Monday, December 21, 2009

Urethral Cyst Removal

Seizes 30 Rca% tax for the roads mnuteazione

Al Signor Presidente

della Provincia Regionale di Catania

on Giuseppe Castiglione

Atto d’indirizzo

Manutenzione strade

Given that:

● The maintenance of roads is one of the main duties of the Province


● The roads are in poor condition

● The body is affected by the non-accreditation from the government of funds for the secondary road

● Among the revenue of The RC tax paid by the motorists amounted to € 27.0000,00 of on a presumptive

Tutto ciò premesso e considerato il consiglio provinciale impegna la giunta

affinchè il 30% delle entrate derivanti da imposta RCA venga impegnato per la manutenzione delle strade

Catania 19 Dicembre 2009

I consiglieri Valerio Marletta/Antonio Tomarchio

Naughty America Strip

A book of dreams, empty spaces and the mortification of democracy, a president partying in 3 hours and approval of a budget. Odg

L’ approvazione dello strumento finanziario della Provincia regionale di Catania ha già rappresentato lo scorso anno un pretesto per propagandare all’ outside an alleged success by the junta which then hesitated Castiglione PEG (tool that gives actual operations to the budget itself) until mid-February.

again this year in line with the propaganda plan in place right from the time it took to burn and it has come to endorse a document with its attachments introductory (level of transfers, and three-year plan of public works) that reaffirm the attempt to manage the existing program without a proper policy to make profit sharing from the institution's core competencies that the law attributes to him.

The plan of hiding the ominous alienation vision of a center-right scenarios already seen that once again the City of Catania.

A ruling class that seems to lack originality has very clear is a real plan that impoverish the public and potential benefit of real estate speculation and consequential policies in the past have over-exposed body in the cost of acquiring , upgrading and maintenance of buildings that have affected nobles and powerful advisors.

The approval of the plan of disposal has been characterized by the arrogance of a majority that had not been able to maintain a quorum on a vote requested by the Adviser Tomarchio Group communication related to the deadline for submission of amendments and then rallied the troops after midnight to welcome a measure which was formally weakened, attaching to a cautious deliberation and discolpante recommendation regarding economic estimates performed to assess the value property.

has actually ruled in favor of those of us who has revealed a huge concern for administrative behavior that impoverishes the Province of Catania.

The three-year plan of public works the considerations above about the process undertaken. We remember that last year it was implemented step by step forced proposing a mere list di opere (un libro dei sogni) figlio della passata amministrazione che sarebbe tornato in aula ad inizio 2009 per essere rivisitato. Mai vi fu bugia più grossa di questa e soltanto a fine dicembre ci si è ritrovati in aula con il “nuovo” PP.TT.OO.PP.

Nuovo per modo di dire visto che anche in questa occasione si sono voluti sottolineare trionfalisticamente successi e novità che non si concretizzeranno.

Anziché puntare in poche e strategiche opere per la provincia e i singoli territori (una fermata di metropolitana di superficie al centro di Acireale, il rilancio dell’ area ex Siace nel giarrese ad esempio) si è continuata una elencazione di opere da cantierare che non saranno iniziate prima del prossimo secolo se si pensa che solo 15 sulle prime 81 individuate lo scorso anno hanno visto iniziare l’iter per la loro realizzazione. Dalla 82sima priorità in poi troviamo quegli interventi futuribili su cui tanti consiglieri faranno tanta propaganda ma pochi saranno i fatti concreti. Si è persino mancato di garbo istituzionale nei confronti dei Comuni che non hanno avuto il tempo di far pervenire il loro parere (stasera il consiglio comunale di Zafferana Etnea è chiamato quindi ad esprimersi su….nulla!!).

Il bilancio infine risente di tutte le scelte di cui sopra che ne indirizzano la spesa per lo più finalizzata a sponsorizzare le tante sagre e fiere sul territorio che non almost never make the province an active part in the organization but only provider of resources.

€ 42.5 million to redesign the way local New Light against € 2.5 million for roads give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sensitivity of those in power against the needs of the users reference. The only positive note was the implementation in the classroom by the addition of an act of address of the communist group which has as its object the restriction of allocating 30% of revenue 's body from tax RCA maintenance of roads.

policy concerning school buildings has made all the more difficult the beginning of the year school to thousands of students, teachers and students throughout the province and there is an exponential increase in rental costs (€ 720,000 in just for the Art Institute) and as in the case of Acireale (Institute of St. Michael) could be reduced if someone had thought of time as that property was left by the students of Gulli and Pennisi.

No breakthrough has been made in the context of social policies on which we have called for more courage and appropriations made circumvented.

is added to the damage perpetrated the hoax which has promoted the chairman of the budget which, at a preliminary stage has directed the work towards a deepening of the needs of each branch of the administration and that, in retrospect, it offers insights into some sort almost useless.


Antonio Tomarchio-Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where To Buy Bintang Beer In Uk

against the selling off of assets confiscated from the Mafia

The president of the provincial council of Catania
The President of the Province of Catania

Agenda for the property confiscated from the Mafia

Given that:
the maxi-amendment to the Finance Act recently passed by the Senate provides for the sale of property confiscated from the mafia, if not assigned, starting 90 days after confiscation;
the auctioning of these properties is a risk most likely to return to criminal organizations that are definitely able to work through financial intermediation, such as shell companies or nominees;
the provision in question, if finally approved, would mark a setback in the strategy combating illegal assets that prosecutors are using as a key instrument in the fight against crime mafia;

This' stated and considered:
the Provincial Council of Catania Castiglione asked the chairman to take every possible initiative to be an interpreter at the National Parliament of the need to avoid the final approval of a standard that would be a dangerous setback in the efforts by the judiciary and law enforcement in contrast to mafie.Copia of this agenda is being sent to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, the President of the National Anti-Mafia Commission and the national parliament elected in Province of Catania Catania

December 1, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quote For Church Anniversary

Question: high school made safe "E. Majorana" Scordia

The president of the provincial council of Catania

The President of the Province of Catania

question for written answer on issues Liceo E. Majorana "of Scordia

Given that:
For months, the school population of high school "and Majorana of Scordia expressed growing unease caused particularly imperiled by a wall arrangement which is slow in coming and that will jeopardize the use of the gym;

last Saturday, November 21, 2009 high school students have deserted the classrooms to protest against the failure of the work for the safety of part of the building housing high school;

In seguito alle abbondanti piogge di inizio anno, uno dei muri di recinzione e contenimento, posto al di sotto di Via Nenni, ha mostrato gravi segni di cedimento e pur essendo stato costruito in cemento armato, si è spostato minacciosamente di circa mezzo metro.

