BRAVIA CHILD sabotage the tracks MILANO-VARESE
LONDON - No escalation of terrorism just a stunt, but very dangerous gang of baby-including even a child of nine years: the sabotage that more than a month occurred on the railway line Milano-Varese were the work of five boys, two aged 14, two 13 and one of only nine years. To find out it was the police station of Rho that had to undergo affixed night and adverse weather conditions in recent days to seize on the fact the makeshift gang of kids. A stunt, then, but which risked, with major obstacles on the tracks, of to derail trains traveling along the Milano-Varese with very serious risks to passengers. Yesterday I was caught in the act and the four largest reported in a state of freedom for attempting to transport safety, as well as alarm procured in competition. The smallest of the five, the mascot, admitted immediately stunts performed by the team, only one of the young has maintained silence. Polfer collaborating with parents, three Italian workers and a clerk, but one which - said the Polfer - he exclaimed in a resentful tone: "Why not arrest Riina, instead of dealing with children's games." Three most serious incidents attributed to them, which occurred on 28 and 29 December, and January 4, the first episode back, However, to December 10. According to investigators, the group had identified at km 4 +900 the Milan-Varese place of ambush, Pogliano Milanese in town, where residents are already in the summer holidays. The boys had built a hut there with pieces of wood, then, because of bad weather, had collapsed. The youth had then decided to use wood for fun, burning it and putting the branches on the tracks. Then escalated, with stones, pieces of cement and was once a bare copper wire, which on one side ended in a manhole, and the other in a container which had then set fire to simulate an attack. Yesterday afternoon, around 16.30, the kids, three Italians and a Romanian, mates and friends from kindergarten to eighth grade, they put a concrete block on the rail and waited to see him squirt it into pieces. But the driver, who noticed the obstacle on the track, stopped the convoy and called the Railway Police. At the sight of two policemen in uniform, young people have fled, heading for a cliff, but the officers managed to stop before. 08/01/2009 18:12
A very sad episode, but it is also sad to read this article Ansa for its strong contradictions
"All'inizio dell'articolo leggiamo che la polfer (polizia ferroviaria) per la cattura dei giovani sbandati, ha dovuto effettuare appostamenti anche notturni con avverse condizioni meteorologiche per cogliere sul fatto l'improvvisata banda di ragazzini. Mentre alla fine dell'articolo leggiamo che la polfer รจ stata chiamata da un macchinista che si era accorto dell'ostacolo sui binari, alla vista della polizia i giovani sono fuggiti rimanendo bloccati da un dirupo." Questo tipo di notizie ci vengono fornite quotidianamente da ogni mezzo d'informazione, quindi..... buona riflessione a tutti!
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