Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vanilla Italian Ice Recipe

- EXPLANATION OF SOME IMPACTS CONSIDERED SUPERNATURAL Vista spiritual or psychic second sight, somnambulism, dreams

22 - perisprit is the ring junction between the bodily life and spiritual life, is through him that the Spirit is embodied in ongoing relationship with the spirit, and through him, finally, that we humans make special phenomena that have their root cause in tangible matter, and that precisely for that reason seem sovrannaturali.E 'properties and the radiation fluid perispiritico that we must investigate the cause of double vision, or spiritually, you can also call psychic sight: many people have them without know, how is it that many are having with somnambulistic. The perisprit is the sensitive organ of the Spirit, it is through him that the Spirit has incarnated the perception of spiritual things which escape instead under the flesh. Through the organs of the body, sight, hearing, and the different sensations are localized and limited to the perception of material things through a spiritual sense, or psychic, are generalized to the Spirit sees, hears and feels with all the its being what it is in the sphere of radiation
perispiritico its fluid.
These phenomena are, in humans, the manifestation of the spiritual life is the soul that acts outside the body. In double vision, or perception by means of the psychic sense, you do not see at all through the eyes of the body, yet in many cases, out of habit, the man to direct them to the point that brings his attention and he sees through the eyes of the soul, and the proof is that he sees just as well with my eyes closed, and beyond the scope of his vision, read the thought within fluidic figured (No. 15) (4).
(4) Cases of double vision and clarity of somnambulistic reported in the Revue
Spirit in January 1858, p.. 25, November 1858, p.. 213, July 1861, p..
197, November 1865, p.. 352.
23 - Although, during the life of the Spirit is inextricably linked to the body by means of perisprit and is not a slave to the point of not being able to extend its chain and conveyed away, or on earth, is in some point in space. The Spirit regrets di essere legato al corpo, perché la sua vita normale è la libertà, mentre la vita corporale è quella di un servo della gleba. Lo Spirito, quindi, è ben felice di lasciare il suo corpo, come l’uccello è felice di lasciare la sua gabbia: approfitta di tutte le occasioni per liberarsi, e di tutti gli istanti in cui la sua presenza non è necessaria alla vita di relazione. E’ il fenomeno che viene designato con il nome di emancipazione dell’anima, e ha luogo sempre durante il sonno; tutte le volte che il corpo riposa ed i sensi sono inattivi, lo Spirito si libera (vedi Il Libro degli Spiriti, cap. VIII).
In quei momenti, lo Spirito vive della vita spirituale, mentre nel corpo vive soltanto della vita vegetativa; si trova, in un certo senso, nello stato in cui si troverà dopo la morte; percorre lo spazio, si intrattiene con gli amici e con altri Spiriti liberi od incarnati come lui.
Il legame fluidico che lo tiene unito al corpo non si rompe definitivamente se non con la morte; la separazione completa ha luogo soltanto con l’estinzione assoluta dell’attività del principio vitale. Finché il corpo vive, lo Spirito, a qualunque distanza si trovi, vi è immediatamente richiamato non appena la sua presenza è necessaria; allora riprende il corso della vita esteriore di relazione. Talvolta, al risveglio, conserva un ricordo delle sue peregrinazioni, un’immagine più o meno precisa che costituisce il sogno; in all cases, it shows
insights that suggest new ideas and thoughts, and justify the well-known proverb, the night brings counsel.
This will also explain certain phenomena, characteristic of the natural and magnetic somnambulism, catalepsy, lethargy, ecstasy, and so on, what else are but manifestations of spiritual life
(5) Examples of lethargy and catalepsy in: Revue Spirit: Madame
Schwabenhaus, September 1858, p.. 225, and the young of cataleptic Souabe,
January 1866, p.. 18.
24 - As the spiritual vision is not realized through the eyes of the body, the perception of things does not take place through the normal light: In fact, the light material is made for the material world to the spiritual world there is a special light, the nature of which is unknown to us, but that is without a doubt one of the properties of the fluid, ethereal implemented by perceptions visualidell'anima. There is therefore a light material and the spiritual light. The first outbreak was confined in the bulbs, the second has its outbreak anywhere;
is for this reason that there are obstacles to spiritual sight, which is not arrested by distance or by the opacity of matter, the darkness, it does not exist. The spiritual world is then illuminated by spiritual light, which has its own effects, as well as material world is illuminated by sunlight.
25 - The soul wrapped in her perisprit brings with it a principle so bright, it penetrates the material because of its ethereal essence, for his view there are no opaque bodies. However, the spiritual way is not the same scope or the same penetration in all spirits, the only pure spirits possess in all its power, in lower spirits, however, is weakened by the relative coarseness perisprit, which is placed as a nebbia.Tale kind of view is manifested in varying degrees in the embodied spirit,
with the phenomenon of second sight, both in natural somnambulism or magnetic field, both in the waking state. According to the degree of power of the faculty, it is said that clarity is more or less. E 'precisely because of these that some people may see the inside of the body and describe the cause of disease.
26 - The view gives spiritual perceptions so special, because the bodies have not registered for materials, work in very different conditions from those of the living body. For this reason, we can expect the same results, nor can we think of experience with these procedures.
committed outside the body, has a mobility that defies all predictions. We must study it in its effects and its causes, and not considering similar to human routine, since it is not intended to replace
latter, except in exceptional cases that can not be regarded as a rule.
27 - The spiritual view is necessarily incomplete and imperfect in the embodied spirit, and therefore is subject to aberrations. It is based in the same soul, so the state should affect perceptions of the soul that it gives. According to the stage of its development, the circumstances and the moral state of the individual can make, both in the state of sleep and in waking life:
1, the actual perception of certain facts, such as knowledge of events that occur far , the description details of a location, the causes of disease and the most suitable remedies;
2 nd also the perception of real things of the spirit world, as the sight of spirits;
3 rd fantastic images created by the imagination, similar to fluidic creations of thought (see above, n. 14).
These creations are always in relationship to the moral character of the Spirit that creates. It 's so that the thought of people strongly imbued with certain religious beliefs and concern has them hell, with its furnaces, his torture and his demons, just as if they represent them, sometimes it's all an epic: the pagans Olympus and saw the Tartar, as Christians see hell and paradise. If you wake up, or at the end of ecstasy, these people keep a precise memory of their visions, mistaken for reality that confirms their beliefs, while in practice it is only the product of their thoughts (6).
(6) E 'in this way can we explain the visions of Sister Elmerich that
back to the time of the Passion of Christ, said he had seen things
materials that have never existed in the books she had read, including Madame
Cantanille (Revue Spirit, August 1866, p.. 240), and a part of those of Swedenborg.