Considerato che:

il sottoscritto consigliere provinciale aveva già nei mesi scorsi segnalato, tramite interrogazione consiliare e reiterata segnalazione alla commissione consiliare competente(VI comm. Pubblica education), the security problems inherent in high school "E. Majorana "

with management determines N. 140, September 9, 2009 has been declared a final, the company MA.G.RA.F SRL based Adrano (Ct) awarded the contract "Dissesto retaining wall on the border north of the relevance of Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana Scordia.

This stated and considered, hoping that the work starts in quick times to ensure full right to education, demanding to know:

1) times starting work for the safety of the building

2) If the work envisaged in the contract will be for solving the problems exposed in the introduction.

Catania November 23, 2009

Councillor Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mobility Scooter Idiots

We asked for the resignation of quaestor for the violence in the province Cpo Experia

Monday, October 26, 2009

Uncensored Images From Ftv

does not participate in competition for land conservation by hydrogeological risk

The president of the provincial council of Al
Catania President of the Province of Catania

question for written answer on a regional call for Protection of Natural

Given that:
On September 3, 2009 as the deadline for submission of projects relating to the notice of the Regional Land and Environment for the realization di progetti per la salvaguardia del territorio dai rischi connessi ai fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico ed erosione costiera;

i recenti drammatici fatti che hanno visto protagonista la provincia di Messina dimostrino come gli enti locali sottovalutino la grave situazione idrogeologica dei nostri territori;

Considerato che:

il territorio della nostra provincia presenta molte aree a rischio a causa di fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico ed erosione costiera;

non risulta che la provincia regionale di Catania abbia presentato alcun progetto d’intervento a difesa o consolidamento di aree costiere o soggetto a dissesto idrogeologiche.

Ciò premesso e considerato si demands to know:

if the news is true that no project has been submitted by this institution;

to know, if they had instead been presented, projects to provide prompt assistance for land conservation and health of citizens.

Catania October 23, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta

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question on three-year plan of public works 2009/2011

The president of the provincial council of Catania
The President of the Province of Catania
alderman for public works

question for written answer on a three-year work program and 2009 Annual

Given that:
in the month of December 2008 il consiglio provinciale di Catania ha votato e reso esecutiva la delibera di giunta riguardante il programma triennale delle opere pubbliche 2009/2011

suddetto programma prevede per l’annualità 2009 (parte A – opere finanziate e/o in corso di esecuzione) 56 interventi riguardanti viabilità, manutenzioni straordinarie e opere varie.

Considerato che:

il 2009 volge al termine e ci apprestiamo a discutere del nuovo programma triennale delle opere pubbliche 2010/2012.

Ciò premesso e considerato chiede di sapere:

1) Se sono partiti i lavori di tutte le opere previste nell’annualità 2009;
2) Quali e quante delle 56 opere, provided with funding in 2009, have been completed;
3) The state of the works if the works had not been completed;
4) A detailed plan and estimate work was completed

Catania October 26, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta

How To Make Crepes With Krusteaz Pancake Mix

still problems regarding the maintenance of roads. Question on Sp 34 and Sp 63

The president of the provincial council of Catania
The president of the province of Catania
alderman for public works

question for written answer on SP 34 and SP 63

Given that:
many citizens have These days expressed growing unease about the condition of 34 roads that connects the town of Caltagirone in St. Peter's, and 63 that connects the town of Caltagirone and Granieri Mazzarone;

from an inspection are evident deteriorated condition of the road surface with numerous holes and that the road has suffered further damage by heavy rains in recent weeks;

the SP 34 and 63 are passed through the streets by hundreds of resources, including agricultural, every day and that this situation makes the road very dangerous

some parts of these roads are dangerous especially near the roundabout that divides the two roads at the fork to the presence of thick grass which blocks the view of causing serious difficulties in giving priority ai veicoli.

Chiede di sapere:
quali interventi l’assessorato intenda apportare sulle suddette strade provinciali;

se l’amministrazione abbia già sollecitato la Pubbliservizi sul problema riscontrato e i tempi della messa in sicurezza delle strade qualora fossero già state prese delle decisioni sugli interventi da apportare.

Catania 26 Ottobre 2009
Il consigliere provinciale

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Manga Scan Read Romance

Friday, October 23 general strike. Parade in Catania.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cytherea With Mandingo


Sequestrata l'agenda del geometra accusato di concussione insieme ad un tecnico e ad un vigile urbano.

ROMA (16 ottobre) - Un contabile in piena regola, il geometra Domenico Giustini, responsabile dell’Ufficio tecnico del X Municipio. Con la precisione di un ragioniere teneva appunti su ogni cosa e li trascriveva su fogli bianchi con scrittura fitta fitta. Una sorta di “diario delle mazzette” che sono costate al surveyor on charges of extortion. With him are investigated also a policeman in the same group (recently moved) and another official. The prosecutor, investigating their activities on "parallel", believes that were the center of a round of bribes received in exchange for "amnesty" would otherwise be impossible, and this belief is conducting investigations, conducted on a "suspect" of three other fighters. Justinian and his alleged accomplices in the squad, came after a complaint of abuse by building Claudio Callegari, actor and owner of the Sporting Village gyms. The contractor reported being extortionists for years until the decision to go to the police. Take the survey and was entrusted to the prosecutor Cocomello Assunta, which have been joined by my colleague Maria Letizia Golfieri, and it makes sense that the work of attorney is intended to aumentare.Dalle searches and seizures of papers and documents that you can imagine surveyor of the alleged illegal activity went on for several years. Giustini not only leaves notes on names and numbers caused by extortionists who came, but came to grant the deferral of the payment of bribes to those who did not have the amount immediately. A sort of "bribe in installments" that still made him reach the final goal, which is expected to take money and invest it in goods which were then payable famiglia.Da to a first account made by the investigators, from June to October of 2009, the number of people "contacted" by the surveyor would be about seventy. Their names are written in tiny handwriting, one after the other. The magistrates are working on mobile and groped to find them, crossing the documentation seized in the technical department. A lot of work on which they have already indicated otherwise. It seems that Justin, played recently, has admitted at least part of its activity "parallel", as would happen with any of the victims. The rest as to deny it? His salary is about sixteen hundred euro per month and is nullatente. Although abbia provato a difendersi (assistito dall’avvocato Carmine Carucci), dicendo che molti dei profitti arrivavano da regalìe natalizie, ha ancora tanto da giustificare. Al punto che ieri gli inquirenti hanno sequestrato i suoi conti correnti per cercare di risalire al giro di soldi.Secondo la ricostruzione degli investigatori, infatti, il geometra avrebbe adeguato le sue richieste di denaro a seconda del “favore” da fare. Si partiva da un minimo di 500 euro fino a svariate migliaia. A tirare dentro i vigili sarebbe stato lui stesso: dovendo delegare a loro i controlli sugli abusi, li avrebbe coinvolti nel passaggio di mazzette per evitare ostacoli.

