Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bike Shops Open On Sundays

Alla provincia passa O.d.g. contro la costruzione del Muos a Niscemi

The provincial council voted unanimously Catania an agenda that the President committed to actively Castiglione regional institutions to prevent the construction of a Muos Niscemi. The agenda presented by the provincial directors of the PDCI and Antonio Tomarchio Valerio Marletta re-founding of the Communist comes after the mobilizations against the new Niscemi Caltagirone and militarization of the territory. Communist Refoundation welcomes the agenda presented by the two communist advisers and renews its commitment in institutions and in the streets against the construction of the radar system Muos harmful to the health of communities. The PRC will continue to support the struggle for a safe abient against old and new militarization and security of citizens.

the President of the Province of Catania Giuseppe Castiglione

For health and safety of citizens of Niscemi and throughout the region.

Given that: A
American project, part of the U.S. military satellite communication envisages the launch of four satellites and the establishment of four antennas Muos (Mobile User Object System) high frequency (UHF), distributed territory World:

● The first in Australia, Niscemi the second, third and fourth in Virginia to Hawaii, all located in uninhabited areas, except the Niscemi about to be built in Elm district, three km from the town .
● The antenna will be 18 m in diameter and 147 m in height and will be activated in 2011. From the operation will produce electromagnetic waves that could be harmful to human health with the risk of cancer, leukemia and birth defects even after decades.
● It will be a pollution imperceptible to the senses, because the electromagnetic waves are invisible, odorless and colorless, but which will be absorbed by the body anyway with disastrous consequences. The Provincial Council is

● In order for the President acting at the regional level in order to prevent the construction of this work which would have a significant impact on the environmental impact and devastating consequences for the health not only of population but of Niscemi throughout the region.

provincial councilors

Antonio Tomarchio - Valerio Marletta
Italian Communists - Communist Refoundation

Desmume Pokemonheartgold

il 7 Luglio la commissione provinciale "trasparenza e legalità" a Palagonia


Monday, June 22 the sitting of the provincial commission extraordinary "legality and transparency", the director of the provincial party Refoundation Communist Valerio Marletta dopo aver illustrato le intimidazioni fatte al Sindaco Calanducci e gli ultimi insostenibili fatti di cronaca che hanno caratterizzato Palagonia, ha sollecitato una seduta della stessa commissione da svolgersi a Palagonia alla presenza dell'amministrazione locale e aperta alla cittadinanza. Scopo della seduta sarà, oltre che esprimere con un atto concreto la vicinanza delle istituzioni provinciali alla cittadinanza, discutere e portare a conoscenza l'opinione pubblica della grave crisi che soffre Palagonia come evidenziato dagli ultimi insostebili atti di illegalità perpetrati da "ignoti". E' insostenibile che la violenza fisica e materiale entri nello scontro politico e diventi pratica a Palagonia. Siamo di fronte a una crisi sociale e culturale di dimensioni mai views. The institutions are obliged to register and take responsibility for very serious situation. The Committee on the legality and transparency "and then held an extraordinary meeting on the premises of the town of Palagonia July 7 days time to be confirmed. E 'invited to all citizens.

Catania June 22, 2009
Provincial Councillor Valerio Marletta

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ewa Sonnet And Ines Cudna Oil

Pieno sostegno al Catania Pride - corteo sabato 27 giugno ore 17:30


organized by the center
OPEN MIND glbt Catania

From Stonewall to Catania Pride 2009

------------------------------------------- ---


Thursday, June 25 Presentation of the book "Narrative Fabulous" Purple Marcasciano


the status of transsexual people Today in Italy.

