does not participate in competition for land conservation by hydrogeological risk
The president of the provincial council of Al
Catania President of the Province of Catania
question for written answer on a regional call for Protection of Natural
Given that:
On September 3, 2009 as the deadline for submission of projects relating to the notice of the Regional Land and Environment for the realization di progetti per la salvaguardia del territorio dai rischi connessi ai fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico ed erosione costiera;
i recenti drammatici fatti che hanno visto protagonista la provincia di Messina dimostrino come gli enti locali sottovalutino la grave situazione idrogeologica dei nostri territori;
Considerato che:
il territorio della nostra provincia presenta molte aree a rischio a causa di fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico ed erosione costiera;
non risulta che la provincia regionale di Catania abbia presentato alcun progetto d’intervento a difesa o consolidamento di aree costiere o soggetto a dissesto idrogeologiche.
Ciò premesso e considerato si demands to know:
if the news is true that no project has been submitted by this institution;
to know, if they had instead been presented, projects to provide prompt assistance for land conservation and health of citizens.
Catania October 23, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta
Monday, October 26, 2009
Flea Fogger Hardwood Floors
question on three-year plan of public works 2009/2011
The president of the provincial council of Catania
The President of the Province of Catania
alderman for public works
question for written answer on a three-year work program and 2009 Annual
Given that:
in the month of December 2008 il consiglio provinciale di Catania ha votato e reso esecutiva la delibera di giunta riguardante il programma triennale delle opere pubbliche 2009/2011
suddetto programma prevede per l’annualità 2009 (parte A – opere finanziate e/o in corso di esecuzione) 56 interventi riguardanti viabilità, manutenzioni straordinarie e opere varie.
Considerato che:
il 2009 volge al termine e ci apprestiamo a discutere del nuovo programma triennale delle opere pubbliche 2010/2012.
Ciò premesso e considerato chiede di sapere:
1) Se sono partiti i lavori di tutte le opere previste nell’annualità 2009;
2) Quali e quante delle 56 opere, provided with funding in 2009, have been completed;
3) The state of the works if the works had not been completed;
4) A detailed plan and estimate work was completed
Catania October 26, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta
The president of the provincial council of Catania
The President of the Province of Catania
alderman for public works
question for written answer on a three-year work program and 2009 Annual
Given that:
in the month of December 2008 il consiglio provinciale di Catania ha votato e reso esecutiva la delibera di giunta riguardante il programma triennale delle opere pubbliche 2009/2011
suddetto programma prevede per l’annualità 2009 (parte A – opere finanziate e/o in corso di esecuzione) 56 interventi riguardanti viabilità, manutenzioni straordinarie e opere varie.
Considerato che:
il 2009 volge al termine e ci apprestiamo a discutere del nuovo programma triennale delle opere pubbliche 2010/2012.
Ciò premesso e considerato chiede di sapere:
1) Se sono partiti i lavori di tutte le opere previste nell’annualità 2009;
2) Quali e quante delle 56 opere, provided with funding in 2009, have been completed;
3) The state of the works if the works had not been completed;
4) A detailed plan and estimate work was completed
Catania October 26, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta
How To Make Crepes With Krusteaz Pancake Mix
still problems regarding the maintenance of roads. Question on Sp 34 and Sp 63
The president of the provincial council of Catania
The president of the province of Catania
alderman for public works
question for written answer on SP 34 and SP 63
Given that:
many citizens have These days expressed growing unease about the condition of 34 roads that connects the town of Caltagirone in St. Peter's, and 63 that connects the town of Caltagirone and Granieri Mazzarone;
from an inspection are evident deteriorated condition of the road surface with numerous holes and that the road has suffered further damage by heavy rains in recent weeks;
the SP 34 and 63 are passed through the streets by hundreds of resources, including agricultural, every day and that this situation makes the road very dangerous
some parts of these roads are dangerous especially near the roundabout that divides the two roads at the fork to the presence of thick grass which blocks the view of causing serious difficulties in giving priority ai veicoli.
Chiede di sapere:
quali interventi l’assessorato intenda apportare sulle suddette strade provinciali;
se l’amministrazione abbia già sollecitato la Pubbliservizi sul problema riscontrato e i tempi della messa in sicurezza delle strade qualora fossero già state prese delle decisioni sugli interventi da apportare.