Fonte (Il di Cristiana Mangani And Paul wants

Friday, October 16, 2009

Voice Of Bounty Commercial

Concussion X X CITY HALL

MOTION PDL that will be discussed at the board meeting (X Town Hall) on October 22, 2009:

Given that these days the town is strongly affected by news reports concerning alleged abuses building and crimes of extortion and related legal requirements that would see suspects and involved employees and firefighters X Hall.

Noting that the alleged irregularities noted in particular a sports center named 'Sporting Village', located in Via Polia Statuary in the neighborhood, a club that, as stated by the President of the Municipality Sandro X Doctors to the media, "Was seized a year ago."

Given that the issue has taken disturbing connotations, with lots of "extortion" and "solicitations" made known and reported by the owner of the above, and that the scenario that is emerging is likely to create serious unease collar workers, technicians and officials, municipal brigades through a generalized guilt that would harm some of the good name and image of public administration and in particular the X Hall.

stressed the need for certainty in the administrative process in close collaboration with headquarters and with the latter which must necessarily apply to the Town Hall the fulfillment of all those functions of government control and without which there can be no good governance.

found that the 'UOT and the Municipal Police Force need, clearly, a more serious attention from organic and central government and with the help of all those tools and resources considered useful to the government of the territory .

Given that time stressing the need for rotation of senior staff within the technical and administrative offices, mainly because it would be appropriate officials do not play, as happens, for long periods of their role nella medesima sede municipale.

Che si stigmatizzano inoltre con fermezza e vigore le inopportune, gravissime dichiarazioni rese dal Presidente del X Municipio Sandro Medici secondo cui, con riferimento ad un preoccupante “stato d’animo di abbandono”, “amministratori e tecnici sono tutti pagati poco e questo non aiuta perché è inevitabile che chi ha salari più bassi sia più esposto a certi tipi di tentazioni”, quando per reati come quelli suindicati, se accertati, non può esserci alcun alibi né giustificazione.

Che si reclama, altresì, il rispetto etico e il senso di Stato cui ogni dipendente è trasparentemente e correttamente chiamato, a prescindere da ogni qualsivoglia perceived pay.

all the above and considering

I commit the President of the X Hall, as well as to report at a public meeting held on the entire history, to work actively with the Central Government to prepare a new plan of organization and reorganization of the management in order to ensure a more efficient and clear municipal management.

Group Consiliare
People of Freedom Hall

Rome, there

Monday, October 12, 2009

Would I Get Discharge If I Had A Kidney Infection

rally in the popular district of Paternò to demand the resignation of the junta

Domenica 11 Ottobre comizio a Paternò

Domenica 11 Ottobre ho partecipato ad un comizio del circolo di Paternò del Prc per chiedere le dimissioni di una amministrazione in odor di "mafia" a Paternò. Non lo hanno organizzato nei salotti buoni o tra le mura di una sezione ma in un quartiere popolare simbolo dell'abband ono sociale. Questi devono essere i luoghi della nostra azione politica!

Meno stanze di partito, meno chiacchiere intellettuali e più concretezza nella nostra azione possono essere una via d'uscita alla crisi e all'immobilismo della sinistra. Avanti così con tanta umiltà e tanta voglia di riconquistare il rapporto perduto con la nostra gente!

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Skip Odg support to employees of the Group Riela

Dopo mesi di lavoro in aula passa l'ordine Riela on the day.

In April last, during the special session of the provincial council on the work we presented a Odg support to employees of the Group Riela senior confiscated from the Mafia. The 24 workers of their jobs at risk because of the great crisis that Riela going through for years. We demand a real commitment that the provincial administration would lead to entrusting procurement Riel, which is mainly engaged in vehicle maintenance and logistics. After months of stonewalling and lack of quorum in the classroom finally after a long work is the odg voted unanimously in the classroom! From now on we are committed to maintaining an interest to workers Riela so that the commitment made in the classroom is respected by Castiglione. A small step towards the preservation of jobs and a battle against the Mafia.

In older posts you can find the text dell'odg approved.

Councillor Valerio Marletta

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Where Can I Buy A Gold Skirt?

postponed to October 3 cultural event for the law to restore viability Palagonia

attacks against property or persons, a social policy and cultural absent nocturnal fires hung from the "usual suspects", fights in the city council, the policy that looks only to the chairs and rooms power, a social crisis without precedent in recent years ...... this is the image as merciless Palagonia in recent years!

We asked Alderman politiche culturali della provincia di sostenere le realtà palagonesi che si riconoscono nelle politiche dell'accoglienza, nel rispetto della diversità, nella libera espressione del pensiero.

Pensiamo che non stia nella militarizzazione e nel controllo poliziesco la via d'uscita alla crisi che investe il paese. In un momento di crisi devono emergere con più forza le energie positive di una comunità.

