Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why Cream Of Tartar And Orange Juice


La Comunità Territoriale del X: “È una beffa”

From the time the local community, the coordinating body of 20 associations and neighborhood committees operating in the X Hall, denouncing the serious situation of some streets in the territory, where it has prevented citizens to walk freely because of the presence too bulky, and street vendors, authorized and unauthorized. In particular, the situation has become untenable in via Tuscolana, by way of being and Quadraro Nobilior MF.
The local community has already been observed in the municipal councilor and alderman De Simoni municipal Bordoni that the occupation of the already narrow pavements by hawkers hinders the free flow of citizens and prevents all of the handicapped, blind, elderly, mothers with strollers. This item is also serious security problems because it prevents the entry of any relief, either at some metro stations, and to some buildings whose doors are literally barred by the positioning of the hawkers. Expected, therefore, an intervention to resolve a situation not radically more tolerable, with the relocation to more suitable areas of street trading. But we knew that on 28.10.2008 the Department VIII of the City, not realizing the situation, called for even new locations. The Municipal Councillor De Simoni was right to reject the demand that has taken consequently the unmistakable flavor of the joke at the expense of citizens. "Let there be light" - Aldo Pirone says the coordinator - "we have nothing against the conduct of such activities because the commercial offer comes to meet, especially in these times very bleak, with a need of the population, especially the lower classes. We ask, however, that it is carried out in accordance with laws, regulations, and the most basic rights of all citizens. In particular the most vulnerable. "
The local community believes that a thorough reconnaissance of the area can be found, even with the support of the proposals of the neighborhood committee, a sistemazione rispettosa dei diritti di tutti e delle esigenze degli ambulanti. E tale richiesta ha rivolto agli amministratori competenti municipali e comunali.

When Was Stetson Golden Empress China Made?


Milioni di euro per far alloggiare un centinaio di nomadi al camping privato della Cesarina.