Catania 26 Ottobre 2009
Il consigliere provinciale
The president of the provincial council of Catania
The president of the province of Catania
alderman for public works
question for written answer on SP 34 and SP 63
Given that:
many citizens have These days expressed growing unease about the condition of 34 roads that connects the town of Caltagirone in St. Peter's, and 63 that connects the town of Caltagirone and Granieri Mazzarone;
from an inspection are evident deteriorated condition of the road surface with numerous holes and that the road has suffered further damage by heavy rains in recent weeks;
the SP 34 and 63 are passed through the streets by hundreds of resources, including agricultural, every day and that this situation makes the road very dangerous
some parts of these roads are dangerous especially near the roundabout that divides the two roads at the fork to the presence of thick grass which blocks the view of causing serious difficulties in giving priority ai veicoli.
Chiede di sapere:
quali interventi l’assessorato intenda apportare sulle suddette strade provinciali;
se l’amministrazione abbia già sollecitato la Pubbliservizi sul problema riscontrato e i tempi della messa in sicurezza delle strade qualora fossero già state prese delle decisioni sugli interventi da apportare.
Catania 26 Ottobre 2009
Il consigliere provinciale
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Cytherea With Mandingo
ROMA (16 ottobre) - Un contabile in piena regola, il geometra Domenico Giustini, responsabile dell’Ufficio tecnico del X Municipio. Con la precisione di un ragioniere teneva appunti su ogni cosa e li trascriveva su fogli bianchi con scrittura fitta fitta. Una sorta di “diario delle mazzette” che sono costate al surveyor on charges of extortion. With him are investigated also a policeman in the same group (recently moved) and another official. The prosecutor, investigating their activities on "parallel", believes that were the center of a round of bribes received in exchange for "amnesty" would otherwise be impossible, and this belief is conducting investigations, conducted on a "suspect" of three other fighters. Justinian and his alleged accomplices in the squad, came after a complaint of abuse by building Claudio Callegari, actor and owner of the Sporting Village gyms. The contractor reported being extortionists for years until the decision to go to the police. Take the survey and was entrusted to the prosecutor Cocomello Assunta, which have been joined by my colleague Maria Letizia Golfieri, and it makes sense that the work of attorney is intended to aumentare.Dalle searches and seizures of papers and documents that you can imagine surveyor of the alleged illegal activity went on for several years. Giustini not only leaves notes on names and numbers caused by extortionists who came, but came to grant the deferral of the payment of bribes to those who did not have the amount immediately. A sort of "bribe in installments" that still made him reach the final goal, which is expected to take money and invest it in goods which were then payable famiglia.Da to a first account made by the investigators, from June to October of 2009, the number of people "contacted" by the surveyor would be about seventy. Their names are written in tiny handwriting, one after the other. The magistrates are working on mobile and groped to find them, crossing the documentation seized in the technical department. A lot of work on which they have already indicated otherwise. It seems that Justin, played recently, has admitted at least part of its activity "parallel", as would happen with any of the victims. The rest as to deny it? His salary is about sixteen hundred euro per month and is nullatente. Although abbia provato a difendersi (assistito dall’avvocato Carmine Carucci), dicendo che molti dei profitti arrivavano da regalìe natalizie, ha ancora tanto da giustificare. Al punto che ieri gli inquirenti hanno sequestrato i suoi conti correnti per cercare di risalire al giro di soldi.Secondo la ricostruzione degli investigatori, infatti, il geometra avrebbe adeguato le sue richieste di denaro a seconda del “favore” da fare. Si partiva da un minimo di 500 euro fino a svariate migliaia. A tirare dentro i vigili sarebbe stato lui stesso: dovendo delegare a loro i controlli sugli abusi, li avrebbe coinvolti nel passaggio di mazzette per evitare ostacoli.

Sequestrata l'agenda del geometra accusato di concussione insieme ad un tecnico e ad un vigile urbano.