Noi abbiamo chiesto che questo primo intervento(sicuramente piccolo, ma è pur sempre un inizio) si rivolgesse a tutte quelle realtà artistiche, associazionistiche e di singoli che portano avanti la cultura e la musica come forme di socialità. In una comunità dove regna l'individualismo sfrenato e la cultura violence, the policy has the duty to support and reaffirm the true values \u200b\u200bof our democracy. Taking part in this!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Prom Dresses In The Galleria

Question on SP-111 Mineo Caltagirone

The President of the Provincial Council of Catania
Dr. John Leonardi
All'assesore Public Works
Dr. Ottavio Vaccaro

question for written answer on the status of the SP 111, is Salto - Altobrando, municipalities and Mineo Caltagirone

Given that:
the road in question is, by its articulation in the rural areas involved, are major, representing the only access to the many farms in intense agricultural activity and the same for almost a decade without any maintenance work is worthy of this definition;

latest posts were made by Musumeci, and that in consequence, to date, for most of its development has no road and the background, to the point that it can not be traveled by farm vehicles (tractors), while the jump is Altobrando-entering the lands of interest to the common Mineo and Caltagirone is physically interrupted for about a year later the collapse of a bridge of stone arches,

this situation has made and makes it impossible to conduct normal farming activities due to lack of get funds, a situation which gave rise to disputes and conflicts between farmers threshing last season for the simple reason that the farms could only be reached through the fields and the crops of others;

same situation looms for the start of the new vintage Agricultural and every comment or appeal made by local farmers in this province to solve the problem is left without any feedback.

among the main tasks entrusted to the province's what concerns the management of provincial road network and over the same development tasks include permanent and regular maintenance is the main one, so da scomodarlo a giustificazione dell'esistenza stessa dell'Ente Provincia.

Si chiede di sapere:
1. Quali sono gli intendimenti e le risposte che questa amministrazione intende dare in merito al problema sollevato comunicando modi e tempi di intervento.
2. Per quale ragione tutta l'area del Calatino sud Simeto è lasciata nell'abbandono più totale in materia di manutenzione stradale.
3. Quali sono i criteri e le priorità di spesa che questa amministrazione ritiene degne di essere considerate stimolatrici dello sviluppo dell'area in questione e fra queste quale posto occupa l'agricoltura considerato lo stato in cui è tenuta la rete stradale .
4. Se sono e saranno sempre le politiche delle saghe generous to the experts and policy positions with which it is service to the citizens of south-calatino simeto, including his own constituency.

Catania September 14, 2009
Councillor parent "Communist"
Valerio Marletta

Retaining Wall Estimate

Question on the Road Provincial 180, "escape" Caltagirone

The president of the provincial council of Catania
Dr. John Leonardi
alderman for public works of the Province of Catania
Dr. Ottavio Vaccaro

question for written answer on conditions SP 180 falling town of Caltagirone.

Given that:
many citizens have repeatedly reported to the competent authorities the presence of waste nell'aera adjacent to the bridge that crosses the SP 180, known locally as "escape" of Caltagirone;

the project to complete the SP 180 provides for the construction of a ramp input from the SS 124, Bivio Molon , near the former fruit and vegetable market

the project completion is still with the procedures for expropriation of land adjoining.

that the road is an important artery for traffic calatina and that any further delay causes hardship to the population;

the degraded state in which there is no prompt intervention can lead to creation of a real dump with the consequences imaginable;

the province of Catania can not ignore and abandon a road the responsibility of the Councillor of Public Works this institution.

those circumstances and considering demands to know:
1 - what this administration wants to take action to clean up the waste and prevent it in future we may repeat the transformation of the road in a landfill for household appliances and the like.
2 - The timing of the completion of the road in question so as to carry to the bottom of the institutional commitments taken by this body to citizenship calatina.

Catania September 14, 2009
Councillor capogruppo “Comunisti”
Valerio Marletta

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Do My Brownies Turn Crumbly?

Agenda anti-nuclear region in the province di Catania

Al presidente del consiglio provinciale di Catania
Al presidente della provincia regionale di Catania

Ordine del giorno : “Contrarietà della provincia di Catania ad individuare sul proprio territorio siti idonei per l’attivazione di centrali nucleari”

Premesso che:
che nel 1987 il popolo italiano si è pronunciato per via referendaria sulla fine della produzione di energia nucleare nel nostro paese;

che nel mondo, pur essendo attive molte centrali nucleari, la percentuale di energia prodotta resta modesta (6.4 percent), expensive (compared to other sources), via depletion (due to the uranium fuel), that even after 1987 have been frequent accidents, remain intact and dangerous environmental impacts (in particular for consumption and waste water), the risks to public safety and the uncertainties about disposal of radioactive waste, some are cost increases in uranium;

in the world that other countries have closed plants and have reduced or canceled plans to build new power plants;

that Italy has not provided a coherent national energy master plan to replace fossil fuels and nuclear policies and efficiency measures for saving, renewables and effective choices for the transition;

that many regions have nevertheless adopted regional environmental and energy plans that totally disregard the possible contribution of nuclear energy and give priority provisions to encourage investment and savings in energy consumption and efficiency, renewable and efficient technologies for energy production, with systems, networks, positive initiatives already undertaken in the area;

the Italian Senate voted July 9, 2009 the bill development that marks the return of Italy to nuclear power despite a referendum popular in 1987 it had sanctioned the exclusion as a form of energy supply.

those circumstances and given the county council said:

the unavailability of the province of Catania in procedures for identifying suitable sites for the activation of nuclear .

engages the President of the Province of Catania:

1) work in institutional settings that remain valid, ruling the 1987 referendum throughout the country;

2) encourage the adoption of a national energy plan based on renewables and energy efficiency savings by developing policies sufficiently widespread in the territory.

Catania July 27, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sympathy Quote For Loss Of Father

Il governo Berlusconi taglia 157 milioni di euro per le strade provinciali

Communist Party of the PRC
Federation of Catania Via S.

No Orsola 30



was held today, beginning at 11 am, at the provincial headquarters in Via S. No Orsola 30, the conference releases organized by the Communist Refoundation on "Lost € 150 million for maintenance and upgrading of roads in the province of Catania." Failla

Marcello, head of the municipal policies of the PRC Communist opened the press conference denouncing the plan for maintenance on the streets of the city and our province, announced almost a year ago by President Castiglione, may no longer be achieved.

" With the 2007 budget, the then Prodi government," said Failla, " allocated substantial resources to the intervention for the viability of the regions of Sicily and Calabria. The Province Regional Catania was asked on that occasion, to draw up a list of major repairs to be carried out, which were funded for more than 157 million euro.

Like many other funds, enough to remember the budget cuts for FAS € 4 billion to the region of Sicily and the now famous EUR 140 million that the city of Catania is waiting in vain for over a year, these resources have been diverted elsewhere by the Berlusconi government. Once again, the center-right government has shown its true face antimeridionalista then, disregarding the hopes of local communities and denying the commitments made by previous governments.

