the immigration policy of the Italian government might finally begin to take shape a policy of carrot and stick. "Italy wants to clarify once and for all that we welcome and we will continue to receive the Romanians who work respecting the law, but at the same time we will be steadfast against those who do not respect the law." He said yesterday the Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, at the entrance to the Council on Foreign Relations in Brussels, stressing that in terms of expulsions countries like France sono stati molto più severi di noi, senza aver mai fatto così tanto rumore come ha fatto il governo italiano. “Solamente nel 2008 Parigi ha espulso oltre 7000 cittadini romeni, l'Italia ne ha espulsi circa 40”, quindi “le rassicurazioni le debbono dare i romeni a noi, che non ci siano più criminali romeni nelle nostre strade”, ha proseguito. Una politica della mano dura che, sottolinea il ministro Frattini, deve anche tenere in conto l’interesse italiano nei confronti di un partner “assolutamente strategico”.
A mettere freno all’associazione tra criminalità e immigrazione è stato il presidente della Camera Gianfranco Fini che, nella presentazione del rapporto Cnel sull'integrazione of immigrants, has asked to "reject the hateful mental association between crime and immigration." At the same time, however, warned that it is also necessary "to say that the guarantee of security and legality, especially in suburbs and areas most exposed to risk of violence is a necessary condition for the integration processes can take place freely." For Fini must first "re-establish the perception among citizens, shocked by too many cases where the crime the punishment is not followed, which Italy can guarantee strict compliance with the rules of civil coexistence." Equally important however is to treat the immigrant as a fellow-countryman, especially for the processes of training and job placement, because "the only alternative becomes the defeat, the inability of the Italian company to drive a process."
But some data now starting to reveal that the "common places" on the relationship between crime and immigration are not so far from reality. To prove there Pittau Franco, scientific coordinator of the Caritas Migrantes Dossier on Immigration, unique in Italy to have devised the demographics and crime statistics on Romanians in Italy. From his work shows that the problem is not the crime rate, ie the ratio between the Romanians and the number reported total of Romanians who live with us. After the entry of Romania into the European Union January 1, 2007, in fact, on the Italian territory they live and work more than one million of Romanians. In proportion, therefore, at the end of 2006 inmates of that nationality were only 1,650, while today there are 2,729, an increase of almost insignificant 0.27 percent.
The crime rate of the Romanians took a very different meaning if we take into account the individual crimes as emphasized in the Interior Ministry, over the three years between 2004 and 2006, the Romanians were in first place among foreigners for the murder, the first for sexual violence, for the first burglary, with tear and dexterity, the first between the extortionists and business robberies. The Ministry of Justice Romania, Catalin Preodiu adds an alarming fact: 40 percent of those wanted by international mandate from Bucharest is located in Italy. Moreover between 2000 and 2005, complaints against the Romanians have nearly tripled leading to very high financial costs: a search for Andrea De Nicola, Professor of Criminology at the University of Trento, has estimated that - if you calculate the costs resulting the crime (pecuniary, biological and moral), the non-revenue generated as a result of violence, the costs of investigating and adjudicating activities (litigation costs and detention) - sexual violence committed by foreigners, excel where the Romanians, the state will spend 2.7 billion euro a year.
For all these reasons are some voices that started to emerge from the Rumanian community now integrated in Italy, first to ask the government to adopt a stricter policy also in their interest. Dmitru Jlnca is Romania, lives in Padova and is a member of the PDL, a candidate for elections in the European People's Party. Ensure that for the majority of Romanians, "Italy is a second home" and explaining the reason for this increase in crime is due to the lightness of Romania's judicial system: "Unfortunately there's also word of mouth among the criminals: they saw in Italy if you commit a crime get out of jail after three days and then they thought it convenient to come here ... Italy's problem is the certainty of punishment. Who has to pay is wrong, period, and processes should be faster. " He adds that "the detainees, including Romanians, should work to stay in jail and pay the costs: it is not fair that my taxes are kept with criminals." Echoes another famous Rumanian, Siena midfielder Paul Codrea, who asked not to do with all the same brush: "The criminals, when caught, must remain in jail to avoid committing new crimes."