ROMA (16 ottobre) - Un contabile in piena regola, il geometra Domenico Giustini, responsabile dell’Ufficio tecnico del X Municipio. Con la precisione di un ragioniere teneva appunti su ogni cosa e li trascriveva su fogli bianchi con scrittura fitta fitta. Una sorta di “diario delle mazzette” che sono costate al surveyor on charges of extortion. With him are investigated also a policeman in the same group (recently moved) and another official. The prosecutor, investigating their activities on "parallel", believes that were the center of a round of bribes received in exchange for "amnesty" would otherwise be impossible, and this belief is conducting investigations, conducted on a "suspect" of three other fighters. Justinian and his alleged accomplices in the squad, came after a complaint of abuse by building Claudio Callegari, actor and owner of the Sporting Village gyms. The contractor reported being extortionists for years until the decision to go to the police. Take the survey and was entrusted to the prosecutor Cocomello Assunta, which have been joined by my colleague Maria Letizia Golfieri, and it makes sense that the work of attorney is intended to aumentare.Dalle searches and seizures of papers and documents that you can imagine surveyor of the alleged illegal activity went on for several years. Giustini not only leaves notes on names and numbers caused by extortionists who came, but came to grant the deferral of the payment of bribes to those who did not have the amount immediately. A sort of "bribe in installments" that still made him reach the final goal, which is expected to take money and invest it in goods which were then payable famiglia.Da to a first account made by the investigators, from June to October of 2009, the number of people "contacted" by the surveyor would be about seventy. Their names are written in tiny handwriting, one after the other. The magistrates are working on mobile and groped to find them, crossing the documentation seized in the technical department. A lot of work on which they have already indicated otherwise. It seems that Justin, played recently, has admitted at least part of its activity "parallel", as would happen with any of the victims. The rest as to deny it? His salary is about sixteen hundred euro per month and is nullatente. Although abbia provato a difendersi (assistito dall’avvocato Carmine Carucci), dicendo che molti dei profitti arrivavano da regalìe natalizie, ha ancora tanto da giustificare. Al punto che ieri gli inquirenti hanno sequestrato i suoi conti correnti per cercare di risalire al giro di soldi.Secondo la ricostruzione degli investigatori, infatti, il geometra avrebbe adeguato le sue richieste di denaro a seconda del “favore” da fare. Si partiva da un minimo di 500 euro fino a svariate migliaia. A tirare dentro i vigili sarebbe stato lui stesso: dovendo delegare a loro i controlli sugli abusi, li avrebbe coinvolti nel passaggio di mazzette per evitare ostacoli.
Fonte (Il di Cristiana Mangani And Paul wants
Friday, October 16, 2009
Voice Of Bounty Commercial
Concussion X X CITY HALL
MOTION PDL that will be discussed at the board meeting (X Town Hall) on October 22, 2009:
MOTION PDL that will be discussed at the board meeting (X Town Hall) on October 22, 2009:

Given that these days the town is strongly affected by news reports concerning alleged abuses building and crimes of extortion and related legal requirements that would see suspects and involved employees and firefighters X Hall.
Noting that the alleged irregularities noted in particular a sports center named 'Sporting Village', located in Via Polia Statuary in the neighborhood, a club that, as stated by the President of the Municipality Sandro X Doctors to the media, "Was seized a year ago."
Given that the issue has taken disturbing connotations, with lots of "extortion" and "solicitations" made known and reported by the owner of the above, and that the scenario that is emerging is likely to create serious unease collar workers, technicians and officials, municipal brigades through a generalized guilt that would harm some of the good name and image of public administration and in particular the X Hall.
stressed the need for certainty in the administrative process in close collaboration with headquarters and with the latter which must necessarily apply to the Town Hall the fulfillment of all those functions of government control and without which there can be no good governance.
found that the 'UOT and the Municipal Police Force need, clearly, a more serious attention from organic and central government and with the help of all those tools and resources considered useful to the government of the territory .
Given that time stressing the need for rotation of senior staff within the technical and administrative offices, mainly because it would be appropriate officials do not play, as happens, for long periods of their role nella medesima sede municipale.
Che si stigmatizzano inoltre con fermezza e vigore le inopportune, gravissime dichiarazioni rese dal Presidente del X Municipio Sandro Medici secondo cui, con riferimento ad un preoccupante “stato d’animo di abbandono”, “amministratori e tecnici sono tutti pagati poco e questo non aiuta perché è inevitabile che chi ha salari più bassi sia più esposto a certi tipi di tentazioni”, quando per reati come quelli suindicati, se accertati, non può esserci alcun alibi né giustificazione.
Che si reclama, altresì, il rispetto etico e il senso di Stato cui ogni dipendente è trasparentemente e correttamente chiamato, a prescindere da ogni qualsivoglia perceived pay.
all the above and considering
I commit the President of the X Hall, as well as to report at a public meeting held on the entire history, to work actively with the Central Government to prepare a new plan of organization and reorganization of the management in order to ensure a more efficient and clear municipal management.