This is the sign of abandonment in which is relegated to the south of Italy, which, at a time of grave economic crisis, he sees constantly reduced the resources available and is thus left to their fate. Faced with these choices of the Berlusconi government, little do the president and the president himself Lombardo Castiglione, which make it so contributing to any cutbacks planned for the south, and then the aggravation of living conditions of the Sicilian people. "

then the word has weight Valerio Marletta, Councilor of the PRC Communist who stressed that the president Castiglione remained completely insensitive to the many demands of the opposition in the provincial council.

Da oltre un anno Rifondazione Comunista, “ ha detto Marletta”, con interrogazioni e interventi in consiglio provinciale, ha richiesto precise risposte al presidente Castiglione rispetto agli interventi necessari a garantire una viabilità degna di tale nome nella città e nella provincia di Catania.

Le opere che dovevano essere finanziate con i 157 milioni di euro previsti nella finanziaria del 2007, interessano infatti strade provinciali chiuse per frana, inagibili, senza guard-rail e muretti di protezione, ed oggi non sono più rinviabili.

Il ritardo accumulato renderà infatti più pericoloso percorrere strade molto trafficate nella nostra città e in the province, thus putting at risk the safety of citizens.

Refoundation Communist forward at the next meeting of the provincial council, scheduled for Monday, July 6, an order of the day to urge the president to Castiglione requiring urgent meeting with the national government in order to protest the cutting of 157 million € for roads and to request the 'immediate funding of the works necessary to ensure the transport in the city of Catania and its province. "

Catania July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Implant Rejection Symptoms

Mozione sull'acqua pubblica e sulla gestione del servizio idrico

The president of the province of Catania
Mozione sull'acqua pubblica e sulla gestione del servizio idrico

-L’acqua è fonte di vita. Senza acqua non c’è vita. L’acqua costituisce pertanto un bene comune dell’umanità, un bene irrinunciabile che appartiene a tutti. Il diritto all’acqua è un diritto inalienabile: dunque l’acqua non può essere proprietà privata, bensì un bene equamente condiviso
ed accessibile a tutti;

-Oggi sulla Terra più di un miliardo e trecento milioni di persone non hanno accesso all’acqua
drinking. It is expected that within a few years this number will reach three billion.
The main cause of this is the neoliberal model that has produced a huge
inequality in access to water, generating plus a growing shortage of the latter, due to destructive modes of production of the ecosystem;

- The pressures at different levels (international, national and local), aimed at affirming the custody
the so-called free-market privatization of water resources management, and continues with impunity
transcend across different political cultures and administrative

-Stop the processes of privatization of water, therefore, assume the twenty-first century increasingly
the characteristics of a problem of civilization, which involves politicians and citizens, asking each
to assess their own actions, thus assuming responsibility than their
living and future;

The effects of mass-market public services and water shows that only a public property and public governance, and local communities participated
can ensure the protection of the resource, the right to access 'Water for All and its preservation for future generations;

-In this battle, along with global and local, is
now widespread awareness of population about the need not to commodify the common good water and there is hardly any area that is crossed by disputes over water;

-In Italy, in order to provide coordination in such disputes , was set up on ITALIAN FORUM OF MOVEMENT FOR THE COMMON GOOD WATER, which subscribes to the institutions, associations, trade unions and professional
, municipalities, provinces and regions;

-In Italy the Law of 5 January 1994, n. 36, said the criteria for the protection and use of water resources
and defines the characteristics of integrated water services, while in Sicily, with Presidential Decree No Region 114/gr.IVS.G. of May 16, 2000, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 16/serv2S.G. of 29.012002, we have determined the Optimal Territorial Areas, starting
the way for privatization of water management, drinking


Municipalities of Caltagirone, Mazzarrone, Mineo, San Michele di Ganzaria, Scordia Vizzini and challenged before the Tar and the resolutions of the board of directors on the Ato Sie Spa, and the invitation to tender. The tar allowed the appeal in part, but the municipalities were appealed to the Board of Administrative Justice (Case No 589/27 October 2006), which upheld the appeal and set aside both the deliberations of the Provincial Council is the car with which it was the Sie. But despite this ruling is the provincial government headed by Lombardo is the board of directors authorizing dell'Ato2 the amicable settlement of disputes with municipalities that had appeal, provided they renounce the effects of the sentence. These are some valid claims made on the operation of the service, in exchange for the waiver to apply for enforcement. Cos' Operation Water is saved. Despite a ruling saying it is illegal. The agreement was ratified in December 2006 by the ATO.

strongly reiterates

THAT water is an essential common good of humanity and the inalienable right of all people
, which therefore can not become private property of anyone, but remain a good shared equally accessible to all;

Towards the choice of the provincial political and administrative in Catania.

The county council undertakes the administration Castiglione
To develop the provisions of the Judgement of CGA above Sie noted that until now has not been operational in any way so that users have continued to have relations with bodies of water distribution reference.

Catania June 29, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bike Shops Open On Sundays

Alla provincia passa O.d.g. contro la costruzione del Muos a Niscemi

The provincial council voted unanimously Catania an agenda that the President committed to actively Castiglione regional institutions to prevent the construction of a Muos Niscemi. The agenda presented by the provincial directors of the PDCI and Antonio Tomarchio Valerio Marletta re-founding of the Communist comes after the mobilizations against the new Niscemi Caltagirone and militarization of the territory. Communist Refoundation welcomes the agenda presented by the two communist advisers and renews its commitment in institutions and in the streets against the construction of the radar system Muos harmful to the health of communities. The PRC will continue to support the struggle for a safe abient against old and new militarization and security of citizens.

the President of the Province of Catania Giuseppe Castiglione

For health and safety of citizens of Niscemi and throughout the region.