There is therefore a choice to do very rigorous in the ecstatic visions, before being accepted. The remedy to credulity too, from this point of view, is to study the laws that govern the spiritual world.
28 - Dreams as such have the three natures of vision described above. The first two belong to the dreams that contain predictions, premonitions and warnings (7), in the third, namely the creation of fluidic thoughts, you can find the cause of some fantastic images that have not
nothing real in relation to the material life but for the Spirit, have a reality sometimes so great that the body suffers the backlash: there have been cases in which the hair is graying, under the impression of a dream.
(7) See below, chap. 16, Theory of prescience, nn. 1, 2, 3.
These creations can be caused by the credulity enhanced by back memories, tastes, desires, passions, fear, remorse, from the usual concerns, the needs of the body, or an embarrassment in the functions of the body, and finally other spirits, for a benevolent purpose or malicious, depending on their nature (8).
(8) Revue Spirit, June 1866, p.. 172, September 1866, p.. 284;
The Book of Spirits, chap. VIII, No 400.

Source: The Revelations of the Spirits (Allan Kardec)

Toe Hurts After Pedicure


1 - There was a time cui gli animali non esistevano: quindi, hanno avuto un inizio. Si è vista apparire ogni specie via via che il globo terrestre acquisiva le condizioni necessarie alla sua esistenza: questo è certo. Come si sono formati i primi individui di ogni specie? Si comprendeva benissimo che, se vi è stata una prima coppia, gli individui si sono moltiplicati: ma quella prima coppia,da dove è uscita? Ecco uno dei misteri pertinenti al principio delle cose, e sui quali non si può fare altro che formulare ipotesi. Se la scienza non può ancora
risolvere completamente i problemi, per lo meno può mettere sulla buona strada.
2 - Una delle prime domande che si presentano è la seguente: Ogni specie animale discende da una prima coppia, or by many pairs created, or if you prefer, sprouted simultaneously in different places?
latter supposition is the more probable it may be said to derive from observation. In fact, the study of geological strata attests to the presence in the land of the same formation, and in huge proportions, the same species on the most distant points of the globe. This multiplication, so general and in a sense contemporary, would have been impossible from a single primitive type.
On the other hand, the life of an individual, and above all of an individual infant is subjected to a lot of possibility, that a whole building could have been compromised without the plurality types, which means un'imprevidenza unacceptable by the sovereign Creator. On the other hand, if a guy has been formed in a certain area, may have formed in several areas, for the same cause.
Everything contributes to demonstrate that there has been a multiple and simultaneous creation of the first couples of all animal and plant species.
3 - The formation of the first living things can be deduced by analogy, by the same law under which they are formed and are formed every day the inorganic bodies. As they delve into the laws of nature, you can see the gears that, at first glance seemed so complicated, and you see them in their simplification and merge the great law of unity that presiede all’intera opera della creazione. Tutto questo si potrà comprendere meglio quando ci si sarà resi conto della formazione dei corpi inorganici, che ne è il primo gradino.
4 - La chimica considera come elementari un certo numero di sostanze, quali ad esempio l’ossigeno, l’idrogeno, l’azoto, il carbonio, il cloro, lo iodio, il fluoro, lo zolfo, il fosforo e tutti i metalli. Mediante la loro combinazione, essi formano i corpi composti: gli ossidi, gli acidi, gli alcali, i sali e le innumerevoli varietà che risultano dalle combinazioni di questi.
La combinazione di due corpi per formarne un terzo esige un particolare concorso di circostanze; per esempio un determinato grado di calore, of dryness or humidity, or movement or rest, or an electric current, and so on. If these conditions do not exist, the combination does not occur.
5 - When you have a combination, the body parts lose their characteristic properties, while the compound that results will have new, different from those of its constituents. It 's so, for example, that
oxygen and hydrogen gas, invisible, when you make chemically formed water, which is liquid, solid or vapor state, depending on the temperature. In the water there are, strictly speaking, no oxygen or hydrogen, but a new body, however, decomposing the water, i due gas,ridivenuti liberi, recuperano le loro proprietà, e l’acqua non c’è più. La stessa quantità d’acqua può in tal modo, essere alternativamente decomposta e ricomposta all’infinito.
6 - La composizione e la decomposizione dei corpi hanno luogo a seconda del grado di affinità che i principi elementari hanno l’uno per gli altri. La formazione dell’acqua, per esempio, risulta dall’affinità reciproca
dell’ossigeno e dell’idrogeno; ma se si mette a contatto con l’acqua un corpo che abbia per l’ossigeno un’affinità maggiore di quella che questo ha per l’idrogeno, l’acqua si decompone: l’ossigeno viene absorbed, the hydrogen becomes free, and there is more water.
7 - The bodies of compounds are formed again according to definite proportions, namely through the combination of a specific quantity of costituenti.Così principles, to form water, is a necessary part oxygen and two parts hydrogen. If two parts of oxygen are combined with two parts hydrogen, instead of water you get hydrogen peroxide, a corrosive liquid, but it is formed by the same elements that make up the water, but in different proportions.
