Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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against the selling off of assets confiscated from the Mafia

The president of the provincial council of Catania
The President of the Province of Catania

Agenda for the property confiscated from the Mafia

Given that:
the maxi-amendment to the Finance Act recently passed by the Senate provides for the sale of property confiscated from the mafia, if not assigned, starting 90 days after confiscation;
the auctioning of these properties is a risk most likely to return to criminal organizations that are definitely able to work through financial intermediation, such as shell companies or nominees;
the provision in question, if finally approved, would mark a setback in the strategy combating illegal assets that prosecutors are using as a key instrument in the fight against crime mafia;

This' stated and considered:
the Provincial Council of Catania Castiglione asked the chairman to take every possible initiative to be an interpreter at the National Parliament of the need to avoid the final approval of a standard that would be a dangerous setback in the efforts by the judiciary and law enforcement in contrast to mafie.Copia of this agenda is being sent to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, the President of the National Anti-Mafia Commission and the national parliament elected in Province of Catania Catania

December 1, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta


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