Doctors: 'A plot to disheartened'
Republic - January 25, 2009 page 9 section: ROME
Republic - January 25, 2009 page 9 section: ROME
"E 'clash X in the town hall, led by center-left president Sandro Medici. minisindaco The "red" accusation "is an ongoing attempt by the People of Freedom of mistrust." And as soon as possible, preferably by early February, so go back to the polls to coincide with the European elections. Doctors says: "The provincial council of the PDL Folgori Henry is ready to sign a motion of no confidence at all components of the 'opposition. We have two valid signatures to be able to make the 'Act'. He knows the territory and 'former district X, Councillor Folgori. was sitting on the benches of the 'classroom in the district Tuscolano for several years, then the jump in the provincial council. "Now try to" drop "an important municipality - Doctors presses - I am afraid that is not just a 'personal initiative but probably induced by others." He continues: "Those last two names are missing are looking for among the members of my own majority. " How? And here goes to Doctors' attack, heavily: "The offer of all." is outraged by the minisindaco. "They are demeaning behavior, mean, that kind of behavior that exacerbated the bad relationship between politics and citizens. When the directors elected by the people are considered only the goods and can be moved according to their conveniences, people dislike. " And already in the district X c 'was an accident. is that of counsel for the 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200bTilia that Peter, who was elected with the votes of the center, shortly after the elections is attached to the People of Freedom. The creaking in the majority of the center were there. The group not always been very solid: the passage of the Board of 'to IDV' opposition to the turmoil between the various components of the PD. Hesitation on voting initiatives for the Notte Bianca to the much-discussed living wills. Doctors informed the leaders of the Democratic Party, and now you think a press conference to denounce the facts. And always in the 'sphere of PRC Paolo Ferrero, the stage of Chianciano - where yesterday morning was consumed by the demerger of Rifondazione - the' Regional Councillor for the Budget, Luigi Nieri, has made official its exit from the party to help Birth of the Movement for the left. Movement that brings together under the same green sign, and Sd Vendoliani to lead toward a single unified political entity 's area of \u200b\u200bthe radical left. "We started the movement to the left that will lead to a draft party," said Luigi Nieri that, when asked about possible consequences of this choice on their institutional roles hinted that everything will remain unchanged. "The members are elected by the citizens - said the 'commissioner - and the powers of the commissioners are in the hands of the president."
LAURA Serlo The Repubblica.it (below link) http://ricerca .repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2009/01/25/medici-una-congiura-per-sfiduciarmi.html
Q uesta la risposta del consigliere Pino Antipasqua Capogruppo del PDL in X Municipio, inviata ad un forum di dialogo tra i vari comitati di quartiere:
"Il Presidente Medici sul quotidiano "La Repubblica" di domenica 25 Gennaio 2009, ha accusato il Popolo della Libertà di intrallazzi e mezzi illeciti per farlo cadere da Presidente della Giunta Municipale.
Come gruppo consiliare PdL del X Municipio abbiamo immediatamente chiesto a Medici di venire in Consiglio e riferire le illazioni da lui mosse nei confronti del consigliere provinciale Enrico Folgori. Questi Doctors immediately provided to denounce his supporters and the public prosecutor.
Group Board PDL foreign and alien, far from any involvement on the representations made by the Medici, he urged, for the avoidance of doubt and suspicion away finally and shadow to tell the truth to the end (VERA) to the council and citizens to protect the dignity of all directors and that of municipal institutions.
Thursday evening, Doctors, strong consensus of certain social realities of the territory (squatting, action, associations) has "invited" to the Council for the practice of solidarity, his supporters. These
after the brief Doctors report, for the failure to counter opposition and strong condemnation of the reasons for any bargaining, and for any political activity other than that of a project or program that meets the popular vote.
Between insults, threats, screams, along with ignorance and the inability of the President of the City Council who does not know or pretends not to know the art. 63, Reg Hall, gave rise to an intolerable and inexcusable session, of which many of you are aware of.
We discussed Feb. 3 about the same problem in a situation where proper management of the council, it could be shown to the President and his feeble Doctors instrumental rants, inviting him to go all the way to the issue in appropriate fora, without using the city council and the individual directors for the sole purpose of appearing "
Come gruppo consiliare PdL del X Municipio abbiamo immediatamente chiesto a Medici di venire in Consiglio e riferire le illazioni da lui mosse nei confronti del consigliere provinciale Enrico Folgori. Questi Doctors immediately provided to denounce his supporters and the public prosecutor.
Group Board PDL foreign and alien, far from any involvement on the representations made by the Medici, he urged, for the avoidance of doubt and suspicion away finally and shadow to tell the truth to the end (VERA) to the council and citizens to protect the dignity of all directors and that of municipal institutions.
Thursday evening, Doctors, strong consensus of certain social realities of the territory (squatting, action, associations) has "invited" to the Council for the practice of solidarity, his supporters. These
after the brief Doctors report, for the failure to counter opposition and strong condemnation of the reasons for any bargaining, and for any political activity other than that of a project or program that meets the popular vote.
Between insults, threats, screams, along with ignorance and the inability of the President of the City Council who does not know or pretends not to know the art. 63, Reg Hall, gave rise to an intolerable and inexcusable session, of which many of you are aware of.
We discussed Feb. 3 about the same problem in a situation where proper management of the council, it could be shown to the President and his feeble Doctors instrumental rants, inviting him to go all the way to the issue in appropriate fora, without using the city council and the individual directors for the sole purpose of appearing "
Gianni Conti
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