Group Consiliare
People of Freedom Hall
Rome, there
10/13/2009 Noting that the alleged irregularities noted in particular a sports center named 'Sporting Village', located in Via Polia Statuary in the neighborhood, a club that, as stated by the President of the Municipality Sandro X Doctors to the media, "Was seized a year ago."
Given that the issue has taken disturbing connotations, with lots of "extortion" and "solicitations" made known and reported by the owner of the above, and that the scenario that is emerging is likely to create serious unease collar workers, technicians and officials, municipal brigades through a generalized guilt that would harm some of the good name and image of public administration and in particular the X Hall.
stressed the need for certainty in the administrative process in close collaboration with headquarters and with the latter which must necessarily apply to the Town Hall the fulfillment of all those functions of government control and without which there can be no good governance.
found that the 'UOT and the Municipal Police Force need, clearly, a more serious attention from organic and central government and with the help of all those tools and resources considered useful to the government of the territory .
Given that time stressing the need for rotation of senior staff within the technical and administrative offices, mainly because it would be appropriate officials do not play, as happens, for long periods of their role nella medesima sede municipale.
Che si stigmatizzano inoltre con fermezza e vigore le inopportune, gravissime dichiarazioni rese dal Presidente del X Municipio Sandro Medici secondo cui, con riferimento ad un preoccupante “stato d’animo di abbandono”, “amministratori e tecnici sono tutti pagati poco e questo non aiuta perché è inevitabile che chi ha salari più bassi sia più esposto a certi tipi di tentazioni”, quando per reati come quelli suindicati, se accertati, non può esserci alcun alibi né giustificazione.
Che si reclama, altresì, il rispetto etico e il senso di Stato cui ogni dipendente è trasparentemente e correttamente chiamato, a prescindere da ogni qualsivoglia perceived pay.
all the above and considering
I commit the President of the X Hall, as well as to report at a public meeting held on the entire history, to work actively with the Central Government to prepare a new plan of organization and reorganization of the management in order to ensure a more efficient and clear municipal management.
Group Consiliare
People of Freedom Hall
Rome, there
Monday, October 12, 2009
Would I Get Discharge If I Had A Kidney Infection
rally in the popular district of Paternò to demand the resignation of the junta
Domenica 11 Ottobre comizio a Paternò

Domenica 11 Ottobre comizio a Paternò
Domenica 11 Ottobre ho partecipato ad un comizio del circolo di Paternò del Prc per chiedere le dimissioni di una amministrazione in odor di "mafia" a Paternò. Non lo hanno organizzato nei salotti buoni o tra le mura di una sezione ma in un quartiere popolare simbolo dell'abband ono sociale. Questi devono essere i luoghi della nostra azione politica!
Meno stanze di partito, meno chiacchiere intellettuali e più concretezza nella nostra azione possono essere una via d'uscita alla crisi e all'immobilismo della sinistra. Avanti così con tanta umiltà e tanta voglia di riconquistare il rapporto perduto con la nostra gente!Meths Affects On Blood Donation
Skip Odg support to employees of the Group Riela
Dopo mesi di lavoro in aula passa l'ordine Riela on the day.
In April last, during the special session of the provincial council on the work we presented a Odg support to employees of the Group Riela senior confiscated from the Mafia. The 24 workers of their jobs at risk because of the great crisis that Riela going through for years. We demand a real commitment that the provincial administration would lead to entrusting procurement Riel, which is mainly engaged in vehicle maintenance and logistics. After months of stonewalling and lack of quorum in the classroom finally after a long work is the odg voted unanimously in the classroom! From now on we are committed to maintaining an interest to workers Riela so that the commitment made in the classroom is respected by Castiglione. A small step towards the preservation of jobs and a battle against the Mafia.
In older posts you can find the text dell'odg approved.
Councillor Valerio Marletta

Dopo mesi di lavoro in aula passa l'ordine Riela on the day.
In April last, during the special session of the provincial council on the work we presented a Odg support to employees of the Group Riela senior confiscated from the Mafia. The 24 workers of their jobs at risk because of the great crisis that Riela going through for years. We demand a real commitment that the provincial administration would lead to entrusting procurement Riel, which is mainly engaged in vehicle maintenance and logistics. After months of stonewalling and lack of quorum in the classroom finally after a long work is the odg voted unanimously in the classroom! From now on we are committed to maintaining an interest to workers Riela so that the commitment made in the classroom is respected by Castiglione. A small step towards the preservation of jobs and a battle against the Mafia.
In older posts you can find the text dell'odg approved.
Councillor Valerio Marletta
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