[I have it with ...] Bayonetta
For at least four reasons:
1) combing . Moira Orfei
Between Charles and Miss Anna Marchesini. In practice, the visual equivalent of a cold shower
2) character. As a commitment to sculettare in favor of room remains frigid. Realistically, we are the parts of Miss Rottermayer
3) the actual in-game stage presence.
On balance, minimal.
We're talking about a black figure, thin and wiry shooting from distance, which in the midst of the fighting could be as much a stragnocca stick in an insect-seizure
4) the repertoire of jokes.
milk in the knees and / or freezing in the room, the parties to Anna Tatangelo in X-Factor
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Glamour Wallpaper 2010
[in game] Fallout Vegas New
When returns to the identity of a game is common practice to approach it with something known. In the case of New Fallout Vegas behavior is even more obvious considering that on balance this is an expansion of the parent Fallout 3 , stuffed in a way that ensures access to the circle of stand-alone products. The changes amounted mostly in small subtle improvements. An increase in quality, such as appearance and dialogues, to be obtained through a direct comparison between two stations launched in parallel. The consequence of this is that it is a game with more of the mechanisms known to any clarification in this regard would be redundant. If you have played or otherwise known Fallout 3 by crosses, New Vegas is a version very similar: it comes to experience with the same mechanism inside a new story. A character who is by nature good, bad or neutral, setting the post-atomic missions to play, experience points to be assigned to ability.
The only real news, the gem that can give a different meaning at this particular crossing, lies in how so-called HARD .
In a nutshell the option translates into the ability to accept (but even if he were to refuse inappropriate) the task caused by the mere living. Besides the problem of radiation already present in the previous episode, you should watch for parameters involved in the risk of dehydration, starvation and lack of sleep. Interconnected elements (eg, salty foods that increase thirst) that undermine the ability of PG when okay, its very existence if neglected over the threshold of tolerance.
If you decide to set their own experience in this way (and could not be otherwise, whereas in fact it is the only news), the result could lead to extraordinary levels of enjoyment, but also make the crossing in a living hell (purgatory in reality). Good and bad of this choice will depend exclusively on the type of player that prefers dall'approccio. If it was a slow go , a play that stops curious to observe the details, measured, with the ability di'immedesimazione or simple desire to participate "in the true role" of the protagonist, as well as to avoid freezer caused by several boots (visible and invisible), alleged to be potentially fantastic experience, addiritura perhaps unique in the modern role of casual games. The new requirements create barriers invisible boundaries that need to be overcome with a little planning. Exploration in concentric circles where the outer rings will not be inhabited by enemies stronger to prevent the advance, but the distance between the star dining, and procurement.
That said, the classic explanation is in order. Much of speech is just done on a theoretical level, obtained by taking what has been observed in the early stages and imagining it in perspective. If things were to escalate in the long term negative impact, or perhaps lower than expected, I will certainly return.
As for the game played on a personal level: enthusiasm, pleasure to be there, heavy gaming generally well rewarded. If you move slowly and calmly, if you join the adventure with the head to plan the moves and the Q uore to facilitate the suspension of disbelief, the resulting draft will be worth any new concussion will need to take to survive. Overeat d’acqua, dormire, mangiare prima di partire non è solo un modo per “recuperare” energie, ma proprio un’azione utile a mettersi al riparo da determinati pericoli, interni e non più solo esterni. Sembrerà esagerato, ma la sensazione è che tutto acquisisca una nuova dimensione, addirittura più senso del precedente capitolo. Adesso raccogliere ciarpame serve assolutamente, persino rubacchiare pur interpretando un protagonista dall'indole buona diventa un comportamento sensato, perché come si suol dire bisogna pur mangiare .
Un gioco di ruolo che nella sua interezza forse non riuscirà a ricalcare le orme mitiche dei founders, but that will not satisfy the palate of the usual critics of the modern experience of gender, but in his little serious danger of becoming one of the best RPG you play in recent years. Despite its nature as a clone, despite its apparently frivolous novelty. And this alone to decide to deal with it enough. Or at least for a post in TaWerna.