8 - In a nutshell, this is the law that governs the formation of all bodies in nature. The immense variety of these bodies is the result a small number of basic principles combined in different proportions. In this way, oxygen, combined in certain proportions with carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, the form carbonic acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, oxygen and iron, forming iron oxide, ie rust, the oxygen and lead, both harmless, giving rise to the lead oxides such as litharge, white lead and red lead, which are poisonous. Oxygen, with metals called calcium, sodium, potassium, as lime, soda, potash. The lime, combined with carbonic acid, it forms calcium carbonate, or limestone, like marble, plaster, stone
construction of the stalactites caves, together with sulfuric acid, as sulphate of lime or gypsum, and alabaster. phosphoric acid units form calcium phosphate, solid base of the bones forming the chlorine and hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid, chlorine and sodium chloride or sodium form, which is the sea salt.
9 - All of these combinations, and thousands of others, can be obtained artificially, on a small scale in chemistry laboratories, but they spontaneously change on a vast scale in the great laboratory of nature.
The earth, its origin, did not contain all combinations of all these subjects, but only to their constituents principles, the state bird. When the chalky soil and become in the long run stony, were deposited on its surface, were already formed, but they were in the air, gaseous state, all the primitive substances, those substances, precipitated by the cooling effect under the influence of favorable circumstances, were combined according to the degree of molecular similarity, it is then that they were formed
different varieties of carbonates, sulfates, etc., initially in solution in water, and then deposited on the soil surface.
Suppose that, for any cause, the land returns to its original state glow: Well, this is split up, the elements will come apart, all substances were based fuses, tutte quelle volatili si volatilizzerebbero. Poi, un secondo raffreddamento porterebbe ad una nuova precipitazione, e tornerebbero nuovamente a formarsi le vecchie combinazioni.
10 - Queste considerazioni dimostrano che la chimica era necessaria per la comprensione della Genesi.
Prima di conoscere le leggi dell’affinità molecolare, era impossibile comprendere la formazione della terra. Questa scienza ha illuminato il problema di una luce assolutamente nuova, come l’astronomia e la geologia
ne hanno illuminato altri aspetti.
11 - Nella formazione dei corpi solidi, uno dei fenomeni più straordinari è quello della cristallizzazione, che consiste nella forma regolare caratteristica di certe sostanze dal momento del loro passaggio dallo stato liquido o gassoso allo stato solido. Questa forma, che varia a seconda della natura della sostanza, è generalmente quella di solidi geometrici, come ad esempio ilprisma, il romboide, il cubo, la piramide. Tutti conoscono i cristalli dello zucchero canditi; i cristalli di rocca, o silice cristallizzata, sono prismi a sei facce che terminano in una piramide egualmente esagonale. Il diamante è carbonio puro, o carbone cristallizzato. I disegni che si producono sui vetri, durante l’inverno, sono dovuti alla cristallizzazione del vapore acqueo durante il congelamento, sotto forma di aghi prismatici.
La disposizione regolare dei cristalli deriva dalla forma particolare delle molecole di ciascun corpo; queste particelle, infinitely small for us, and yet occupy a certain space, requested by the attraction towards each other molecules, are arranged and juxtapose, according to the needs of their form, so that each take his place around the nucleus or first center of attraction, and form a symmetrical. The crystallization
work only under the influence of certain favorable circumstances, without which there can take place, the degree of temperature and rest are essential conditions. It is understood that an excessive heat, keeping far apart the molecules, would not allow them to condense, and if the agitation is opposed to their symmetrical arrangement, they do not form a mass confused and irregular, and then you will not have the proper crystallization.
12 - The law that governs the formation of minerals naturally leads to the formation of organic bodies.
Chemical analysis shows that all the vegetable and animal substances are composed of the same elements that make up the inorganic bodies. The elements that constitute the central actors are oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon, the other there are only incidental. As in the mineral kingdom, the difference in proportion in the combination of these elements produces all varieties of organic substances and their different properties, such as muscles, bones, blood, bile, nerves, the brain matter, the fat of animals, the sap, wood, leaves, fruits, essences, oils, resins, etc.., in plants. Thus, in the training of animals and plants, do not enter any special body that can not be found in the mineral kingdom (1).
(1) The following table, using the analysis of certain substances, shows the difference in ownership that results from the only difference in the proportion of components. 100 parts: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen

Cane 42.470 6.900 56.510 - - -
grape sugar 36.710 6.780 50.630 - - - 51.980 13.700 34.320
Alcohol - - -
Olive Oil 77.210 13.360 9.430 - - -140
Walnut Oil 79.774 10.570 9.122 11.700 9.304 78.996 0.534
Fibrin 53.360 7.021 19.685 19.934
13 - Examples will include the usual transformations that operate in the kingdom only through organic modification of components.
grape juice there is still no wine or alcohol, but only water and sugar. When this juice has reached maturity and is placed in favorable circumstances, it produces an intimate labor, which is named after fermentation. In this labor, one part sugar decomposition: oxygen, hydrogen and carbon are separated and combined in desired proportions to make alcohol; thus, drinking grape juice, actually do not drink alcohol at all, because it does not already exist: they form the constituent parts water and sugar, without there being in practice in more than one molecule less.
In the bread and vegetables you eat, there are certainly neither the flesh nor blood nor bones, nor bile, or brain matter, and yet these same foods, splitting and recombining through the work of digestion, must be to produce these different substances thanks only to the transformation of their constituent elements.
In the seed of a tree there are no wood, no leaves, no flowers, no fruit, and is a childish mistake to believe that the tree Uncut, in microscopic form, is inside the suit, nor is there, in that suit, the amount of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon necessary to form a single leaf of the tree. The seed contains the germ that unfolds when conditions are right: the germ that grows through the juices that draws from the earth and that sucks gas from the air, these juices, which are not wood, no leaves, no flowers, no fruit, infiltrating into the plant will form the sap, such as food, animals, form the blood. This lymph flow through the free circulation in all parts of the plant, according to the organ in which they arrive and where it undergoes a special processing
turns into wood, foglie, frutti, come il sangue si trasforma in carne, ossa, bile, eccetera; eppure si tratta sempre degli stessi elementi: ossigeno, idrogeno, azoto e carbonio, combinati in modo diverso.
14 - Le diverse combinazioni degli elementi per la formazione delle sostanze minerali, vegetali e animali, non possono quindi compiersi se non negli ambienti e nelle circostanze propizie; al di fuori di tali circostanze, i principi elementari si trovano in una specie di inerzia. Ma, quando le circostanze sono favorevoli, incomincia un lavoro di elaborazione; le molecole si mettono in movimento, si agitano, si attirano, si avvicinano, si separano in virtù della legge delle affinità, e per mezzo delle loro combinazioni multiple,compongono l’infinita variety of substances. When the conditions cease, the work suddenly stops and restarts when conditions return to appear again. E 'in this way that the vegetation is active, slow, stop and resumed under the action of heat, light, moisture, cold or aridity, which is why a given plant thrives in a climate or in a certain field, and sad or dies in another.
15 - What is daily before our eyes may help to put us on track to understand what happened the beginning of time, because the laws of nature are invariable. Since the constituent elements
of organic beings and inorganic beings are the same, and we see them constantly under the influence of certain circumstances, to form stones, plants and fruits, it can be concluded that the bodies of the first living creatures were formed as the first stones, by merging elementary molecules under the law of affinity, that gradually the conditions of the vitality of the globe have been conducive to this or that species.
The similarity of the shapes and colors in the reproduction of individuals of each species can be compared to the similarity of the shape of each species of crystal. The molecules, juxtaposing under the influence of the same law, they produce a similar set.

