MOTION PDL that will be discussed at the board meeting (X Town Hall) on October 22, 2009:

Given that these days the town is strongly affected by news reports concerning alleged abuses building and crimes of extortion and related legal requirements that would see suspects and involved employees and firefighters X Hall.
Noting that the alleged irregularities noted in particular a sports center named 'Sporting Village', located in Via Polia Statuary in the neighborhood, a club that, as stated by the President of the Municipality Sandro X Doctors to the media, "Was seized a year ago."
Given that the issue has taken disturbing connotations, with lots of "extortion" and "solicitations" made known and reported by the owner of the above, and that the scenario that is emerging is likely to create serious unease collar workers, technicians and officials, municipal brigades through a generalized guilt that would harm some of the good name and image of public administration and in particular the X Hall.
stressed the need for certainty in the administrative process in close collaboration with headquarters and with the latter which must necessarily apply to the Town Hall the fulfillment of all those functions of government control and without which there can be no good governance.
found that the 'UOT and the Municipal Police Force need, clearly, a more serious attention from organic and central government and with the help of all those tools and resources considered useful to the government of the territory .
Given that time stressing the need for rotation of senior staff within the technical and administrative offices, mainly because it would be appropriate officials do not play, as happens, for long periods of their role nella medesima sede municipale.
Che si stigmatizzano inoltre con fermezza e vigore le inopportune, gravissime dichiarazioni rese dal Presidente del X Municipio Sandro Medici secondo cui, con riferimento ad un preoccupante “stato d’animo di abbandono”, “amministratori e tecnici sono tutti pagati poco e questo non aiuta perché è inevitabile che chi ha salari più bassi sia più esposto a certi tipi di tentazioni”, quando per reati come quelli suindicati, se accertati, non può esserci alcun alibi né giustificazione.
Che si reclama, altresì, il rispetto etico e il senso di Stato cui ogni dipendente è trasparentemente e correttamente chiamato, a prescindere da ogni qualsivoglia perceived pay.
all the above and considering
I commit the President of the X Hall, as well as to report at a public meeting held on the entire history, to work actively with the Central Government to prepare a new plan of organization and reorganization of the management in order to ensure a more efficient and clear municipal management.
Group Consiliare
People of Freedom Hall
Rome, there
Noting that the alleged irregularities noted in particular a sports center named 'Sporting Village', located in Via Polia Statuary in the neighborhood, a club that, as stated by the President of the Municipality Sandro X Doctors to the media, "Was seized a year ago."
Given that the issue has taken disturbing connotations, with lots of "extortion" and "solicitations" made known and reported by the owner of the above, and that the scenario that is emerging is likely to create serious unease collar workers, technicians and officials, municipal brigades through a generalized guilt that would harm some of the good name and image of public administration and in particular the X Hall.
stressed the need for certainty in the administrative process in close collaboration with headquarters and with the latter which must necessarily apply to the Town Hall the fulfillment of all those functions of government control and without which there can be no good governance.
found that the 'UOT and the Municipal Police Force need, clearly, a more serious attention from organic and central government and with the help of all those tools and resources considered useful to the government of the territory .
Given that time stressing the need for rotation of senior staff within the technical and administrative offices, mainly because it would be appropriate officials do not play, as happens, for long periods of their role nella medesima sede municipale.
Che si stigmatizzano inoltre con fermezza e vigore le inopportune, gravissime dichiarazioni rese dal Presidente del X Municipio Sandro Medici secondo cui, con riferimento ad un preoccupante “stato d’animo di abbandono”, “amministratori e tecnici sono tutti pagati poco e questo non aiuta perché è inevitabile che chi ha salari più bassi sia più esposto a certi tipi di tentazioni”, quando per reati come quelli suindicati, se accertati, non può esserci alcun alibi né giustificazione.
Che si reclama, altresì, il rispetto etico e il senso di Stato cui ogni dipendente è trasparentemente e correttamente chiamato, a prescindere da ogni qualsivoglia perceived pay.
all the above and considering
I commit the President of the X Hall, as well as to report at a public meeting held on the entire history, to work actively with the Central Government to prepare a new plan of organization and reorganization of the management in order to ensure a more efficient and clear municipal management.
Group Consiliare
People of Freedom Hall
Rome, there
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