Any corrections, new perspectives, notes giocogiocato spoiler free, as always, will be made in the comments. The mega final response always around here just reached the finish line.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Does Groping Happen In Japan
Enslaved: odyssey to the west
Describe a game that is particularly appreciated is more difficult than doing a bad experience. The temptation is to indulge boundless admiration losing sight of the real texture of the product, to promote praise for a number of reasons may arise from reasons entirely personal. With this risk in mind I propose that my opinion on Enslaved: odyssey to the West, a game that sets the stage for what I consider a very important kind of videoludimondo, the modern digital adventures that divide the right amount of participation among contemplation and action.
You can imitate God of War without forza riportare pedissequamente ogni elemento. Si può raccontare una storia pur mantenendo viva e soprattutto attiva l’azione del giocatore. Si possono inserire personaggi artificiali credibili pur offrendoli con la tipica leggerezza dei prodotti videoludici. Enslaved riesce in gran parte a soddisfare tutte queste prerogative. La storia che racconta è quella di una lunga fuga, per esigenze di gameplay suddivisa in aree. Ogni sezione ha un ingresso e un’uscita da raggiungere; nel mezzo ostacoli architettonici da utilizzare per sopravvivere o da superare per abbattere i nemici. Questi, grazie a Dio, non sono un’orda indemoniata che basa la sua esistenza sulla quantità, piuttosto sulla qualità delle singole presenze, ognuna piazzata a modo e con in mente un preciso scopo. Escludendo episodi particolari ogni zona non conta più di sei robot, addirittura massimo due come nel caso di torrette fastidiose. Il risultato è coinvolgente al pari di situazioni ben più affollate. Sulla qualità tecnica dello svolgimento lascio parlare chi ha maggior dimestichezza sull’argomento; quel che mi preme sottolineare è come questa sorta di limite contribuisca in maniera forte a mantenere alto il coinvolgimento, perché la situazione diventa accettabile, acquisisce senso, resta credibile. Aver dovuto affrontare migliaia di bot avrebbe significato offrire il fianco al becero mazzamazza , ottimo in moltissime situazioni, ma non per forza unico elemento able to keep up an action game.
Wanting to say a few words on the detail of the fighting, there should be emphasized that despite the various moves available in general everything is resolved through a forest of repeated blows to the mark: in fact any other conduct aimed to study the opponent does nothing but leave room to its hysterical reaction and its destruction of your avatar. This simple technique has over the timing of itself. Mazzola repeatedly and amen.
A special note for the lag - slight delay in the execution of the moves - in actions "on track" of the protagonist, such as climbing (Also reported by xPeter in OT). The presence of this can be considered a problem in some way is for the benefit of pathos, tension one feels in moments that require a degree of frenzy: just the "non scattevolezza" Monkey creates a greater sense of urgency that drives us to push with more participation, to curse the slowness of the action, hold your breath and then release it raised once you reach the goal.
History as alluded above tells a joint torque: a male protagonist played by you and a co-star AI. As a partner we have many examples bot. They generally have the their job of supporting actors like to play an instrument, like a digital Swiss boxcutter. Hardly their presence requires a particular emotional participation. In Enslaved has tried to change direction and we started to do the features of the bot. Expressions credible, dubbing excellent (apart from some out of sync in the Italian version), gestures, meaningful dialogue, which serves as a set. Trip (the female takes you pretend that you below) you can love it or hate it based on the decisions it takes, the fact remains that arouses feelings and not talking about sex drive discount, but pure love / hate, anxiety over its conditions, protective instincts or desire to take the head . A little 'what I feel for her co-star of your favorite fiction, just that you're the next, often even below, however contact . Clearly we are not in the presence of a unique involvement (insert the words used in context playful we speak), but a small step forward considering the flatness of producing all types of gaming that have tried that road, apart from the ' ICO na Ueda, there is very little else to be appointed from this point of view.
