Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Do My Brownies Turn Crumbly?

Agenda anti-nuclear region in the province di Catania

Al presidente del consiglio provinciale di Catania
Al presidente della provincia regionale di Catania

Ordine del giorno : “Contrarietà della provincia di Catania ad individuare sul proprio territorio siti idonei per l’attivazione di centrali nucleari”

Premesso che:
che nel 1987 il popolo italiano si è pronunciato per via referendaria sulla fine della produzione di energia nucleare nel nostro paese;

che nel mondo, pur essendo attive molte centrali nucleari, la percentuale di energia prodotta resta modesta (6.4 percent), expensive (compared to other sources), via depletion (due to the uranium fuel), that even after 1987 have been frequent accidents, remain intact and dangerous environmental impacts (in particular for consumption and waste water), the risks to public safety and the uncertainties about disposal of radioactive waste, some are cost increases in uranium;

in the world that other countries have closed plants and have reduced or canceled plans to build new power plants;

that Italy has not provided a coherent national energy master plan to replace fossil fuels and nuclear policies and efficiency measures for saving, renewables and effective choices for the transition;

that many regions have nevertheless adopted regional environmental and energy plans that totally disregard the possible contribution of nuclear energy and give priority provisions to encourage investment and savings in energy consumption and efficiency, renewable and efficient technologies for energy production, with systems, networks, positive initiatives already undertaken in the area;

the Italian Senate voted July 9, 2009 the bill development that marks the return of Italy to nuclear power despite a referendum popular in 1987 it had sanctioned the exclusion as a form of energy supply.

those circumstances and given the county council said:

the unavailability of the province of Catania in procedures for identifying suitable sites for the activation of nuclear .

engages the President of the Province of Catania:

1) work in institutional settings that remain valid, ruling the 1987 referendum throughout the country;

2) encourage the adoption of a national energy plan based on renewables and energy efficiency savings by developing policies sufficiently widespread in the territory.

Catania July 27, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sympathy Quote For Loss Of Father

Il governo Berlusconi taglia 157 milioni di euro per le strade provinciali

Communist Party of the PRC
Federation of Catania Via S.

No Orsola 30



was held today, beginning at 11 am, at the provincial headquarters in Via S. No Orsola 30, the conference releases organized by the Communist Refoundation on "Lost € 150 million for maintenance and upgrading of roads in the province of Catania." Failla

Marcello, head of the municipal policies of the PRC Communist opened the press conference denouncing the plan for maintenance on the streets of the city and our province, announced almost a year ago by President Castiglione, may no longer be achieved.

" With the 2007 budget, the then Prodi government," said Failla, " allocated substantial resources to the intervention for the viability of the regions of Sicily and Calabria. The Province Regional Catania was asked on that occasion, to draw up a list of major repairs to be carried out, which were funded for more than 157 million euro.

Like many other funds, enough to remember the budget cuts for FAS € 4 billion to the region of Sicily and the now famous EUR 140 million that the city of Catania is waiting in vain for over a year, these resources have been diverted elsewhere by the Berlusconi government. Once again, the center-right government has shown its true face antimeridionalista then, disregarding the hopes of local communities and denying the commitments made by previous governments.

This is the sign of abandonment in which is relegated to the south of Italy, which, at a time of grave economic crisis, he sees constantly reduced the resources available and is thus left to their fate. Faced with these choices of the Berlusconi government, little do the president and the president himself Lombardo Castiglione, which make it so contributing to any cutbacks planned for the south, and then the aggravation of living conditions of the Sicilian people. "

then the word has weight Valerio Marletta, Councilor of the PRC Communist who stressed that the president Castiglione remained completely insensitive to the many demands of the opposition in the provincial council.

Da oltre un anno Rifondazione Comunista, “ ha detto Marletta”, con interrogazioni e interventi in consiglio provinciale, ha richiesto precise risposte al presidente Castiglione rispetto agli interventi necessari a garantire una viabilità degna di tale nome nella città e nella provincia di Catania.

