Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kingdom Hearts 2 Where To Find 4 Medalion

Release date: 24 Nov
Developer: Polyphony Digital
Publisher: SCEA

First Impressions by Mr. Kabuto
difficult to write of Great Tourism 5. Better to start talking about the game itself ', as you see it? Give an answer to that unflattering opinions already 'dart on the web? Or a better comparison to the sword with Forza 3 and that 'possession of the throne while the king was away?
content, and it is' understood, are controversial, and tears of joy that is believed to pay in the end come. The fact 'that Gran Turismo 5 is not' the game that everyone expected. Not in the sense that it is not 'up to, but that it' just one more thing. It 'a Babel of development of the idea "car", which barely takes the trouble to go to fix the flaws of the historical series, a bit' cares about what he wants the game who actually buys it, and finally does not take note of where is the competition. It 'a play arrogant.
It 's a product full of contradictions that make it difficult da valutare: per meta' e' nel futuro, per l'altra meta' e' nel passato, e per l'altra meta' ancora e' in un'altra dimensione.

Il futuro e' la fisica dei mezzi. Poche storie, il modello di guida e' il piu' avanzato che si sia mai visto in un gioco di questa portata: forse qualche simulazione specifica per PC ha un grado di precisione maggiore, ma qui stiamo parlando di un engine che muove dalla trazione posteriore anni '90 con 150 cavallini a prototipi mostruosi e selvaggi della Le Mans series, con una fluidita' e una consistenza che la migliore concorrenza non puo' vantare. Lo fa anche Forza, ma capita di incappare nella improvvisa incoerenza di questa o quella macchina, e li' per them 'even if you do not like it' s alright but it becomes clear when the comparison and 'direct. In GT5 and 'can learn to drive on a front-wheel drive 80 hp, then take a beast of race and understand' cause you can not drive, where we lack sensitivity 'to manage the forces in play, which is not' just a matter of getting used to the greatest grip.

A place then, no? What else should be the concern of the petrolhead. The fact 'that this will not automatically makes it more' fun . The physical and 'already' enjoyable way pad with a response less reactive and more rumble 'discreet than Forza but that makes sense with increasing speed': but 'the contrario di Forza, qui si sente comunque la mancanza di un volante con force feedback. La telecamera fa un buon lavoro a trasmettere la granulosita' dell'asfalto, ma quello che manca e' un feedback attraverso le dita. Forza ha una risposta al pad piu' interattiva, che si paga con una certa reattivita' dell'handling che richiede continui micro aggiustamenti: ho idea che se non ci fosse questa sorta di filtro in GT5 le macchine col pad sarebbero ingestibili. Inoltre, io ho potuto sperimentare tutto questo grazie alle macchine bonus della signature edition, altrimenti bisogna prima costruirsi un garage ben fornito per apprezzare tutto questo, come ulteriore barriera verso cio' che questo gioco ha di eccellente.

E questo ci porta the real issue, that goal 'and that' even in the past. 'Cause with a physical kind, the impacts appear to be still in boxes of shoes and pounds and pounds of processed steel? 'Cause there' s a free trial where I can not stress test the machine instead of spending months to put them in the garage? Why 'no rewind and if the last corner hat or I find a particularly difficult on a track I can just start over? And we want to say how bad the cars are standard, side by side with the models "premium" that are simply the most 'advanced existing in a commercial product? Really, you can 'believe it's much better to have a mode' B-Spec that already 'in GT4 and not' fucked anyone?
La risposta e' eccentricita' per alcune di queste domande, visione per altre, ma anche pura arroganza in certi casi. Gran Turismo e' una serie come poche altre, Metal Gear Solid o Zelda, che vuoi per la forza dei loro creatori, vuoi per il semplice fatto di averci preso bene la prima volta sono refrattarie ai cambiamenti, e la questione e' se quello che hanno di buono da offrire vale per noi piu' dei difetti che dobbiamo accettare.

Fino a qui il quadro e' chiaro: GT5 offre una cosa sola, se e' quella che cerchi puoi passare sopra tutti i difetti del mondo, altrimenti lascia stare. Ma poi entra in gioco quella terza meta' che dicevo, quella in un'altra dimensione: e' qui che, prevedo, si giochera' la grossa parte delle fratture nella critica (lasciamo perdere i rantoli da forum che a questi livelli sono parole buone neanche per il Pictionary). Persi tra i menu' costipati ci sono gare di kart che buttano via tutto quello che ho detto e sono solo divertimento selvaggio; rally con percorsi generati proceduralmente, sempre diversi e che diventano la cosa piu' vicina possibile a una guida liberatoria su una strada sconosciuta tutta curve; un editor di tracciati che un giorno forse ci regalera' la pista dei nostri sogni; un photo mode che per qualita' e profondita' puo' impegnare per giorni; pure The Stig nascosto da qualche parte. Forse la feature della mia vita la scopriro' tra un mese. E non ho neanche iniziato a giocare con gli assetti.