Per mantenere i rom il Comune di Roma spende quasi 26 milioni di euro l’anno. Una cifra che non ha pari nelle altre metropoli italiane. Nella capitale vivere in un campo attrezzato è un lusso soltanto per la collettività dei contribuenti, since the "guests" do not spend a euro for housing, for electricity and gas and to receive municipal assistance in terms of education and childcare. This figure contrasts with what happens - but it is just an example - in the fourth town hall where over 800 families in Rome were unable to find a place for their children in nursery schools of the City. But in the camp near the city spends only Cesarina lease over 600 thousand euro a year to house a hundred rom.Per keep Roma in the city spends the City of Rome, of his own money and contributions, 26 million a year. A figure that has no equal in Italy. In Milan, where Roma Moratti spends about a quarter, the nomads to stay in the camps pay municipal electricity and water. In Veneto, without putting their hands in their pockets, in the container does not enter anyone. In northern Italy's Zingarelli for school use the school bus just like the Italian peers. In Rome, no. The so-called program of "Roma education," to be understood, however, only as a transport and accompany, was contracted by Rutelli and Veltroni three associations linked to the left. More than 2 million a year. A bang of money. With what results? Practically zero. How many hundreds of Zingarelli running the center in the morning know the multiplication table? Younger Roma are good only to count the money in the portfolios of others. Other than tables. But the waste does not count. To keep Roma in the capital, including electricity, water, air conditioners d’aria, piscine, scolarizzazione, vacanze estive, sovvenzione a feste e corsi di formazione, in questi anni Veltroni non ha badato a spese. C’è chi questi conti li ha fatti di recente. È il neo-consigliere comunale Fabrizio Santori, che ha spulciato bandi ed appalti e stilato un Dossier. Quanto costa ogni nomade al mese ai cittadini romani? Ecco i dati. La gestione dei campi, che fa capo al Dipartimento V (Politiche sociali) del Comune, nel 2006 è costata 3.800.000 euro. Lo stesso Dipartimento ha speso per interventi di bonifica igienico-ambientale 1.750.000 euro. Poi ci sono le voci di spesa «minori»: consulenze esterne 138mila euro, attrezzature informatiche 40mila euro, personale del V Dipartimento 66.300 euro, wc chimici (Purchase, cleaning and maintenance) 375mila €, Camping Nomentano rent of € 22,500. And then the extraordinary expenses: In 2006, the City has spent to buy containers of Troili Villa € 554,444. I'm not exactly a spesuccia. But we are just beginning. The school, which is part of the eleventh Department (school), has cost € 2,333,333. The social services for Roma, imposed on the budgets of municipalities, have cost a total of € 1,440,000. Between light and water for free, paid for entirely by the ACEA, they left in 2006 € 1.830.00 other. The waste collection, between ordinary and extraordinary, this has weighed on the environment for 381mila €. Householders pay nomads to the north, we are all free. But not enough. The income is to put the share of cars Trambus available to the school (€ 1.2 million in 2006), good for school books (euro 218,000) and the use of free school meals (in 2006 the Roman families € 288,000 paid for the tables). And last but not least, funding to festivals, cultural events, summer holidays by the sea and mountains, paid by the City and Municipalities, for an estimated total of 1,700,000 €. The total amount is € 19,380,000. At this money, however, should be added to additional funds of the City and State. It is of the special brigade and the police (€ 72 thousand), the costs of judges and prosecutor to investigate crimes committed by Roma (estimated at € 874mila), free use of the Roma by public health facilities, costing the local health authorities and the Ministry of Health € 360,663. Finally, with tax evasion estimated at € 5,200,000. In total, in 2006, Veltroni and Prodi in Rome to keep the nomads have paid € 26,646,253. Since 5227 the Roma were assisted, for each of the Romans paid the beauty of € 5,097. "Obviously we would have to add the cost of the Roma squatter camps - concludes Santori - burdens in terms of transport, electricity, garbage, the city." Then there are still those who wonder if Rome has turned pagina.LE HOLIDAY CAMPING WITH ASILOMilioni of Roma in the euro to stay a hundred nomads camping in private Cesarina. Fresh air, green trees, birds chirping, children's play. As in the resort. To pay and the City of Rome. Almost 600 thousand euro a year on rent. Inside the camp benefit the Roma also has a nursery, other cost € 3600 per month. All at taxpayer expense Roman. That these nomads are working for a living, I guess we leave to the imagination of our readers. Basically it is just another page of a shopping spree, the latest chapter of what it costs to keep the Romans in città.Il gypsies camping is in the way of Cesar, a side street of Via Nomentana, IV Hall. This year about 800 children in the fourth Italians were fuori dagli asili nido comunali. Le famiglie pagano fior di quattrini per quelli privati. In media 5-600 euro al mese per ogni bebè. Per i rom, invece, nessun problema. I bambini glieli assiste il Comune, completamente gratis per loro, non per la collettività.I dettagli li fornisce l’ex consigliere municipale di An Fabrizio Bevilacqua, ora futuro assessore alla sicurezza. «Anche se l’ex minisindaco Alessandro Cardente non ha mai risposto alle interrogazioni dell’opposizione a proposito della Cesarina - racconta Bevilacqua -. Siamo venuti in possesso di dati a dir poco imbarazzanti dal V Dipartimento del Comune. I rom sono alloggiati al camping dal 2003. Il canone di affitto si aggira sui 591.300 euro annui, ai quali si aggiungono i 3.600 euro handed out monthly for internal management of asylum '. Without the accounts, in the years 2003-2006 are a total of € 2,538,100. "All expenses that are certified by findings in Department V" Bevis states: "But surely these are added other items: health and social services, school, schooling, ordinary and extraordinary Ama." It is not enough. "We should also shed light on the mechanisms of scholarships and work-training - adds the exponent of the PDL -. Finished a course, many sign up for a second, then third, to get the benefits. Never go to work. "Those are the Roma of Cesar? Officially, 100, although in fact they are guests of the camp 80-85 other people. In any case, we are about 20-25 families. Assuming the original nucleus, to the City each family is 30-year € 35 thousand. In short, a bottomless pit of expenses. And many questions. In that area the rom? The new president of the center-right of the fourth, Chris Bonelli, promises that will make a full investigation of the whole affair: "Already this week I will meet with Opera Nomadi (the association that runs the village, ed ). A year ago, as the committee responsible for security I made a visit to Cesar. When I asked what job they did on the nomads, was followed by the silence icily. This time must be met. O nomads are integrated in an active, working, sending their children to school, etc., oppure la struttura va chiusa».Bonelli annuncia che farà altri sopralluoghi, anche a sorpresa: «Poi occorre prendere una posizione netta. Non si può tollerare di pagare un affitto così esorbitante per gente che non ha nessuna intenzione di integrarsi».

Marcello Viaggio "Il Giornale" 18 maggio 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Arctic Cat Mini Bike For Sale

Law 133/2008 - Chapter V, Education and Research

The following part is about the University and the cost of school books. Part of the law 133/2008 of 6 August.

Law August 6, 2008, No 133
"into law, with amendments, Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, No. 112, entitled" Urgent provisions for economic development, simplification, competitiveness, the stabilization of public finance and tax equalization "

published in the Official Gazette No. 195, 21 August 2008 - Suppl. No Ordinary 196

Chapter V - Education and Research

Article 15. Cost schoolbooks

1. Since the 2008-2009 school year, in compliance with applicable law and subject to educational autonomy in the adoption of textbooks in schools of all levels, taking into account existing educational organization, the competent organs identify preferred textbooks are available, in whole or in part, on the Internet. Students have access to the texts available via the internet, free or paid as appropriate under existing law.