Putting the pieces together one can say that today is one of the co-op games featuring artificial among the best ever. A pleasant story, which inspired them to a fun general go on taking pleasure in participation. A real gaming entertainment product, somewhat lighter, more deep for considering what we currently offer the gaming market in terms of emotional involvement. In short, a tour and an honorable mention for the effort's worth without a doubt. If it is appropriate to give precedence to other experiences, depending on their character and what you look for in a video game. In Enslaved there is a beautiful adventure, with many scripts in a limited amount of participation in comparison to other products, but equally satisfying. There are games where do, games to watch; Enslaved is a good compromise, a milestone in the road of digital entertainment that has the courage to act as experience together before - or not only - as a useful tool to test the 'user skills.
Friday, October 8, 2010
How To Hide Pipes Behind Pedestal Sink
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2 could be part of the sequel in the series with little soul.
Or rather, the soul, that is all in the overall formula and not the "new" plot and characterization, has run merely acquired by his predecessor, appearing timid and reverent in the face of so much original nonconformity.
After some years, that sort of Groundhog Day zombesco, to relive the situation several times a pleasure to discover the nuances and details at mo 'self-service, is still the same genius. All
remained blindly loyal, the change of environment does not change anything (the casino is a shopping center with slot machines), the identical pattern Logistics (shelter separate from the rest of the map, connection via air conditioning ducts, handsome chick which observes the monitor and communicate at a distance), moving to the rhythms dictated by the same strict time limits.
Or rather, the soul, that is all in the overall formula and not the "new" plot and characterization, has run merely acquired by his predecessor, appearing timid and reverent in the face of so much original nonconformity.
After some years, that sort of Groundhog Day zombesco, to relive the situation several times a pleasure to discover the nuances and details at mo 'self-service, is still the same genius. All
remained blindly loyal, the change of environment does not change anything (the casino is a shopping center with slot machines), the identical pattern Logistics (shelter separate from the rest of the map, connection via air conditioning ducts, handsome chick which observes the monitor and communicate at a distance), moving to the rhythms dictated by the same strict time limits.
The daughter of Chuck, regularly in need of an antidote to the mutation, is emblematic of discontinuity as a potential untapped, resulting in only a few extra vicious circle.
Staying within Capcom, it happened a bit 'as in the case of Resident Evil 5, get stuck, too obsequious towards a self-contained reference purposes and judged successful enough to be untouchable, brings solid results tend to but less significant, for a reply,
But unlike RE5, he could not reproduce the magnificence of its 4 in terms of pure game design, Dead Rising 2 seems to be able to enjoy much of the debut title, the internal work on the plan is aimed and convincing, with a new combo system that brings such a variety of objects and the most advanced dynamic testing and the mass of the undead and the survivors.
But unlike RE5, he could not reproduce the magnificence of its 4 in terms of pure game design, Dead Rising 2 seems to be able to enjoy much of the debut title, the internal work on the plan is aimed and convincing, with a new combo system that brings such a variety of objects and the most advanced dynamic testing and the mass of the undead and the survivors.
Some regret for uploads, even if the number of brutal elements on screen has made them perhaps inevitable as technical compromise, and for most of the bosses, as usual in terms of rudimentary mechanical.
The experience of play, addictive and filled with touches of class is completed by DLC independent situations that present less "conventional", with their compact size.
The experience of play, addictive and filled with touches of class is completed by DLC independent situations that present less "conventional", with their compact size.
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[sooner or later we] inFamous
In teoria
Interpretate un uomo dotato di poteri sovrannaturali ottenuti in seguito a un attentato che ha messo a soqquadro la città in cui vive. Potete scegliere se utilizzarli per riportare la situazione sotto controllo o per alimentare il caos.
