Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nami And Nico Robin Modeling

In the new operating system, various software-house, including the developers of open-source world, have introduced a new common: Widgets. In short, however, know the true history of these mini applications as useful as easy to use. The idea, in fact, was born in 1998 from the mind of a certain Arlo Rose, who, inspired by skin apply to MP3 players, decided to create an interface for any other information to be displayed on the desktop. Based on the name of a program of skins for the interface of the Mac OS called Kaleidoscope , he coined the term Konfabulator and proposed his idea to other developers, for four long years, no one supported him until such a Perry Clarke decided to work with him interested in the project. On 10 February 2003, the two launched their first shareware version of Konfabulator for Mac OS X 10.2 at a price of $ 24.95, a program that manages the various "sub" called, precisely, Widgets . I remember that I downloaded the trial version and I was impressed both for aesthetics and for the usefulness. Twenty-one months later came the Windows version and 25 July 2005 the application was sold to Yahoo and became freeware. Meanwhile, on April 29 of that year, was to sell the Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, which was the first operating system that included a review of its successful application Konfabulator, Dashboard christened (in an image ).

Later versions were also released for GNOME ( gDesklets ) and Gadgets for Windows Vista in 2007, named so that no one could say that they were copied from the Mac (and who could ever say such a thing! ?). Too bad that no developer in the areas of Redmond knew Vista that in fact called the Apple Widgets, during the beta of Tiger, "gadgets" and reported only the final version of the fateful and final name of "Widgets"!

The diatribe

With the advent of Mac OS X Tiger came to form two strands of thought: one called the Dashboard a blatant copy of Konfabulator, the other hand, turned the omelette on to explain that, in fact, the basic idea was already in the first Apple Macintosh Operating Systems, 1984, in which there was a "collection" of desk accessories ( Desk Accessories, for the note) which included features such as a calculator and clock. Well, in an article about the OS Tiger, John Siracusa (round and round are always of Italian origin!) Had clearly demonstrated that the creators of Konfabulator was not in possession of any patent, and Apple's Widgets also showed substantial differences , the first of the programming language (XML and JavaScript to Konfabulator, HTML and CSS with JavaScript for Dashboard) that allowed the application for the Mac to communicate well with the Safari browser. When you say "put an end" ...

Here's what the dashboard in its latest evolution. (Video length: 1m 41s)


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