text of the law contains elements necessary for the determination of financial burden and the means to tackle them;

indicate the names and addresses of three persons authorized to represent the signers of the initiative, as outlined in art. 35, c. 3, the Lr No 1 / 2004: 1

Michele Botta, Mayor of Memphis (AG), address: Viale Risorgimento, 104, Memphis 92013, tel. 328 0082231

2 Domenico Giannopolo, Mayor of Caltavuturo (PA), City: via G: Falcone, No 41, tel. 091 547311; address: Via Roma, n. 74, tel. 335 5789470

3 Giuseppe Nicosia, mayor of Vittoria (RG), City: via Bixio, No 34, tel. 0932 514201; address: Ancona, No 13, tel. 335 5789470

to authorize the President of the Province to forward this resolution to the secretary general of 'ARS

Catania February 2, 2010
provincial councilors
Valerio Marletta - Antonio Tomarchio

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

South Park Streaming With Sub

Approved Agenda Against sale of confiscated property to the Mafia

Approved Agenda against the selling off of assets confiscated from the Mafia

the sitting of the provincial council of Catania Tuesday, January 12, 2010 was unanimously approved an agenda against the selling off of assets confiscated from the Mafia. The text approved by the provincial councilors proposed classroom Valerio Marletta and Antonio Tomarchio, exhibits a clear opposition to the amendment approved in the budget of the Berlusconi government that provides for the sale of property confiscated from the mafia, if not assigned, from 90 days after the seizure. This measure

return to the mafia that has been stolen by the law Rognoni-La Torre. E ' inconceivable that one might expect to make money with property confiscated from the mafia and that they should be (law 109/96) used for social purposes.
The auction of these properties is a risk most likely to return to criminal organizations that are definitely able to work through financial intermediation, such as shell companies or nominees.
the rule is a step backward in the strategy to combat the illegal assets that prosecutors are using as a key instrument in the fight against crime mafia.

Approval of the agenda is part of a framework for action to support the fight against the Mafia in Catania province, started a few months ago with the approval of another Odg that committed the provincial government to support businesses confiscated from the Mafia, first of all, the Riela Group in crisis for several months.

reiterate that the institutions must create specific policies to combat the mafia and not only hypocritical proclamations. The Berlusconi government and its acolytes in Sicily on one side bleating anti-Mafia achievability and then make a further gift to the powers criminali.Il not dissolve the municipal council of the Funds and the City Council Paterno for mafia infiltration, the tax shield, the bill on wiretapping are just some of the disturbing signal that this government has given the Mafia ..... thank you!

Catania 13 Gennaio 2010
Il consigliere provincialie Valerio Marletta

Monday, January 11, 2010

Absence Letter From School Of Attended Wedding

Unbearable delays in the work of the High School Gym Palagonia

Provincia regionale di Catania
Comunicato stampa

Stamattina lunedì 11 Gennaio 2009 gli studenti dell'ISIS di Palagonia hanno disertato le lezioni per il mancato avvio dei lavori di pavimentazione della palestra del plesso sito in C. Battisti. Nell'esprimere massimo sostegno istituzionale alle mobilitazioni studentesche preciso quanto segue:

1) La gara di appalto è stata aggiudicata regolarmente in data 16/7/2009 alla ditta Licciardello con sede a Torregrotta(ME) per la cifra di 16.936 euro come si evince da una mia interrogazione consiliare(determina dirigenziale n. 138).

2) L'avvio dei lavori era forecast for the first day of January 2010 but this date is not carried out any preparatory operations such as signing and delivery of the work the firm Licciardello.

3) This morning I called again and the commissioner's office to know the date of the opening but I have no firm date was announced.

4) consider intolerable delays to the start of work as students for many months are unable to carry out regular physical activity required by teaching.

strongly condemn those circumstances and given the delays and will continue to work to address the lack of notice of the work. Also participate in the mobilizations che gli studenti Palagonia costruiranno in questi giorni per ottenere la risoluzione dei problemi dell'ISIS di Palagonia.

Palagonia 11 Gennaio 2009.
Il capogruppo Valerio Marletta