With Purple Marcasciano MIT Bologna

CSO AURO Via Santa Maria del Rosario 28 19:00 Catania

Friday, June 26 "DRAGQUEENSHOCK! "

was better when we were worse

STONEWALL 1969-2009

Conversations The half-serious de Karl Du Pigne '

audio and video: Lancill8

CSO AURO Via Santa Maria del Rosario 28 Catania 21 Hours

Saturday, June 27 GLBT PROUD PARADE!!

procession from Piazza Borgo (Cavour) at University Square '
Concentration 17.30


CSO AURO Via Santa Maria del Rosario 28 Catania

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Erotic Spanish Movies Blog

CONTAMINATION IN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AND illegal occupation of pavements

This letter was sent to the Mayor of Rome and for information to:
-Quaestor of Rome
-Police Commander Municipal

-Police to protect the health NAS
-Local Health Authority of Rome B
X-President of Town Hall
Subject: Contamination of fruits and vegetables, squatting sidewalks and public nuisance in the X Municipio di Roma.

Dear Mayor
we would like to bring to your attention a series of fraudulent behavior that occur from too much time in our City Hall, and that now seem out of control.
Many businesses take advantage of the grant of occupation of public land to subtract more pedestrian space for residents. For bartenders, restaurant owners, street vendors, it is now customary to take up more space than is allowed, including tables, chairs, planters, and benches, it's not clear where residents have to walk, and controls to prevent that phenomenon are scarce, in many cases non-existent .
We believe that taking away from citizens residing in the pedestrian streets to vehicular density so high, is not only dishonest and violates their right, but also dangerous.
should begin to draw a line between public space may be predisposed to such practices, and sidewalks for pedestrians to transit alone, as we remember the Highway Code (provisions General art.3 n.33).
With regard to administrative inspections and hygiene, training establishments seem to be moving mostly at the request of some residents and almost never spontaneously. There are activities, which always behind the exposed individuals, appear to have been caught several times by an order of closure of illegal occupation of public land.
Unfortunately, Article 6 of Law No 25 March 1997 77, provides for a maximum of three days of detention for the exercise sanctioned more than once within a year, even for repeat offenders merchants.
For this regulatory gap, in our opinion, one should try to meet with systematic and more effective inspections conducted by the institutes in charge.
does not seem right that in a civil society and organized, let the citizen is responsible for the supervision of rogue operators, not even guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive data, thus exposing it to possible retaliation by those who have suffered the complaint.
activities of fruits and vegetables, on the edge of roads with high vehicular flow, display their goods outside the premises without regard to their possible contamination, and dealing with stacks of wooden boxes, large portions of the sidewalk, but even this operation appears to be countered effectively.
Yet in our town, these practices are prohibited by both the Regulations of the Office Hygiene that the Urbana Police.
Some shopkeepers, now without any scruple, and encouraged by the lack of controls, choose to supply goods at dawn, not caring so our code of criminal procedure, and especially the residents. Shouting and disturbing the peace in this city, now seem meaningless words, for a wholesome life, however, we can not go on and declassified this crime.

is not the first time our neighborhood committee turns to her with confidence to solve objective problems that afflict the citizens of this City Hall and beyond. Precisely for this our trust nella Sua persona, e l’amore che nutriamo per il nostro territorio, Le auguriamo con tutto il cuore una politica gestionale discontinua rispetto a quella dei Suoi predecessori, che non hanno saputo comprendere quanto importante fosse il diritto, e le periferie di questa città. Certi in un Suo sollecito interessamento, Le porgiamo i nostri più Cordiali Saluti.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crepes Using Krusteaz Pancake Mix

Martedì 23 Giugno assemblea contro il G8 al Csa Auro

Tuesday, June 23 Catania network against the G8 meeting to arrange a mobiltazione against Aquila the G8 to be held in July and to revitalize the Sicilian protests to be held in the coming months. There will be meeting miltanti comtitati of anti-Ponte, Muos and representatives of trade unions and associations. This meeting will also be a militant anti-G8 Abruzzo. The struggle continues! First

planned interventions:

Gino Sturniolo - No Network Bridge
Annino Goofy - No LNG terminal Committee
Melissa Cobas Palermo School