Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chelsea Charms Vidéos

Letter From the Apostle St. Publius Press

A Joystiq : a check for two hundred U.S. dollars accompanying the test copy of Dante's Inferno. (The editor has free will or may pay less than the allowance, sinning in a case of greed and extravagance of another.)

Presumably, a small exercise in deconstruction of marketing strategies.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Letter Writing Templates To Join A Sorority

Tokyo Game Show 2010 in a short

Some interesting news from Tokyo.
It was eventually revealed the horror project "powered by UE3" of Suda51, Mikami e Akira Yamaoka, sviluppato da Grasshopper e prodotto da EA; il primo trailer di Shadows of the DAMNED suggerisce una commistione di Dark Sector e No More Heroes,  tecnicamente e artisticamente piuttosto sottotono pur rimanendo promettente in termini di creatività ed imprevedibilità.

Scalpore per lo stile visivo del nuovo Devil May Cry , commissionato da Capcom a Ninja Theory ; mentre grossa fetta dei fan si straccia le vesti per le fattezze del nuovo Dante, permangono dubbi sulla competenza dello sviluppatore nel delicato campo del gameplay action, dato che i precedenti comprendono il solo Heavenly Sword.

Also in Capcom, Homes West will be a culmination of Dead Rising DLC-2 with the photographer protagonist of the origins and the unprecedented Asura's Wrath, at least aesthetically, it has the business card of the Action massif. A collaboration with From Software, returns to surprise Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor , based on the characteristics of Kinect.

style and irony in the new presentation of MGS: Rising Kojima Productions, a project that seems to revolve more around the spectacular routines in real-time slicing of the polygons.
announced the collection of HD ICO and Shadow of the Colossus , who will cheer the expectation of The Last Guardian, finally dated for the end of 2011.
Treasure will break up with Live Arcade and Radiant Silvergun Bangai-O in 2011.
announced several projects aimed apparently Kinect core users, including all Dragon Project, which refers to the series played on Saturn Panzer Dragoon.
Yakuza: The End Of sees the Japanese mafia, Sega faced with the classic zombie invasion.
first appearance for the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, Dark Project .

Here is a bit 'of trailer assorted including the extended Castlevania: Lords of Shadows , which highlights enemies and variety of locations and a certain dominance of the narrative, and Vanquish, with a new level and boss fight on a train.

Shadows of the Damned

Devil May Cry 5

Asura's Wrath

MGS: Rising

Castlevania Lords of Shadow


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rash That Looks Likr Scratches

PSN - XBLA - STEAM (autumn - winter 2010)

A post that collects in the comments of the rapids reports on weekly releases of products purchased via PS3, XBOX360 and PC via Steam (and similar). Di seguito qualche link utile.

Versione precedente del post PSN-XBLA 00


- BLOG ufficiale Sony

- PSN Store
Acquistare giochi, acquistare chincaglieria come avatar - temi - sfondi per PS3, provare demo prelevando il materiale da un catalogo aggiornato settimanalmente (da maggio 2010, il mercoledì anziché il giovedì).
PSN Musica & Video
- Acquistare, noleggiare film in SD e HD(prezzi non proprio invitanti)
- Benefit from music videos through the service aggratis VidZone

- A service that hints at Microsoft's LIVE with the difference that does not change the system fits into this free service. In practice, it is something more in to choose from or have an abortion.
Each monthly update features: full games (including a PS3 in your subscription, including a PSX), two games DEMO trial one hour, some DLC various amenities as avatars & C rates.
Rates: 15 € for three months, 50 per year (until August 2 for the latter "give" a digital copy of LBP)

- Sonara meeting with the community through a virtual space with PG that looks like a sort of Sim .

Other links

- Weekly updates (tag official blog)

- PSN Games List (wikipedia)

------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

LINK XBLA (of VicRattlehead )

Official Site
It allows, in addition to having all the necessary information on the console to manage buddy list, send messages, see the list of games played, goals unlocked, etc. ..

Where to go shopping online, which is themed video game-themed film (with Zune). An alternative to the menu of the console. You can also buy tickets or Microsoft Points.

Games for Windows Live
The Live for PC client allows you to play on PC with your Xbox 360 profile

Other links
Site where to manage better targeting unlocked, guides and find agreement with other players to unlock the objectives, in addition to them is also an excellent source of news for the M $ console, continuously updated several times a day
Its main function is to create gamercard with your profile to put in forum signatures, but also functions as a global player leaderboard xbox 360

EXTRA 1: of course there's the leaderboard achiever of GR / GV find it here
EXTRA 2: Windows Mobile Phone 7 Live support and therefore the profiles 360, with attached avatar lista amici e obiettivi sbloccabili. Appena sarà disponibile fornirò un apposito link


PC in DD (di VicRattlehead )

Non ha bisogno di presentazioni: catalogo vasto, community vasta, achievements, offerte settimanali e via discorrendo. Il punto di riferimento per il DD su Pc.

Meno popolare di Steam, ma ugualmente valido e con anch'esso un catalogo ricco. Peraltro, come già Steam, ha giochi anche per Mac.

GOG - Good Old Games :
works like the other two, but this is entirely devoted to retrogaming. Each title is updated to the latest version available, it has the necessary files to run on newer OS and is free from DRM and various protections. A godsend.
