Sequestrata l'agenda del geometra accusato di concussione insieme ad un tecnico e ad un vigile urbano.
ROMA (16 ottobre) - Un contabile in piena regola, il geometra Domenico Giustini, responsabile dell’Ufficio tecnico del X Municipio. Con la precisione di un ragioniere teneva appunti su ogni cosa e li trascriveva su fogli bianchi con scrittura fitta fitta. Una sorta di “diario delle mazzette” che sono costate al surveyor on charges of extortion. With him are investigated also a policeman in the same group (recently moved) and another official. The prosecutor, investigating their activities on "parallel", believes that were the center of a round of bribes received in exchange for "amnesty" would otherwise be impossible, and this belief is conducting investigations, conducted on a "suspect" of three other fighters. Justinian and his alleged accomplices in the squad, came after a complaint of abuse by building Claudio Callegari, actor and owner of the Sporting Village gyms. The contractor reported being extortionists for years until the decision to go to the police. Take the survey and was entrusted to the prosecutor Cocomello Assunta, which have been joined by my colleague Maria Letizia Golfieri, and it makes sense that the work of attorney is intended to aumentare.Dalle searches and seizures of papers and documents that you can imagine surveyor of the alleged illegal activity went on for several years. Giustini not only leaves notes on names and numbers caused by extortionists who came, but came to grant the deferral of the payment of bribes to those who did not have the amount immediately. A sort of "bribe in installments" that still made him reach the final goal, which is expected to take money and invest it in goods which were then payable famiglia.Da to a first account made by the investigators, from June to October of 2009, the number of people "contacted" by the surveyor would be about seventy. Their names are written in tiny handwriting, one after the other. The magistrates are working on mobile and groped to find them, crossing the documentation seized in the technical department. A lot of work on which they have already indicated otherwise. It seems that Justin, played recently, has admitted at least part of its activity "parallel", as would happen with any of the victims. The rest as to deny it? His salary is about sixteen hundred euro per month and is nullatente. Although abbia provato a difendersi (assistito dall’avvocato Carmine Carucci), dicendo che molti dei profitti arrivavano da regalìe natalizie, ha ancora tanto da giustificare. Al punto che ieri gli inquirenti hanno sequestrato i suoi conti correnti per cercare di risalire al giro di soldi.Secondo la ricostruzione degli investigatori, infatti, il geometra avrebbe adeguato le sue richieste di denaro a seconda del “favore” da fare. Si partiva da un minimo di 500 euro fino a svariate migliaia. A tirare dentro i vigili sarebbe stato lui stesso: dovendo delegare a loro i controlli sugli abusi, li avrebbe coinvolti nel passaggio di mazzette per evitare ostacoli.
Fonte (Il Messaggero.it) di Cristiana Mangani And Paul wants
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