A book of dreams, empty spaces and the mortification of democracy, a president partying in 3 hours and approval of a budget. Odg L’ approvazione dello strumento finanziario della Provincia regionale di Catania ha già rappresentato lo scorso anno un pretesto per propagandare all’ outside an alleged success by the junta which then hesitated Castiglione PEG (tool that gives actual operations to the budget itself) until mid-February.
again this year in line with the propaganda plan in place right from the time it took to burn and it has come to endorse a document with its attachments introductory (level of transfers, and three-year plan of public works) that reaffirm the attempt to manage the existing program without a proper policy to make profit sharing from the institution's core competencies that the law attributes to him.
The plan of hiding the ominous alienation vision of a center-right scenarios already seen that once again the City of Catania.
A ruling class that seems to lack originality has very clear is a real plan that impoverish the public and potential benefit of real estate speculation and consequential policies in the past have over-exposed body in the cost of acquiring , upgrading and maintenance of buildings that have affected nobles and powerful advisors.
The approval of the plan of disposal has been characterized by the arrogance of a majority that had not been able to maintain a quorum on a vote requested by the Adviser Tomarchio Group communication related to the deadline for submission of amendments and then rallied the troops after midnight to welcome a measure which was formally weakened, attaching to a cautious deliberation and discolpante recommendation regarding economic estimates performed to assess the value property.
has actually ruled in favor of those of us who has revealed a huge concern for administrative behavior that impoverishes the Province of Catania.
The three-year plan of public works the considerations above about the process undertaken. We remember that last year it was implemented step by step forced proposing a mere list di opere (un libro dei sogni) figlio della passata amministrazione che sarebbe tornato in aula ad inizio 2009 per essere rivisitato. Mai vi fu bugia più grossa di questa e soltanto a fine dicembre ci si è ritrovati in aula con il “nuovo” PP.TT.OO.PP.
Nuovo per modo di dire visto che anche in questa occasione si sono voluti sottolineare trionfalisticamente successi e novità che non si concretizzeranno.
Anziché puntare in poche e strategiche opere per la provincia e i singoli territori (una fermata di metropolitana di superficie al centro di Acireale, il rilancio dell’ area ex Siace nel giarrese ad esempio) si è continuata una elencazione di opere da cantierare che non saranno iniziate prima del prossimo secolo se si pensa che solo 15 sulle prime 81 individuate lo scorso anno hanno visto iniziare l’iter per la loro realizzazione. Dalla 82sima priorità in poi troviamo quegli interventi futuribili su cui tanti consiglieri faranno tanta propaganda ma pochi saranno i fatti concreti. Si è persino mancato di garbo istituzionale nei confronti dei Comuni che non hanno avuto il tempo di far pervenire il loro parere (stasera il consiglio comunale di Zafferana Etnea è chiamato quindi ad esprimersi su….nulla!!).
Il bilancio infine risente di tutte le scelte di cui sopra che ne indirizzano la spesa per lo più finalizzata a sponsorizzare le tante sagre e fiere sul territorio che non almost never make the province an active part in the organization but only provider of resources.
€ 42.5 million to redesign the way local New Light against € 2.5 million for roads give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sensitivity of those in power against the needs of the users reference. The only positive note was the implementation in the classroom by the addition of an act of address of the communist group which has as its object the restriction of allocating 30% of revenue 's body from tax RCA maintenance of roads.
policy concerning school buildings has made all the more difficult the beginning of the year school to thousands of students, teachers and students throughout the province and there is an exponential increase in rental costs (€ 720,000 in just for the Art Institute) and as in the case of Acireale (Institute of St. Michael) could be reduced if someone had thought of time as that property was left by the students of Gulli and Pennisi.
No breakthrough has been made in the context of social policies on which we have called for more courage and appropriations made circumvented.
is added to the damage perpetrated the hoax which has promoted the chairman of the budget which, at a preliminary stage has directed the work towards a deepening of the needs of each branch of the administration and that, in retrospect, it offers insights into some sort almost useless.
Antonio Tomarchio-Valerio Marletta