Given that: A
American project, part of the U.S. military satellite communication envisages the launch of four satellites and the establishment of four antennas Muos (Mobile User Object System) high frequency (UHF), distributed territory World:

● The first in Australia, Niscemi the second, third and fourth in Virginia to Hawaii, all located in uninhabited areas, except the Niscemi about to be built in Elm district, three km from the town .
● The antenna will be 18 m in diameter and 147 m in height and will be activated in 2011. From the operation will produce electromagnetic waves that could be harmful to human health with the risk of cancer, leukemia and birth defects even after decades.
● It will be a pollution imperceptible to the senses, because the electromagnetic waves are invisible, odorless and colorless, but which will be absorbed by the body anyway with disastrous consequences. The Provincial Council is

● In order for the President acting at the regional level in order to prevent the construction of this work which would have a significant impact on the environmental impact and devastating consequences for the health not only of population but of Niscemi throughout the region.

provincial councilors

Antonio Tomarchio - Valerio Marletta
Italian Communists - Communist Refoundation

Desmume Pokemonheartgold

il 7 Luglio la commissione provinciale "trasparenza e legalità" a Palagonia


Monday, June 22 the sitting of the provincial commission extraordinary "legality and transparency", the director of the provincial party Refoundation Communist Valerio Marletta dopo aver illustrato le intimidazioni fatte al Sindaco Calanducci e gli ultimi insostenibili fatti di cronaca che hanno caratterizzato Palagonia, ha sollecitato una seduta della stessa commissione da svolgersi a Palagonia alla presenza dell'amministrazione locale e aperta alla cittadinanza. Scopo della seduta sarà, oltre che esprimere con un atto concreto la vicinanza delle istituzioni provinciali alla cittadinanza, discutere e portare a conoscenza l'opinione pubblica della grave crisi che soffre Palagonia come evidenziato dagli ultimi insostebili atti di illegalità perpetrati da "ignoti". E' insostenibile che la violenza fisica e materiale entri nello scontro politico e diventi pratica a Palagonia. Siamo di fronte a una crisi sociale e culturale di dimensioni mai views. The institutions are obliged to register and take responsibility for very serious situation. The Committee on the legality and transparency "and then held an extraordinary meeting on the premises of the town of Palagonia July 7 days time to be confirmed. E 'invited to all citizens.

Catania June 22, 2009
Provincial Councillor Valerio Marletta

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ewa Sonnet And Ines Cudna Oil

Pieno sostegno al Catania Pride - corteo sabato 27 giugno ore 17:30


organized by the center
OPEN MIND glbt Catania

From Stonewall to Catania Pride 2009

------------------------------------------- ---


Thursday, June 25 Presentation of the book "Narrative Fabulous" Purple Marcasciano


the status of transsexual people Today in Italy.

With Purple Marcasciano MIT Bologna

CSO AURO Via Santa Maria del Rosario 28 19:00 Catania

Friday, June 26 "DRAGQUEENSHOCK! "

was better when we were worse

STONEWALL 1969-2009

Conversations The half-serious de Karl Du Pigne '

audio and video: Lancill8

CSO AURO Via Santa Maria del Rosario 28 Catania 21 Hours

Saturday, June 27 GLBT PROUD PARADE!!

procession from Piazza Borgo (Cavour) at University Square '
Concentration 17.30


CSO AURO Via Santa Maria del Rosario 28 Catania

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Erotic Spanish Movies Blog

CONTAMINATION IN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AND illegal occupation of pavements

This letter was sent to the Mayor of Rome and for information to:
-Quaestor of Rome
-Police Commander Municipal

-Police to protect the health NAS
-Local Health Authority of Rome B
X-President of Town Hall
Subject: Contamination of fruits and vegetables, squatting sidewalks and public nuisance in the X Municipio di Roma.

Dear Mayor
we would like to bring to your attention a series of fraudulent behavior that occur from too much time in our City Hall, and that now seem out of control.
Many businesses take advantage of the grant of occupation of public land to subtract more pedestrian space for residents. For bartenders, restaurant owners, street vendors, it is now customary to take up more space than is allowed, including tables, chairs, planters, and benches, it's not clear where residents have to walk, and controls to prevent that phenomenon are scarce, in many cases non-existent .
We believe that taking away from citizens residing in the pedestrian streets to vehicular density so high, is not only dishonest and violates their right, but also dangerous.
should begin to draw a line between public space may be predisposed to such practices, and sidewalks for pedestrians to transit alone, as we remember the Highway Code (provisions General art.3 n.33).
With regard to administrative inspections and hygiene, training establishments seem to be moving mostly at the request of some residents and almost never spontaneously. There are activities, which always behind the exposed individuals, appear to have been caught several times by an order of closure of illegal occupation of public land.
Unfortunately, Article 6 of Law No 25 March 1997 77, provides for a maximum of three days of detention for the exercise sanctioned more than once within a year, even for repeat offenders merchants.
For this regulatory gap, in our opinion, one should try to meet with systematic and more effective inspections conducted by the institutes in charge.
does not seem right that in a civil society and organized, let the citizen is responsible for the supervision of rogue operators, not even guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive data, thus exposing it to possible retaliation by those who have suffered the complaint.
activities of fruits and vegetables, on the edge of roads with high vehicular flow, display their goods outside the premises without regard to their possible contamination, and dealing with stacks of wooden boxes, large portions of the sidewalk, but even this operation appears to be countered effectively.
Yet in our town, these practices are prohibited by both the Regulations of the Office Hygiene that the Urbana Police.
Some shopkeepers, now without any scruple, and encouraged by the lack of controls, choose to supply goods at dawn, not caring so our code of criminal procedure, and especially the residents. Shouting and disturbing the peace in this city, now seem meaningless words, for a wholesome life, however, we can not go on and declassified this crime.

is not the first time our neighborhood committee turns to her with confidence to solve objective problems that afflict the citizens of this City Hall and beyond. Precisely for this our trust nella Sua persona, e l’amore che nutriamo per il nostro territorio, Le auguriamo con tutto il cuore una politica gestionale discontinua rispetto a quella dei Suoi predecessori, che non hanno saputo comprendere quanto importante fosse il diritto, e le periferie di questa città. Certi in un Suo sollecito interessamento, Le porgiamo i nostri più Cordiali Saluti.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crepes Using Krusteaz Pancake Mix

Martedì 23 Giugno assemblea contro il G8 al Csa Auro

Tuesday, June 23 Catania network against the G8 meeting to arrange a mobiltazione against Aquila the G8 to be held in July and to revitalize the Sicilian protests to be held in the coming months. There will be meeting miltanti comtitati of anti-Ponte, Muos and representatives of trade unions and associations. This meeting will also be a militant anti-G8 Abruzzo. The struggle continues! First

planned interventions:

Gino Sturniolo - No Network Bridge
Annino Goofy - No LNG terminal Committee
Melissa Cobas Palermo School

Friday, April 10, 2009

What's The Bingo Game Online With The Old Man?

