The following part is about the University and the cost of school books. Part of the law 133/2008 of 6 August.
Law August 6, 2008, No 133
"into law, with amendments, Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, No. 112, entitled" Urgent provisions for economic development, simplification, competitiveness, the stabilization of public finance and tax equalization "
published in the Official Gazette No. 195, 21 August 2008 - Suppl. No Ordinary 196
Chapter V - Education and Research
Article 15. Cost schoolbooks
1. Since the 2008-2009 school year, in compliance with applicable law and subject to educational autonomy in the adoption of textbooks in schools of all levels, taking into account existing educational organization, the competent organs identify preferred textbooks are available, in whole or in part, on the Internet. Students have access to the texts available via the internet, free or paid as appropriate under existing law.
2. In order to enhance the availability and usability, and cost of texts, documents and teaching tools by schools, pupils and their families, within three years, starting from school year 2008-2009, the textbooks for the schools of the first cycle of education, referred to Legislative Decree 19 February 2004, no 59, and for educational institutions second-degree versions are produced in print, online downloadable from the Internet, and mixed. Starting from school year 2011-2012, the teachers take books that can be used only in online versions available for download from the internet or mixed. They are subject to the provisions relating to the adoption of educational tools for persons with disabilities.
3. Textbooks develop the essential content of National Guidelines and curriculum can be made in thematic sections, corresponding to units of learning, inexpensive and capable of following revisions and additions. With non-regulatory decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research, have determined:
a) the technical characteristics of textbooks in the printed version, in order to ensure the containment of the weight
b) the technological features of textbooks in online versions and mixed;
c) the price of textbooks of primary school and spending limits of the funding book for each year of lower secondary school level I and II, respecting the rights of the author and publisher.
4. Le Università e le Istituzioni dell'alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica, nel rispetto della propria autonomia, adottano linee di indirizzo ispirate ai principi di cui ai commi 1, 2 e 3.
Art. 16.
Facoltà di trasformazione in fondazioni delle università
1. In attuazione dell'articolo 33 della Costituzione, nel rispetto delle leggi vigenti e dell'autonomia didattica, scientifica, organizzativa e finanziaria, le Università pubbliche possono deliberare la propria trasformazione in fondazioni di diritto privato. La delibera di trasformazione e' adottata dal Senato accademico a maggioranza assoluta ed e' approvata by the Minister of Education, University and Research, in consultation with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The transformation operates from 1 January of the year following the adoption of the resolution.
2. The university foundations to take over all assets and liabilities and the ownership of the assets of the University. To the endowment fund of the university foundations and 'transferred, by decree of the State Property, the ownership of property already in use at the universities transformed.
3. The acts of transformation and transfer of properties and all transactions related thereto are exempt from tax and taxes.
4. The university foundations are non-profit organizations and pursue their goals in the manner permitted by their legal nature and operate in compliance with the principles of economy of management. It 's not allowed in any case, the distribution of profits, in any form. Any proceeds, rents or other profits arising in the course of activities under the statutes of the university foundations are designed entirely to the pursuit of the objectives thereof.
5. Transfers by way of contribution or donation made to the university foundations are exempt from taxes and indirect taxes and fees payable in any other capacity and are fully deductible from the income of the payer. The fees for notarial acts of donation to the university foundations are reduced by 90 percent.
6. At the same act of transformation are adopted statutes, administrative regulations and accounting of university foundations, which must be approved by the Minister of Education, University and Research, in consultation with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The statutes may provide for the entry of new players in the foundation university, public or private.
7. The university foundations adopt a regulation for the University administration, finanza e la contabilità, anche in deroga alle norme dell'ordinamento contabile dello Stato e degli enti pubblici, fermo restando il rispetto dei vincoli derivanti dall'ordinamento comunitario.
8. Le fondazioni universitarie hanno autonomia gestionale, organizzativa e contabile, nel rispetto dei principi stabiliti dal presente articolo.
9. La gestione economico-finanziaria delle fondazioni universitarie assicura l'equilibrio di bilancio. Il bilancio viene redatto con periodicità annuale. Resta fermo il sistema di finanziamento pubblico; a tal fine, costituisce elemento di valutazione, a fini perequativi, l'entità dei finanziamenti privati di ciascuna fondazione.
10. The supervision of university foundations and 'exercised by the Minister of Education, University and Research in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Colleges and universities of the mayors of foundations' ensured the presence of representatives of government vigilance.
11. The Court exercises control over university foundations in the manner prescribed by law March 21, 1958, No 259 and report annually to Parliament.
12. In case of serious violations of the law relating to the proper management of the university by the foundation of the administrative or representative, the Minister of Education, University Research and appoint a special commissioner, with no new or increased burdens on public finances, with the task of safeguarding the proper management of the institution and within six months of such appointment shall not appoint new directors of the institution itself, as required by statute.
13. Until the conclusion of the first collective bargaining agreement, the administrative staff of the university foundations apply the economic and legal force at the date of entry into force of this decree.
14. University foundations to continue to apply existing provisions for state universities as compatible with this article and the private nature of the Foundation.
Article 17. Research projects of excellence
1. At the end of a more efficient allocation of resources aimed at supporting and encouraging research projects of excellence and innovation, and in view of the substantial depletion of the original purposes, in view of the substantial public resources made available from 1 July 2008, the Fondazione IRI and 'deleted.
2. With effect from 1 July 2008, capital goods, and any other legal relationship of the Foundation in IRI at that date, except the provisions of paragraph 3, shall be devoted to the Italian Institute of Technology.
3. By decree of the Minister of Finance and 'prepared the allocation of the historical and documentary Foundation IRI to a totalitarian society controlled by the State shall arrange for their preservation. By the same decree may also be ordered succession of the company in any working relationship with the Foundation to be the date from IRI under paragraph 1, or other legal relations asset or liability that may be incompatible with the purposes or 'organization of the Italian Institute of Technology.
4. Le risorse acquisite dalla Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ai sensi del comma 3 sono destinate al finanziamento di programmi per la ricerca applicata finalizzati alla realizzazione, sul territorio nazionale, di progetti in settori tecnologici altamente strategici e alla creazione di una rete di infrastrutture di ricerca di alta tecnologia localizzate presso primari centri di ricerca pubblici e privati.
5. La Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia provvederà agli adempimenti di cui all'articolo 20 delle disposizioni per l'attuazione del codice civile e disposizioni transitorie, di cui al regio decreto 30 marzo 1942, n. 318.