Al presidente del consiglio provinciale di Catania
Al presidente della provincia regionale di Catania
Ordine del giorno : “Contrarietà della provincia di Catania ad individuare sul proprio territorio siti idonei per l’attivazione di centrali nucleari”
Premesso che:
che nel 1987 il popolo italiano si è pronunciato per via referendaria sulla fine della produzione di energia nucleare nel nostro paese;
che nel mondo, pur essendo attive molte centrali nucleari, la percentuale di energia prodotta resta modesta (6.4 percent), expensive (compared to other sources), via depletion (due to the uranium fuel), that even after 1987 have been frequent accidents, remain intact and dangerous environmental impacts (in particular for consumption and waste water), the risks to public safety and the uncertainties about disposal of radioactive waste, some are cost increases in uranium;
Al presidente della provincia regionale di Catania
Ordine del giorno : “Contrarietà della provincia di Catania ad individuare sul proprio territorio siti idonei per l’attivazione di centrali nucleari”
Premesso che:
che nel 1987 il popolo italiano si è pronunciato per via referendaria sulla fine della produzione di energia nucleare nel nostro paese;
che nel mondo, pur essendo attive molte centrali nucleari, la percentuale di energia prodotta resta modesta (6.4 percent), expensive (compared to other sources), via depletion (due to the uranium fuel), that even after 1987 have been frequent accidents, remain intact and dangerous environmental impacts (in particular for consumption and waste water), the risks to public safety and the uncertainties about disposal of radioactive waste, some are cost increases in uranium;
in the world that other countries have closed plants and have reduced or canceled plans to build new power plants;
that Italy has not provided a coherent national energy master plan to replace fossil fuels and nuclear policies and efficiency measures for saving, renewables and effective choices for the transition;
that many regions have nevertheless adopted regional environmental and energy plans that totally disregard the possible contribution of nuclear energy and give priority provisions to encourage investment and savings in energy consumption and efficiency, renewable and efficient technologies for energy production, with systems, networks, positive initiatives already undertaken in the area;
the Italian Senate voted July 9, 2009 the bill development that marks the return of Italy to nuclear power despite a referendum popular in 1987 it had sanctioned the exclusion as a form of energy supply.
those circumstances and given the county council said:
the Italian Senate voted July 9, 2009 the bill development that marks the return of Italy to nuclear power despite a referendum popular in 1987 it had sanctioned the exclusion as a form of energy supply.
those circumstances and given the county council said:
the unavailability of the province of Catania in procedures for identifying suitable sites for the activation of nuclear .
engages the President of the Province of Catania:
1) work in institutional settings that remain valid, ruling the 1987 referendum throughout the country;
2) encourage the adoption of a national energy plan based on renewables and energy efficiency savings by developing policies sufficiently widespread in the territory.
Catania July 27, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta
Catania July 27, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta
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