Con questa simpatica foto, vogliamo augurare a tutti i nostri lettori una Buona Pasqua
ricordandovi che con un solo sms al 48580 potrete dare il vostro contributo
to earthquake victims in Abruzzo.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hsbc Direct Rewards Discover


the immigration policy of the Italian government might finally begin to take shape a policy of carrot and stick. "Italy wants to clarify once and for all that we welcome and we will continue to receive the Romanians who work respecting the law, but at the same time we will be steadfast against those who do not respect the law." He said yesterday the Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, at the entrance to the Council on Foreign Relations in Brussels, stressing that in terms of expulsions countries like France sono stati molto più severi di noi, senza aver mai fatto così tanto rumore come ha fatto il governo italiano. “Solamente nel 2008 Parigi ha espulso oltre 7000 cittadini romeni, l'Italia ne ha espulsi circa 40”, quindi “le rassicurazioni le debbono dare i romeni a noi, che non ci siano più criminali romeni nelle nostre strade”, ha proseguito. Una politica della mano dura che, sottolinea il ministro Frattini, deve anche tenere in conto l’interesse italiano nei confronti di un partner “assolutamente strategico”.
A mettere freno all’associazione tra criminalità e immigrazione è stato il presidente della Camera Gianfranco Fini che, nella presentazione del rapporto Cnel sull'integrazione of immigrants, has asked to "reject the hateful mental association between crime and immigration." At the same time, however, warned that it is also necessary "to say that the guarantee of security and legality, especially in suburbs and areas most exposed to risk of violence is a necessary condition for the integration processes can take place freely." For Fini must first "re-establish the perception among citizens, shocked by too many cases where the crime the punishment is not followed, which Italy can guarantee strict compliance with the rules of civil coexistence." Equally important however is to treat the immigrant as a fellow-countryman, especially for the processes of training and job placement, because "the only alternative becomes the defeat, the inability of the Italian company to drive a process."
But some data now starting to reveal that the "common places" on the relationship between crime and immigration are not so far from reality. To prove there Pittau Franco, scientific coordinator of the Caritas Migrantes Dossier on Immigration, unique in Italy to have devised the demographics and crime statistics on Romanians in Italy. From his work shows that the problem is not the crime rate, ie the ratio between the Romanians and the number reported total of Romanians who live with us. After the entry of Romania into the European Union January 1, 2007, in fact, on the Italian territory they live and work more than one million of Romanians. In proportion, therefore, at the end of 2006 inmates of that nationality were only 1,650, while today there are 2,729, an increase of almost insignificant 0.27 percent.
The crime rate of the Romanians took a very different meaning if we take into account the individual crimes as emphasized in the Interior Ministry, over the three years between 2004 and 2006, the Romanians were in first place among foreigners for the murder, the first for sexual violence, for the first burglary, with tear and dexterity, the first between the extortionists and business robberies. The Ministry of Justice Romania, Catalin Preodiu adds an alarming fact: 40 percent of those wanted by international mandate from Bucharest is located in Italy. Moreover between 2000 and 2005, complaints against the Romanians have nearly tripled leading to very high financial costs: a search for Andrea De Nicola, Professor of Criminology at the University of Trento, has estimated that - if you calculate the costs resulting the crime (pecuniary, biological and moral), the non-revenue generated as a result of violence, the costs of investigating and adjudicating activities (litigation costs and detention) - sexual violence committed by foreigners, excel where the Romanians, the state will spend 2.7 billion euro a year.
For all these reasons are some voices that started to emerge from the Rumanian community now integrated in Italy, first to ask the government to adopt a stricter policy also in their interest. Dmitru Jlnca is Romania, lives in Padova and is a member of the PDL, a candidate for elections in the European People's Party. Ensure that for the majority of Romanians, "Italy is a second home" and explaining the reason for this increase in crime is due to the lightness of Romania's judicial system: "Unfortunately there's also word of mouth among the criminals: they saw in Italy if you commit a crime get out of jail after three days and then they thought it convenient to come here ... Italy's problem is the certainty of punishment. Who has to pay is wrong, period, and processes should be faster. " He adds that "the detainees, including Romanians, should work to stay in jail and pay the costs: it is not fair that my taxes are kept with criminals." Echoes another famous Rumanian, Siena midfielder Paul Codrea, who asked not to do with all the same brush: "The criminals, when caught, must remain in jail to avoid committing new crimes."
Yet something could be done to avoid to arrive at this "security emergency". One suggestion comes from Alessandro Silj of the Italian Council for Social Sciences Etnobatometro reminiscent of how to initiate steps to control the migration. "Some groups of immigrants Romanians want to make an appeal to the Bucharest government to take steps to this, including even the non-granting of passports to citizens in that country have already been implicated in acts of violence," says Silj believes that a viable measure because "Romania will enter the Schengen area until 2011 and border controls should be still in force, should not be impossible for the authorities to filter the citizens che emigrano”. L’iniziativa trova il sostegno anche del ministro Frattini che oggi ha lanciato la proposta di far segnalare alle forze di sicurezza italiane i cittadini romeni che hanno precedenti penali e che intendono entrare in Italia, senza bloccarli alla frontiera italiana, “in uno spirito di piena collaborazione”. Questo meccanismo, previsto da Schengen, dovrebbe entrare in vigore per la Romania nel 2011: “In fondo noi chiediamo soltanto di anticipare questa direttiva Ue di due anni”, ha chiarito il titolare della Farnesina.
Sempre nell’ambito della collaborazione di polizia c’è anche la richiesta italiana di aumentare il numero di poliziotti romeni presenti in Italia: “Abbiamo delle richieste - Frattini said - and some have already been answered, such as to send a larger contingent of police officers specialized in the fight against urban crime, mostly understood as muggings, rapes or robberies. " Other proposals to launch the Minister of Justice that Romania, during a press conference in Bucharest, was anxious to stress that "in no case an Italian sentence is not recognized in Romania." The problem was due to "extradition procedures, which are experiencing difficulties." A clear message, then, the Italian judiciary to speed up extradition procedures.
Perhaps things in Italy are starting to really change, even if late. A turnabout came even from the ranks of the left, always engaged in policies of openness without immigration control. The first "outing" has done a left-wing intellectual, Marzio Barbagli Francesco Alberti in an interview with the Courier where he explained his "inner struggle" between "the schematics of the cultural formation of his old left" and the data the realities that have forced the issue of immigration-related crime, to drastically revise its "assumptions". "I did not see," he confesses with crystalline honesty Barbagli, "there was something in me that he refused to examine objectively the data on immigration than the crime. I was influenced by my position as a man of the left. And when I finally started to take note of that fact and write the wave of immigration has had a heavy impact on the increase in certain crimes, some of my colleagues have even taken the salute. "
Barbagli is not the only character left that happened with the difficult task of making a public mea culpa. Livia also Turkish, former health minister in the Prodi government, has confessed: "Before becoming a minister, on 'immigration belonged to the culture of' you I accept full stop '. I was wrong, for years do not think any more. I just counted only solidarity, then I realized that the rules are strict. But I have never waived from my values. " If you go back to the deputy of the Democratic Party no longer open the door to the first waves of immigration and questioned whether Italy is able to accommodate immigrants. "This does not mean not to be in solidarity - stressed -. Rather, it means to be sympathetic to the end because to respect the dignity of a person must tell the truth. And the truth is that we can not accommodate everyone. " It remains a bitter end: if the Turkish had arrived at the conclusion of the first kind (and he convinced his fellow party members), perhaps today or Italians or immigrants, those honest, they would feel insecure in Italy.
The Orientation of Newspaper Fabrizia B. Maggi 02/24/2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vintage Snowmobile Salvage

