Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Odg to support farmworkers

To the Chairman of the provincial president of the province

Agenda: support for workers and workers in the agricultural

Given that:
workers and workers in the citrus industry in the province of Catania live a jobs crisis unprecedented and that one of the causes of serious crisis to be found in the enormous difficulty of penetration of our products in global markets;
the crisis in the agricultural sector invests massively, as an immediate consequence, the laborers who sees year after year to reduce the number of working days available;
Law 247/2007 has deleted the provision that grants to agricultural laborers automatic recognition of the "ricoferma" working day last year, if included in the lists of common personal disaster and delimited by ministerial decree;
that provision results in serious injury to the agricultural laborers, in the event of natural and consequent reduction of working days, not working days are automatically see reconfirm the previous year nor for the purposes of unemployment benefit nor agricultural

the National Government to tackle the economic crisis, has allowed for the year 2009, the Fund for 'employment, the Region of Sicily, at variance with the laws in force resources to be used for social safety nets in derogation
these resources can be used for all categories, except for that of farm laborers since, the rule that the framework provides the requirements that do not take into account the specificity of that category (the norm it provides for the right in form but in substance the rule);

the labor market is constantly being processed and that the supply of labor in the agricultural sector, more than a decade, due to the spread of cooperatives without land, has radically changed its ways, especially with regard to the organization;
in many circumstances, the cunning management cooperatives without land, as evidenced by the actions of the Judiciary, have resulted in fraud and damage the same farm laborers INPS is honest;

the ongoing market crisis which affects our agriculture sees many farmers and owners of many warehouses for processing and marketing of products (oranges, grapes, figs, pears, etc..), instead of arranging the supply chain in the direction to compete in the markets, download the costs of the crisis itself, the laborers labor;

Noting that:
Law 247 / 2007 cited in the introduction does not activate the category for the laborers so-called "confirmation", namely the recognition the same day last year, both in terms of welfare benefit system which, at least 4,000 agricultural workers in the province of Catania;

in 2009, thousands of farm laborers in areas hit by disaster, were left without unemployment benefits ol 'they perceived only in part;

most of the agricultural laborers of the province, especially during the harvesting of grapes, oranges, pears, etc.., are forced to work illegally and pay third world or, to be settled for less days than those actually worked and, in any event, to receive lower wages than those given in payroll and projected dai CCNL;

Considerato che:
le istituzioni hanno il dovere di sostenere il comparto agricolo in crisi ormai da anni, e sostenere il rispetto dei CCNL e la lotta contro il lavoro nero e lo sfruttamento;

Ciò premesso e considerato il consiglio provinciale di Catania impegna il presidente Castiglione affinché sostenga con impegno e si faccia promotore , presso gli organi e le autorità competenti, dei seguenti provvedimenti:

1) rivedere la norma sugli ammortizzatori sociali in deroga, nella direzione di prevedere il diritto all’ attingimento degli ammortizzatori sociali in deroga, anche per la categoria dei braccianti agricoli.

2) a partire dal 2010, le indennità agricultural unemployment be settled within 60 days of submission and that the same program are made available to allow settlement of any claims such as, inter alia, the case with the ordinary unemployment;

3) dealing with illegal employment and all forms of exploitation in agriculture, but above all to establish the conditions for the real scope of collective agreement.

4) automatic recognition of the "confirmation" of the working days of the previous year, if included in the lists of common personal disaster and delimited by ministerial decree;

5) regulation of cooperatives without land to solve the problem of fraud.

6) endorsing the proposal for a cooperative regulation of landless laborers drafted by the Movement, the CGIL, CISL, CIA, UCI, Confcoperative already in possession of the Department of INPS Rome and His Excellency the Prefect of Catania.

A copy of the Odg is immediately sent to the prefect of Catania, the Labour Inspectorate, the Directorate of INPS Rome, the minister for agriculture.

Catania January 25, 2010
provincial councilors
Valerio Marletta
Antonio Tomarchio


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