Friday, January 30, 2009

Images Of Edwards Syndrome


Dozens of children and young deaf-mute raped and molested in a school in Verona until 1984.

After decades of torment, former students find the strength to denounce the horrors. But many of the priests are not even removed.

There is much talk of sexual abuse in those days, the daily chronicles unprecedented acts of violence against women of all ages. Rightly, these stories are creeping into television news programmatic steps, load the front page in the print media, there are organized whole televised debates, even for this we organize patrols of sheriffs, and this is understandable given the absolute lack of prevention of the forces of 'order throughout the country, except for the usual historical centers of large cities, but you will know that we live our highly efficient politicians. We do well at all indignant when they get news like this to destabilize our security, and especially that of our children.

What I do not understand But is the difference between a rapist in civilian clothes and with a clerical robe, for me they are both beasts! The
expressed a few days ago he suffered a shocking news (even if we consider the much earlier) Paul Tessadri, which involved yet another case of pedophile priests and for some reason, between the press and television, the news has not attracted the same interest of the brutal violence in the interland Roman Guidonia. I leave you to read the article (link below) and due to reflections.

Gianni Conti 30.01.2009
News expressively disclosed at the hands of Paul Tessadri on 1/22/2009 (below link)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pokemon Rom Sources Cydia


This mail sent this morning to the office decor urban

Subject: X Hall, collapse of part of the sidewalk in Via Valerio Publicola 69 and abusive postings.

Tell BCIS, via Valerio Publicola that the sidewalks are in a pitiful state, and to make matters worse for about two months, a part of it collapsed under the weight of the pedestrian pavement (in front of the house 69).

The only thing right now is made to its boundaries, among other things, made so unhappy with a plastic net and four iron poles (see photo attached), offered them no protection for pedestrians, in beard to comply with basic provisions on safety at construction sites.
Please act before some children, elderly, blind or risk of injury by going to stumble on this plastic netting, or even worse ending up impaled by one of those iron posts are not protected.

take this to indicate that in the same way you are in a race for the most beautiful decorations ai danni di pali semaforici, lampioni, barriere metalliche, pareti di edifici residenziali (vedi foto allegate) ecc. peccato che le feste natalizie siano finite da un pezzo. Rifacendomi alla carta del decoro urbano e soprattutto al vostro slogan "Chi attacca perde", attendo da parte vostra seri riscontri!

Distinti saluti, Gianni Conti.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Is Phytospecific Good On African Hair


Già alcuni mesi fa nell'ipermercato Carrefour del quartiere Romanina si cominciavano a svuotare gli scaffali. Il personale addetto alle vendite spiegava che tutto quello spazio occupato con articoli di ogni genere costava troppo e che quindi l'azienda lo avrebbero ceduto ad altre attività.

Ora monta la protesta! Nei prossimi giorni infatti saranno possibili scioperi cosiddetti a “singhiozzo” (comunicati senza troppo preavviso, per impedire sostituzioni strategiche) di quattro ore in tutti gli ipermercati e i supermercati del gruppo Carrefour (Carrefour, Gs e dìperdì), nonché assemblee dei dipendenti. Entrambe le forme di protesta saranno accompagnate da un volantinaggio per spiegare ai clienti quello che sta accadendo all'ipermercato della Romanina. Ad annunciarlo è il segretario della Filcams CGIL Roma/Lazio, Vittorio Pezzotti che ha definito queste “le prime iniziative da mettere in campo, sperando che si apra al più presto a single table with local authorities to resolve the situation. "
Carreofur What a way to do business from shopkeepers
The Carrefour in recent days has sent a letter of dismissal to 116 employees, the reasons for downsizing the workforce with the "competition in the industry" and "the continuing economic crisis." The hypermarket, in essence, will halve its work, the structure will lose a plane, going from 10,000 to 5,000 square feet. The workforce will increase from 241 to 125 people. To be affected by the cut-sector employees have no food (elettromedistici, hi fi, TV and radio textile). "A scaling of these departments, having collections, may also be plausible, "says Pezzotti. "What is not plausible is noted that in the other group and 4 of hypermarkets in the structure of Romanina" restricted "working the so-called promoter merchandiser and backed up with contracts from other companies and in many cases perform the same tasks of the employees redundant. " The CGIL Filcams Roma / Lazio quantifies the figures in 30 of merchandisers and promoters, but under contract with other companies who work for Carrefour, and 8 trainees in carrying out the duties of redundant. "This is a way of doing business by shopkeepers, Pezzotti attacks. "It 's absurd that the retail squeeze the workforce up to when they need it, then throw away the people as if they were old rags. It 's a way to do that should not belong to that second group is the world's supermarket industry. It almost seems to bring out a policy of low prices (which actually do not practice the way down) want to exploit their workers, even going to use poor forms of contract. "The Filcams expects to be called as soon as a single table with Region, Province and Municipality to try to resolve this situation which are likely to end up jobless single mothers or single-income people with serious health problems. "
Di Matteo Scarborough - 15/01/2009

