This mail sent this morning to the office decor urban
Subject: X Hall, collapse of part of the sidewalk in Via Valerio Publicola 69 and abusive postings.
Tell BCIS, via Valerio Publicola that the sidewalks are in a pitiful state, and to make matters worse for about two months, a part of it collapsed under the weight of the pedestrian pavement (in front of the house 69).
The only thing right now is made to its boundaries, among other things, made so unhappy with a plastic net and four iron poles (see photo attached), offered them no protection for pedestrians, in beard to comply with basic provisions on safety at construction sites.
Please act before some children, elderly, blind or risk of injury by going to stumble on this plastic netting, or even worse ending up impaled by one of those iron posts are not protected.
take this to indicate that in the same way you are in a race for the most beautiful decorations ai danni di pali semaforici, lampioni, barriere metalliche, pareti di edifici residenziali (vedi foto allegate) ecc. peccato che le feste natalizie siano finite da un pezzo. Rifacendomi alla carta del decoro urbano e soprattutto al vostro slogan "Chi attacca perde", attendo da parte vostra seri riscontri!
Tell BCIS, via Valerio Publicola that the sidewalks are in a pitiful state, and to make matters worse for about two months, a part of it collapsed under the weight of the pedestrian pavement (in front of the house 69).
The only thing right now is made to its boundaries, among other things, made so unhappy with a plastic net and four iron poles (see photo attached), offered them no protection for pedestrians, in beard to comply with basic provisions on safety at construction sites.
Please act before some children, elderly, blind or risk of injury by going to stumble on this plastic netting, or even worse ending up impaled by one of those iron posts are not protected.
take this to indicate that in the same way you are in a race for the most beautiful decorations ai danni di pali semaforici, lampioni, barriere metalliche, pareti di edifici residenziali (vedi foto allegate) ecc. peccato che le feste natalizie siano finite da un pezzo. Rifacendomi alla carta del decoro urbano e soprattutto al vostro slogan "Chi attacca perde", attendo da parte vostra seri riscontri!
Distinti saluti, Gianni Conti.
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