In pratica
La scelta può essere fatta solo all’inizio perché i poteri del protagonista sono legati all’incremento di una determinata indole. Anche volendo è sconveniente scegliere come comportarsi di volta in volta perché si rischia di disperdere punti esperienza e relative risorse. Se buoni si salverà il malcapitato di turno, in caso contrario si abbandonerà to his fate, whatever. Considering that in the end you are forced to follow a certain path, the factor completely lose sense of freedom and choice.
In theory
A series of major missions to find out what happened, the source of chaos, where you come from and where you are going. A series of missions to help the criminals that plague the citizens of survivors or remove them to restore peace in the city.
In practice
main missions are quite long and in their way various situations, even if on balance there will always be the usual volumes of antagonists to get rid of a point to reach, a district which give new light and in the middle of something to harvest. After a defined number of mazzamazza here comes the equally classic clash with the "boss".
The missions serve to liberate the territory from the opposing faction. In principle, is divided between: Stock-murder, recovery / destruction, running time. There are incentives
(-.-') explore how to collect useful items to increase the energy bar or audio recordings that tell the story behind the scenes.
In theory
Four islets, a rather large city to explore horizontally and vertically. Fellow citizens to interact with.
In practice
Four areas alike, almost indistinguishable from one another. The only variations are the main areas related to the mission, now a palace of scrap, now a cluster of containers. Area was more than enough. The inhabitants are mere extras on the other hand, applaud or run away scared by the karma of the protagonist. Very often collapse on the ground waiting to be "recharged" (cured) or "drained" (sent to the creator). They might ask for help in modo casuale, ma è talmente inutile farlo al di fuori delle missioni che ben presto li s’ignora alla grande.
In pratica (e basta)
Tecnicamente tutto funge (si parla della versione digitale venduta tramite PSN e installata completamente su HDD). Il gioco è veloce sia nell’esecuzione che nei caricamenti nascosti (compresi quelli post dipartita e recupero da checkpoint vicinissimi fra loro). Il protagonista si attacca automaticamente a qualsiasi cosa, il che rende molto facile muoversi che si tratti di scalare strutture di qualsiasi genere o viaggiare per la città su "rotaie" sparse per tutto il territorio.
The game itself is a continuous advance of inertia, which translates to move forward the request in the request, and pass the time diverge from reality without much conviction. Apart from sporadic cases missions are traveling close to the discrete, falling lower in the secondary going up a notch for those that might be considered the end stage of . It goes on fighting in the usual way despite the absence of firearms conventional aim quickly, well and recover the ammunition needed (in this case electrical energy from sources scattered nearby). Nothing more nothing less, in practice, despite the interaction with a character so original could easily fall into the ranks of various mazzamazza that has produced the next-gen (?).
In summary, the goodness of inFamous has a street light: the darkness that exists between output and the other memorable video game is able to follow the path of the player without special claims (each other), but when it 's sunrise and peeps a title really worth, its function disappears.
Monday, October 4, 2010
How To Suck Your Own Pens
The battered gray Resident Evil 5
Games can be divided into two broad categories. Games where the main component is the probation and those where the skill of the user it encourages empathy by simulating an environment to live in a certain role. The action games - blacks - and games of atmosphere - white . In the midst of this distinction in which we can add a few elements, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bproducts that blend the two main forms of the game by offering shades - gray .
The prevalence of either - both licit - depends on the intentions of the author, often explicit, but more often implicit, such as choosing to engage in a particular genre rather than another. The success of the final product is inevitably linked to its nature, whether declared or not.
If - by chance - we take the survival horror , will immediately clear how such a product in this category should have within it a high percentage of white . This is a video game that goes "lived" , explored physically in the most secluded corners because it is in those dark recesses that hides his sense of being. The aim is to get the feeling other than obvious on the ability to survive (and thus get to the bottom) is typical of shooting digital. If you are unable to add the right amount of ' atmosphere, it can safely be considered a failure.