2. In order to enhance the availability and usability, and cost of texts, documents and teaching tools by schools, pupils and their families, within three years, starting from school year 2008-2009, the textbooks for the schools of the first cycle of education, referred to Legislative Decree 19 February 2004, no 59, and for educational institutions second-degree versions are produced in print, online downloadable from the Internet, and mixed. Starting from school year 2011-2012, the teachers take books that can be used only in online versions available for download from the internet or mixed. They are subject to the provisions relating to the adoption of educational tools for persons with disabilities.

3. Textbooks develop the essential content of National Guidelines and curriculum can be made in thematic sections, corresponding to units of learning, inexpensive and capable of following revisions and additions. With non-regulatory decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research, have determined:

a) the technical characteristics of textbooks in the printed version, in order to ensure the containment of the weight

b) the technological features of textbooks in online versions and mixed;

c) the price of textbooks of primary school and spending limits of the funding book for each year of lower secondary school level I and II, respecting the rights of the author and publisher.

4. Le Università e le Istituzioni dell'alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica, nel rispetto della propria autonomia, adottano linee di indirizzo ispirate ai principi di cui ai commi 1, 2 e 3.

Art. 16.
Facoltà di trasformazione in fondazioni delle università

1. In attuazione dell'articolo 33 della Costituzione, nel rispetto delle leggi vigenti e dell'autonomia didattica, scientifica, organizzativa e finanziaria, le Università pubbliche possono deliberare la propria trasformazione in fondazioni di diritto privato. La delibera di trasformazione e' adottata dal Senato accademico a maggioranza assoluta ed e' approvata by the Minister of Education, University and Research, in consultation with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The transformation operates from 1 January of the year following the adoption of the resolution.

2. The university foundations to take over all assets and liabilities and the ownership of the assets of the University. To the endowment fund of the university foundations and 'transferred, by decree of the State Property, the ownership of property already in use at the universities transformed.

3. The acts of transformation and transfer of properties and all transactions related thereto are exempt from tax and taxes.

4. The university foundations are non-profit organizations and pursue their goals in the manner permitted by their legal nature and operate in compliance with the principles of economy of management. It 's not allowed in any case, the distribution of profits, in any form. Any proceeds, rents or other profits arising in the course of activities under the statutes of the university foundations are designed entirely to the pursuit of the objectives thereof.

5. Transfers by way of contribution or donation made to the university foundations are exempt from taxes and indirect taxes and fees payable in any other capacity and are fully deductible from the income of the payer. The fees for notarial acts of donation to the university foundations are reduced by 90 percent.

6. At the same act of transformation are adopted statutes, administrative regulations and accounting of university foundations, which must be approved by the Minister of Education, University and Research, in consultation with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The statutes may provide for the entry of new players in the foundation university, public or private.

7. The university foundations adopt a regulation for the University administration, finanza e la contabilità, anche in deroga alle norme dell'ordinamento contabile dello Stato e degli enti pubblici, fermo restando il rispetto dei vincoli derivanti dall'ordinamento comunitario.

8. Le fondazioni universitarie hanno autonomia gestionale, organizzativa e contabile, nel rispetto dei principi stabiliti dal presente articolo.

9. La gestione economico-finanziaria delle fondazioni universitarie assicura l'equilibrio di bilancio. Il bilancio viene redatto con periodicità annuale. Resta fermo il sistema di finanziamento pubblico; a tal fine, costituisce elemento di valutazione, a fini perequativi, l'entità dei finanziamenti privati di ciascuna fondazione.

10. The supervision of university foundations and 'exercised by the Minister of Education, University and Research in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Colleges and universities of the mayors of foundations' ensured the presence of representatives of government vigilance.

11. The Court exercises control over university foundations in the manner prescribed by law March 21, 1958, No 259 and report annually to Parliament.

12. In case of serious violations of the law relating to the proper management of the university by the foundation of the administrative or representative, the Minister of Education, University Research and appoint a special commissioner, with no new or increased burdens on public finances, with the task of safeguarding the proper management of the institution and within six months of such appointment shall not appoint new directors of the institution itself, as required by statute.

13. Until the conclusion of the first collective bargaining agreement, the administrative staff of the university foundations apply the economic and legal force at the date of entry into force of this decree.

14. University foundations to continue to apply existing provisions for state universities as compatible with this article and the private nature of the Foundation.

Article 17. Research projects of excellence

1. At the end of a more efficient allocation of resources aimed at supporting and encouraging research projects of excellence and innovation, and in view of the substantial depletion of the original purposes, in view of the substantial public resources made available from 1 July 2008, the Fondazione IRI and 'deleted.

2. With effect from 1 July 2008, capital goods, and any other legal relationship of the Foundation in IRI at that date, except the provisions of paragraph 3, shall be devoted to the Italian Institute of Technology.

3. By decree of the Minister of Finance and 'prepared the allocation of the historical and documentary Foundation IRI to a totalitarian society controlled by the State shall arrange for their preservation. By the same decree may also be ordered succession of the company in any working relationship with the Foundation to be the date from IRI under paragraph 1, or other legal relations asset or liability that may be incompatible with the purposes or 'organization of the Italian Institute of Technology.

