Some interesting news from Tokyo.

style and irony in the new presentation of MGS: Rising Kojima Productions, a project that seems to revolve more around the spectacular routines in real-time slicing of the polygons.
announced the collection of HD ICO and Shadow of the Colossus , who will cheer the expectation of The Last Guardian, finally dated for the end of 2011.
Treasure will break up with Live Arcade and Radiant Silvergun Bangai-O in 2011.
announced several projects aimed apparently Kinect core users, including all Dragon Project, which refers to the series played on Saturn Panzer Dragoon.
Yakuza: The End Of sees the Japanese mafia, Sega faced with the classic zombie invasion.
first appearance for the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, Dark Project .
Here is a bit 'of trailer assorted including the extended Castlevania: Lords of Shadows , which highlights enemies and variety of locations and a certain dominance of the narrative, and Vanquish, with a new level and boss fight on a train.
Shadows of the Damned first appearance for the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, Dark Project .
Here is a bit 'of trailer assorted including the extended Castlevania: Lords of Shadows , which highlights enemies and variety of locations and a certain dominance of the narrative, and Vanquish, with a new level and boss fight on a train.
Devil May Cry 5
Asura's Wrath
MGS: Rising
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
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