Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quote For Church Anniversary

Question: high school made safe "E. Majorana" Scordia

The president of the provincial council of Catania

The President of the Province of Catania

question for written answer on issues Liceo E. Majorana "of Scordia

Given that:
For months, the school population of high school "and Majorana of Scordia expressed growing unease caused particularly imperiled by a wall arrangement which is slow in coming and that will jeopardize the use of the gym;

last Saturday, November 21, 2009 high school students have deserted the classrooms to protest against the failure of the work for the safety of part of the building housing high school;

In seguito alle abbondanti piogge di inizio anno, uno dei muri di recinzione e contenimento, posto al di sotto di Via Nenni, ha mostrato gravi segni di cedimento e pur essendo stato costruito in cemento armato, si è spostato minacciosamente di circa mezzo metro.

Considerato che:

il sottoscritto consigliere provinciale aveva già nei mesi scorsi segnalato, tramite interrogazione consiliare e reiterata segnalazione alla commissione consiliare competente(VI comm. Pubblica education), the security problems inherent in high school "E. Majorana "

with management determines N. 140, September 9, 2009 has been declared a final, the company MA.G.RA.F SRL based Adrano (Ct) awarded the contract "Dissesto retaining wall on the border north of the relevance of Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana Scordia.

This stated and considered, hoping that the work starts in quick times to ensure full right to education, demanding to know:

1) times starting work for the safety of the building

2) If the work envisaged in the contract will be for solving the problems exposed in the introduction.

Catania November 23, 2009

Councillor Valerio Marletta

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mobility Scooter Idiots

We asked for the resignation of quaestor for the violence in the province Cpo Experia