4. Le risorse acquisite dalla Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ai sensi del comma 3 sono destinate al finanziamento di programmi per la ricerca applicata finalizzati alla realizzazione, sul territorio nazionale, di progetti in settori tecnologici altamente strategici e alla creazione di una rete di infrastrutture di ricerca di alta tecnologia localizzate presso primari centri di ricerca pubblici e privati.

5. La Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia provvederà agli adempimenti di cui all'articolo 20 delle disposizioni per l'attuazione del codice civile e disposizioni transitorie, di cui al regio decreto 30 marzo 1942, n. 318.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Xd Rockstar On Silverado

Reform Gelmini

Dato that in Italy the first one up in the morning and says what he thinks about something that probably has not even read (well) is taken for the smartest person in the country, I decided to bring together the various pieces of reform to Gelmini ensure that those who read it make up their own minds, without it being manipulated by others. You will find, in fact, only the full text of various articles and annexes for the reform of laws and decrees of the Finance Act of 2008 that were changed by it, so have a look full and not partial.

DECREE (full text)

Council of Ministers: 28/08/2008

Applicants: Presidency

Status: Published in OJ No 01/09/2008 DECREE LAW 204-1 September 2008, No 137 Urgent provisions on education and universities'.


Having regard to Articles 77 and 87 of the Constitution;

Considering the extraordinary needs 'urgent need to activate pathways and education lessons on the culture of legality' and the respect for constitutional principles, to regulate the activities' related to the overall assessment of the behavior of students in the community 'school, to reintroduce the numerical evaluation with a mark of academic performance of students, adapt the rules regulating the introduction of the single teacher in primary school, extend the time for the use of textbooks adopted, restore the value qualifying for the final examination for the degree course in primary education sciences and to simplify and streamline procedures for access to schools of medical specialization;

Given the decision of the Council of Ministers, adopted at its meeting on August 28, 2008;

The proposal the Prime Minister and the Minister dell'istruzione, dell'universita' e della ricerca, di
concerto con i Ministri dell'economia e delle finanze e per la
pubblica amministrazione e l'innovazione;

E m a n a

il seguente decreto-legge:

Art. 1.
Cittadinanza e Costituzione

1. A decorrere dall'inizio dell'anno scolastico 2008/2009, oltre ad
una sperimentazione nazionale, ai sensi dell'articolo 11 del decreto
del Presidente della Repubblica 8 marzo 1999, n. 275, sono attivate
azioni di sensibilizzazione e di formazione del personale finalizzate
all'acquisizione nel primo e nel secondo ciclo di istruzione knowledge and skills related to "Citizenship and the Constitution" in the context of historical and geographical areas and socio-historical and the total number of hours scheduled for the same. Similar initiatives have started in kindergarten.

2. Implementation of this Article shall be provided within the limits of human resources, equipment and financial resources available under existing legislation.

Article 2. Assessment of student behavior

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Republic June 24, 1998, No 249, as amended, relating to rights, duties and disciplinary system for students in secondary schools of the first and second degree, in the interim and final ballot shall be assessed the behavior of each student throughout the period of stay in home school, even in connection with participation in the activities' and the educational interventions made by schools outside of their home.

2. As the school year 2008/2009, the evaluation of behavior and 'expressed as a decimal.

3. The vote on student behavior, attributed jointly by the class council, contributes to the overall assessment of the student and determine if less than six tenths, the non-admission to next year of the course or the final examination of the cycle. Without the application of this provision since the beginning of the school year referred to in paragraph 2, by decree of the Minister of Education, University 'and the search criteria are specified in detail and to correlate the objective seriousness' of behavior vote is insufficient, as well as 'any mode' application of this Article.

Article 3. Evaluation of academic performance of students

1. From school year 2008/2009, primary school and annual periodic assessment of pupils 'learning and certification of skills acquired by them and' expressed in tenths and illustrated with analytical feedback on the overall level of maturity reached by the pupil.

2. From school year 2008/2009, in the secondary school level and annual periodic assessment of pupils 'learning and certification of skills acquired by them and' expressed as a decimal.

3. Are admitted to the next class or to the state exam at the end cycle, students who have obtained a vote of not less than six tenths in each discipline or group of subjects.

4. Article 13, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 17 October 2005, No 226, and 'be deleted and Article 177 of Legislative Decree 16 April 1994, No 297, shall be amended as follows: a) paragraphs 2, 5, 6 and 7, are repealed; b) in paragraph 3, after the words "For evaluation" shall be inserted the following: ', expressed in tenths, " c) In paragraph 4 the word "analytical judgments and the assessment of the" shall be replaced by "marks obtained and the 'd) the application of paragraphs 1 and 8 of Article 177 shall be suspended until the date of entry into force of paragraph 5 e) and 'ALSO' repealed any other provisions inconsistent with the evaluation of school performance through the award Voting numbers expressed in tenths.