Source: The Revelations of the Spirits (Allan Kardec)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Samsung Phone Moisture Indicator

The murderess is the butler

Tutto quello che avremmo voluto dire su Heavy Rain ma ci siamo tenuti dentro per non rovinare il dramma interattivo altrui.

Tutti gli spoiler nei commenti.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nederland Tax Calculator

2 Dead Space Ghost Trick

Dead Space 2 è un seguito da manuale; è facile fare un inventario dei potenziamenti apportati entro la mantenuta formula a base di smembramenti e fantascienza a tinte oscure.
L'arsenale propone più interessanti alternative al tagliatore d'ordinanza, dalle mine di prossimità al lancia-arpioni, passando per la revisione delle modalità di fuoco secondario; l'uso della telecinesi, con cui strappare (anche al volo) gli uncini dei necromorfi per sfruttarli come proiettili, è stato integrato come ulteriore soluzione offensiva. In generale, le stesse animazioni di ricarica e puntamento di ciascuna arma restituiscono inedita piacevolezza e fluidificano i controlli.
I nemici stavolta si discostano con frequenza dalla tipologia standard, attaccando sotto forme infantili insidiose per  numero e sfuggevolezza o in varianti dotate di sputi corrosivi debilitanti al contatto.
Le scenografie, forti di modellazione e illuminazione sontuose, rendono l'idea di un'ambientazione   meno asettica e distaccata degli interni rigorosamente industrial-tecnologici dell'Ishimura d'esordio; il valore aggiunto in varietà e caratterizzazione si paga al trascurabile prezzo di una minor coerenza complessiva, in compenso le atmosfere e la composizione dei settori della stazione spaziale lasciano intravedere positive influenze da Bioshock.
Sempre a proposito d'ipotetiche influenze, si potrebbero individuare certi artifici di regia nello stile efficace del binomio Fear\Condemned e un'attenzione a quel moderno senso del ritmo esemplificato da Uncharted 2.
Ultima ma non ultima, la gravità zero; svincolatasi dalla rigidità di salti rettilinei e di goffi atterraggi, in favore di un libero e spettacolosamente animato fluttuare nello spazio tridimensionale, fa un grosso passo avanti in termini d'estetica.

Dead Space 2 è un seguito fin troppo da manuale.
Il cuore della componente action continua a soffrire di corto respiro. Troppa mattanza a breve raggio di creature che si catapultano addosso al giocatore in spazi stretti e banalmente conformati; il design dei livelli è unidimensionale, non solo nel senso dell'assoluta linearità della progressione.
L'esperienza horror, nel tentativo di prendersi sul serio e puntare su risvolti piscologici, continua a difettare tanto d'anima quanto di puro divertissment splatter-avventuroso; il protagonista “operaio” è uscito dall'originario mutismo per limitarsi a fornire, in larga parte, battute di circostanza su altrettanto triviali questioni di terminali da repair and unlock doors, with no significant gains on the front of the mechanisms of empathy or fear.

