The battered gray Resident Evil 5 Games can be divided into two broad categories. Games where the main component is the probation and those where the skill of the user it encourages empathy by simulating an environment to live in a certain role. The action games - blacks - and games of atmosphere - white . In the midst of this distinction in which we can add a few elements, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bproducts that blend the two main forms of the game by offering shades - gray .
The prevalence of either - both licit - depends on the intentions of the author, often explicit, but more often implicit, such as choosing to engage in a particular genre rather than another. The success of the final product is inevitably linked to its nature, whether declared or not.
If - by chance - we take the survival horror , will immediately clear how such a product in this category should have within it a high percentage of white . This is a video game that goes "lived" , explored physically in the most secluded corners because it is in those dark recesses that hides his sense of being. The aim is to get the feeling other than obvious on the ability to survive (and thus get to the bottom) is typical of shooting digital. If you are unable to add the right amount of ' atmosphere, it can safely be considered a failure.
The product that perfectly represents the result of a clumsy mix gray is Resident Evil 5.
Immediately remove the middle part of the obvious: like archery, mace-ducks, sparaspara RE5 works, mainly due to the mechanism of collaboration that allows two players to split the skills tests in order sense: weapons, score, design environments (compartmentalized areas), small doses of strategy, etc.. Perhaps the control system - nougat bench that turns on itself only when stationary - might be questioned, but it can be avoided because they might distract from the real flaw, namely the lack of empathy, lack of moments that can arouse any emotion, ' horror of its absence.
The individual elements that undermined all the work are different from the characterization of the protagonist played by the user. The female character is not entirely evil, or rather: it is a good container for a traveling companion as well as human bot not doing badly. Its presence may be essential to be able to make this really'avventura. Unfortunately it fails, just touching the power and soon became a mere appearance that promises not to keep. Merely going behind that of bovine Chris without his will, finding the only reason to exist in having to constantly emphasize his image as partner (I'm your partner , we partner, let's go look for your partner , partner forever ... lol, it would be funny if while playing the game not to walk on the balls that you have slipped irretrievably to the ground). The macho guy on the other hand burnt with two neurons to be found, is no exception: in his futility can not help but show sullen and shoot everything that moves. There will be a subtext? Maybe a situation that could not be described in those phases excited (So \u200b\u200bto say, two snails lobotomized drunk and stir anesthetized with more brio), maybe you have tried to remedy otherwise, and in fact in a sense this is in the files scattered around the locations. Blocks textual witnesses of the events but to show proof of the facts is bleak, as well as written by a beardless boy of ten years, the story of Sheva is so rebellious bimbominkiosa that if there was a committee for the protection of the childhood fantasies would use to due to naivety.
not enough as written, the characters and the background bad joins the set of environments and their contexts. Without wanting to rage, let to think a moment. You have to divide the area into sections? What you have to offer is just a chain of collisions divided by partitions. Ok, we're, you know what to do and what I offer. But then stop! Because you have to "pretend" to want to recreate the atmosphere, why do you do with that ridiculous artifice artifices enough already? For whom do you take me? What is history that every gimmick-free electrical outlet and the switch to activate it, all with two aisles away? Four times, four out of six. Or the key still inside the two biggest guys of the horde? Once, twice, but the third and fourth wow even the most tolerant of the players turn up their nose feeling taken around. Manco wants the idiocy that the members of a horror film to separate " to feel safer " is able to compete with one thousand sti gadgets without electricity. All exits and stairs inside staged similar to each other was not even an arcade dimensional eighties where some platforms and some changed color. Hats off to those games, but I am not produced blacks action gray tending to white . Not to mention the stereotypes - THE TEMPLE labyrinthine ... possible that should there be one in every game apart from the setting action? - If not quite surreal ... above the lava? Mario Galaxy, lol.
In finale RE5 è un prodotto mal studiato, un film dove si è fatta recitare la starlet in una fiction sentimentale solo perché è un personaggio famoso, solo perché c'ha le bocce e quindi “tira”. RE5 è la Bellucci nella saga di Matrix. Uno scempio indicibile.
Se non è stato già fatto, è ora che acquisiamo la consapevolezza che i videogiochi attuali possono e devono poter rappresentare delle esperienze dove alla base c’è l’atmosfera. Giochi degni e al pari di quelli dedicati alle corse d’auto, alle simulazioni sportive, al mero tiro a segno. Videogiochi che hanno diritto d’esistere. Ed è ora che lo facciano way, made honestly and with the right expertise derives from a profound work in this regard. Otherwise we would always meatloaf mazzamazza disguised as fees for panettone cine-film. But they - the film lovers - they also have other, more rightly deserve. For a long time ', thanks to the help it could give the technology, we deserve it too. It's about time to cash (or cash resume, for those who see past the golden age "dell'immedesimazione).