5. With regulations issued pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 2 of Law August 23, 1988, No 400, proposed by the Minister of Education, University 'and research, ensure coordination with existing rules for the assessment of students and establishes additional mode' application of this Article.

Art. 4.
Insegnante unico nella scuola primaria

1. Nell'ambito degli obiettivi di contenimento di cui
all'articolo 64 del decreto-legge 25 giugno 2008, n. 112, convertito,
con modificazioni, dalla legge 6 agosto 2008, n. 133, nei regolamenti
di cui al relativo comma 4 e' ulteriormente previsto che le
istituzioni scolastiche costituiscono classi affidate ad un unico
insegnante e funzionanti con orario di ventiquattro ore settimanali.
Nei regolamenti si tiene comunque conto delle esigenze, correlate
alla domanda delle famiglie, di una piu' ampia articolazione del

2. With proper sequence and contractual claims on the resources referred to in Article 64, paragraph 9 of the Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law 6 August 2008, No 133, and 'set the salary due for the additional teaching hours than the scheduled time teaching requirement established by current contractual arrangements.

Article 5. Adoption of textbooks

1. Without prejudice to Article 15 of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law August 6, 2008, No 133, the relevant bodies of schools adopt textbooks for which the publisher makes a commitment to maintain the content in the five years, except for appendices may be necessary to make the update available separately. Save the recurrence of specific and justified reasons, the adoption of textbooks takes place every five years, in respect of the next five years. The head teacher ensures that 'the decisions of the faculty concerning the adoption of textbooks to be taken in compliance with regulations.

Article 6. Qualifying value degree in primary education sciences

1. The degree examination submitted at the conclusion of the courses in primary education sciences established under Article 3, paragraph 2 of Law November 19, 1990, No 341, including the evaluation of the activities' of training provided by the relevant training course, has the value of the state examination and teaching ability, respectively, in kindergarten and primary school.

2. The provisions of paragraph 1 also applies to those who supported the final degree examination courses in primary education sciences in the period between the date of entry into force of the Law of 24 December 2007, n. 244, and the date of entry into force of this decree.

Section 7. Replacement of Article 2, paragraph 433, of Law December 24, 2007, No 244.

1. Paragraph 2 of Article 433 of Law December 24, 2007, No 244, and 'replaced by' 433. The competition for access to specialized medical schools, of which the decree 17 August 1999, no 368, as amended, be open to all graduates in medicine and surgery. Graduates of the first period, which exceed the assistance provided for therein shall be admitted to graduate schools, provided that she is qualified for the exercise of 'professional, if not yet attained, by the date of commencement of activities' teaching of those schools immediately after the completion of competition .. "

Article 8. Final rules

1. The implementation of this Decree shall not derive new or increased burdens on public finances.

2. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic Italian and will be 'presented to both Houses for the conversion into law. This decree, bearing the seal of the State, shall be 'included in the official collection of normative acts of the Italian Republic. E 'is mandatory for all to observe and enforce them.

Given in Rome, goodbye 'September 1, 2008


Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers

Gelmini, Minister of Education, University' and research

Tremonti, Minister of Economy and Finance

Brunetta, Minister for Public Administration and innovation

Seen,: Alfano

Article 13 (Assessment and ballots) - Legislative Decree of 10.17.2005, No 226

1. The assessment, periodic and annual learning and behavior of students and certification of skills, abilities and skills acquired by them are given to the teachers responsible for teaching and learning activities and didatticheprevisti by personalized study plans. Based on the results of periodic evaluation, educational institutions put in place interventions and teaching necessary for recovery and development degli apprendimenti.

2. Ai fini della validità dell’anno, per la valutazione dello studente, è richiesta la frequenza di almeno tre quarti dell’orario annuale personalizzato complessivo di cui all’articolo 3. 

3. Salva la valutazione periodica e annuale di cui al comma 1, al termine di ciascuno dei due bienni di cui all’articolo 2 comma 2, i docenti effettuano una valutazione ai fini di verificare l’ammissibilità dello studente al terzo ed al quinto anno, subordinata all’avvenuto raggiungimento di tutti gli obiettivi di istruzione e di formazione, ivi compreso il comportamento degli studenti. In caso di esito negativo della valutazione periodically carried out at the end of the biennium, the student is not admitted to the next class. The non-admission to second year of the aforementioned two-year periods may be imposed for serious deficiencies, or behavioral training, with measures warranted.

4. At the end of the fifth year shall be eligible for state students positively evaluated in the appropriate ballot.

5. State examination are allowed outside candidates meeting the requirements of Article 2 of Law 10 December 1997, n.425 and Article 3 of Presidential Decree 23 July 1998, n.323.