Hunter Douglas Vs Bali

From the creator of the beautiful Shu Takumi Ace Attorney series, a new game that somehow try to refresh again the system of graphic adventures "point & click". The turning point in this case where the inventory is moved Shu objects that the protagonist uses to solve puzzles, from the "backpack" for the "scenario". In general, the process that leads to solving problems is made by the presence of an obstacle that prevents the continuation of the story, a object that allows you to overcome it, so its discovery and use in the right context. Ghost In Trick objects already exist, their use is almost taken for granted, the only - important - thing that is missing is to decide the right time. In summary, the split between the like when the and why .

Two types of scenario one live and one that begins by showing the occurrence of certain events (usually the death of a character): our aim is to relive that same time intervening to avoid the disastrous conclusion, while gradually are useful to advance into the mainstream of history. To make this original mechanism, Shu has invented a protagonist who died (which by the incipit to history or to find out who killed him and why), check it in practice a PG version in mind. Thanks to this, the famous lateral thinking, more often the main source of entertainment in the adventures of this kind, it becomes crucial to resolve the situation. If you watch the video linked above is clear enough, consider that the intervention is presented the next phase of the episode shown in the version that we should try to avoid (in this case, the murder of the dog and the girl).

Le uniche riserve potrebbero riguardare la ripetitività meccanica degli schemi (osserva, studia, agisci), che potrebbe sminuire il pathos del "avventura-storia" in se, portando il sistema più vicino al genere rompicapo puro. Di contro c’è da dire che lo stile grafico è decisamente piacevole e coinvolgente, come le animazioni dei personaggi e – presumibilmente – l’accompagnamento sonoro. Oltre al fascino primordiale del dover scoprire chi è l'assassino.

In ogni caso un titolo da tenere assolutamente d’occhio. Versione Jap fuori, USA/EU quest’inverno.
P.S. (12 gennaio 2010) DEMO via PC

Note after game-play (February 15, 2011)

Praise the imagination of authors for the design of a mechanism original and applaud their ability to make plays. Objectively it is a system too abstruse that it could only be offered in a binary plant with all the limitations of the case, making him very similar to a laser or QTE game: unique moves to play at the appropriate time, no variable, no action if the user does not find out as soon as possible how / what / when I do, so that the fluid flow of the story. Already a number of major items would raise the number of variables beyond the threshold of tolerance, as if he did, is part of the timing (clock) and a second version of the manipulation as the exchange between solids (the first is the activation ), there were several possibilities that a successful theory should be passed to a successful bad practice. The fear of not make available the games you can get help from the myriad of comic book that suggest more or less explicitly make the next move. In a few situations that offer reward to solve the problem, we have too many simple, other too complicated and unfortunately the only possibility offered by the continuing trial & error. Personally, I'm stuck at one place only when an object has become usable without my noticing it, the rest after a series of attempts by fine-and-go checkpoint, went smoothly. In the final

a good story as the best of Phoenix Wright ; much text to read, mysteries to solve, seemingly illogical situations but in the end would make a sensible framework, fantastic character animations as their characterization, not excellent music but adequate.
to do the whole game experience that will appeal more to those who love text adventures, but at the same time be able to recognize the efforts made to make available the eccentric mechanism, and then forgive the limits, clear and inevitable.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Knex Hyperspace Training Tower Instructions

2011: schedule of outputs

Little Big Planet 2 - January 26
Dead Space 2 - January 28
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - February 8
Marvel VS Capcom 3 - February 15
Bulletstorm - February 22
Killzone 3 - February 23
Kirby's Epic Yarn - February 25
Pokémon Black / White (NDS) - March 4
Dragon Age II - March 11
MotorStorm Apocalypse - March 16
Okamiden: Taiyo Chiisaki (NDS) - March 18
Crisys 2 - March 22
Shift 2: Unleashed - March 24
3DS NINTENDO - March 25
Mortal Kombat - April 19
Portal 2 - April 21
Duke Nukem Forever - May 6
The Witcher 2 - May 17
LA Noire - May 20
FEAR 3 - May
Shadow of the DAMNED -June
Deus Ex Human Revolution - August 28 Resistance 3 - September 6
Gears of War 3 - September
Rage - September 15
Batman Arkham City - autumn
Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - November 1
TESV: Skyrim - November 11
Zelda Sword Skyward - TBA
The Last Guardian - TBA
Silent Hill Downpour - TBA
Mass Effect 3 - TBA
Diablo 3 - TBA ( Q4?)