Yet something could be done to avoid to arrive at this "security emergency". One suggestion comes from Alessandro Silj of the Italian Council for Social Sciences Etnobatometro reminiscent of how to initiate steps to control the migration. "Some groups of immigrants Romanians want to make an appeal to the Bucharest government to take steps to this, including even the non-granting of passports to citizens in that country have already been implicated in acts of violence," says Silj believes that a viable measure because "Romania will enter the Schengen area until 2011 and border controls should be still in force, should not be impossible for the authorities to filter the citizens che emigrano”. L’iniziativa trova il sostegno anche del ministro Frattini che oggi ha lanciato la proposta di far segnalare alle forze di sicurezza italiane i cittadini romeni che hanno precedenti penali e che intendono entrare in Italia, senza bloccarli alla frontiera italiana, “in uno spirito di piena collaborazione”. Questo meccanismo, previsto da Schengen, dovrebbe entrare in vigore per la Romania nel 2011: “In fondo noi chiediamo soltanto di anticipare questa direttiva Ue di due anni”, ha chiarito il titolare della Farnesina.
Sempre nell’ambito della collaborazione di polizia c’è anche la richiesta italiana di aumentare il numero di poliziotti romeni presenti in Italia: “Abbiamo delle richieste - Frattini said - and some have already been answered, such as to send a larger contingent of police officers specialized in the fight against urban crime, mostly understood as muggings, rapes or robberies. " Other proposals to launch the Minister of Justice that Romania, during a press conference in Bucharest, was anxious to stress that "in no case an Italian sentence is not recognized in Romania." The problem was due to "extradition procedures, which are experiencing difficulties." A clear message, then, the Italian judiciary to speed up extradition procedures.
Perhaps things in Italy are starting to really change, even if late. A turnabout came even from the ranks of the left, always engaged in policies of openness without immigration control. The first "outing" has done a left-wing intellectual, Marzio Barbagli Francesco Alberti in an interview with the Courier where he explained his "inner struggle" between "the schematics of the cultural formation of his old left" and the data the realities that have forced the issue of immigration-related crime, to drastically revise its "assumptions". "I did not see," he confesses with crystalline honesty Barbagli, "there was something in me that he refused to examine objectively the data on immigration than the crime. I was influenced by my position as a man of the left. And when I finally started to take note of that fact and write the wave of immigration has had a heavy impact on the increase in certain crimes, some of my colleagues have even taken the salute. "
Barbagli is not the only character left that happened with the difficult task of making a public mea culpa. Livia also Turkish, former health minister in the Prodi government, has confessed: "Before becoming a minister, on 'immigration belonged to the culture of' you I accept full stop '. I was wrong, for years do not think any more. I just counted only solidarity, then I realized that the rules are strict. But I have never waived from my values. " If you go back to the deputy of the Democratic Party no longer open the door to the first waves of immigration and questioned whether Italy is able to accommodate immigrants. "This does not mean not to be in solidarity - stressed -. Rather, it means to be sympathetic to the end because to respect the dignity of a person must tell the truth. And the truth is that we can not accommodate everyone. " It remains a bitter end: if the Turkish had arrived at the conclusion of the first kind (and he convinced his fellow party members), perhaps today or Italians or immigrants, those honest, they would feel insecure in Italy.
A mettere freno all’associazione tra criminalità e immigrazione è stato il presidente della Camera Gianfranco Fini che, nella presentazione del rapporto Cnel sull'integrazione of immigrants, has asked to "reject the hateful mental association between crime and immigration." At the same time, however, warned that it is also necessary "to say that the guarantee of security and legality, especially in suburbs and areas most exposed to risk of violence is a necessary condition for the integration processes can take place freely." For Fini must first "re-establish the perception among citizens, shocked by too many cases where the crime the punishment is not followed, which Italy can guarantee strict compliance with the rules of civil coexistence." Equally important however is to treat the immigrant as a fellow-countryman, especially for the processes of training and job placement, because "the only alternative becomes the defeat, the inability of the Italian company to drive a process."
But some data now starting to reveal that the "common places" on the relationship between crime and immigration are not so far from reality. To prove there Pittau Franco, scientific coordinator of the Caritas Migrantes Dossier on Immigration, unique in Italy to have devised the demographics and crime statistics on Romanians in Italy. From his work shows that the problem is not the crime rate, ie the ratio between the Romanians and the number reported total of Romanians who live with us. After the entry of Romania into the European Union January 1, 2007, in fact, on the Italian territory they live and work more than one million of Romanians. In proportion, therefore, at the end of 2006 inmates of that nationality were only 1,650, while today there are 2,729, an increase of almost insignificant 0.27 percent.
The crime rate of the Romanians took a very different meaning if we take into account the individual crimes as emphasized in the Interior Ministry, over the three years between 2004 and 2006, the Romanians were in first place among foreigners for the murder, the first for sexual violence, for the first burglary, with tear and dexterity, the first between the extortionists and business robberies. The Ministry of Justice Romania, Catalin Preodiu adds an alarming fact: 40 percent of those wanted by international mandate from Bucharest is located in Italy. Moreover between 2000 and 2005, complaints against the Romanians have nearly tripled leading to very high financial costs: a search for Andrea De Nicola, Professor of Criminology at the University of Trento, has estimated that - if you calculate the costs resulting the crime (pecuniary, biological and moral), the non-revenue generated as a result of violence, the costs of investigating and adjudicating activities (litigation costs and detention) - sexual violence committed by foreigners, excel where the Romanians, the state will spend 2.7 billion euro a year.
