Sunday, October 10, 2010

Does Groping Happen In Japan

Enslaved: odyssey to the west

Describe a game that is particularly appreciated is more difficult than doing a bad experience. The temptation is to indulge boundless admiration losing sight of the real texture of the product, to promote praise for a number of reasons may arise from reasons entirely personal. With this risk in mind I propose that my opinion on Enslaved: odyssey to the West, a game that sets the stage for what I consider a very important kind of videoludimondo, the modern digital adventures that divide the right amount of participation among contemplation and action.

You can imitate God of War without forza riportare pedissequamente ogni elemento. Si può raccontare una storia pur mantenendo viva e soprattutto attiva l’azione del giocatore. Si possono inserire personaggi artificiali credibili pur offrendoli con la tipica leggerezza dei prodotti videoludici. Enslaved riesce in gran parte a soddisfare tutte queste prerogative. La storia che racconta è quella di una lunga fuga, per esigenze di gameplay suddivisa in aree. Ogni sezione ha un ingresso e un’uscita da raggiungere; nel mezzo ostacoli architettonici da utilizzare per sopravvivere o da superare per abbattere i nemici. Questi, grazie a Dio, non sono un’orda indemoniata che basa la sua esistenza sulla quantità, piuttosto sulla qualità delle singole presenze, ognuna piazzata  a modo e con in mente un preciso scopo. Escludendo episodi particolari ogni zona non conta più di sei robot, addirittura massimo due come nel caso di torrette fastidiose. Il risultato è coinvolgente al pari di situazioni ben più affollate. Sulla qualità tecnica dello svolgimento lascio parlare chi ha maggior dimestichezza sull’argomento; quel che mi preme sottolineare è come questa sorta di limite contribuisca in maniera forte a mantenere alto il coinvolgimento, perché la situazione diventa accettabile, acquisisce senso, resta credibile. Aver dovuto affrontare migliaia di bot avrebbe significato offrire il fianco al becero mazzamazza , ottimo in moltissime situazioni, ma non per forza unico elemento able to keep up an action game.

Wanting to say a few words on the detail of the fighting, there should be emphasized that despite the various moves available in general everything is resolved through a forest of repeated blows to the mark: in fact any other conduct aimed to study the opponent does nothing but leave room to its hysterical reaction and its destruction of your avatar. This simple technique has over the timing of itself. Mazzola repeatedly and amen.
A special note for the lag - slight delay in the execution of the moves - in actions "on track" of the protagonist, such as climbing (Also reported by xPeter in OT). The presence of this can be considered a problem in some way is for the benefit of pathos, tension one feels in moments that require a degree of frenzy: just the "non scattevolezza" Monkey creates a greater sense of urgency that drives us to push with more participation, to curse the slowness of the action, hold your breath and then release it raised once you reach the goal.

History as alluded above tells a joint torque: a male protagonist played by you and a co-star AI. As a partner we have many examples bot. They generally have the their job of supporting actors like to play an instrument, like a digital Swiss boxcutter. Hardly their presence requires a particular emotional participation. In Enslaved has tried to change direction and we started to do the features of the bot. Expressions credible, dubbing excellent (apart from some out of sync in the Italian version), gestures, meaningful dialogue, which serves as a set. Trip (the female takes you pretend that you below) you can love it or hate it based on the decisions it takes, the fact remains that arouses feelings and not talking about sex drive discount, but pure love / hate, anxiety over its conditions, protective instincts or desire to take the head . A little 'what I feel for her co-star of your favorite fiction, just that you're the next, often even below, however contact . Clearly we are not in the presence of a unique involvement (insert the words used in context playful we speak), but a small step forward considering the flatness of producing all types of gaming that have tried that road, apart from the ' ICO na Ueda, there is very little else to be appointed from this point of view.

Putting the pieces together one can say that today is one of the co-op games featuring artificial among the best ever. A pleasant story, which inspired them to a fun general go on taking pleasure in participation. A real gaming entertainment product, somewhat lighter, more deep for considering what we currently offer the gaming market in terms of emotional involvement. In short, a tour and an honorable mention for the effort's worth without a doubt. If it is appropriate to give precedence to other experiences, depending on their character and what you look for in a video game. In Enslaved there is a beautiful adventure, with many scripts in a limited amount of participation in comparison to other products, but equally satisfying. There are games where do, games to watch; Enslaved is a good compromise, a milestone in the road of digital entertainment that has the courage to act as experience together before - or not only - as a useful tool to test the 'user skills.


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