Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hunter Douglas Vs Bali

From the creator of the beautiful Shu Takumi Ace Attorney series, a new game that somehow try to refresh again the system of graphic adventures "point & click". The turning point in this case where the inventory is moved Shu objects that the protagonist uses to solve puzzles, from the "backpack" for the "scenario". In general, the process that leads to solving problems is made by the presence of an obstacle that prevents the continuation of the story, a object that allows you to overcome it, so its discovery and use in the right context. Ghost In Trick objects already exist, their use is almost taken for granted, the only - important - thing that is missing is to decide the right time. In summary, the split between the like when the and why .

Two types of scenario one live and one that begins by showing the occurrence of certain events (usually the death of a character): our aim is to relive that same time intervening to avoid the disastrous conclusion, while gradually are useful to advance into the mainstream of history. To make this original mechanism, Shu has invented a protagonist who died (which by the incipit to history or to find out who killed him and why), check it in practice a PG version in mind. Thanks to this, the famous lateral thinking, more often the main source of entertainment in the adventures of this kind, it becomes crucial to resolve the situation. If you watch the video linked above is clear enough, consider that the intervention is presented the next phase of the episode shown in the version that we should try to avoid (in this case, the murder of the dog and the girl).

Le uniche riserve potrebbero riguardare la ripetitività meccanica degli schemi (osserva, studia, agisci), che potrebbe sminuire il pathos del "avventura-storia" in se, portando il sistema più vicino al genere rompicapo puro. Di contro c’è da dire che lo stile grafico è decisamente piacevole e coinvolgente, come le animazioni dei personaggi e – presumibilmente – l’accompagnamento sonoro. Oltre al fascino primordiale del dover scoprire chi è l'assassino.

In ogni caso un titolo da tenere assolutamente d’occhio. Versione Jap fuori, USA/EU quest’inverno.
P.S. (12 gennaio 2010) DEMO via PC

Note after game-play (February 15, 2011)

Praise the imagination of authors for the design of a mechanism original and applaud their ability to make plays. Objectively it is a system too abstruse that it could only be offered in a binary plant with all the limitations of the case, making him very similar to a laser or QTE game: unique moves to play at the appropriate time, no variable, no action if the user does not find out as soon as possible how / what / when I do, so that the fluid flow of the story. Already a number of major items would raise the number of variables beyond the threshold of tolerance, as if he did, is part of the timing (clock) and a second version of the manipulation as the exchange between solids (the first is the activation ), there were several possibilities that a successful theory should be passed to a successful bad practice. The fear of not make available the games you can get help from the myriad of comic book that suggest more or less explicitly make the next move. In a few situations that offer reward to solve the problem, we have too many simple, other too complicated and unfortunately the only possibility offered by the continuing trial & error. Personally, I'm stuck at one place only when an object has become usable without my noticing it, the rest after a series of attempts by fine-and-go checkpoint, went smoothly. In the final

a good story as the best of Phoenix Wright ; much text to read, mysteries to solve, seemingly illogical situations but in the end would make a sensible framework, fantastic character animations as their characterization, not excellent music but adequate.
to do the whole game experience that will appeal more to those who love text adventures, but at the same time be able to recognize the efforts made to make available the eccentric mechanism, and then forgive the limits, clear and inevitable.


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