6. Those who ask to come in the paths and high school students who have passed the final examination for the first round so many years before those needed for the normal course of high school may be admitted to classes after the first assessment of prior knowledge, skills, abilities and skills possessed, however acquired, by special committees set up the institutions of the system of high schools, also networked with each other. For the purposes of this assessment the Commission shall take account of the credits earned and duly documented and may subject applicants to any proveper the assessment of knowledge, skills, abilities and skills necessary for successful continuation of studies. By decree of the Minister of Education, University and research are established procedures for setting up and functioning of committees. Assessments under this paragraph shall be reduced by any of the ballots.

7. Those who cease to attend the Institute before 15 March and who intend to continue their studies in high schools, may request to be submitted to the assessments referred to in paragraph 6. Are exempt from the interval by passing the State referred to in paragraph 6 to applicants who have completed their eighteenth year of age no later than the day before the start of those evaluations. Those who, in the current year, have Tasks or il ventitreesimo anno di età sono altresì dispensati dalla presentazione di qualsiasi titolo di studio inferiore.

Articolo 177 - Valutazione e scheda personale dell'alunno  - decreto legislativo del 16/04/1994, n. 297 

1. Il consiglio di classe con la sola presenza dei docenti, è tenuto a compilare e a tenere aggiornata una scheda personale dell'alunno, contenente le notizie sul medesimo e sulla sua partecipazione alla vita della scuola, nonché le osservazioni sistematiche sul suo processo di apprendimento e sul livello di maturazione raggiunto sia globalmente sia nelle singole discipline.

2. At the end of each quarter or semester of the items recorded on the card the class council concludes motivated analytical judgments for each subject and a properly informed assessment on the overall level of maturity.

3. For the evaluation , expressed in tenths, of handicapped pupils shall apply the provisions of Article 318.

4. The teachers of the class to illustrate pupil's parents or his guardian and the marks obtained [ analytical judgments and the assessment on] overall level of maturity reached by the pupil, together with initiatives eventualmente programmate in favore dell'alunno medesimo ai sensi dell'articolo 167.

5. Il consiglio di classe, in sede di valutazione finale, delibera se ammettere o non ammettere alla classe successiva gli alunni della prima e della seconda classe e all'esame di licenza gli alunni della terza classe, formulando un giudizio di idoneità o, in caso negativo, un giudizio di non ammissione alla classe successiva o all'esame di licenza.

6. Il giudizio finale tiene conto dei giudizi analitici per disciplina e delle valutazioni espresse nel corso dell'anno sul livello globale di maturazione, con riguardo anche alle capacità e alle attitudini dimostrate.

7. La valutazione dell'alunno e il giudizio finale sono documentati con apposito attestato.

8. Il Ministro della pubblica istruzione, sentito il Consiglio nazionale della pubblica istruzione, approva con proprio decreto i modelli della scheda personale e degli attestati e di ogni altra documentazione ritenuta necessaria.

9. Il libretto scolastico è abolito. Nulla è innovato per quanto riguarda il libretto scolastico e sanitario per i figli dei lavoratori emigranti scolarizzati all'estero adottato a seguito della risoluzione n. 76/12 del 10 marzo 1976 del Comitato dei Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Law of 12.24.2007, No 244 (Financial Law)

Article 2, paragraph 433

The competition for access to specialized medical schools, of which the decree 17 August 1999, no 368, as amended, be open to all graduates in medicine and surgery. Graduates of the first period, which exceeds the competition therein, shall be admitted to graduate schools, provided that she is qualified for the exercise of 'professional ove non ancora posseduta,
entro la data di inizio delle attivita' didattiche di dette scuole
immediatamente successiva al concorso espletato.

[Al concorso per l’accesso alle scuole di specializzazione mediche, di cui al decreto legislativo 17 agosto 1999, n. 368, e successive modificazioni, possono partecipare i laureati in medicina e chirurgia, nonché gli studenti iscritti al corso di laurea in medicina e chirurgia che devono sostenere soltanto la prova finale per il conseguimento del titolo di laurea. I soggetti di cui al primo periodo che superano il concorso ivi previsto possono essere ammessi alle scuole di specializzazione a condizione che conseguano la laurea, ove non già posseduta, e l’abilitazione for the exercise of the profession by the date of commencement of the teaching activities of graduate schools themselves, immediately following completion of the competition.]

Hope now you're done your idea, if I did not have before. Commented well if you like.

Monday, October 6, 2008

To Know Frequency Ofindian Channels

reached 10 million iPhones sold?

Steve Jobs had already promised in January 2007 to sell 10 million iPhones by 2008.
A promise, in fact. The unusual initiative of the forum members of "The Mac Observer sembra confermare questa previsione. Gli utenti del suddetto sito, infatti, hanno postato una parte dell'IMEI e del Numero Seriale del proprio iPhone 3G proprio per poter così capire la velocità di produzione dell'apparecchio. A giudicare da questi dati, pare che la Apple sia arrivata a produrre circa 9 milioni e duecentomila cellulari di terza generazione che, sommati ai 2 milioni e quattrocentomila apparecchi 2G, raggiungerebbe, superandola, la tanto sospirata cifra di 10 milioni di iPhone venduti.
Ovviamente, il margine d'errore di questa stima non è trascurabile in quanto la cifra non tiene conto della reale differenza tra gli apparecchi prodotti e quelli effettivamente venduti, ma su una cosa possiamo stare certi: Steve Jobs non dice bugie.