Some gossipy whispers that Carrefour is putting in place a precise strategy:
"Firing now who has a contract seriously, that makes the news these days not having the international economic crisis, and revive those branches where temporary workers and promoters! If not, just move these 116 people in other supermarkets in the same parent , existing in Rome, perhaps even asking the support of some of his partners as Faxiflora or higher for example. " These

headquarters in Rome:
-Bufalotta-VIA THE Bufalotta
-548-VIA RAFFAELLO Emilio Longoni 3-5-7
-Tor Vergata-Via Schiavonetti 26
A big good luck to all 116 temporary workers at Carrefour!

January 16, 2009, Gianni Conti.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Heating Element For A Rheem 71-40d


BRAVIA CHILD sabotage the tracks MILANO-VARESE

LONDON - No escalation of terrorism just a stunt, but very dangerous gang of baby-including even a child of nine years: the sabotage that more than a month occurred on the railway line Milano-Varese were the work of five boys, two aged 14, two 13 and one of only nine years. To find out it was the police station of Rho that had to undergo affixed night and adverse weather conditions in recent days to seize on the fact the makeshift gang of kids. A stunt, then, but which risked, with major obstacles on the tracks, of to derail trains traveling along the Milano-Varese with very serious risks to passengers. Yesterday I was caught in the act and the four largest reported in a state of freedom for attempting to transport safety, as well as alarm procured in competition. The smallest of the five, the mascot, admitted immediately stunts performed by the team, only one of the young has maintained silence. Polfer collaborating with parents, three Italian workers and a clerk, but one which - said the Polfer - he exclaimed in a resentful tone: "Why not arrest Riina, instead of dealing with children's games." Three most serious incidents attributed to them, which occurred on 28 and 29 December, and January 4, the first episode back, However, to December 10. According to investigators, the group had identified at km 4 +900 the Milan-Varese place of ambush, Pogliano Milanese in town, where residents are already in the summer holidays. The boys had built a hut there with pieces of wood, then, because of bad weather, had collapsed. The youth had then decided to use wood for fun, burning it and putting the branches on the tracks. Then escalated, with stones, pieces of cement and was once a bare copper wire, which on one side ended in a manhole, and the other in a container which had then set fire to simulate an attack. Yesterday afternoon, around 16.30, the kids, three Italians and a Romanian, mates and friends from kindergarten to eighth grade, they put a concrete block on the rail and waited to see him squirt it into pieces. But the driver, who noticed the obstacle on the track, stopped the convoy and called the Railway Police. At the sight of two policemen in uniform, young people have fled, heading for a cliff, but the officers managed to stop before. 08/01/2009 18:12
A very sad episode, but it is also sad to read this article Ansa for its strong contradictions
"All'inizio dell'articolo leggiamo che la polfer (polizia ferroviaria) per la cattura dei giovani sbandati, ha dovuto effettuare appostamenti anche notturni con avverse condizioni meteorologiche per cogliere sul fatto l'improvvisata banda di ragazzini. Mentre alla fine dell'articolo leggiamo che la polfer è stata chiamata da un macchinista che si era accorto dell'ostacolo sui binari, alla vista della polizia i giovani sono fuggiti rimanendo bloccati da un dirupo." Questo tipo di notizie ci vengono fornite quotidianamente da ogni mezzo d'informazione, quindi..... buona riflessione a tutti!