The President of the Provincial Council of Catania
Dr. John Leonardi
All'assesore Public Works
Dr. Ottavio Vaccaro
question for written answer on the status of the SP 111, is Salto - Altobrando, municipalities and Mineo Caltagirone
Given that:
the road in question is, by its articulation in the rural areas involved, are major, representing the only access to the many farms in intense agricultural activity and the same for almost a decade without any maintenance work is worthy of this definition;
latest posts were made by Musumeci, and that in consequence, to date, for most of its development has no road and the background, to the point that it can not be traveled by farm vehicles (tractors), while the jump is Altobrando-entering the lands of interest to the common Mineo and Caltagirone is physically interrupted for about a year later the collapse of a bridge of stone arches,
this situation has made and makes it impossible to conduct normal farming activities due to lack of get funds, a situation which gave rise to disputes and conflicts between farmers threshing last season for the simple reason that the farms could only be reached through the fields and the crops of others;
same situation looms for the start of the new vintage Agricultural and every comment or appeal made by local farmers in this province to solve the problem is left without any feedback.
among the main tasks entrusted to the province's what concerns the management of provincial road network and over the same development tasks include permanent and regular maintenance is the main one, so da scomodarlo a giustificazione dell'esistenza stessa dell'Ente Provincia.
Si chiede di sapere:
1. Quali sono gli intendimenti e le risposte che questa amministrazione intende dare in merito al problema sollevato comunicando modi e tempi di intervento.
2. Per quale ragione tutta l'area del Calatino sud Simeto è lasciata nell'abbandono più totale in materia di manutenzione stradale.
3. Quali sono i criteri e le priorità di spesa che questa amministrazione ritiene degne di essere considerate stimolatrici dello sviluppo dell'area in questione e fra queste quale posto occupa l'agricoltura considerato lo stato in cui è tenuta la rete stradale .
4. Se sono e saranno sempre le politiche delle saghe generous to the experts and policy positions with which it is service to the citizens of south-calatino simeto, including his own constituency.
Catania September 14, 2009
Councillor parent "Communist"
Valerio Marletta
Dr. John Leonardi
All'assesore Public Works
Dr. Ottavio Vaccaro
question for written answer on the status of the SP 111, is Salto - Altobrando, municipalities and Mineo Caltagirone
Given that:
the road in question is, by its articulation in the rural areas involved, are major, representing the only access to the many farms in intense agricultural activity and the same for almost a decade without any maintenance work is worthy of this definition;
latest posts were made by Musumeci, and that in consequence, to date, for most of its development has no road and the background, to the point that it can not be traveled by farm vehicles (tractors), while the jump is Altobrando-entering the lands of interest to the common Mineo and Caltagirone is physically interrupted for about a year later the collapse of a bridge of stone arches,
this situation has made and makes it impossible to conduct normal farming activities due to lack of get funds, a situation which gave rise to disputes and conflicts between farmers threshing last season for the simple reason that the farms could only be reached through the fields and the crops of others;
same situation looms for the start of the new vintage Agricultural and every comment or appeal made by local farmers in this province to solve the problem is left without any feedback.
among the main tasks entrusted to the province's what concerns the management of provincial road network and over the same development tasks include permanent and regular maintenance is the main one, so da scomodarlo a giustificazione dell'esistenza stessa dell'Ente Provincia.
Si chiede di sapere:
1. Quali sono gli intendimenti e le risposte che questa amministrazione intende dare in merito al problema sollevato comunicando modi e tempi di intervento.
2. Per quale ragione tutta l'area del Calatino sud Simeto è lasciata nell'abbandono più totale in materia di manutenzione stradale.
3. Quali sono i criteri e le priorità di spesa che questa amministrazione ritiene degne di essere considerate stimolatrici dello sviluppo dell'area in questione e fra queste quale posto occupa l'agricoltura considerato lo stato in cui è tenuta la rete stradale .
4. Se sono e saranno sempre le politiche delle saghe generous to the experts and policy positions with which it is service to the citizens of south-calatino simeto, including his own constituency.
Catania September 14, 2009
Councillor parent "Communist"
Valerio Marletta
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