The important thing is' LOOK!

Doctors: 'A plot to disheartened'
Republic - January 25, 2009 page 9 section: ROME

"E 'clash X in the town hall, led by center-left president Sandro Medici. minisindaco The "red" accusation "is an ongoing attempt by the People of Freedom of mistrust." And as soon as possible, preferably by early February, so go back to the polls to coincide with the European elections. Doctors says: "The provincial council of the PDL Folgori Henry is ready to sign a motion of no confidence at all components of the 'opposition. We have two valid signatures to be able to make the 'Act'. He knows the territory and 'former district X, Councillor Folgori. was sitting on the benches of the 'classroom in the district Tuscolano for several years, then the jump in the provincial council. "Now try to" drop "an important municipality - Doctors presses - I am afraid that is not just a 'personal initiative but probably induced by others." He continues: "Those last two names are missing are looking for among the members of my own majority. " How? And here goes to Doctors' attack, heavily: "The offer of all." is outraged by the minisindaco. "They are demeaning behavior, mean, that kind of behavior that exacerbated the bad relationship between politics and citizens. When the directors elected by the people are considered only the goods and can be moved according to their conveniences, people dislike. " And already in the district X c 'was an accident. is that of counsel for the 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200bTilia that Peter, who was elected with the votes of the center, shortly after the elections is attached to the People of Freedom. The creaking in the majority of the center were there. The group not always been very solid: the passage of the Board of 'to IDV' opposition to the turmoil between the various components of the PD. Hesitation on voting initiatives for the Notte Bianca to the much-discussed living wills. Doctors informed the leaders of the Democratic Party, and now you think a press conference to denounce the facts. And always in the 'sphere of PRC Paolo Ferrero, the stage of Chianciano - where yesterday morning was consumed by the demerger of Rifondazione - the' Regional Councillor for the Budget, Luigi Nieri, has made official its exit from the party to help Birth of the Movement for the left. Movement that brings together under the same green sign, and Sd Vendoliani to lead toward a single unified political entity 's area of \u200b\u200bthe radical left. "We started the movement to the left that will lead to a draft party," said Luigi Nieri that, when asked about possible consequences of this choice on their institutional roles hinted that everything will remain unchanged. "The members are elected by the citizens - said the 'commissioner - and the powers of the commissioners are in the hands of the president."

Q uesta la risposta del consigliere Pino Antipasqua Capogruppo del PDL in X Municipio, inviata ad un forum di dialogo tra i vari comitati di quartiere:

"Il Presidente Medici sul quotidiano "La Repubblica" di domenica 25 Gennaio 2009, ha accusato il Popolo della Libertà di intrallazzi e mezzi illeciti per farlo cadere da Presidente della Giunta Municipale.

Come gruppo consiliare PdL del X Municipio abbiamo immediatamente chiesto a Medici di venire in Consiglio e riferire le illazioni da lui mosse nei confronti del consigliere provinciale Enrico Folgori. Questi Doctors immediately provided to denounce his supporters and the public prosecutor.

Group Board PDL foreign and alien, far from any involvement on the representations made by the Medici, he urged, for the avoidance of doubt and suspicion away finally and shadow to tell the truth to the end (VERA) to the council and citizens to protect the dignity of all directors and that of municipal institutions.

Thursday evening, Doctors, strong consensus of certain social realities of the territory (squatting, action, associations) has "invited" to the Council for the practice of solidarity, his supporters. These

after the brief Doctors report, for the failure to counter opposition and strong condemnation of the reasons for any bargaining, and for any political activity other than that of a project or program that meets the popular vote.

Between insults, threats, screams, along with ignorance and the inability of the President of the City Council who does not know or pretends not to know the art. 63, Reg Hall, gave rise to an intolerable and inexcusable session, of which many of you are aware of.

We discussed Feb. 3 about the same problem in a situation where proper management of the council, it could be shown to the President and his feeble Doctors instrumental rants, inviting him to go all the way to the issue in appropriate fora, without using the city council and the individual directors for the sole purpose of appearing "

Gianni Conti

Friday, January 30, 2009

Images Of Edwards Syndrome


Dozens of children and young deaf-mute raped and molested in a school in Verona until 1984.

After decades of torment, former students find the strength to denounce the horrors. But many of the priests are not even removed.

There is much talk of sexual abuse in those days, the daily chronicles unprecedented acts of violence against women of all ages. Rightly, these stories are creeping into television news programmatic steps, load the front page in the print media, there are organized whole televised debates, even for this we organize patrols of sheriffs, and this is understandable given the absolute lack of prevention of the forces of 'order throughout the country, except for the usual historical centers of large cities, but you will know that we live our highly efficient politicians. We do well at all indignant when they get news like this to destabilize our security, and especially that of our children.

What I do not understand But is the difference between a rapist in civilian clothes and with a clerical robe, for me they are both beasts! The
expressed a few days ago he suffered a shocking news (even if we consider the much earlier) Paul Tessadri, which involved yet another case of pedophile priests and for some reason, between the press and television, the news has not attracted the same interest of the brutal violence in the interland Roman Guidonia. I leave you to read the article (link below) and due to reflections.

Gianni Conti 30.01.2009
News expressively disclosed at the hands of Paul Tessadri on 1/22/2009 (below link)