Sunday, May 25, 2008

Missed Period Only Brown Mucus

knows well the kids!

E 'the well known ease of use of Apple products, but probably all this simply was not expecting anyone holding of Cupertino! Below is a video of a girl of 2 years shows how to use an iPhone! What can I say, good vision and learn well, because the iPhone is coming here in Italy! So you're not unprepared!

Here's the movie from the legendary YouTube. (Video length: 4m 40s)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fox Are Getting My Chickens


was a cold evening in January of 2008, 13 to be precise, when the 77th minute of the race Milan - Naples, Meazza stadium San Siro was a goal just 18 years old boy, whose name Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva (aka Pato), in his first game of the Serie A with Milan's shirt, and that goal! It must be said that Pato has always made great games in his debut: it has scored 1 goal and 3 assists served in his first game of the Brazilian championship and also scored the final network of 1-0 in the first game with the Brazilian national team, played against Sweden. From that night I thought, therefore, create a video that enclose all the goals scored by Pato in the Italian League 2007/2008. Among other things, as they passed Sunday, the idea was becoming a reality thanks to the fact that the number 7 marked the Rossoneri to burst! On the last day, in fact, Pato is ending his first season with the Rossoneri with 9 goals scored in 18 appearances! And so, just hours before the end of the season (unfortunately not done very well for AC Milan), I posted the above video on YouTube, all mounted at home thanks to iMovie and my faithful MacBook!

Ecco tutti goal di Pato segnati nel Campionato di Serie A 2007/2008. (durata del video: 4m 36s)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Eminent Luggage Lock Combination


Vi ho avvertito tramite il titolo che il post è un po' macabro! Anche se, alla fin fine, ciò che vi propongo di visitare è soltanto una pagina in cui vi è un piccolo test che vi permetterà di calcolare la data della vostra morte...! Un po' funereo, in effetti, ma alla fine è un gioco, no? Allora cliccate qui per giocare!

Quasi dimenticavo: come tutti i test di calcolo della morte that respect, in the end you can also fill in and print your official certificate of death with such wills!

If you want, you can add a comment to this post with the results of your test! :-)

PS: I thank all those who, with their visits, they have allowed this to reach my blog (so far) 155 hits! In particular, I greet warmly cent (who knows who he is!), Which certainly has been reserved for a future of great fame as soon as my blog will become the world's most popular!