Le opere che dovevano essere finanziate con i 157 milioni di euro previsti nella finanziaria del 2007, interessano infatti strade provinciali chiuse per frana, inagibili, senza guard-rail e muretti di protezione, ed oggi non sono più rinviabili.

Il ritardo accumulato renderà infatti più pericoloso percorrere strade molto trafficate nella nostra città e in the province, thus putting at risk the safety of citizens.

Refoundation Communist forward at the next meeting of the provincial council, scheduled for Monday, July 6, an order of the day to urge the president to Castiglione requiring urgent meeting with the national government in order to protest the cutting of 157 million € for roads and to request the 'immediate funding of the works necessary to ensure the transport in the city of Catania and its province. "

Catania July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Implant Rejection Symptoms

Mozione sull'acqua pubblica e sulla gestione del servizio idrico

The president of the province of Catania
Mozione sull'acqua pubblica e sulla gestione del servizio idrico

-L’acqua è fonte di vita. Senza acqua non c’è vita. L’acqua costituisce pertanto un bene comune dell’umanità, un bene irrinunciabile che appartiene a tutti. Il diritto all’acqua è un diritto inalienabile: dunque l’acqua non può essere proprietà privata, bensì un bene equamente condiviso
ed accessibile a tutti;

-Oggi sulla Terra più di un miliardo e trecento milioni di persone non hanno accesso all’acqua
drinking. It is expected that within a few years this number will reach three billion.
The main cause of this is the neoliberal model that has produced a huge
inequality in access to water, generating plus a growing shortage of the latter, due to destructive modes of production of the ecosystem;

- The pressures at different levels (international, national and local), aimed at affirming the custody
the so-called free-market privatization of water resources management, and continues with impunity
transcend across different political cultures and administrative

-Stop the processes of privatization of water, therefore, assume the twenty-first century increasingly
the characteristics of a problem of civilization, which involves politicians and citizens, asking each
to assess their own actions, thus assuming responsibility than their
living and future;

The effects of mass-market public services and water shows that only a public property and public governance, and local communities participated
can ensure the protection of the resource, the right to access 'Water for All and its preservation for future generations;

-In this battle, along with global and local, is
now widespread awareness of population about the need not to commodify the common good water and there is hardly any area that is crossed by disputes over water;

-In Italy, in order to provide coordination in such disputes , was set up on ITALIAN FORUM OF MOVEMENT FOR THE COMMON GOOD WATER, which subscribes to the institutions, associations, trade unions and professional
, municipalities, provinces and regions;

-In Italy the Law of 5 January 1994, n. 36, said the criteria for the protection and use of water resources
and defines the characteristics of integrated water services, while in Sicily, with Presidential Decree No Region 114/gr.IVS.G. of May 16, 2000, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 16/serv2S.G. of 29.012002, we have determined the Optimal Territorial Areas, starting
the way for privatization of water management, drinking


Municipalities of Caltagirone, Mazzarrone, Mineo, San Michele di Ganzaria, Scordia Vizzini and challenged before the Tar and the resolutions of the board of directors on the Ato Sie Spa, and the invitation to tender. The tar allowed the appeal in part, but the municipalities were appealed to the Board of Administrative Justice (Case No 589/27 October 2006), which upheld the appeal and set aside both the deliberations of the Provincial Council is the car with which it was the Sie. But despite this ruling is the provincial government headed by Lombardo is the board of directors authorizing dell'Ato2 the amicable settlement of disputes with municipalities that had appeal, provided they renounce the effects of the sentence. These are some valid claims made on the operation of the service, in exchange for the waiver to apply for enforcement. Cos' Operation Water is saved. Despite a ruling saying it is illegal. The agreement was ratified in December 2006 by the ATO.

strongly reiterates

THAT water is an essential common good of humanity and the inalienable right of all people
, which therefore can not become private property of anyone, but remain a good shared equally accessible to all;

Towards the choice of the provincial political and administrative in Catania.

The county council undertakes the administration Castiglione
To develop the provisions of the Judgement of CGA above Sie noted that until now has not been operational in any way so that users have continued to have relations with bodies of water distribution reference.

Catania June 29, 2009
Councillor Valerio Marletta