The product that perfectly represents the result of a clumsy mix gray is Resident Evil 5.
Immediately remove the middle part of the obvious: like archery, mace-ducks, sparaspara RE5 works, mainly due to the mechanism of collaboration that allows two players to split the skills tests in order sense: weapons, score, design environments (compartmentalized areas), small doses of strategy, etc.. Perhaps the control system - nougat bench that turns on itself only when stationary - might be questioned, but it can be avoided because they might distract from the real flaw, namely the lack of empathy, lack of moments that can arouse any emotion, ' horror of its absence.
The individual elements that undermined all the work are different from the characterization of the protagonist played by the user. The female character is not entirely evil, or rather: it is a good container for a traveling companion as well as human bot not doing badly. Its presence may be essential to be able to make this really'avventura. Unfortunately it fails, just touching the power and soon became a mere appearance that promises not to keep. Merely going behind that of bovine Chris without his will, finding the only reason to exist in having to constantly emphasize his image as partner (I'm your partner , we partner, let's go look for your partner , partner forever ... lol, it would be funny if while playing the game not to walk on the balls that you have slipped irretrievably to the ground). The macho guy on the other hand burnt with two neurons to be found, is no exception: in his futility can not help but show sullen and shoot everything that moves. There will be a subtext? Maybe a situation that could not be described in those phases excited (So \u200b\u200bto say, two snails lobotomized drunk and stir anesthetized with more brio), maybe you have tried to remedy otherwise, and in fact in a sense this is in the files scattered around the locations. Blocks textual witnesses of the events but to show proof of the facts is bleak, as well as written by a beardless boy of ten years, the story of Sheva is so rebellious bimbominkiosa that if there was a committee for the protection of the childhood fantasies would use to due to naivety.
not enough as written, the characters and the background bad joins the set of environments and their contexts. Without wanting to rage, let to think a moment. You have to divide the area into sections? What you have to offer is just a chain of collisions divided by partitions. Ok, we're, you know what to do and what I offer. But then stop! Because you have to "pretend" to want to recreate the atmosphere, why do you do with that ridiculous artifice artifices enough already? For whom do you take me? What is history that every gimmick-free electrical outlet and the switch to activate it, all with two aisles away? Four times, four out of six. Or the key still inside the two biggest guys of the horde? Once, twice, but the third and fourth wow even the most tolerant of the players turn up their nose feeling taken around. Manco wants the idiocy that the members of a horror film to separate " to feel safer " is able to compete with one thousand sti gadgets without electricity. All exits and stairs inside staged similar to each other was not even an arcade dimensional eighties where some platforms and some changed color. Hats off to those games, but I am not produced blacks action gray tending to white . Not to mention the stereotypes - THE TEMPLE labyrinthine ... possible that should there be one in every game apart from the setting action? - If not quite surreal ... above the lava? Mario Galaxy, lol.
In finale RE5 è un prodotto mal studiato, un film dove si è fatta recitare la starlet in una fiction sentimentale solo perché è un personaggio famoso, solo perché c'ha le bocce e quindi “tira”. RE5 è la Bellucci nella saga di Matrix. Uno scempio indicibile.
Se non è stato già fatto, è ora che acquisiamo la consapevolezza che i videogiochi attuali possono e devono poter rappresentare delle esperienze dove alla base c’è l’atmosfera. Giochi degni e al pari di quelli dedicati alle corse d’auto, alle simulazioni sportive, al mero tiro a segno. Videogiochi che hanno diritto d’esistere. Ed è ora che lo facciano way, made honestly and with the right expertise derives from a profound work in this regard. Otherwise we would always meatloaf mazzamazza disguised as fees for panettone cine-film. But they - the film lovers - they also have other, more rightly deserve. For a long time ', thanks to the help it could give the technology, we deserve it too. It's about time to cash (or cash resume, for those who see past the golden age "dell'immedesimazione).
Sunday, October 3, 2010
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