Questo and 'Gran Turismo 5. A game that even more 'and their predecessors' a game for car enthusiasts. Not fans of driving games, even people who go to every now motorshow, absolutely not for kids if all goes well they just got the license. I say people who know the difference between a McPherson, a quadrilateral and a multilink, 'cause a central engine behaves in one way and another one in front, when a front wheel drive and' more 'faster than a rear, and has more 'interest to see what can' push the car he was in the garage rather than driving fast cars to exotic places unreachable. Never as in this case a numerical rating and 'absolutely unreliable, and I do not envy those who have to write it in lime requirements of the contract.

The contents of the signature edition

I finally found "inspiration" to write this part of the experience of Gran Turismo. I am one of those crazies who spent an impossible to bring home the signature edition, so it's worth talking about and describe the contents piece by piece.

Packaging: course, after a mile uphill to do a walk through the center with all its dangers, knock the bag very lightly on a step and output trak, strappettino the outer carton. I'm not a fool to become these things, but 'a box a bit' more 'often would not hurt. Removed the
box "cover" and the inside of a box more 'robust, then a plastic bag and antistatic protective film, finally you get to the metal box itself: beautiful, elegantly shaped, with a glossy black and deep that it seems we can pucca a biscuit. Here, too, but 'unfortunately, there are a couple of stripes, fortunately on the edges: since it seems to me difficult to be procured during shipping, otherwise it would also damage the box, I can only imagine that is due to a quality control' by sleeves. Basically anything that obscures the beauty of the whole, however, 'something that reminds you,' deluxe edition, but still the box is a video game. A little 'views of the intentions is a sin.
Greatest fine but ', the box and the inside - made of a porous but very rigid polymer, shaped to securely hold the contents - are sprinkled in the same scent of the new machines. It ', for the uninitiated, that typical smell of a new car but does not come from materials and assembled' an essence that is sprayed: DE 'a detail that I do not know how many will seize but to me makes the difference, and indeed when you open the box a little 're-creating the atmosphere from showroom. Ok, ', the ravings of a madman.

Guide Apex: definitely a gem. It 's not an "official guide" but a veritable compendium of automotive technology, which pauses to describe physics, technology and evolution car with lots of images of graphic patterns standstill grip and power and everything a fan could want in a concentrated form. Too bad the format maybe a little 'small, but I think that gives him an even more' specialist.

Photo Booklet: a beautiful collection of images captured with the photo mode of the game, printed on quality paper 'and enclosed in a hardback notebook with faux-carbon finish. A beautiful object, even though nothing earth-shattering.

Leather Wallet: perhaps naively I expected a bit 'more' from this piece, and smells of leather and 'soft to the touch but the texture of the skin is not' very elegant certainly is not of full bloom. It 'still well done, full of pockets, which makes it very practical and elegant even in spite of the GT logo imprinted, there' s also a pocket with transparent window for subscriptions or license: it seems designed to be used, but honestly I would have some doubts about its resistance.

Model Mercedes SLS here on the contrary I was expecting something very cheap and is instead 'a model very well done. The proportions are very faithful to the original machine and is' full of details without burrs typical pattern of medium-low in these dimensions. E 'in a sealed plastic display case, so if we want to play you have to break it xD

Keychain and usb: put them together 'cause there are probably those for which' less to say and why 'are neighbors in the box xD and the keyring' pretty no more, 'I think at least be made of steel and non Ferrazzo, the key USB and 'always welcome gift as "useful" but shaped mo' car key can 'not work properly if the input and usb' in a somewhat 'bitch, and I honestly can not find it even delightful, and the video and contains no 'frankly nothing essential.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Woman Strangling Man Fetish


Relase date: Oct 22
Developer: Platinum Games
Producer Sega

A good a month after its release, "official post" to talk about Vanquish, a game that despite its brevity 'nominal ground there seems to' company for a long time. Opinions, reviews, tactics, most people 'has more' and so forth.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Prestige Cooker Replace Safety Valve

Fable III

Towards the end of 2010, Fable is once again fighting a battle without a system, a rpg without growth statistics of the character, no inventory, no dialogue articulated, a game of exploration without environmental puzzles and no level design.
E 'the icing on the cake without the cake, the outline without the roast, the epitaph without the dead.
Fable (1.) 3 is a remake of the remake.
E 'surreal note that the review of the gameplay has worked for mechanical removal compared to the already fading original energy bar disappearing, experience points, selection of free expression.
On the industrial revolution that in addition to slightly alter the bucolic realms of Albion, is the amount of bugs and glitches, to be harmless little things like the dog floating in several feet of height to true failures-kill experience that may impede progress in the adventure after hours and hours invested in the game. Despite the elusiveness
congenital and predictability of the characters in this inconsistent play, Fable is still able entertain in his cozy virtual world, is seraphic, stiff, to be taken philosophically. Again.