For all these reasons are some voices that started to emerge from the Rumanian community now integrated in Italy, first to ask the government to adopt a stricter policy also in their interest. Dmitru Jlnca is Romania, lives in Padova and is a member of the PDL, a candidate for elections in the European People's Party. Ensure that for the majority of Romanians, "Italy is a second home" and explaining the reason for this increase in crime is due to the lightness of Romania's judicial system: "Unfortunately there's also word of mouth among the criminals: they saw in Italy if you commit a crime get out of jail after three days and then they thought it convenient to come here ... Italy's problem is the certainty of punishment. Who has to pay is wrong, period, and processes should be faster. " He adds that "the detainees, including Romanians, should work to stay in jail and pay the costs: it is not fair that my taxes are kept with criminals." Echoes another famous Rumanian, Siena midfielder Paul Codrea, who asked not to do with all the same brush: "The criminals, when caught, must remain in jail to avoid committing new crimes."
Yet something could be done to avoid to arrive at this "security emergency". One suggestion comes from Alessandro Silj of the Italian Council for Social Sciences Etnobatometro reminiscent of how to initiate steps to control the migration. "Some groups of immigrants Romanians want to make an appeal to the Bucharest government to take steps to this, including even the non-granting of passports to citizens in that country have already been implicated in acts of violence," says Silj believes that a viable measure because "Romania will enter the Schengen area until 2011 and border controls should be still in force, should not be impossible for the authorities to filter the citizens che emigrano”. L’iniziativa trova il sostegno anche del ministro Frattini che oggi ha lanciato la proposta di far segnalare alle forze di sicurezza italiane i cittadini romeni che hanno precedenti penali e che intendono entrare in Italia, senza bloccarli alla frontiera italiana, “in uno spirito di piena collaborazione”. Questo meccanismo, previsto da Schengen, dovrebbe entrare in vigore per la Romania nel 2011: “In fondo noi chiediamo soltanto di anticipare questa direttiva Ue di due anni”, ha chiarito il titolare della Farnesina.
Sempre nell’ambito della collaborazione di polizia c’è anche la richiesta italiana di aumentare il numero di poliziotti romeni presenti in Italia: “Abbiamo delle richieste - Frattini said - and some have already been answered, such as to send a larger contingent of police officers specialized in the fight against urban crime, mostly understood as muggings, rapes or robberies. " Other proposals to launch the Minister of Justice that Romania, during a press conference in Bucharest, was anxious to stress that "in no case an Italian sentence is not recognized in Romania." The problem was due to "extradition procedures, which are experiencing difficulties." A clear message, then, the Italian judiciary to speed up extradition procedures.
Perhaps things in Italy are starting to really change, even if late. A turnabout came even from the ranks of the left, always engaged in policies of openness without immigration control. The first "outing" has done a left-wing intellectual, Marzio Barbagli Francesco Alberti in an interview with the Courier where he explained his "inner struggle" between "the schematics of the cultural formation of his old left" and the data the realities that have forced the issue of immigration-related crime, to drastically revise its "assumptions". "I did not see," he confesses with crystalline honesty Barbagli, "there was something in me that he refused to examine objectively the data on immigration than the crime. I was influenced by my position as a man of the left. And when I finally started to take note of that fact and write the wave of immigration has had a heavy impact on the increase in certain crimes, some of my colleagues have even taken the salute. "
Barbagli is not the only character left that happened with the difficult task of making a public mea culpa. Livia also Turkish, former health minister in the Prodi government, has confessed: "Before becoming a minister, on 'immigration belonged to the culture of' you I accept full stop '. I was wrong, for years do not think any more. I just counted only solidarity, then I realized that the rules are strict. But I have never waived from my values. " If you go back to the deputy of the Democratic Party no longer open the door to the first waves of immigration and questioned whether Italy is able to accommodate immigrants. "This does not mean not to be in solidarity - stressed -. Rather, it means to be sympathetic to the end because to respect the dignity of a person must tell the truth. And the truth is that we can not accommodate everyone. " It remains a bitter end: if the Turkish had arrived at the conclusion of the first kind (and he convinced his fellow party members), perhaps today or Italians or immigrants, those honest, they would feel insecure in Italy.
The Orientation of Newspaper Fabrizia B. Maggi 02/24/2009