One wonders at this point, how is it that a "phone" (so little?) Criticized so able to sell more than 10 million units ... Perhaps those who are critical remotely afraid that the market share of 17% increase even more?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Missed Period Only Brown Mucus

knows well the kids!

E 'the well known ease of use of Apple products, but probably all this simply was not expecting anyone holding of Cupertino! Below is a video of a girl of 2 years shows how to use an iPhone! What can I say, good vision and learn well, because the iPhone is coming here in Italy! So you're not unprepared!

Here's the movie from the legendary YouTube. (Video length: 4m 40s)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fox Are Getting My Chickens


was a cold evening in January of 2008, 13 to be precise, when the 77th minute of the race Milan - Naples, Meazza stadium San Siro was a goal just 18 years old boy, whose name Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva (aka Pato), in his first game of the Serie A with Milan's shirt, and that goal! It must be said that Pato has always made great games in his debut: it has scored 1 goal and 3 assists served in his first game of the Brazilian championship and also scored the final network of 1-0 in the first game with the Brazilian national team, played against Sweden. From that night I thought, therefore, create a video that enclose all the goals scored by Pato in the Italian League 2007/2008. Among other things, as they passed Sunday, the idea was becoming a reality thanks to the fact that the number 7 marked the Rossoneri to burst! On the last day, in fact, Pato is ending his first season with the Rossoneri with 9 goals scored in 18 appearances! And so, just hours before the end of the season (unfortunately not done very well for AC Milan), I posted the above video on YouTube, all mounted at home thanks to iMovie and my faithful MacBook!

Ecco tutti goal di Pato segnati nel Campionato di Serie A 2007/2008. (durata del video: 4m 36s)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Eminent Luggage Lock Combination


Vi ho avvertito tramite il titolo che il post è un po' macabro! Anche se, alla fin fine, ciò che vi propongo di visitare è soltanto una pagina in cui vi è un piccolo test che vi permetterà di calcolare la data della vostra morte...! Un po' funereo, in effetti, ma alla fine è un gioco, no? Allora cliccate qui per giocare!

Quasi dimenticavo: come tutti i test di calcolo della morte that respect, in the end you can also fill in and print your official certificate of death with such wills!

If you want, you can add a comment to this post with the results of your test! :-)

PS: I thank all those who, with their visits, they have allowed this to reach my blog (so far) 155 hits! In particular, I greet warmly cent (who knows who he is!), Which certainly has been reserved for a future of great fame as soon as my blog will become the world's most popular!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Modern Cake Cutting Songs 2010

The macabre head is spinning!

This site pointing you to today it is special, if not unique, but very nice! Click here to throw a few moments of your life. You will end up in your browser window, a face of a girl of Japanese descent (and who could invent such a thing if they do not?) With eyes that follow the movements of your mouse: really funny! Please do not Wipe the time to make her head spin!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Dry Shampoo Dark Hair


How can we not dedicate a post to one of farewell to football more difficult to digest the whole story? Romario de Souza Faria, known simply as Romário Baixinho and said because of his height (169 cm) after the game tomorrow, March 30, 2008, the fateful shoes hang on a nail to the incredible age of 42 years after beating the record of 1000 goals in his career (in which company had managed before him the only Pele) . This time, after several had second thoughts in his career, it seems that the decision to retire is final. The thousandth goal marked the 21 May 2007 in the "Vasco da Gama vs. Sport Recife" to 3 'of the second half on a penalty kick, just the same way that Pele scored his thousandth network. The funny thing was that the game was stopped for 15 minutes to allow time to get down to the family of Romario from the stands to hug him! For lovers of statistics, here A list of all the goals scored so far by Baixinho great so far (you can bet that last game we run away at least one goal):

Vasco da Gama (Brazilian Championship) - from 1985 to 1988, 1999 to 2002, from 2005 to 2008

326 goals in 410 games played, with an average of 0.8 goals per game

Flamengo (Brazilian championship) - 1995 to 1996 , from 1996 to 1997, from 1997 to 1999

204 goals in 240 games played, with an average of 0.85 goals per game

PSV (Dutch league) - 1988, 1993

165 goal in 167 partite giocate, con una media di 0,98 goal a partita

Barcellona (campionato spagnolo) - dal 1993 al 1995

53 goal in 84 partite giocate, con una media di 0,63 goal a partita

Fluminense (campionato brasiliano) - dal 2002 al 2004

48 goal in 77 partite giocate, con una media di 0,62 goal a partita

Miami FC (campionato degli Stati Uniti d'America) - 2006

22 goal in 29 partite giocate, con una media di 0,75 goals per game

Valencia (English league) - 1996, 1997

14 goals in 21 games played, with an average of 0.66 goals per game

Adelaide (championship Australia) - 2006

1 goal in 4 games played, with an average of 0.25 goals per game

Brazilian National - 1987 to 2005

71 goals in 85 games played, with an average of 0.83 goals per game

Other matches

98 goal

For a total of 1002 centers in career!

