Milioni di euro per far alloggiare un centinaio di nomadi al camping privato della Cesarina.
Per mantenere i rom il Comune di Roma spende quasi 26 milioni di euro l’anno. Una cifra che non ha pari nelle altre metropoli italiane. Nella capitale vivere in un campo attrezzato è un lusso soltanto per la collettività dei contribuenti, since the "guests" do not spend a euro for housing, for electricity and gas and to receive municipal assistance in terms of education and childcare. This figure contrasts with what happens - but it is just an example - in the fourth town hall where over 800 families in Rome were unable to find a place for their children in nursery schools of the City. But in the camp near the city spends only Cesarina lease over 600 thousand euro a year to house a hundred rom.Per keep Roma in the city spends the City of Rome, of his own money and contributions, 26 million a year. A figure that has no equal in Italy. In Milan, where Roma Moratti spends about a quarter, the nomads to stay in the camps pay municipal electricity and water. In Veneto, without putting their hands in their pockets, in the container does not enter anyone. In northern Italy's Zingarelli for school use the school bus just like the Italian peers. In Rome, no. The so-called program of "Roma education," to be understood, however, only as a transport and accompany, was contracted by Rutelli and Veltroni three associations linked to the left. More than 2 million a year. A bang of money. With what results? Practically zero. How many hundreds of Zingarelli running the center in the morning know the multiplication table? Younger Roma are good only to count the money in the portfolios of others. Other than tables. But the waste does not count. To keep Roma in the capital, including electricity, water, air conditioners d’aria, piscine, scolarizzazione, vacanze estive, sovvenzione a feste e corsi di formazione, in questi anni Veltroni non ha badato a spese. C’è chi questi conti li ha fatti di recente. È il neo-consigliere comunale Fabrizio Santori, che ha spulciato bandi ed appalti e stilato un Dossier. Quanto costa ogni nomade al mese ai cittadini romani? Ecco i dati. La gestione dei campi, che fa capo al Dipartimento V (Politiche sociali) del Comune, nel 2006 è costata 3.800.000 euro. Lo stesso Dipartimento ha speso per interventi di bonifica igienico-ambientale 1.750.000 euro. Poi ci sono le voci di spesa «minori»: consulenze esterne 138mila euro, attrezzature informatiche 40mila euro, personale del V Dipartimento 66.300 euro, wc chimici (Purchase, cleaning and maintenance) 375mila €, Camping Nomentano rent of € 22,500. And then the extraordinary expenses: In 2006, the City has spent to buy containers of Troili Villa € 554,444. I'm not exactly a spesuccia. But we are just beginning. The school, which is part of the eleventh Department (school), has cost € 2,333,333. The social services for Roma, imposed on the budgets of municipalities, have cost a total of € 1,440,000. Between light and water for free, paid for entirely by the ACEA, they left in 2006 € 1.830.00 other. The waste collection, between ordinary and extraordinary, this has weighed on the environment for 381mila €. Householders pay nomads to the north, we are all free. But not enough. The income is to put the share of cars Trambus available to the school (€ 1.2 million in 2006), good for school books (euro 218,000) and the use of free school meals (in 2006 the Roman families € 288,000 paid for the tables). And last but not least, funding to festivals, cultural events, summer holidays by the sea and mountains, paid by the City and Municipalities, for an estimated total of 1,700,000 €. The total amount is € 19,380,000. At this money, however, should be added to additional funds of the City and State. It is of the special brigade and the police (€ 72 thousand), the costs of judges and prosecutor to investigate crimes committed by Roma (estimated at € 874mila), free use of the Roma by public health facilities, costing the local health authorities and the Ministry of Health € 360,663. Finally, with tax evasion estimated at € 5,200,000. In total, in 2006, Veltroni and Prodi in Rome to keep the nomads have paid € 26,646,253. Since 5227 the Roma were assisted, for each of the Romans paid the beauty of € 5,097. "Obviously we would have to add the cost of the Roma squatter camps - concludes Santori - burdens in terms of transport, electricity, garbage, the city." Then there are still those who wonder if Rome has turned pagina.LE HOLIDAY CAMPING WITH ASILOMilioni of Roma in the euro to stay a hundred nomads camping in private Cesarina. Fresh air, green trees, birds chirping, children's play. As in the resort. To pay and the City of Rome. Almost 600 thousand euro a year on rent. Inside the camp benefit the Roma also has a nursery, other cost € 3600 per month. All at taxpayer expense Roman. That these nomads are working for a living, I guess we leave to the imagination of our readers. Basically it is just another page of a shopping spree, the latest chapter of what it costs to keep the Romans in città.Il gypsies camping is in the way of Cesar, a side street of Via Nomentana, IV Hall. This year about 800 children in the fourth Italians were fuori dagli asili nido comunali. Le famiglie pagano fior di quattrini per quelli privati. In media 5-600 euro al mese per ogni bebè. Per i rom, invece, nessun problema. I bambini glieli assiste il Comune, completamente gratis per loro, non per la collettività.I dettagli li fornisce l’ex consigliere municipale di An Fabrizio Bevilacqua, ora futuro assessore alla sicurezza. «Anche se l’ex minisindaco Alessandro Cardente non ha mai risposto alle interrogazioni dell’opposizione a proposito della Cesarina - racconta Bevilacqua -. Siamo venuti in possesso di dati a dir poco imbarazzanti dal V Dipartimento del Comune. I rom sono alloggiati al camping dal 2003. Il canone di affitto si aggira sui 591.300 euro annui, ai quali si aggiungono i 3.600 euro handed out monthly for internal management of asylum '. Without the accounts, in the years 2003-2006 are a total of € 2,538,100. "All expenses that are certified by findings in Department V" Bevis states: "But surely these are added other items: health and social services, school, schooling, ordinary and extraordinary Ama." It is not enough. "We should also shed light on the mechanisms of scholarships and work-training - adds the exponent of the PDL -. Finished a course, many sign up for a second, then third, to get the benefits. Never go to work. "Those are the Roma of Cesar? Officially, 100, although in fact they are guests of the camp 80-85 other people. In any case, we are about 20-25 families. Assuming the original nucleus, to the City each family is 30-year € 35 thousand. In short, a bottomless pit of expenses. And many questions. In that area the rom? The new president of the center-right of the fourth, Chris Bonelli, promises that will make a full investigation of the whole affair: "Already this week I will meet with Opera Nomadi (the association that runs the village, ed ). A year ago, as the committee responsible for security I made a visit to Cesar. When I asked what job they did on the nomads, was followed by the silence icily. This time must be met. O nomads are integrated in an active, working, sending their children to school, etc., oppure la struttura va chiusa».Bonelli annuncia che farà altri sopralluoghi, anche a sorpresa: «Poi occorre prendere una posizione netta. Non si può tollerare di pagare un affitto così esorbitante per gente che non ha nessuna intenzione di integrarsi».
Marcello Viaggio "Il Giornale" 18 maggio 2008
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