Here's the video of the 1,000 th goal by Romario with Portuguese commentary originally published by YouTube. (Video length: 38s)

Stitch In Stomach What Is It ?

Sweet dreams! The true story of

The man most envied by Homer Simpson now has a name: Yde Van Deutekom, 22 years Zoetermeer (Netherlands). And a site. If you remember the episode in which the typical American family man second Matt Groening had devised a way to work from home, you understand immediately why; This Dutch boy, in fact, has succeeded (and with great results!) to earn from the comfort of lying in his bed covered with sponsors throughout the day! Not only that: he also said that does not get up until you become rich and therefore does not intend to change their lives for the moment, comforted, and above all, by the thousands of hits and earned the figures remain motionless. He gets up only to take a shower, go to the bathroom and prepare something to eat. After 21 days he won € 5000. In his site are constantly updating the hours spent in bed yet and the money earned ($ 15,952.80): Seeing is believing.

Here's the video presentation of the site Yde, taken from YouTube. (Video length: 57s)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nami And Nico Robin Modeling

In the new operating system, various software-house, including the developers of open-source world, have introduced a new common: Widgets. In short, however, know the true history of these mini applications as useful as easy to use. The idea, in fact, was born in 1998 from the mind of a certain Arlo Rose, who, inspired by skin apply to MP3 players, decided to create an interface for any other information to be displayed on the desktop. Based on the name of a program of skins for the interface of the Mac OS called Kaleidoscope , he coined the term Konfabulator and proposed his idea to other developers, for four long years, no one supported him until such a Perry Clarke decided to work with him interested in the project. On 10 February 2003, the two launched their first shareware version of Konfabulator for Mac OS X 10.2 at a price of $ 24.95, a program that manages the various "sub" called, precisely, Widgets . I remember that I downloaded the trial version and I was impressed both for aesthetics and for the usefulness. Twenty-one months later came the Windows version and 25 July 2005 the application was sold to Yahoo and became freeware. Meanwhile, on April 29 of that year, was to sell the Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, which was the first operating system that included a review of its successful application Konfabulator, Dashboard christened (in an image ).

Later versions were also released for GNOME ( gDesklets ) and Gadgets for Windows Vista in 2007, named so that no one could say that they were copied from the Mac (and who could ever say such a thing! ?). Too bad that no developer in the areas of Redmond knew Vista that in fact called the Apple Widgets, during the beta of Tiger, "gadgets" and reported only the final version of the fateful and final name of "Widgets"!

The diatribe

With the advent of Mac OS X Tiger came to form two strands of thought: one called the Dashboard a blatant copy of Konfabulator, the other hand, turned the omelette on to explain that, in fact, the basic idea was already in the first Apple Macintosh Operating Systems, 1984, in which there was a "collection" of desk accessories ( Desk Accessories, for the note) which included features such as a calculator and clock. Well, in an article about the OS Tiger, John Siracusa (round and round are always of Italian origin!) Had clearly demonstrated that the creators of Konfabulator was not in possession of any patent, and Apple's Widgets also showed substantial differences , the first of the programming language (XML and JavaScript to Konfabulator, HTML and CSS with JavaScript for Dashboard) that allowed the application for the Mac to communicate well with the Safari browser. When you say "put an end" ...

Here's what the dashboard in its latest evolution. (Video length: 1m 41s)

Best Unrated Movies Ever

Netvibes Widgets

the post as the first intervention of my blog if it fully deserves, indeed, I would say that the desire to tell as many people as possible to my new web-discovery, has meant that I could open a blog! The site in question ( Netvibes ) is based on an idea as simple as, in my opinion, winning (like all the best inventions, for that matter!) Tariq Krim, a French engineer of Algerian origin: sign up for free, you can create a homepage where you can enter all your different content depending on your preferences. For example, you can check your e-mail, favorite sites, news, watch videos from youtube, etc ... displayed like so many widgets in one or more cards on our website. What do you earn? Simple! Access to all their business from virtually one page without having to visit every day all the sites that interest them, no advertising or pop-up variety, and ordered the original navigation, but most is not the author of the website to decide what to read / watch / click but always and only the user to choose what to see. Here is the new frontier of web surfers and to give importance to their needs, without being forced to read more advertising and to go where others have decided!

For those interested, there is a ' interview on Tariq (now we're pals).

From YouTube, a video illustrating the various features of Netvibes. (Video length: 8m 10s)